The Founding of Durotar: Enhanced

Founding of Durotar: Enhanced

Founding of Durotar: Enhanced, as the title says, is an improved version of the original campaign featuring new models, abilities, and music. The purpose of this campaign is to give the player the opportunity to choose among 18 specializations for Rexxar rather than the default Beastmaster, similar to Legacy of Lordearon.


- Choose among 18 heroes with unique abilities!
- Custom music from World of Warcraft for each map.
- Custom models, icons.
- Rexxar's Stash can now be accessed in all maps.
- 10 unique items to obtain when playing on Hard difficulty.
- 3 additional side maps and an epilogue:

  • Ragefire Chasm: A replica of the 5 man dungeon from WoW located behind Morg Wolfsong. This map is part of the objective for the Warlock Coven quest.
  • Valley of Spears: A cavern filled with centaurs located in the northeast of Voljin's new base. This map is part of the objective for the Khan Gragtor quest.
  • Epilogue: Tells the story of Rexxar after the events of Act Three extracted from the Cycle of Hatred novel.


Blizzard, johnwar, Ujimasa Hojo, Asssssvi, JetFangInferno, Deolrin, epsilon, Nighmare Moon, Hellx-Magnus, The Panda, JesusHipster, Vinz


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The Founding of Durotar: Enhanced (Campaign)

Level 2 Metamorphosis says 0 HP. Anyways, nice edit. However, abilities are regular ones. Nothing fancy overall, just some replayability value added. Classes are purely gameplay mechanics not influencing the story in any way from what I can tell...
Level 3
Apr 26, 2018
Becoming an agile or intelligent shooter is indeed a novel experience. It would be greater if the other three brothers also have some room for choice, otherwise the gameplay experience is still close to the original version, where Chen is still core of the team.
Level 2
Jan 15, 2023
The customisation options for Rexxar are really well made, most are balanced with a few exceptions like the fury warrior having 100% cleave damage with lvl 4 cleave. Would have been nice to have the ability to customise Carine, Rokhan or Chen a bit but having it like this still gives the feeling that you are basically playing the original which is nice
Level 8
Dec 1, 2021
I want to share some point.
-Rexxar class that has skill Cleave is really strong in this campaign.
-The item artifact reincarnate bugging, if already reincarnated and the hero still carry that item and died again. It disappear and the hero not revived at resurrection stone. If the item drop after reincarnate, that will not make hero disappear
-I not really sure that I already discover all artifact. Most artifact on chapter 1 are useful for early game.
-Kinda not feel big difference, only custom Rexxar and several new items. The rest still feel the same.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Level 2 Metamorphosis says 0 HP.

Anyways, nice edit. However, abilities are regular ones. Nothing fancy overall, just some replayability value added. Classes are purely gameplay mechanics not influencing the story in any way from what I can tell.


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Level 8
Oct 22, 2004
i enjoyed the option you can customize rexxar. the story is of course the same, but it was nice to tinker around all those classes and specs! rexxar's survivability seems to alter a bit , so its a nice challenge too. the custom models and new random loot were nice to enjoy too. and kudos to the added epilogue as well. nice job
Level 5
Apr 19, 2016
Love the concept, feels like this is how this campaign should have been :D Adds replayability and roleplaying to this RPG-esque campaign.

What it really needs now, would be a balance patch. Many of the abilities are very weak, which means they don't scale well into late game, and are also not balanced well between eachother. This makes some classes way worse than others. For example, Shaman Healer's Q (lvl 4 heals for 800 during 12 sec) is nothing compared to Healing Wave that your troll companion has, and the Spirit Link also isn't that good in 99% of the campaign, I'd wager. Some tooltips need fixing, like Shaman-Elementalist's R (Monsoon) lvl1 and lvl2 both say 50 damage, so it's same as Starfall that the Marksman has, only limited to a smaller AoE.. I didn't test it yet, but I hope it would do more damage on lvl 2, and more damage than the huge AoE that Starfall is.
I think probably all Rogue types are just subpar as well. The Assasin Rogue, the one with poison spells, has 2 spells that are basically the same, and the ultimate is really disappointing (-8hp/sec in an AoE), looks weaker than basic spells.
Another example is Command Aura (40%) vs Trueshot Aura (50%) - the Command Aura here is way better because it'll work on melee units, compared to the 10% more from Trueshot which doesn't works only on ranged resulting it to be an overall weaker buff.

Consider that there are Spell Immunity items, which, of course, are almost a must to collect, but many spells that are cast of self or other heroes, will be useless if you do have those items. So, another thing to think about would be making those buff spells be able to target spell-immune friendly units, same as Healing Wave already does.

What it needs IMO are ability tweaks/revamps that would make the spells viable both early and late game, meaning at least scaling the numbers should be changed, including mana costs.

Unrelated to abilities, I've noticed weirdly balanced enemies in Act2 starting map - some enemies are the same as in Act1 while they should probably have a much higher attack damage, like the rest in Act2 have. I honestly don't know if it's an oversight from the vanilla campaign, but it's something you might want to change purely if you feel like it, as it's nothing really important.

Oh yes, one more thing: Rexxar's stat growth per level - now I'm not sure about this due to lack of testing, but it seems his stat growth might be the same as in Vanilla, which is ok for Strength-based classes, but Agility and Intelligence based ones will not be on par then. As I'm saying, I didn't test all the classes to see if it's tweaked accordingly. For now I can say that my Marksman simply has loads of Str, and very little Agility, despite him being Agility based, and me buying loads of Agility tomes for him

Hopefully you continue to improve on the campaign, I'm looking forward to complete the campaign with the Marksman and then with some other classes as well :)
Level 4
Jan 25, 2022
It was too hard to play death kinght class because other hero aren't undead and must of death knight skill need to play with other undead units ex. death coil to heal your undead friends , Death Pact and Dark Ritual that Sacrifices a friendly Undead and reanimated skill has long cooldown. It will be better if change reanimated to Raise Dead and make death coil , Death Pact and Dark Ritual can use to all unit
Level 2
Aug 31, 2024
A complaint or bug that I have is that in the first mission after collecting the emerald herbs, when trying to return to Drek'thar I go through the portal and the game kicks me out of the campaign, I have tried it many times and it is still the same, is there any recommendations please it's a bit annoying
Level 4
Jan 25, 2022
in Act 2 when rexxa death he not reincarnated and all of his item drop to the ground , so i try to enter to another map raxxa return but his class change from warrior back to beastmaster.