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Warhammer: Eternal Strife (Melee)

Warhammer: Eternal Strife. Melee Map
By Nightmare
>Additional Melee maps
>Yet more custom maps - now ladder ones!
>Campaign (first 5 chapters)
We have an active Discord! Arrange games, make suggestions, report bugs etc >>> discord.gg/uW34Y49

Season 2 of WH:ES League started 03 July 2024, all info on it here.
Go to our Discord to signup for upcoming seasons and tournaments!
Season 1 of WH:ES League spanned Feb-July 2024!. I'm happy and honoured that over 200 competitive games were played! See this spreadsheet for extended results, replays, VODs.

Map Info:
Warcraft III versions supported: 1.26 and later, including Reforged.
This is an Altered Melee map based on Warhammer Fantasy Battle universe (not to confuse with Warhammer40K universe). A 4-player Altered Melee map features 16 unique, fully-developed playable races: Skaven, Lizardmen, High Elves, Empire, Dwarfs, Warriors of Chaos, Orcs&Goblins, Dark Elves, Beastmen, Wood Elves, Vampire Counts, Ogre Kingodms, Daemons of Chaos, Tomb Kings, Bretonnia and Dogs of War. All 4 original Warcraft III races are intact and are also playable. If you are not familiar with WH universe - don't worry, just think of this map as another Fantasy, I'm sure you'll enjoy it nonetheless.
The custom races are analogous to Warcraft III original fractions: each race (normally) contains 4 unit-producing structures, 3-level townhall, item shop, 4 heroes, 10+ combat units, including spellcaters and siege units... all that good stuff! Type a command in chat to select a race.
There are no extra complicated instructions or additional files for "installing" this mod: it's a single map.

Key features:
It was of course challenging to implement Warhammer armies into Warcraft races, but overall I think I did well balancing the WH universe armies and War3 strategy mechanic. A few races ended up having more than regular 10-11 units, but thats a good thing, right? :)

The main feature of this altered melee is the specialisation system. I must admit I feel quite proud about coming up with the idea and implementing it.
Each race has 4 specialisations (called "doctrines", "paths", "guilds"... depending on the race, the idea is the same); the player can choose only one. For players who don't want to use the slight advantage granted by specialisations, they can be disabled (the instructions for that are given ingame). Specialisations give each hero a free item (a weak one), unlock new abilities and improve already existing ones, allow the training of new special units and upgrade the ordinary ones. All this is done through instant but pricey upgrades at townhalls: there are a total of 7 upgrades (1 at T1, 2 at T2 and 4 at T3). The last thing I want to note here is that even without specialisations the races are still fun and interesting (and probably more balanced, lol), but I of course suggest you try them out as they allow great difference in playstyles within a single fraction, making the gameplay much more exciting.
Now that I've talked about the good stuff, I feel it's time to mention a couple of minor downsides. Firstly, unfortunately, I've made no AI for the custom races yet (I plan to in the future, but not in the near future), so if you play alone vs PC, your opponents can only be original War3 races. Sorry for the big filesize and the long loading time (relevant for patsches 1.27 and earlier).

The map is open source. Feel free to look around it if you are interested. You may modify it all you want for personal use, just don't go around spreading it on other websites or at least give credit if you do (can't imagine someone doing that anyway, lol). Feel free to borrow anything from this map, from ideas to icons; no credit required if you do.

If you like my mod, make sure you check out my Campaign (first 5 missions) based on this altered melee. Quite honestly, the dream of making a huge badass campaign is precisely what drove me to do this mod for so long! One can even say that for me the campaign is primary, while the altered melee maps are only means to make it. Sadly, the campaign has been lying dormant for the last years, but I will return to it once I finish making all the races.

Additional information:

This might be one of the best altered melee maps I've ever played. - Grubby

I am very proud and happy to have the what is arguably the most successful mod of its genre in the history of Warcraft 3. The reason I say this with confidence is that we have had a very prolific tournament life as of 2024. The community and I have organised two full seasons (all info here and here; vods are for example here and here), meaning 250 competitive games were played and counting. I am especially blessed to have some of the very best Warcraft 3 players compete, such as Dise, RazerMoon, Sheik, and many others.

The Races
See this thread for detailed description of each race! Pictures included.

The Map

This is just one of the maps, the 'main' one, if you will. The background map is set in summer. It is deliberately done quite big so it is easier for me to rework it in the future (make it for 8 player). Neutral buildings: There are a total of 12 gold mines, 4 mercenary camps, 4 merchants and 1 fountain of health. Creep camps: 12 red camps (including starting location ones), 16 orange camps, 8 green camps. There is only one land pass - in the middle. I acknowledge that it is somewhat unconventional; it is done for ease of exploration.
Looking for a different set-up? Make sure to check out >Additional custom Melee maps and >Ladder maps.

Future Plans

As of summer 2024, we are having a very active tournament life, I'm proud to have hosted many cups and leagues. Over 250 competative games were played in the first half of 2024, with some of the very best Warcraft 3 players in the world (Dise, Airenikus, Razermoon) participating in tournaments. More to come! All details can be found here and
Aside for tournaments, I plan to upload a big Campaign, for which there is a demo-version of five chapters.
You may be wondering, given the scope of the project, if I accept donations. As a matter of fact, I don't. The mod has always been and will always remain 100% non-commercial. This is my principled stance.

Read and ask about all the latest news and plans on our

Gameplay screenshots and videos:

See also: Race units gallery (September 2019).
See also: July 2017 architectural reform album.
Note: gameplay screenshots were made in 2014-16 and may feature outdated models.

Change Log:

See this post for 2014-2024 changelogs.


Key: Already Mentioned, More than 1 resource used.

Icons: Blizzard Entertainment, Static, DiscipleOfLife, Darkfang, Hellx-Magnus, Null, Sin'dorei300, Mr.Goblin, PeeKay, The_Silent, The Panda, Huinipachutli, Stanakin, kola, Eagle XI, Scias, 67chrome, Murlocologist, NFWar, Mc!, Zephyrius2412, Ceterai, CRAZYRUSSIAN,, BLazeKraze, oh_snap, bigapple90, Kimbo, sarumanthecursed, Deon, Horn, Apheraz Lucent, BLazeKraze, CloudWolf, Marcos DAB, Chucky, mikeisman2, olofmoleman, Dr.Death, protivogaznik, GooS, exN, D.ee, asdasdgfrw, BlackDoom, The_Gauntlet, lllLSDlll, Sun gate, zbc, chr2, r.ace613, Tenebrae, Midnighters, Mustang, Liomsi

Effects/missiles/attachments/etc: Infrisios, M_Exanimeб JetFangInferno, Mythic, Pyritie, Ergius, Grey Knight, JesusHipster, Daelin, s4nji,, Thrikodius, UgoUgo, biridius, Stan0033, CreatorD3292, gookywooky, TheWhiteWolf, Champara Bros, Kuhneghetz, doom_sheep, General Frank, Callahan, NewbieMapper, Lord_T, Jab1z, cotd333, HammerFist132, Blood Raven, Love Seeker, Metal_Sonic, Softmints, Direfury, KAIL333XZ, donut3.5, frostwhisper, Yours Truly.
Buildings: Ujimasa Hojo, Edge45, supertoinkz, Alok, bakr, DoomWolf.

MODELS SKV: Gluma, Mephestrial, Direfury, Kimberly, Kimbo, The Weird Human, Cavman, HerrDave
MODELS LIZ: Misha, Ujimasa Hojo, Hayate, AndrewOverload519, MasterHaosis, -Grendel, Doom Wolf, Zephyrius2412, Kehel, olofmoleman
MODELS HEL: Elenai, kangyun, Deolrin, Ilya Alaric, Rhapsodie, Ujimasa Hojo, HerrDave
MODELS WOC: Horn, Nagirya, takakenji, Grey Knight, Kuhneghetz, Ujimasa Hojo, General Frank, -Grendel, Sellenisko
MODELS EMP: Kitabatake, Kuhneghetz, Ujimasa Hojo, HerrDave, Wandering Soul, Tranquil, paulH, General Frank, CRIS, HappyTauren, DireFury, loktar, Ujimasa Hojo, Cuore, Tarrasque, A.R.
MODELS DWR: wingednosering, takakenji, Fuzzyfury, IamMclovin, Villagerino, Arch-archdemon, General Frank, Tranquil, Amaruak, Urkdrengi, TurieL, Ujimasa Hojo, DireFury, Em!, HerrDave, Mechanical Man, GreyArchon, Alpain
MODELS ORC: Ujimasa Hojo, Em!, oktar x2, johnwar, Stefan.K, Urkdrengi, Kuhneghetz, eubz, Nirvendor, Sunchips, Tauer, Cavman, Sellenisko, HerrDave, Callahan, Grey Knight, Just_Spectating, Mister_Haudrauf
MODELS DEL: A Void, gookywooky, Tranquil, ,Sellenisko, General Frank, Tarrasque, Sin'dorei300, Forsaken, Sunchips, Miseracord, Edge45, Uncle Fester
MODELS BOC: WyrWuulfe, NaserKingArthas/MN Lahmar, Sin'dorei300, Gluma, Uncle Fester, Bagysta&Zavorakto, Ujimasa Hojo
MODELS WEL: Red XIII, AndrewOverload519, Ujimasa Hojo, Lord_T
MODELS VAM: Cavman, Kuhneghetz, DireFury, Em!, PROXY, stein123, WhiteDeath, GUNNER, ironmaiden, BaiyuGalan, -Grendel, Mister_Haudrauf, HerrDave, Ujimasa Hojo,, Gottfrei, manasou
MODELS OGR: eubz, Wisdom, Mr Ogre man, borissuworov, AhhFreshWeeD, Hermit, NhazUl, Chriz, Hawkwing, Dionesiist, PROXY, Kitabatake, -Grendel, DireFury, Uncle Fester, Mr.Goblin, Sellenisko, Cavman, Zephyrius2412
MODELS DOC: FerSZ, Misha, icewolf055, ChevronSeven, -Grendel, Mephestrial, Ujimasa Hojo, MasterHaosis, Tranquil, Sellenisko, Hermit, AndrewOverload519, General Frank, Kuhneghetz, NaserKingArthas/MN Lahmar
MODELS TOK: Ujimasa Hojo, HappyTauren, Callahan, Edge45, -Grendel, Direfury, UncleFester, Mister_Haudrauf, supertoinkz, Sellenisko, Stefan.K, Seoki
MODELS BRT: Asssssvi, Mike, Mechanical Man, infrenus, The_Warchief, Pyramidhe@d, Ujimasa Hojo, Tranquil, HerrDave, Stefan.K, kangyun, AndrewOverload519, Direfury, Callahan.
MODELS DOW: Explobomb, HappyCockroach, MassiveMaster, Jiok, Mr. Bob, Bioautomaton, WhiteDeath, purparisien, The_Silent, Tarrasque, Villagerino, Arch-archdemon, HerrDave, Ujimasa Hojo, Mike, Em!, Uncle Fester, AndrewOverload519, Wandering Soul x2, PROXY, paulH, icewolf055, Callahan, Hayate, loktar, JesusHipster.

Special thanks:
  • Blizzard for the awesome Warcraft III game.
  • Games Workshop writers for creating the great Warhammer Fantasy universe. (All rights reserved to them!)
  • sarumanthecursed for invaluable support, criticism and playtesting during the early stages of the mod.
  • Diazon for help with modelling.
  • bawbz for the map transfer/update tool (I have once called him my 'favourite person on the internet' and I meant it).
  • DieBieneFranz, Inspired, Cement, Frostbitten and other active members of the community; our popularity exploded in early 2024 thanks in large part to them :)
  • This very website HiveWorkshop and Ralle in particular! Would've been nowhere without it.

Note: some screenshots may represent outdated versions.
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or you find any bugs, please contact me here or anywhere else!
Feedback greatly appreciated. Thanks and have fun everyone!

Keywords: Warhammer, WH, WHES, Nightmare, Eternal Strife, melee, Elves, Dwarfs, Orcs, Goblins, Skaven, Chaos, Empire, Beasts, Beastmen, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, High Elves, Fantasy

Warhammer: Eternal Strife (Melee) (Map)

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/stopcampingn00b/"]Moderator: StoPCampinGn00b Map approved with no rating as requested by the author. I checked off the list... and hey! All rules are followed. Map approved. If you do decide to change your...
Level 8
Dec 10, 2008
I downloaded the map and played it against 3 bots one time. The Bots actually play, they just do use the standard Warcraft races, but that is fairly better then nothing.
I like the many factions and the good use of skins and imported icons, its fun to discover the mechanics.
Also you used some really innovative ideas, like the healing-system of the imperial farms.

But now to some issues, i personally do not like the terrain.
It leaves every player with only one entrance to the middle and narrows the gameplay very much. A more open map (maybe with control-points or something to conquer?) would make the map more interesting and give impulse to play more often.

I give 3/5 and hope to see reworked text-layout and cooler terrain.

Edited my Rating to 5/5 for 3 new good-looking maps!
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Level 17
Apr 5, 2011
I downloaded the map and played it against 3 bots one time. The Bots actually play, they just do use the standard Warcraft races, but that is fairly better then nothing.
I like the many factions and the good use of skins and imported icons, its fun to discover the mechanics.
Also you used some really innovative ideas, like the healing-system of the imperial farms.

But now to some issues, i personally do not like the terrain.
It leaves every player with only one entrance to the middle and narrows the gameplay very much. A more open map (maybe with control-points or something to conquer?) would make the map more interesting and give impulse to play more often.

I give 3/5 and hope to see reworked text-layout and cooler terrain.

Thanks for the comment. Although that is no new information to me that one middle pass is unconventional or that bots do play as original races; I've addressed both those issues in map description (actually even saying that I plan to fix them both in the future). I must admit I feel sad that you would find it to be enough ground to give my map a 3 (wouldn't a 4 be more suitable?), but then who am I to tell you what to think :D
Thanks again for taking the time to playtest my map and write you thoughts, this is always much appreciated!
Level 9
Jun 10, 2013
saruman, I would consider adding Trolls, but I've no suitable model.

stein, Vampire Counts are exactly the race I am doing at the moment. I plan to finish them in about 6 to 8 weeks. Also, the next update (~2 weeks, though I'm not 100% sure I want update so soon) will contain an alpha-version of Vampires.

not an exact replica but it is grey and big plus you've yet to use and abomination type unit (anim wise) plus I really miss the trolls



also for the dark elves dread spears ->

and the witch hags http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...4/?prev=search=dark%20elf&r=20&d=list&page=13 and http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...7/?prev=search=dark%20elf&r=20&d=list&page=11
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Level 9
Jun 10, 2013
No, not yet. But you make a good point; I've included the update date for the pastebin entry.

btw the root text for the treemen has the same description for ancients thus it doesn't say that you get abilities when rooted and blah blah plus for the treemen's spirit protector ability the second is misspelled as secnd and by included the update for the pastebin entry what do you mean because I've just tried the tropics and its still the older version?
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Level 1
Jan 20, 2016
5/5 Honestly this is one of the best maps on here. I legit just made an account to tell you that!
I have noticed some general grammar/spelling mistakes, want me to pm them to you?
Level 17
Apr 5, 2011
5/5 Honestly this is one of the best maps on here. I legit just made an account to tell you that!
I have noticed some general grammar/spelling mistakes, want me to pm them to you?
Thank you very much, I'm extremely glad to hear that! (I hope that raises no suspicions from the administration tho :xxd:)

Absolutely - feel free to contact me over any of my screwups via pm or here or by any other means you find convenient! Writing tooltips is tedious, and I screw up with typos/grammar quite often, I know (noticing vengence<>vengeance in yesterday's released Wood Elf specialisation was especially embarrassing, lol)
Level 1
Apr 5, 2014
This is one of favorite maps on hiveworkshop. I have noticed a number of odd bugs with the additional maps(tropic,winter, and desert). To start, all the additional maps start you out with 100 food and huge amounts of gold and wood. (maybe some stuff leftover for debugging?) I also noticed that sometimes the computer player would be destroyed on spawn. I believe the game was applying high amounts of damage to gold mine areas, because the large Minotaures guarding the gold mines began with only 50 hp for some reason.
Level 17
Apr 5, 2011
This is one of favorite maps on hiveworkshop. I have noticed a number of odd bugs with the additional maps(tropic,winter, and desert). To start, all the additional maps start you out with 100 food and huge amounts of gold and wood. (maybe some stuff leftover for debugging?) I also noticed that sometimes the computer player would be destroyed on spawn. I believe the game was applying high amounts of damage to gold mine areas, because the large Minotaures guarding the gold mines began with only 50 hp for some reason.
Thanks for the comment! Glad you liked the maps!
The bug with initial resources and the death of player 2 units is indeed me forgetting to turn off the trigger that adds all that – but only if Player_1 name is 'WorldEdit'. I will fix that bug once I update those 3 maps (within several weeks).
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
When training vampire heroes, unselected heroes disappear instead of being greyed out. Also, after researching purity of bloodlines I was stuck at two heroes.

I'm not really sure about the spend-money-to-get-mana-to-get-upgrades mechanic, wouldn't it be better to have the corpses generated automatically?

Vampires don't seem to have a lumber dropoff building.

Necrotic Wave heals non-undead units.
Level 17
Apr 5, 2011
When training vampire heroes, unselected heroes disappear instead of being greyed out. Also, after researching purity of bloodlines I was stuck at two heroes.
The root of the problem is that the 'Hero' field in game constants has a limit of 52 lines. Therefore, I can't make conventional hero-limit for the new races I make (I already had this issue with WELs, and will have continue having it with each new race till the end). So I implemented a system which would perform the same job. This system has the downsides of unavailable heroes not displaying (instead of displaying grey), and that de- and re-selection of the altar is required in some cases (that is explicitly written in the Altars' tooltips).
However, up to now I was certain the system performs properly, as neither I nor anyone else have encountered any bugs with it; you have sown seed of doubt. Are you sure you had this bug, and it persisted through the game? Did you re-select the altar? ..There may indeed be problems, especially with Purity of Bloolines, I will investigate.

I'm not really sure about the spend-money-to-get-mana-to-get-upgrades mechanic, wouldn't it be better to have the corpses generated automatically?
I wanted to add a unique mechanic of corpse-gathering (by workers); for those situation where the player can't or doesn't want to do that, corpses are up for purchase. Makes sense to me!

Vampires don't seem to have a lumber dropoff building.
True; they have less fewer uses for lumber tho: two (not 4) base combat research and a Townhall that costs no lumber (you can think of it as a big lumbermill btw!)

Necrotic Wave heals non-undead units.
All spells (well alomost all) affect non-undead. I actually did have this debate with myself weather that should be the case or not. But in the end I thought it would be too big of a disadvantage for VAM to have all their spells not affecting non-vam allies. Provided they are in the same team, orcish spells affect humans, human spells affect skaven, skaven spells affect lizardmen etc. Why should undead be any different? In War3 for example, Death Knight's Unholy Aura will affect allied Paladins, even if that makes little sense, why should it be different in my adaptation?

Thanks for the feedback as always :thumbs_up:
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Heroes: I was training my third when the bloodlines finished. Since the icon for the fourth didn't appear, I cancelled the third hero, and neither icon showed up.

While the map is still in development, maybe you could put a quest log with the known bugs and their fixes (speaking of which, the game almost froze as it was bringing up the quest log).
Level 17
Apr 5, 2011
Thanks for clarification - that is precisely the instance when the system would malfunction. If you allowed the hero to be trained, everything would've been fine (thus the possibility of such bug didn't occur to me). I'll improve the system in future updates.

I don't know why the quest-tab opens for so long, I also noticed that. I should probably ask around to try and find causes, but frankly I've got far too much going on in both real life and my modding that I didn't want to dedicate time to something so trivial (as of now, quest tab barely holds any info).

As for posting known bugs, there are very few that I know of and that I don't plan to fix (now that I've said it, I don't think there are any such at all) - in any case they are too minor to be worthy of mention. Ideally, I shouldn't say that, but that again boils down to priorities. I'm much more concerned about my campaign, which I will indeed try to make as flawless as possible; but the progress on it is slow and the amount of work to be done is huge, so I can't afford to be bogged down in trivialities.
Level 17
Apr 5, 2011
Update! Please welcome the Ogre Kingdoms and the Von Karstein Bloodline!
The three additional maps will be updated once Ogres are polished, in approximately 2 months time.
I feel extremely happy not to worry about the dumb 8mb limit for the first time. Host and arrange WHES without unnecessary complications or resorts to the limited version!

(I must admit I feel a bit silly having to write this, but this is mainly done so that people don't confuse me updating the description and the map itself; Hive 2.0 bumps it either way.)
Level 17
Apr 5, 2011
Update! Thanks for staying tuned! Today's changelog:

  • Ogre Kingdoms officially released. The race has no specialisations yet (has one provisional research), but otherwise fully done. Many tweaks to OGR to bring them into good shape (two new items, Hunter now has a unique skillset, new unit - Rinox, many minor bugs and typos fixed).
  • Vampire Counts have the second specialisation, Korchatov Bloodline. Several tweaks to the previous specialisation (fixed a bug with limit; Summon Thralls now also summons a Strigoi Thrall).
  • Countless miscellaneous tweaks and fixes. Notably, several new models added (for Savage Orcs, DEL's Death Hag and Reaper).
  • Updated the Additional Maps pastebin entry.

The next update will likely not come before the anniversary date (July 15th). But I've got some nice stuff for it planned, so stay tuned :D
Level 17
Apr 5, 2011
I am not credited in anyway. :(
Despite the fact that several of my orc models are used.
Sorry bro, I try to be as attentive as possible when updating, but sometimes things slip my mind :( Thanks a lot for pointing this out! (beside you I've forgotten to add Edge45 and manasou – people whose models I've introduced in the latest update)
I've fixed the description!
Level 17
Apr 5, 2011
I look forward to VAM's Path of Light and Harmony, never though they would go that way but, hey i guess there's good in every one.
Yeah, that's an experimental path in which Vampires renounce undeath, and by uniting with spirit of Isha and Lileath become goodie-goodies. Don't ask me what have I smoked to come up with that shit!
Level 17
Apr 5, 2011
You should really put cleavinghammer in your Special Thanks...
cleavinghammer did give me a lot of useful feedback, and I made no attempts to hide my gratitude (I never do). However, adding cleavinghammer to Special Thanks would make him stand right next to sarumanthecurseda guy who spent many dozens of hours beta-testing on his own as well as with me, found countless bugs/typos/inconsistencies and provided a ton of suggestions (useful or otherwise:D).

While feedback of all shapes and sizes is much appreciated, special thanks is not given lightly; this is to distinguish people with several good insights from those so committed they can be considered a part of the project!
Level 2
Mar 19, 2011
I play it regularly. I have played with almost all specialisations. I can say it is qualitative map with high replayability.

Good job, I wait for more maps with different terrain.
Level 17
Apr 5, 2011
Hello everyone! Please welcome my annual 15.07 update. It's been three years since I've first uploaded! Thanks for staying tuned:goblin_yeah::goblin_yeah::goblin_yeah:

Today's changelog:
  • Architectural reform: all races now have a unique architectural style! The usage of vanilla building models brought to a minimum. Go here for viewing. Enormous, titanic thanks to [B]Ujimasa Hojo![/B]
  • Welcome the HD Loading screen! Thanks go to this resource by Softmints.
  • Vampire Counts have the third and fourth specialisations: Lahmia and Blood Dragon Bloodlines.
  • Big changes to SKV, WOC and ORC, making them much more unique:
Skaven: The fraction's buildings are changed, the race is now much more reliant on Holes.
Warriors of Chaos: Maruders and workers now merged into a single unit - Tribesman.
Orcs and Goblins: a complex Animosity system implemented.​
  • Countless miscellaneous tweaks and fixes. Notably, several new models added (aside for buildings, see above).
PS: (Sorry for the filesize increase)
PPS: Additional maps and campaign remain unupdated, unfortunately.
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Level 2
Mar 19, 2011
I found one bug, it is both in old and in new versions. Vampire's Carts sometime is disappiared. For example, sometime when unit "Corpse cart Unholy Lodestone" drops corpses to Graveyard, cart is disappiared. But disappiared cart still takes food.