Terraining Contest #13 - Fictional World Wonder

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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006



Fictional World Wonder
Feats of extraordinary engineering or aesthetic skill; participants are to design a fictional structure that is quite literally wondrous to behold


  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme. If any model does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
  • Your submission must be posted before the deadline. The post containing your final submission must also contain the following:
    • An in game screenshot showing your submission in action.
    • The file in the appropriate format.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of your submission, before the deadline, as proof that it’s yours.
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges may not participate.
  • Teamwork is not allowed.
  • Imports may be used in the map, however they must all be credited and be "approved" by the contest host.
  • Map may consist of any resource as long a it is public.
  • Unless a used resource belongs to either hiveworkshop or Wc3 Campaigns, a link to the used resources must be provided.
  • No image editing tools may be used to enhance the terrain (however you may use them to crop).


  • First Place: 45 reputation points and your entry on the award icon
  • Second Place: 30 reputation points and an award icon
  • Third Place: 15 reputation points and an award icon


  • None
  • None

Measurement of displayed creativity in terms of execution and/or concept (theme)./15

Measurement of detail in design and overall detail balance. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder./15

Measurement of executional quality, techniques, tricks and overall terraining capacity./15

Overall quality of the terrain in terms of appearance./20
  • 75 % of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
  • 25 % of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.

  • The contest shall begin on Date and conclude on Monday, 29th August, GMT
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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
M0rbid has tasked me with hosting this contest. I took the liberty to modify a few aspects in terms of judging criteria (see aesthetic criterion) and description.

I found that judging an entry from such an aspect as theme was somewhat redundant in a sense.
So I replaced it with aesthetic, seeing as overall appearance should be a contributing factor in an art contest (and a major one at that) :p

I didn't specify a deadline yet, a matter which I will attend to shortly.
Level 23
Dec 20, 2009
So will the theme points go into the creativity part? If so, I appreciate it, because for me those overlapped often anyways!
Also good job on the image ;)
In case the contest should end after my exams, you can count me in as a judge I assume, but that is - right now - no promise ;)
Also the poll/judge relation make it 1/4 :p
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
I agree about the theme, and I even think immigrating "theme" into "creativity" part seems... Strange. My personal opinion is that the theme is there to restrict people from not doing whatever they want to do, if they make a terrain that do not follow the theme, it gets disqualified, if not, then it gets accepted. As black and white as that is what I think it should be, that and I find the mere notion of judging a terrain per "how much it follows the theme" to be utter bullshit, as I've stated on many occations before.

In other terms, good job fladder, and this seem to be a grrrrrrrrrreat outset for a promising contest.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
] [highlight]Issuing this clearly right now as I fear I may have been vague on this particular aspect[/code] [
Hmm, i may join, but, i was wondering, Do we have to create a single structure, or can we like make a whole area and one structure in the middle? Something like that?
The theme is to portray a scenery in which a fictional world wonder is demonstrated (preferably highlighted).
There are no restrictions on how this scenery is to be portrayed, the only restriction is that it has to include a designed structure of extraordinary engineering and/or aestethic feats*.

The structure has to be architectural, not a feat of nature.
I agree about the theme, and I even think immigrating "theme" into "creativity" part seems... Strange. My personal opinion is that the theme is there to restrict people from not doing whatever they want to do, if they make a terrain that do not follow the theme, it gets disqualified, if not, then it gets accepted. As black and white as that is what I think it should be, that and I find the mere notion of judging a terrain per "how much it follows the theme" to be utter bullshit, as I've stated on many occations before.
As per my intentions, the theme will not be judged. The merger of creativity and theme implicates that concept ingenuity will be judged, not how well the theme is demonstrated.
So yeah, I agree with pretty much everything that has been said here, especially the utter bullshit part.
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Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
At first I was like COOOOOOOOOOOL :D

Then I saw structure then I was like AWWW :(
Good luck to the people entering.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
That doesn't make sense.
If you want to judge, then judge. If you think you are too noob, don't judge.

Simple bro. :3


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
~:Time to relentlessly post links so I seem official:~
C&C are welcomed :p this is a early wip by the way, and i don't know if im going to stick with it.
I like the concept actually. Too early for my two pennies worth though.
Hmm, I won't say too much, but this is a WIP to what, i am Hoping to do.
Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest. This contest hasn't been properly approved yet, and has therefore not officially started. Of course, this puts me in a dilemma since it is my obligation to honor the rules, but I personally find that it really doesn't matter at this point since I won't know if people started working ahead of time anyhow.

Unless you... you know, post a wip.

- What to do?
At first I was like COOOOOOOOOOOL :D

Then I saw structure then I was like AWWW :(
Wait, what? What did you expect? And since when are structures negative?
- Shed some light on this would you?
That doesn't make sense.
If you want to judge, then judge. If you think you are too noob, don't judge.

Simple bro. :3
No, this doesn't make no sense. What does make sense is this.
I want to be a judge but I don't think I have enough experience.
Don't think I've seen you post an elaborate review yet, so I can't tell if you're capable of judging.
But thanks for the application, it's not a definite negative.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
You should post recent judging you have done in the past as your evidence to fladdermasken and he will reveal your destiny.
In judging, of course.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
I already PM'd him about it (because I'm awesome), and he said he only gets 1 hour of power..
Like M0rbid said, patience is needed :]
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