• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Texturing and Surfacing Mini-Contests - Information Board

Texturing and Surfacing Mini-Contests Information Board

This idea is not quite new. It was awhile when I suggested to Archian about making smaller scope texturing contest to attract more people around.

The way this could work is as follows:

  • we suggest ideas in this thread(could be bumped once in awhile after the main contests or the previous mini one)
  • we make a poll lasting roughly 6 or 7 days with the proposed themes/we take what ideas seem the most appealing out of the suggested ones without the poll. Depends at best.
  • we launch the contest, lasting about 14 or 15 days(hence the mini-contest idea), hosted in this section to bring more attention and life to it.
  • naturally, we won't have polls since judging will account for 100% of the winning factor.
  • last but not least, we post the results in a separate thread in the same section.
  • prizes would most likely consist of 25 rep for the winner and 15 and 10 rep for 2nd and 3rd place 10 for participants that finish their texture.
  • we could give out an award icon for the winner or not. That factor will be discussed.
Bumping here a few people, @-Grendel, @~Nightmare, @morbent, @Wisdom, @Archian, @Just_Spectating, @Red, @RED BARON, @A.R., @Traggey, @chr2, @Stanakin, @GhostThruster, @Sin'dorei300, @Mr.Goblin, @Blood Raven, @Bernkastel, @UgoUgo .

What do you think people? Good, bad, improvable?


Mini-Contest List:
  1. Mini-Texturing Contest - Skeleton Units [Completed]
  2. Mini-Texturing Contest - Halloween [Completed]
  3. Mini-Texturing Contest - Christmas [Completed]
I'd say the idea is neat. I'll start by proposing a few themes:

-Doodad sets (essentially remake one of those "Doodads0.blp" files which contain textures for a wide variety of ingame doodads)
-Custom attachment textures (any attachment here on hive that uses a custom texture will do)
-Critters :3
-Powerups (Retexture the models of item pickups like Treasure Chests, Coins, Bundles of Lumber, Runes etc)
-Tiles (Just terrain tiles :p)

I'll add more as I think of them. Also I'll probably join, I've always liked the idea of a mini contest ;)
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Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
Sure, I like the idea about re-texturing some "useful" models in the game (like Blood Raven suggested) or simply some textures that could really use a facelift (like when @67chrome helped me reskinning all those Skeleton textures for my Diablo campaign long time ago, and @A.R. the Ghoul and Zombie textures). But that will, of course, depend on the chosen theme. I'd say go for it.
Proposed themes(includes those that have been done):

  • Doodad sets (essentially remake one of those "Doodads0.blp" files which contain textures for a wide variety of ingame doodads).
  • Custom attachment textures (any attachment here on hive that uses a custom texture will do).
  • Critters.
  • Powerups (Retexture the models of item pickups like Treasure Chests, Coins, Bundles of Lumber, Runes etc).
  • Tiles (Just terrain tiles).
  • Cyberpunk - is a very broad subject, from neon clad street punks to destructive machines and Cyber-world creatures, there's a lot of creativity to be had here.
  • Facelift - I would say that the unit should still very clearly be identifiable as the original unit, the color schemes and general shapes should be the same, however the rendering of shadows, highlights and details should be greatly improved from the original texture, including material definitions and lighting.
  • Skeleton Units - done.
  • Warhammer.
  • Trolls.
  • History.
  • Ogres.
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Alright, liking your enthusiasm guys. I'd say that we ditch the theme poll stuff since it might stretch too much and interest wwould most likely be lost.

How about we start with a simple theme for the first mini contest.
I'd say either the Beastmaster or the Skeleton. These could be face-lifted as Archian suggested or brought into the cyberpunk theme as Traggey mentioned.

What do you think about these?
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Level 20
Nov 1, 2010
As for the facelift I would say that the unit should still very clearly be indentifiable as the original unit, the colour schemes and general shapes should be the same, however the rendering of shadows, highlights and details should be greatly improved from the original texture, including material definitions and lighting.

Cyberpunk is a very broad subject, from neon clad street punks to destructive machines and Cyber-world creatures, there's alot of creativity to be had here.

Some general rules should of course apply, the texture should fit within WC3's style but should feel distinctively cyberpunk.
Should take full advantage of the Unwrap and should take how the unit animates into consideration, if for example you are turning an organic unit into a machine you wouldn't want mechanical parts where organic animation is super active.
I was hoping for some more freedom, but I suppose this will have to do. If I had to choose between the two, I'd say skeleton, its alpha helps creativity. We could also have a selection of models instead of on single model, for example all skeleton models instead of just the sword-wielding skeleton, that would give some more freedom aswell.
I will keep that suggestion in mind. For now, I think that we'll start off with the skeleton models. Easy and fast for a first and greater variety in in-game models. Those being, Skeleton, Skeleton Archer, Orc Skeleton and whatnot.

Theme will be Skeleton Units.

Will probably start this off next week after I've posted the poll for the 25th Texturing Contest. Lazy, I know : p
Yes, the duration of it will be around two week since it's a mini contest and it's usually the span of time during which most members do their work before losing motivation or get flooded by real life stuff.

I think that this is reasonable.

The thematic of the skeleton models found in game that will be available to be textured is open. Since we haven't got a mini-contest in some time and people should have some time to get accustomed to the flow of it : )
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Deleted member 238226


Deleted member 238226

i need to restrain myself from taking more project than that i should. :p

this looks interesting. skeleton theme? i just need to know when this start and the deadline. and then maybe i could throw something in here.
Alright alright, calm your hype down if possible : )

Will start this off tomorrow morning since at the moment I've just started shaping up the presentation fonts and stuff needed for it.

Those being, Skeleton, Skeleton Archer, Orc Skeleton and whatnot.

Theme will be Skeleton Units.
Yeah -Grendel, you heard me well!

Warhammer theme will be taken into account for another time. No worries.

'hope that this will shower your expectations greatly.

Edit: This thread might be de-sticky'ed each time a mini-contest starts and sticky'ed when themes are suggested for the next one(if that happens).

Check it out!
Cool mojo guys. Added.

'Indeed-ish'. Reason being that having polls and all that waiting time takes away from the idea of mini in the first place. It's a mini-contest and it must stay as tight as possible even if fewer than three people submit their entries.

Having polls besides judging does make it tedious and a bit unneeded. I prefer to keep it simple and clean without all the technicality of a full blown contest from the Arena.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Lemme first say I don't have a problem with it; not only as a non-Contestant, but even as a bystander, I'm cool with 100% Judges.

'Indeed-ish'. Reason being that having polls and all that waiting time takes away from the idea of mini in the first place. It's a mini-contest and it must stay as tight as possible even if fewer than three people submit their entries.
Ah, so for speed. Ok.

Heinvers said:
Having polls besides judging does make it tedious and a bit unneeded. I prefer to keep it simple and clean without all the technicality of a full blown contest from the Arena.
And simplicity. Cool.

I wasn't so much concerned about your reasons (though it's appreciated); I was more calling out the fact that you used the word "naturally" without explanation. Why is not having a Poll 'natural'? It could almost be argued to be the opposite. (though again I don't disagree with doing so)