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Warcraft Battleground 2.1b

----------Fintrik Presents----------

Created by Fintrik

Map Info:
Warcraft Battleground is 4v4 tug of war like map.
Basically you have to build units which are sent to the enemy team every Your Wave.
Each wave different player sends units in order from left to right.
Your goal is to destroy the enemy Castle and ensure the dominance of your kingdom over this peninsula!
You can support your armies by sending Red Dragon which gets stronger each time you send him for both teams.
There are creep camps placed over the map which when you kill then you recruit mercenaries which will help you in the front line.


You can also research to make your units stronger, make heroes, build towers and more!
You can pick from 6 races Human, Undead, Orc, Night Elf, Naga and Demon.
Each race can from 4 race specific melee and 6 tavern heroes which can be controllable during combat.

Map also has AI support that also gets stronger based on what difficulty you sellect on them.

Some else stuff about map:

Warcraft Battleground was based on popular Starcraft 2 map Desert Strike but you can give suggestions about anything you would like to see differently to improve the map.



Image Description:
This is a Screenshot of the Terrain from World Editor


Comming Soon

Video Description:
No videos available yet! If someone publishes video with the gameplay of this map please contact me and i may put it in the description.


Join the Warcraft Battleground Discord Server!

Change Log:










The Year of Warcraft Battleground update
It has been over a year since the map was first time published on Hiveworkshop so it deserves some major update!
  • Added new Countering system
  • Added Modes new No Time Limit and Fast Mode (the old mode was renamed to Competitive mode)
  • Units summoned by heroes will get ability to release control, when you use it then they change the owner just like heroes but when you sellect them then you gain control back (works even when they were summoned by hero while not in control)
  • 2 New Guard Towers for each team
  • New Tutorial for begginers
  • Spell Book to the Builder Interface (it has Flame Strike for now but more content will come later)
  • New learnable Attribute Bonus for heroes

  • Major leak fixes
  • You no longer get bonus gold from building air units between multiple other ones
  • Creep Camps can spawn creeps when you clear them
  • Major bug fixes
  • Map Size was extended from 128x128 to 192x128
  • Changed the late game in Competitive mode automatic end to endgame, In endgame no more units are spawning until some team wins or all units die (in that case 1 more wave will spawn).
  • Builders now have 522 movement speed (before 350), in the future updates i will try to make them able to build from distance instead.
  • 45 seconds after the endgame begins the heroes can be forced to attack towers
  • Gold Mine Rework (Each mine gives more and more Gold each time you upgrade them)
  • Gold Mine 2 and 3 now costs 150 gold and Gold Mine 4 costs 250 gold (before it was free)
  • Rebalanced the Guard Towers
  • East Side Building area stuff was moved to bottom (to balance the sides)
  • When you begin researching quick research then it gets researched instantly instead of waiting 1 second
  • When you finish a research then it gets instantly updated for your allies (before you have to wait for your wave to make it updated)
  • Major Balance Changes
  • Rebalanced the damage multipliers

  • Release Control ability to heroes, gives instantly control to AI
  • Initiating countdown sound
  • Heroes no longer switch owners when you sellect different unit
  • Minor leak fixes
  • Kick command works now for everyone, type -kick and then you will get a dialog with player list, if you sellect someone then Voting will be initiated

Major Optimalization update
WCBG now fully supports the latest version of Warcraft 3.
  • Each built unit now has "Stats" icon which shows you the description of unit
  • New shortcuts for upgrading Tier and Gold mine and Traders in Battle Flag
  • Added "Back" button to each trader which sends you to the Battle Flag
  • Added "Lock Control" ability to heroes so they no longer switch owners when you desellect them.
  • Removed some unused triggers from 2.0a
  • Removed Host (Host detection did not work on battle.net properly so it had to be removed, also that means players can't be kicked anymore but that feature will be added back in future updates)
  • Major Leak Fixes
  • Minor Bug Fixes
  • Flame Strike has no shortcut now
  • Camera Rotation is now disabled by default
  • Minor Balance Changes
  • Minor changes to tileset

  • Upkeep, when you reach 4500 and 8000 army value you will get reduced income, this will prevent getting unit lag in late game by a lot also it will change meta drastically

  • When Player Leaves the game, waves will still work (Before when player left the game there was some chance that some waves were skipped)
  • Lag from clicking on units has been reduced to minimum
  • Minor Bug Fixes
  • Minor Terrain Changes
  • Minor Balance Changes
  • Reveal has been moved from builder to Workshop (Advanced Build Menu) because of upcomming new feature
  • Reveal Now costs 50 Gold (Before 100 Gold)

  • Shared Researches, now you can share upgrades with teammates of the same race!
  • Camera/Zoom zoom from distance 25 to 1000
  • Camera Rotating, everytime you look at your build area your camera will rotate, you can toggle it off in your builder
  • Altar of Legends 2
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Altar of Legends now contain heroes (Before it was in Altar of Legends 2)
Balance Change Log
  • Ghould damage reduced from 15-19 to 14-16
  • Tauren base armor increased from 3 to 4
  • Death Knight's Death Pact can be used on friendly units now
  • Banshee health increased from 285 to 310
  • Obsidian Statue Spirit Touch ability has been removed
  • Murgul Reaver damage reduced from 18-21 to 17-19
  • Mountain Giant's Qar Club has been removed
  • All spellcasters now have master rank


  • Arcane Sanctum (Replaced with Advanced Build/Workshop)
  • Fixed lag everytime when you click on unit
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Builder now can build several units at the same time much faster (before the builder stopped and finished the building)
  • Moved researches from Altar of Legends to Builder, also builder has new abilities
  • Gold Mine and Domination Income has been reduced
  • Minor Balance Changes
  • Other Changes

  • Creep Camps, now you can farm some expirience at the camps, when creep camp is destroyed it spawns creeps to fight on your side
  • New Hero for the Naga
  • Line of Trees so you can see how the line that divides the map looks like (also you can not anymore blink there as warden)

  • Minor Bug Fixes
  • Minor Changes

  • New Researches for Demon Race
  • New Tower for Demon Race

  • Major bug fixes
  • Dragon can Attack Guard Towers and Castle now
  • Other changes

  • Demon race (Without researches, but they will come soon)
  • Moving Units - Now you can move your units if you click on Build Structure - Move Unit
  • Added tutorials and tips about the map in "Information"

  • Major bug fixes
  • Dragon reworked
  • Now you can control heroes - Double click on heroes when they are on Battleground but they can't attack Guard Towers and Castle when under your control
  • Major Balance changes
  • Other changes


Special Thanks:

  • Gameranger community for ideas and suggestions
  • ScorchedGaming clan for ideas and suggestions
  • Hiveworkshop community for ideas and suggestions
  • Battle.net community for ideas and suggestions


  • Mike for Gold Mine model Mines
  • HappyTauren for Demon Tower model Demon Tower
  • assasin_lord for Hero Glow model HeroGlow




Loading Screen/Map Preview Image:


Author's notes:

If you are owner of any used resources and you don't want it to be published here contact me via hiveworkshop and i will try to remove it as soon as possible.
Also i will be publishing unprotected versions of this map so you can use some of the triggers there or help with finding and fixing bugs or suggestings about improving the triggers or even making your own versions of the map!

  • [TD] [/TD]

Warcraft Battleground 2.1b (Map)

Seems you've used some resources which are not credited: Resources in Use by Warcraft Battleground 1.0a | HIVE Also, if the map is not finished, please use Map Development until then. Awaiting Update. If you want more reviews, you should...
Towers look as if under construction but they were finished. The downside of this is that's only one lane. I think heroes can be called whenever. That's problematic during combat. I suggest them being able to buy items from the battlefield instead...


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Seems you've used some resources which are not credited: Resources in Use by Warcraft Battleground 1.0a | HIVE
Also, if the map is not finished, please use Map Development until then.

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

Level 6
Jan 16, 2017
Seems you've used some resources which are not credited: Resources in Use by Warcraft Battleground 1.0a | HIVE
Also, if the map is not finished, please use Map Development until then.

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

The importance of a Description

Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

Updated: Now it has credits and also description has been improved. (EDIT: It was in the map itself, I thought that's what you meant lol)

Also this map is "finished" but i am planning to add more content to make it better hope i did not forget anything.
Last edited:


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
  1. Towers look as if under construction but they were finished.
  2. The downside of this is that's only one lane.
  3. I think heroes can be called whenever. That's problematic during combat. I suggest them being able to buy items from the battlefield instead. Actually, I think they are called automatically anyway? Calling the hero also restores his HP to full or only on level up?
  4. Three heroes or at least two would be nice like in the melee game. Well, I guess in multiplayer it'd be too much though.
  5. So, I'm not sure what Repair is actually good at since you can't get out of the build zone. Also, why aren't buildings invulnerable?
  6. This is unfair man, Hippogryphs can attack ground. I think they might be cheaper than Knights but stronger due to their fast attack and high damage. Or do they just attack buildings because I see them going straight to the castle which is losing HP quite rapidly. It's true you can counter them with towers.
  7. Why did the Dragon Roost disappear?
  8. I don't think the Moon Well increases any food.
  9. Maybe more items for heroes?
  10. How to play naga because random made me human when I tried it.
  11. I suggest leaving pathing for buildings so you don't waste time incorrectly placing them. Talking about the air ones. The others seem to not have the issue.
  12. Play music using the other trigger so it won't come out through the sound channel.
  13. Sometimes when I call the hero after mere seconds it is teleported back...
  14. Can you not deactivate sudden death and match ending? Maybe you'd like a really long game?
Please replace the TD/Maul tag with Strategy/Risk.

Awaiting Update.

Changes made, Approved.
Last edited:
Level 6
Jan 16, 2017
  1. Towers look as if under construction but they were finished.
  2. The downside of this is that's only one lane.
  3. I think heroes can be called whenever. That's problematic during combat. I suggest them being able to buy items from the battlefield instead. Actually, I think they are called automatically anyway? Calling the hero also restores his HP to full or only on level up?
  4. Three heroes or at least two would be nice like in the melee game. Well, I guess in multiplayer it'd be too much though.
  5. So, I'm not sure what Repair is actually good at since you can't get out of the build zone. Also, why aren't buildings invulnerable?
  6. This is unfair man, Hippogryphs can attack ground. I think they might be cheaper than Knights but stronger due to their fast attack and high damage. Or do they just attack buildings because I see them going straight to the castle which is losing HP quite rapidly. It's true you can counter them with towers.
  7. Why did the Dragon Roost disappear?
  8. I don't think the Moon Well increases any food.
  9. Maybe more items for heroes?
  10. How to play naga because random made me human when I tried it.
  11. I suggest leaving pathing for buildings so you don't waste time incorrectly placing them. Talking about the air ones. The others seem to not have the issue.
  12. Play music using the other trigger so it won't come out through the sound channel.
  13. Sometimes when I call the hero after mere seconds it is teleported back...
  14. Can you not deactivate sudden death and match ending? Maybe you'd like a really long game?
Please replace the TD/Maul tag with Strategy/Risk.

Awaiting Update.
  • Towers now dont have building animation when they are built
  • Calling back heroes no longer recovers their health and also if they die they will revive after some time based on their level, more heroes limit will be added in later updates unfortunatly
  • Added Mechanical Goblins that are available after 450 seconds ->also they can be used offensively
  • Hippogryphs has been slightly nerfed their gold cost has been increased from 180 to 240, their damage has been decreased 50/57 to 45/52 and health has been decreased from 525 to 445, Hippogryph Rider´s health has been also decreased from 735 to 635.
  • Dragon Roost is a special building that appears only for the team that is dominating also i added some things close to the dragon roost that are explaining how it works
  • The Well is a building that was supposed to be support building that heals allied units also mana regeneration has been increased from 1.25 to 3 per second and also description of all towers has been fixed.
  • More items
  • Buildings for flying units has pathing EXCEPT flying machine because i couldnt find pathing that would be enough small
  • Your heroes no longer go back to the battleground for at least 30 seconds
  • Sudden Death starts 1 minute later and The End of the match comes 3 minutes later
  • You can use -repick command to pick naga race also i added a message that appears 5 seconds after start
  • Other minor changes

Also nice idea of more than 2 lines i will definetly work on that soon!


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Dragon Roost is a special building that appears only for the team that is dominating also i added some things close to the dragon roost that are explaining how it works
That's not good because it will even more put the other team to a disadvantage. The "losing" side should have a way to come back not be sure of its defeat.
Buildings for flying units has pathing EXCEPT flying machine because i couldnt find pathing that would be enough small
Try them all until one fits or use the smallest or the best one you think works?
Sudden Death starts 1 minute later and The End of the match comes 3 minutes later
Could be nice to have a mod without it.
Also nice idea of more than 2 lines i will definetly work on that soon!
You could make one for water units :D
Here are some maps for more inspiration:
Black Law Hills 1.7.1
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
The upgrade system sucks, what with having to wait for the building to change from one form to another along with blocking all upgrades when researching a new tier.
Why are some gold mines red?
Goblin mechanic automatically loses health without warning and doesn't have Repair autocast.
Do casters have all their spells from the beginning?
Some units have the same hotkey (Huntresses and Hippogryphs, among others).
What's the point of the lumber resource? I can't see any units that require it.
Flame strike should be an instant kill, I've seen one that failed because of healing ward spam.
Towers are apparently limited to four per side, building more causes them to appear next to the sanctum and instantly die.
With more than two players, each player's waves spawn at different times. Is that supposed to happen?
When the game starts, the camera is in a different starting position.
Buildings can be de/buffed.

Maybe have an option to have the hero under player control.
Last edited:
Level 6
Jan 16, 2017
The upgrade system sucks, what with having to wait for the building to change from one form to another along with blocking all upgrades when researching a new tier.
Why are some gold mines red?
Goblin mechanic automatically loses health without warning and doesn't have Repair autocast.
Do casters have all their spells from the beginning?
Some units have the same hotkey (Huntresses and Hippogryphs, among others).
What's the point of the lumber resource? I can't see any units that require it.
Flame strike should be an instant kill, I've seen one that failed because of healing ward spam.
Towers are apparently limited to four per side, building more causes them to appear next to the sanctum and instantly die.
With more than two players, each player's waves spawn at different times. Is that supposed to happen?
When the game starts, the camera is in a different starting position.
Buildings can be de/buffed.

Maybe have an option to have the hero under player control.

I will soon work on the new upgrade system
Some gold mines are red because they will be unlocked later so players wont get the maxed income too early
Mechanical Goblin no longer loses health in the new update (but he will get removed in sudden death so buildings wont get repaired) and also now he has autocast on repair.
Yes spellcasters have all their spells at the beggining, also AI is deciding if they will use their spells or whatever else.
Hotkeys has been fixed.
Lumber resource / Army Value shows you the current cost of your army.
Flame Strike now does more damage but still cant kill some units (thats wil be fixed in the closest update).
I will fix tower death soon so you will get a refund too.
Camera position has been fixed.
Buildings have been buffed, now they do 2 times more damage.

Thanks for your suggestions!
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Some ideas for possible modes:

Increase tower limit in mutiplayer so everyone can have their 4 towers (and have Moon Wells autocast).
Set a limit on total number of units and/or units spawned per wave or player (I tried 2v2 and it crashed halfway through), in every game I've played the vast majority of spawns are stuck in the middle of the map, doing nothing while waiting for their turn to move.
Have a warning when red gold mines become available for upgrade.
Level 5
Apr 13, 2008
It's based on a popular starcraft 2 map called Desert Strike. Which is similiar type of map like Castle Fight so people often think it's like Castle Fight. :D
okay i just tried the map, its great i played it once so im not too sure. But i think there might be balance issues? Undead and Naga seems really strong, well orc kinda sucks. The Red Dragon hero is also wayyy too overpowered imo
Level 6
Jan 16, 2017
I took a small pause from this map and now i am back with new 1.4 update!
I focused on changing systems and reducing lag to make the player lives easier.
Also i changed Builder





Builder now can Cast Flame Strike and Reveal and also can sellect for you Extended Build, Altar of Legends and Blacksmith.
Arcane Sanctum was replaced with Workshop which is the same things but without Reveal and Flame Strike because it was moved to Builder.

Also i am preparing the map for 2.0 and possible "Competitive Update".
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Level 6
Jan 16, 2017
From what i remember your map doesn't do much to separate itself from Castle Fight.
So why play this map over Castle Fight?
The map does not have many things common with Castle Fight anymore except the core idea and melee units. Every wave different player sends units while in Castle Fight they all spawn at any time you want based on when you began training the units. The map also has 2 lines which forces players to cooperate and communicate between each other, you can train heroes with which you can either support the front line or jungle in the forest to hire creeps to fight (and also it gives some bounty).
Also the team composition is very key thing in this map, like playing the same race in the team gives some bonuses and some disadvantages for example when you play as all Orcs then you have weak air units but strong ground units, you get shared researches but the auras orcs have wont stack and it is like that with other races too.
Or playing 4v4 gives a lot more possibilities for example playing as the fourth player, the game gives enough time for 4th player to play mostly any strategy they want like rushing Tier 2 to get better units.
And also you can play 1 versus 4 and have a chance to win.

However i take any suggestions about what to change.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
I still think it's too similar.
Castle Fight is a very well polished map, with decent balance and so i think it's hard compete with or set your map apart from it.

I'd say the most uinque element of your map was that you had heroes you could control.
I feel like you should have had them from the start, but not given access to the OP items right away and lower experience.
That was the most interesting aspect to me, but i assume it will scare away casual players away since it adds complexity.
Keep in mind most custom game players are casual shitters who only play TD and footies, games that require little to no effort.
Castle Fight is pretty casual and requires very little: just observe and build.

I'm not sure what i would do differently with the map.
Level 14
Jul 12, 2018
Tried this map out the other day, it's well crafted and feels like an open-ended version of CF with many more options. i especially like the functionality of the hero being controllable when you select him but being able to give him back to the AI player to run when you want to focus on your builder. Good stuff.