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TKoK 3.0 - The Resurrection - We're Back!

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Level 11
Jun 13, 2007
The Kingdom of Kaliron - v3.0 Official Announcement!


For the past month or so, I have been working in secret on redoing the entire game of TKoK to ready the game for it's release and resurrection to bring it back to life. What better way to do that than to just fix the bugs and make some hero balance changes, than release an entire new build with many new features, changes, hero recreations, balance edits, and more!

The Crimson Creation team is working hard to ready the 3.0 for beta/demo purposes. It is not quite ready yet, but we felt that the public should be alerted to this new build as to revive interest in the map.

New Features in v3.0

-The new menu system for viewing stats, data, interactions, options, is now all built into one section of the hero inventory and categorized. All chat commands are now options in the new menu system for ease of learning/using

-Sub stat system now supports 8 hero stats to dynamically alter / change your hero


-Altered how each sub stat effects your hero.

-Brand new no leak damage system. Thanks to Rising_Dusk for creating the initial system and Fled for modifying the system to work for our game engine, TKoK now has a full-proof damage system with no leaked memory events, damage that displays properly after armor is considered, and no more misfired or incorrect displays of white damage vs ability damage if the attack hits are too close together.

-Unit recycling system to help with memory management. Units are no longer 'killed' when their HP reaches 0 thanks to Fled and his Unit Recycler functions. This will be most noticeable in long games after many spawns occur.

-Brand new hero abilities, behavior, effects, and spells to explore (while some are the same, many have been overhauled to improve hero usefulness in solo/party play)

-Game modes have been reduced to:
  • Normal - the standard game
    Legendary - for hardcore players seeking better loot from bosses
    Heartcore - for the extreme hardcore players seeking the best challenges and items in the game

-Drastically altered the rate at which your hero will level up, making quests more important than grinding monsters.

-Added a new Hero property for blocking. Shields are now used as shields to block attacks! Who would have thought!

-Toadcop's inventory system and all of its clutter has been removed from the game. Fled and myself have programmed a new inventory system from scratch that is far superior for our game engine. Also introducing the new 'Sell Item Mode' while at a merchant, so you can sell multiple items with quickness and ease!

And the true reason we are all looking forward to 3.0....


That's right, you heard me, TKoK now supports a 30 point talent tree for each hero. The heroes have 2 main trees, one which will grant you new abilities or alter how abilities behave, and the other tree which focuses on increasing the effects of your hero, abilities, or stats.

When you first pick a hero now, you start with 0 abilities and 1 talent point to spend. 3 of the normal abilities you used to start with are available at level 1. The 4th ability is unlocked at level 4. Your 5th ability which used to be learned by completing the 'Proving Your Worth' quest is now learned at level 12, and the 6th ability which used to be learned by completing the 'Defense of Grom'Gol' quest is now learned at level 18

You will gain a talent point every 2 levels starting at level 2. Gain 1 point at level 2, 4, 6...58, 60. For now the new level cap is now hard capped at 60. At the moment, there are no plans to raise this cap.



Cleric 3.0

Flash of Light - A single target heal or a single target attack that deals magic damage

Holy Fire - A single target heal or a single target attack that deals magic damage

Inner Power - A hero buff that increases damage dealt and armor

Divine Protection - A hero buff that has a chance to prevent some damage taken

Heavenly Rain - While channeled, heals all friendly units around the caster

Guardian Angel - Multi-target area effect attack that deals magic damage

Tree 1 talents - 13 talent points in 12 talents
All the abilities listed above (6)

Improved Flash of Light (2 points) - Targets hit by your Flash of Light are now filled with holy energy. The next Holy Fire used on this target will increase in damage by 25/50% or healing by 15/30%

Improved Holy Fire (1 points) - Targets hit by your Holy Fire now have a heal over time effect placed on them healing for 10% of the total heal done over 5s

Improved Divine Protection (1 point) - When Divine Protection procs, it now has a chance to deal damage back to the attacker

Improved Inner Power (1 point) - While Inner Power is active on a target, it receives 5% more healing from all spells

Improved Heavenly Rain (1 point) - While channeling Heavenly Rain, all enemies within range have their attacked speed slowed by 20%

Improved Guardian Angel (1 point) - Guardian Angel now stuns all targets hit for 2s while healing all friendly units in range

Tree 2 talents 19 points in 7 talents
Divine Faith (3 points) - Increases spell power by 10/20/30% of your Energy

Empowered Inner Power (2 points) - Increases Inner Power's damage bonus by 3/6% and the armor bonus by 4/8%

Empowered Flash of Light (3 points) - Increases the healing done by Flash of Light by 5/10/15%

Empowered Holy Fire (3 point) - Increases the healing done by Holy Fire by 4/8/12% and total heal over time effect by 3/6/9%

Divine Spirit (3 points) - Increases your energy regeneration rate by 4/8/12%

Blind Faith (3 points) - Increases the activation rate of Divine Protection by 5/10/15%

Divine Plea (2 points) - Increases the damage and healing by Guardian Angel by 15/30%

Arcanist 3.0

Arcanic Missile - A single target attack that deals magic damage

Drain Spirit - A channeled single target attack that deals magic damage upon finishing the channel

Arcanic Explosion - A multi-target area effect attack that deals magic damage

Kinetic Shield - Places a shield on the target Hero that reduces the damage that target takes by 25% until the shield's HP expires

Disruption Aura - An active multi-target area effect attack that deals magic damage every pulse. Drains mana while active

Unstable Power -While active, increases all magic damage done by 15%

Tree 1 talents - 11 talent points in 11 talents
All the abilities listed above (6)

Improved Arcanic Missile (1 point) - Targets hit by your Arcanic Missile are now debuffed with arcane energy for 10s. The next Arcanic Explosion that hits this debuffed enemy will do 50% more damage

Improved Drain Spirit (1 point) - Targets hit by your drain spirit will now lose some mana. Your hero will gain the lost mana

Improved Kinetic Shield (1 point) - The the shield's HP reaches 0 the shielded Hero will now be healed for 40% of the shield's initial HP

Improved Disruption Aura (1 point) - Targets hit by your Disruption Aura will have their attack and movement speed slowed for 2s

Improved Unstable Power (1 point) - Increases the bonus magic damage from Unstable Power to 30%

Tree 2 talents 19 points in 7 talents
Arcanic Mind (3 points) - Increases spell power by 5/10/15% of your Energy

Power Flows (3 points) - Increases spell critical strike chance by 2/4/6%

Critical Mass (3 points) - Increases spell critical bonus damage by 5/10/15%

Arcanic Outreach (2 points) - Increases the range of Arcanic Explosion by 100/200

Empowered Arcanic Missile (3 points) - Increases damage done by Arcanic Missile by 5/10/15%

Arcanic Absorption (2 points) - Increases Kinetic Shield's HP by 15/30%

Empowered Drain Spirit (3 points) - Increases damage done by Drain Spirit by 4/8/12%
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Wonderful. I actually liked this map. :thumbs_up:

The new inventory is a lot better imo. Here's a question: Are you going to be adding any new significant areas, or is this just a gameplay update?

As for talent trees, I hope you'll try your best to make it so every logical combination works just as well as the others, because most games with talent trees end up having one or two "presets" that everyone follows.
Level 11
Jun 13, 2007
Since we expanded the map size to give us more free space, we are adding new areas to the Eastern Kingdom map, including The Vormur Gardens, The Vormur Cemetery, The Vormur Catacombs, The Lost Tomb (under the barrens), and a few more areas that will be announced later.

As of right now, by the time you hit level 60, you will have completed the entire talent tree, gaining all the abilities and effects. This is just a starting point however. As the heroes expand in level, the choices will become more dynamic



Level 4
Oct 10, 2008
really good news!
TKOK is 1 of the few very good (and non boring) rpgs!
Level 6
Jul 22, 2008
Holy forking shit, great news. Truly great news. You're map is awesome ;)

The changes sounds and looks good. Hope to test soon :D
Level 4
Oct 7, 2008
I like the old inventory system than the new one. And the talents system is being done in one or more projects also.

Anyways, it's still nice to see the DotA equivalent of RPG games back. :D



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
For Haosis, it's back! I (and more NINE THOUSAAAAND) owe you one.

For a little suggestion, maybe making a single player mode, where the gameplay is more slow-paced (more than before) and the quests have cinematics? (Just a noobish suggestion, do not die just for it :p)
Level 8
May 15, 2008
You guys use a area of your map for the talent screen and stuff or is it just made on the screen with DGUI?
Level 3
May 20, 2008
This is great, my all-time favorite RPG has been resurrected. For several months I've thought this one is truly dead. I even wrote a full introduction + beginning guide to this RPG in a forum I joined.

When you first pick a hero now, you start with 0 abilities and 1 talent point to spend. 3 of the normal abilities you used to start with are available at level 1.

But actually I prefer the former way, having 4 abilities from the beginning. It is crucial for survival. Having 1 now significantly increase the difficulty and number of player required. I think there should be some way to adapt to this change, such as weaken the mob at the beginning .etc.

And welcome back, Vexen and the Crimson Creation Team.
Level 11
Jun 13, 2007
But actually I prefer the former way, having 4 abilities from the beginning. It is crucial for survival. Having 1 now significantly increase the difficulty and number of player required.

not true anymore, the starting area of the Vormur Forest and the available mini bosses are now tuned to consider this. At level 1 you have 1 ability, at level 2, you gain another talent point and gain a 2nd ability.

And at level 4 you are back up to 3 abilities. by the time you unlock some of the new quests to fight the new mini bosses you will have enough utilities to help you fend them off.

The game play is different from what it used to be, many of the combat features have been altered as well, you will see in the up coming new demo

But you will inevitably have surges of units (and why you're recycling units at all is beyond me).

When a unit is spawned and registered to the Damage System, Healing System, and Unit Properties. If we recycle that unit, those events and variables do not have to be reassigned whenever a new unit spawns, which happens a lot with the normal spawns, the unique monsters that can randomly spawn, and now when bosses reset with your party wipes

It seemed to just be easier this way, and avoid event leaks
Level 3
May 20, 2008
not true anymore, the starting area of the Vormur Forest and the available mini bosses are now tuned to consider this. At level 1 you have 1 ability, at level 2, you gain another talent point and gain a 2nd ability.

And at level 4 you are back up to 3 abilities. by the time you unlock some of the new quests to fight the new mini bosses you will have enough utilities to help you fend them off.

True, still getting to level 4 in the latest TKoK is pretty easy.

And will it be 1.24 compatible? And as Blizzard supports bigger map size, up to 8mb, there will be space for various things.
Level 11
Jun 13, 2007
The talent tree looks better that way.
Also, how do they look when disabled? Just using the disabled icon thingy?
Still looking pure awesome! Keep up the utterly amazing map-making!
EDIT: Are those red outlines the "disabled" abilties? They don't really look very good :(

The red border is the disabled, other wise we would need ~60 icons per tree, and until that patch comes, we are running tight on space as it is + we need room for the items that are to be added in
Level 8
Aug 6, 2008
Recycling units is the best way to do this stuff, PurplePoot. Creating new units all the time is just terrible waste, and it makes stuff unnecessary hard to code.

But hey, whose that Fled guy you mention there? Is it Fledermaus?
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007


  • talenttree.jpg
    69.2 KB · Views: 336
Level 8
Aug 2, 2008
I stilll wonder how you guys make the FSI multi player instanceable...
These Icons used are destructibles or units? Or has every player his own Inventory-Placement on the Map? Could you say how big the map now is Vexen? Or show us some Screenshots of the terrain :D
Edit: i mean the new terrain^^
Level 8
May 15, 2008
They are probably destructibles and to make the inventory or the bag system MUI, they might be using DGUI and creating the inventory for the Local Player. And its not MUI but MPI. There's no point of having the full screen systems MUI if one player could only see one at a time.
Level 8
Aug 2, 2008
I think you can't hide/create units for special player this would give you desyncs...
The only way it could be can be the function "SetUnitVertexColor(red, green, blue, aplha)...
Don't know if this makes it possible beacause on the screen it looks like dragging the icon on its place...
Will test the SetUnitVertexColor in one of my fullscreen System :D
And i think the FSI of TKoK is in vJass nuow not like Toads System in ugly normal Jass or?
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
Explain recycle system please

When the mob get to 0 hp he isnt killed but is hided and is putted in an array with with other mobs like him and when the respawn system needs to spawn a mob it isnt creating a new mob but is pickin a proper one from that array, setting its hp to max, moving it to the spawn point and showing it. And it goes on an on...
I cant say thats the way they did it but thats one of the ways ^^
Level 8
Aug 6, 2008
If Fledermaus is behind it, they probably use damage detection to find out when unit is about to die and fake its death. Something like in that system moyack released.
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