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Warcraft III Reforged Patch Notes - Version 1.33

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Media Manager
Level 49
May 25, 2007


Blizzard said:

The latest patch is now live and includes Ranked Play, Player Profiles, Leaderboards, and more.

Warcraft III Reforged Patch Notes

Version 1.33 August 10, 2022

Ranked Play

  • Players may now choose between Ranked and Unranked Play on the Versus screen.
    • Auto-matching via either mode will count towards wins for Portrait unlocks.
  • Seasons are now defined.
    • When a Season ends, the ladder will reset, and players can see their history via their Profile and the Leaderboards.
    • Player MMR is reset with the beginning of each season.
    • Players have separate MMR for each race, including Random.
    • Players must play 5 placement matches per race to be placed each Season.
  • After playing a Ranked Match, players will be shown MMR gained and rankings.
  • Ranks are:
    • Unranked
    • Combatant
    • Challenger
    • Rival
    • Duelist
    • Elite
    • Gladiator
    • Champion

In-Game Stats

  • Added "!Stats" functionality.
  • !Stats displays the Win/Loss record and MMR information for players in the current match.
    • If a player leaves the match, their stats will no longer be retrievable by the "!stats" command.
    • Typing "!Stats + Username" will display the Battletag, W/L, and MMR for that player.
    • Typing "!Stats" will display your own Battletag, W/L, and MMR.
  • A partial name will provide stats for the closest matching name.


  • Players can now view their rank among others via the Leaderboard, accessible from the Versus screen.
  • Preset filters allow you to sort between race, friends, and mode.

Player Profiles

  • Players profiles are accessed by right-clicking on the player icon on the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Other players’ profiles may be viewed by right-clicking on the player’s name and selecting “View Profile”.
  • Player profiles display the player's current rank is for each race, lifetime stats, and match history.

Classic Portraits

  • Added a collection of Classic Versus portraits.
  • Portraits are unlocked via reaching certain total lifetime wins.
  • These criteria match original Warcraft III.

Custom Games

  • Custom Games are now global and can be filtered by ping from all regions.
  • Adding a computer player or closing a slot in the custom game lobby will no longer increase the player count in the custom game list.

Reforged Campaign

  • Various tuning and balance adjustments have been made to multiple campaign maps.

Game Servers

  • A proxy game server in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. has been added.

PopcornFX Update

  • The Warcraft III Reforged version of PopcornFX has been upgraded to version
    • Custom mapmakers with custom FX baked on an older version must rebake their assets to the current version.
    • Added an error message in the editor for users who have outdated custom FX.

Zoom Feature

  • Added additional Camera Zoom functionality to support mouse wheel zooming.
    • Camera Zoom is disabled by default and may be enabled via the options menu in the gameplay section.
    • Zoom may also be adjusted using the Page Up and Page Down keys.
  • Default zoom and maximum zoom can now be set via a slider option.
    • Games will always begin in your default zoom.
    • Press F5 to snap your camera back to your defined default zoom.
    • Maximum zoom allows you to limit the farthest your camera can zoom out using the mouse wheel.
    • Maximum zoom cannot be less than the default zoom.

Additional User Interface Updates

  • Menu buttons may now be activated via hotkeys.
  • The main user interface has been optimized to be more responsive.
  • Windows 10 common controls are enabled for the World Editor.
  • Updated the GPU renderer to improve performance, with a slight change to the appearance of the font. To enable the old font rendering, run the command "-legacykerning".


  • Fixed an causing FileAliases.JSON to have incorrect file paths for some textures.
  • The Mountain King avatar ability now says "For Khaz Modan!" (was "Khaz Modan!").
  • Made various animation collision changes on Reforged assets to match their original SD counterpart's collision.
  • Fixed a crash when using custom particle FX exported on an older version of Popcorn.
  • Fixed an editor crash when opening the terrain pallet menu with custom terrains.
  • Fixed a crash in the world editor when a user tries to open a map with an invalid object ID via double clicking.
  • Fixed an issue with sorting the import list in the world editor.
  • Fixed an issue where the game music was playing from the wrong playlist.
  • Fixed an issue where voice lines of units did not play.
  • Fixed an issue where in-game portrait animations would not play.
  • Fixed an issue with the in-game menu displaying the Human UI for all races.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the Insert key from rotating the camera as expected.
  • Fixed a bug with the “=” function when using single-player cheats.
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Level 14
Dec 12, 2012
Ingame-Login is partially broken because apparently you can't type the @ character anymore in the login textfield (this character is required for entering any email address, so will affect anyone using the ingame login).

Workaround is to copy/paste the @ character (or to use the launcher) but this should be fixed as it used to work before this patch.
Ingame-Login is partially broken because apparently you can't type the @ character anymore in the login textfield (this character is required for entering any email address, so will affect anyone using the ingame login).

Workaround is to copy/paste the @ character (or to use the launcher) but this should be fixed as it used to work before this patch.
Seems to be for other Keys that need a metakey aswell. Could not type in &.

Game crashs for me inside the main menu right after the log in.


Spell Reviewer
Level 26
Nov 18, 2012
1 - Why is the font different from before?
2 - When launching, the screen turns black, then the gate, door or whatever you want to call it shows. And then when it opens, it shows a black screen background, with the UI appearing and then the opacity turns the background to normal. That almost baited me into thinking the launching process was already broken. Well, now it feels weird only.
3 - More lagginess in general. I crash EVERY time I open my test map folder. What is causing the issue? I have no idea.
4 - In world editor, why are all the buttons borderless? Even the change of the "test map" icon, why change this at all? It was fine...
5 - After loading world editor:

6 -
"Is about to...", coherency with the other events.

Solid patch, just need clans, custom campaigns and more footprints and we're home.
  • Custom mapmakers with custom FX baked on an older version must rebake their assets to the current version.
  • Added an error message in the editor for users who have outdated custom FX.
What does that means? So some custom sfx will crash the game? How to see sfx with old bake? and how to rebake them?
Thanks for the answers
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
Reading these replies considering the minimalistic changes makes me sad. Why don't they list all changes? Haven't they added some events/trigger stuff in the PTR?
yes these are new
//Cinematic Sound Constants
constant volumegroup        SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_CINEMATIC_GENERAL         = ConvertVolumeGroup(8)
constant volumegroup        SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_CINEMATIC_AMBIENT         = ConvertVolumeGroup(9)
constant volumegroup        SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_CINEMATIC_MUSIC           = ConvertVolumeGroup(10)
constant volumegroup        SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_CINEMATIC_DIALOGUE        = ConvertVolumeGroup(11)
constant volumegroup        SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_CINEMATIC_SOUND_EFFECTS_1 = ConvertVolumeGroup(12)
constant volumegroup        SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_CINEMATIC_SOUND_EFFECTS_2 = ConvertVolumeGroup(13)
constant volumegroup        SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_CINEMATIC_SOUND_EFFECTS_3 = ConvertVolumeGroup(14)
native BlzQueueImmediateOrderById      takes unit whichUnit, integer order returns boolean
native BlzQueuePointOrderById          takes unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y returns boolean
native BlzQueueTargetOrderById         takes unit whichUnit, integer order, widget targetWidget returns boolean
native BlzQueueInstantPointOrderById   takes unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y, widget instantTargetWidget returns boolean
native BlzQueueInstantTargetOrderById  takes unit whichUnit, integer order, widget targetWidget, widget instantTargetWidget returns boolean
native BlzQueueBuildOrderById          takes unit whichPeon, integer unitId, real x, real y returns boolean
native BlzQueueNeutralImmediateOrderById   takes player forWhichPlayer,unit neutralStructure, integer unitId returns boolean
native BlzQueueNeutralPointOrderById       takes player forWhichPlayer,unit neutralStructure, integer unitId, real x, real y returns boolean
native BlzQueueNeutralTargetOrderById      takes player forWhichPlayer,unit neutralStructure, integer unitId, widget target returns boolean
// returns the number of orders the unit currently has queued up
native BlzGetUnitOrderCount takes unit whichUnit returns integer
// clears either all orders or only queued up orders
native BlzUnitClearOrders takes unit whichUnit, boolean onlyQueued returns nothing
// stops the current order and optionally clears the queue
native BlzUnitForceStopOrder takes unit whichUnit, boolean clearQueue returns nothing
Game crashs for me inside the main menu right after the log in.
I was having a problem last night where the game basically always crashed and wouldn't open. Maybe your issue is the same? For me, even reinstalling did not fix it. But, then I made a backup but removed the entire contents of "Documents/Warcraft III" and the game was able to launch (past the login) again after that.

Is that similar to your issue?
yes these are new
//Cinematic Sound Constants
constant volumegroup        SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_CINEMATIC_GENERAL         = ConvertVolumeGroup(8)
constant volumegroup        SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_CINEMATIC_AMBIENT         = ConvertVolumeGroup(9)
constant volumegroup        SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_CINEMATIC_MUSIC           = ConvertVolumeGroup(10)
constant volumegroup        SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_CINEMATIC_DIALOGUE        = ConvertVolumeGroup(11)
constant volumegroup        SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_CINEMATIC_SOUND_EFFECTS_1 = ConvertVolumeGroup(12)
constant volumegroup        SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_CINEMATIC_SOUND_EFFECTS_2 = ConvertVolumeGroup(13)
constant volumegroup        SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_CINEMATIC_SOUND_EFFECTS_3 = ConvertVolumeGroup(14)
native BlzQueueImmediateOrderById      takes unit whichUnit, integer order returns boolean
native BlzQueuePointOrderById          takes unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y returns boolean
native BlzQueueTargetOrderById         takes unit whichUnit, integer order, widget targetWidget returns boolean
native BlzQueueInstantPointOrderById   takes unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y, widget instantTargetWidget returns boolean
native BlzQueueInstantTargetOrderById  takes unit whichUnit, integer order, widget targetWidget, widget instantTargetWidget returns boolean
native BlzQueueBuildOrderById          takes unit whichPeon, integer unitId, real x, real y returns boolean
native BlzQueueNeutralImmediateOrderById   takes player forWhichPlayer,unit neutralStructure, integer unitId returns boolean
native BlzQueueNeutralPointOrderById       takes player forWhichPlayer,unit neutralStructure, integer unitId, real x, real y returns boolean
native BlzQueueNeutralTargetOrderById      takes player forWhichPlayer,unit neutralStructure, integer unitId, widget target returns boolean
// returns the number of orders the unit currently has queued up
native BlzGetUnitOrderCount takes unit whichUnit returns integer
// clears either all orders or only queued up orders
native BlzUnitClearOrders takes unit whichUnit, boolean onlyQueued returns nothing
// stops the current order and optionally clears the queue
native BlzUnitForceStopOrder takes unit whichUnit, boolean clearQueue returns nothing
There's also the BlzGetAbilityById I think it's called.
Level 19
Jan 1, 2018
Isn't the latest common.j and blizzard.j in Documents\Warcraft III\JassHelper? I tried to find any of these new natives there and had no success. Feels like I'm looking at the wrong place
These are extracted from the game's CASC automatically when you run jasshelper through the world editor. If you don't use jasshelper, they won't be updated/extracted. If you did this already maybe they're now extracting to a different location. In that case you can just extract these files from the CASC yourself using a tool like cascview.
Level 14
Dec 12, 2012
Ranked play doesn't work for me (so far tried some 4vs4).

When the match is over a message appears with something like "collecting data, you have to wait until all players left the game" which takes quite a while and reproducibly terminates with an error message, something like "could not retrieve data".

Therefore it is not possible to complete the required 5 initial placement matches, because apparently, these matches are not counted due to the error.
I was having a problem last night where the game basically always crashed and wouldn't open. Maybe your issue is the same? For me, even reinstalling did not fix it. But, then I made a backup but removed the entire contents of "Documents/Warcraft III" and the game was able to launch (past the login) again after that.

Is that similar to your issue?
It seems to be the same. Your approach worked for me as well.

Edit: After it worked I was curious which file breaks it. So I returned folder for folder back into there. It broke again when I added the BattleNet folder from the old version. Looks like blizzard Campaigns progress stuff
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Texttags seem to be really messed up. For textheight 10, the spacing is fine, for height 8, characters are almost on top of each other. I print a countdown on the map with a large texttag when a game starts, and it's really blurry and doesn't look right. When the "GO!" gets removed, first the "O" disappears, then the "!", then the "G".
Level 6
Mar 27, 2019
All my JASS is suddenly broken... Is anyone else having this error?

"encountered undeclared identifier"

View attachment 405373

So the error appears to occur because the custom script blocks no longer work??
E.g. it's somehow not correctly compiling this first anymore?
View attachment 405376
Did you enable JassHelper & vJass? It is disabled by default somehow lul, maybe this solves it for you.

Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
Any map using the Preload natives now have a major error to contend with.
The Preload data appears to be cached, meaning that if you save over that data and load it in another game of the same map, it will instead load the old data from the previous game.
Meaning you have to restart your Client between every game to save data using maps that use codeless save/load systems.

Oh, and water textures on buildings and water elementals are still broken despite a ton of reports.
Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
Overall? Underwhelming. I heard this hyped as "the biggest patch Warcraft 3 ever" and I suppose from a technical sense that's true. But in terms of overall experience it doesn't feel all that different, and that's a huge problem when Reforged lowered the overall quality of the game so badly.

The work Kam did on the campaigns is highly impressive and should be applauded. But I can't help but feel like it would be even more impressive if an entire team of people with a decent budget had worked on it. The fact that he had to do all by by himself is still appalling. Speaking of that, this patch, from what I've heard, has actually been in the can for the last two years. The old team made it before they were disbanded, and the last two years the new team has just been learning the game's code base so they could finish it.

Its great that we have ladders back, but after two years, the lack of clans, custom campaigns, saving/loading for custom games, and other basic features is even more sorely felt. Not to mention the new issues Reforged brought that still have been fixed. No HD asset opt-out is still a dealbreaker for many people, myself included. Then there's the people on older systems who can put up with the bloat, but can't even get passed the main menu because its so poorly optimized. IIRC, that hasn't been fixed.

Let's put it in perspective here: before Reforged, the original game had its missing features for nearly twenty years. Now, today, with much better technology, the new team has still taken two years to match even a fraction of what we had before -- working on an older, almost-finished patch made by the older team. Is TFT so amazingly programmed and designed that no modern programmer could ever hope to match it? Absolutely not. It's just that Activision's current executive branch doesn't see this project as worthwhile and doesn't care if it gets fixed or not.

Then we have stupid "improvements" that nobody wanted and helped nothing, like Gazglowe's cigar AGAIN, and chicken footprints AGAIN. Nobody wanted this, people felt insulted by it the last time. But for whatever reason the time decided to waste time and resources on these things that should have already been "fixed." Does anyone actually care about Gazglowe's cigar? Anyone? Will you go to sleep more comfortably at night knowing there's a new glare effect on it? You shouldn't be doing anything this minor while major problems still persist.

For the poor sods still hanging in there and enjoying WC3 as it is now, I'm sure this patch feels like a breath of fresh air. Hell, it probably makes the game 100x more playable for them. But to people like me who either moved to an older patch or quit entirely, this won't bring many of them back.

For this patch, I would say "its a start" but I don't know if it really is. This thing was made by an older team and just recently finished by the new one. If it took this much time and effort just to finish something that was almost complete, I highly doubt they'll be able to get very far on their own. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I don't think I will.

I'm still optimistic for the future of the game when the Microsoft deal is finalized and Kotick is finally as far away from the company as possible, left to rot in his gilded cage for the rest of his shallow, dismal life. But until then, I'm sticking to 1.32. I'm going to end my thoughts here before I start getting angrier.
Level 14
Apr 18, 2016
I'm trying to open my custom map in the World Editor and this error shows up and I can't even play it in-game. Why is this happening? It worked perfectly before the update? The map is pretty big, is there a limit to how many MB a map can have?


  • Capture.PNG
    65.7 KB · Views: 108
Opening a black market for the 1.32.10 archive. 10€ per download
You're kidding right? Surely we all backup our game install before downloading the new patch. Heck, I think I have at least one snapshot locally of 1.32.X for each X from 0 to 10.

I have multiple different builds of 1.32.10 saved on my main machine.
I found that the custom buttons based on "BrowserButton" (the blue those appeared in the start menus of the original games) doesn't appear.
Yeah, the frame blueprint "BrowserButton" was removed from framedef/glue/mainmenu.fdf . Without that blueprint creating it will fail.
Level 20
Jan 3, 2022
Surely we all I, Retera, the greatest disassembler of Warcraft III of all time, backup our my game install before downloading the new patch. Heck, I think I have at least one snapshot locally of 1.32.X for each X from 0 to 10.
Fixed :ogre_hurrhurr: I'd love to have older snapshots but I didn't care back then.
Can you maybe list all not listed changes by Blizzard in JASS and GUI triggers and all confirmed issues in the first post? I guess I will wait for a follow up patch or backup the game before updating it. Maybe 2 years? I don't want to break my map with this patch.
Maybe Blizzard should add some integration test which opens like 8000 maps and randomly plays them to find crashes before releasing another patch? Will someone from Blizzard read these posts or do people have to complain the Blizzard forum maybe here PTR Discussion and Bug Report or in this thread Patch 1.33.0 is now available


Spell Reviewer
Level 26
Nov 18, 2012
Change font:
1) Open Battle.net client
2) Click "Options" (cogwheel next to play button)
3) Select game settings
4) Click "additional command line arguments" checkbox
5) Enter -legacykerning into the text field
6) Confirm and restart wc3

Can you maybe list all not listed changes by Blizzard in JASS and GUI triggers and all confirmed issues in the first post? I guess I will wait for a follow up patch or backup the game before updating it. Maybe 2 years? I don't want to break my map with this patch.
Maybe Blizzard should add some integration test which opens like 8000 maps and randomly plays them to find crashes before releasing another patch? Will someone from Blizzard read these posts or do people have to complain the Blizzard forum maybe here PTR Discussion and Bug Report or in this thread Patch 1.33.0 is now available
It will take ~22 years for the next patch if testing 8000 maps daily, assuming no holidays at all, and only 1 person working on this :D
Level 19
Jan 1, 2018
It will take ~22 years for the next patch if testing 8000 maps daily, assuming no holidays at all, and only 1 person working on this :D
Integration tests are automated, though it'd still take long depending on how long you want to test each map. Also an issue is how you want to play the map and test that it still works correctly. You might be able to use replay files but then you have to detect when it 'desyncs', and these files are usually not compatible between patches anyways. So the only option is to test manually and that's why we have the PTR.

Edit: Also if someone could provide the latest scripts/common.j, scripts/blizzard.j, and ui/triggerdata.txt files so I can update my library, I'd appreciate that.
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Exactly, with replay files and concurrent executions you could test many games of custom maps given enough processors. The replay files could be interpreted by multiple Warcraft instances, using real network operations etc. etc. but it would probably be too much work to achieve something like this for the one intern working on the patches. I have no idea how many unit tests/integration tests Blizzard uses for code coverage and network testing etc. Given the high number of bugs and crashes even in the previous versions probably not enough. I can guarantee you that if the code would have been Open Source, the community would have achieved much more in the last 2 years than THIS. Blizzard would still make enough money with the server/Battle.net infrastructure and game content which has to be bought and downloaded. Even more money given a better state of the engine. It's the same for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy where I play mods like Movie Battles II - Star Wars Multiplayer Game which are better than the original game but you still buy the game on Steam.
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
4 - In world editor, why are all the buttons borderless? Even the change of the "test map" icon, why change this at all? It was fine...
lmao people really complaining about "new" WE icons? xD

I only did a quick test but the game launches and plays fine for me.

I actually find the new zoom pretty good:
although 3000 max camera distance is a bit low!


Spell Reviewer
Level 26
Nov 18, 2012
lmao people really complaining about "new" WE icons? xD

I only did a quick test but the game launches and plays fine for me.

I actually find the new zoom pretty good:
View attachment 405426
although 3000 max camera distance is a bit low!
Yes man, no one asked to change the icons at all, they were fine. And the change was for the worse, not better at all.
Changing zoom with mouse wheel is horrible and the worst choice of key/mouse input since mouse wheel is already used to change angle of attack. they conflict each other, it becomes janky.
Level 20
Jan 3, 2022
It will take ~22 years for the next patch if testing 8000 maps daily
// Automation Test
native AutomationSetTestType                    takes string testType returns nothing
native AutomationTestStart                      takes string testName returns nothing
native AutomationTestEnd                        takes nothing returns nothing
native AutomationTestingFinished                takes nothing returns nothing


Spell Reviewer
Level 26
Nov 18, 2012
// Automation Test
native AutomationSetTestType                    takes string testType returns nothing
native AutomationTestStart                      takes string testName returns nothing
native AutomationTestEnd                        takes nothing returns nothing
native AutomationTestingFinished                takes nothing returns nothing
To be honest, I never tried these natives, nor exactly how to use :p what does one insert on testType? Seems more a blizzard thing to do than us, right?

PS: Player entering, leaving and changing colour/team disables chat focus - bug.
Level 20
Jan 3, 2022
@Wrda Must be Blizzard internal yes, like the Jass "debug" keyword.

Based on what I read today (impression) Blizzard won't have time until 2013: First Overwatch 2 and Christmas events. But breaking this much might cause a change of plans. The managers may have learnt counting money, but still have not understood the time-quality-cost triangle.
Level 7
Jun 9, 2020
I'm trying to open my custom map in the World Editor and this error shows up and I can't even play it in-game. Why is this happening? It worked perfectly before the update? The map is pretty big, is there a limit to how many MB a map can have?
Same here! Can't open any custom maps which I made :(

There must be a solution for this!
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