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What is your favorite race from Starcraft?

What race do you prefer?

  • Zerg

    Votes: 50 33.1%
  • Terran

    Votes: 53 35.1%
  • Protoss

    Votes: 48 31.8%

  • Total voters
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Level 2
Aug 14, 2010
Which Race Do You Play and Why?

How did you pick your race?
Based on how units look? Or specific units abilities?
Did you play Starcraft 1?
Did playing Starcraft 1 and/or Brood War influence your decision?

I picked protoss because I played protoss in Starcraft 1. The more I play the more I realize protoss is no longer the ability heavy race I thought it was, there's many abilities for Terran and Zerg this time around. I still remember the fun times I had with multiple recalls and stasis. :)
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Kite them with vikings, or just kill em with marines+stimpack

In the event that they are going pure void rays (ie teching up to the speed upgrade) you should wipe them out before they have a sufficient force, as void rays are pretty much shitty if you can eliminate them before they charge up.
Level 3
Mar 2, 2010
Voids do need a little debuffs. Mainly for the fact most aa does not do much damage to them (phoenix are for light armored air and ground like mutas, Vikings are a good counter but u need as many vikings as them and to single target, corrupter not so much). Also what i do not understand are ppl who use marine masses. I mean really a few collasals or ultras will wipe them out in seconds even with medivacs (Broodlords can also easily kill marine masses).
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Vikings move at 2.75, void rays at 2.25. With the vikings epic range, quite easy to kite them to death.

When upgraded, Voids have 3.275 speed, so that makes a big difference, but still, most people won't get the upgrade unless they are massing void rays anyways.

Hydras are a great counter to voids, provided you have a large creep carpet. Phoenixes are for harassment, killing mutas, and lifting tanks into the air.

Marine mass is a great strategy for 4v4, actually. You can very quickly hit critical mass with them, and marines en masse annihilate every early game unit. Furthermore, it also hits early, long before T3 AoE would hit the field. It also puts the enemy on the defensive, denying tech and expansions while the marine massers are free to expand and tech while still putting significant pressure on the enemy.
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Broodlords and mutas could kill that easily. (mutas for meat shield while u kill the stalkers) Also u have to remember collasals can be hit by aa so corrupters can hit them as well
No. Stalkers blink into your brood lords, quickly rape them. Corruptors are much more effective against them, damage bonus vs massive along with corruption. Also, Brood Lords require a greater spire D:

Best comp against that is hydra/roach/corruptor.
Level 5
Nov 4, 2006
Main Race: Zerg

Best MU: ZvZ
Worst MU: ZvT

generally I find that either mass mutas with attack upgrade or 6-8 corruptor then a hydra ball deal with the common stalker+collosus doom ball

baneling drops on protoss minerall lines are also incredible.
Level 10
May 3, 2009
Main Race: Terran

Strongest: T vs P
Weakest: T vs Z

I have the hardest time against spammers of roaches. I can't find away to get rid of them. I've tried everything but everytime i do get swamped.

My basic stragety is walling and setting up a foward base. So they will have to look for my base. I also use mass vikings and mechs because i need a balance. And people really like void rays. So i have an answer for that with lots of marines vikings and mechs, I also build siegetanks to defend the base. And some missle turrets and a sensor tower to warn me of an attack. I do the usual MO
Level 7
Apr 1, 2010
I play as Terran because that is the main race I played in Starcraft, and also because it is very fun to build 10 battle cruisers, a bunch of vikings and destroy the enemy, plus Terrans have the best defense in the game. plus they are very mobile and their siege tanks are awsome
Level 1
Aug 9, 2009
I usually choose random, as i like to play as all races. Tho when i play with my friends, i choose Terran / Protoss. The reason i chose random is, that i like to play with a random race, and that i'm pretty good with Terran / Protoss, and well, a bit zerg :p

I picked my race(s) because i hate zerg, and that i obviusly like the other races. And that Protoss and Terran looks more awesome than Zerg, and i like the ability to warp in buildings, or lift them off.

I played Starcraft 1 and Brood War, which also has a bit influence on why i play the races i do.

I'll withdraw my oppinion on the zerg, as i've been playing with the lately, and i keep winning with fast spawning pool etc. etc. :p
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Level 13
Jun 5, 2008
Zerg, because i don't like mirror matches and zerg seemed to be the least played race when i picked them. I also love how zerg are rewarded for positioning and scouting, not to mention that zerg macro generally feels more fun and unique compared to the traditional RTS-style of training units from barracks.

+1 and terran didnt seem all that interesting during campaign
Level 10
May 3, 2009
I hate it when my oppenent copies everything i do! i mean every single attack is exactly the same as my attack. And in the end he won. Because he spammed battle crusiers..
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
I was protoss in SC1, now P is my second.

I just follow the human line -war2 Hu - war3 Hu- SC2 - Terran. Also I take Terran as playing Human, thus from strategical point of view 'my race'.

Oh and I play Terran cause it's imba, OP and I win with a click of a button. I told you Purple, Terran is the most played, results here also show it.
Level 3
Mar 2, 2010
I usually play zerg because you can counter alot of the basic tactics ppl use. For example if some 1 goes a marine mass i could just go ultras or broodlords. You just have to watch out for pheonixs when you go air.

I picked protoss because I played protoss in Starcraft 1. The more I play the more I realize protoss is no longer the ability heavy race I thought it was, there's many abilities for Terran and Zerg this time around. I still remember the fun times I had with multiple recalls and stasis. :)

Just wana comment on this, Protoss was not an ability heavy race in sc1. Zerg has 2 units in sc1 that had no attack and multiple abilities. Also terran had to manage the lock down more than stasis. Stasis was ez to use just click in the middle of an enemy mass, Yamatos take more work >.>

Not trying to be mean but it is blatantly wrong to say protoss in sc1 was ability heavy when others had more abilities to rely on and used more often. Protoss abilities in the most part were aoe spells making it ezier to use them.
Level 2
Aug 14, 2010
Yes, I meant aoes. I like aoes. Lol. Stasis pretty much wins the game alot of the time. Not anymore since they forced the mothership to fly solo.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Terran. I find I do a lot better with Terran, and I can open with quite a few different builds, while with P or Z I usually only have a couple builds early. I also just don't enjoy playing Toss for some reason.
Level 7
Sep 7, 2006
I play Terran. I tried all races in the early beta but Terran was the one that i enjoyed playing the most.

Good call on Imtor there PurplePoot!
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
I don't really like any of the races. Zerg were the most unique so I picked them. Terran are typical humans with guns. I don't care for how the Protoss look or play. Zerg are kind of annoying because the entire game all I hear is gross egg hatching sounds haha. Times like these I wish they made Warcraft IV.
Level 5
Mar 26, 2010
I play Zerg. I just find them awesome and the most versatile. Just a building allows you to build a unit in any of your Hatcheries, and you can put up to three different units to create at the same time, even more with a queen or more hatcheries. You don't get as limited by time as the other races are. Resources is your only limit.
Also, wtf, I just like their background.
Btw, bio-engineering is the future of technology, so you better get used to the Zerg before scientits get to create literally growing-up computers :3.
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
I play Terran since the first Starcraft and i stayed with'em for their chillin' music! :D I also loved the Confederate Delta Squadron(created even a campaign to it). Besides of this, i love firebats, siege tanks, Goliaths and Battlecruisers. I still have to play online, though.
Level 10
Nov 28, 2008
also early tanks can be very effective verus roachs when in unsieged mode before you have time to upgrade it.

Thors also rape roachs

EDIT:recently been loving the awsome powers of burrowed banelings

I find banelings, zerglings, and roaches can be a very nice combination going into the midgame, and while those are working their magic, tech straight to hive and above, and then hit them with the bigger stuff.

Tis a fun strat.
Level 4
Nov 11, 2009
Race: Zerg
Best vs: All Equally fast players
Worst vs: anyone that can outmicro me

I don't have any racial problems or weaknesses anymore since i figured out how to counter every unit the other races bring to their arsenal since i played alot of each race in particular ever since beta. My only problem is i'm slow at my work. If i fight someone with fast reflexes and making things quicker then i can keep up with, i have no chance.

btw the counter for mass roaches as terran is to get 3 racs with tech labs and a whoel lot of rauders with concussive shells. be sure to get ravens too and vikings since roaches means they will later on go heavy air to attack your scvs and base form behind as the roaches pop up from the ground at your expansions.

Edit: oh and if i had to say my weakest its terran since they are really flexible with unit builds since one chepa building gives him several more units and all their upgrades (tech labs :/). i have had to lost about 7 times to terran to figure out a good strat. moving pu leagues is a prob too since its different strats for different leagues.
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