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Terraining Contest #10: Poll

And the winner is...

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007




PLAYABLE SURREALISM: Having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream


Theme Description: The theme is Playable surrealism. The contestants were to create a playable terrain that would depict the world of dream.
  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme. If any terrain does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
  • Your submission must be posted before the deadline. The post containing your final submission must also contain the following:
    • A few in game screenshots showing your submission in action.
    • The completed map in the appropriate format.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of your submission, before the deadline, as proof that it’s yours.
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges may not participate.
  • Teamwork is not allowed.
  • Map may consist of any resource as long a it is public.
  • Unless a used resource belongs to either hiveworkshop or Wc3 Campaigns, a link to the used resources must be provided.
  • No image editing tools may be used to enhance the terrain previews (however cropping is allowed).
  • The contestant's map can not exceed the file size of 8mb.
  • Map size must be 64x64
  • Adding triggers is allowed but WILL NOT be judged on. They are simply for your own satisfaction.
  • Protecting your map is prohibited. The terrain will need to be looked at both in game and in the world editor.
  • First Place: 45 reputation points and your entry on an award icon.
  • Second Place: 30 reputation points and an award icon
  • Third Place: 15 reputation points and an award icon


  1. M0rbid.
  2. Arcany.
  3. Megafyr.
Contact the host if you want to be one.


60 % of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
40 % of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.

Final Score = (Judge's Score)*0.6 + (votes/(total votes))*40 = (score)/100

Inviting your friends to vote for you, bribing random members with rep and otherwise cheating with the VB poll system will get you DISQUALIFIED, BANNED from future contests, -REPPED, and possibly INFRACTED. So don't do it!

This includes, but is not limited to, sending PMs out to various users, getting other people to send those PMs, advertising this contest on other sites with the intention to gain more votes (whether it is explicitly stated or not), and so on. If you are suspected of cheating, the staff will notify you and interrogate you (hopefully) over PMs.​


The poll shall begin on 17th October and conclude on 31st October, 2010 GMT
Too bad I had to choose just 1. Voted for Raven0 though.

I don't like that many entries use some crappy camera system.
This is a terraining contest, not a mapping or triggering contest.
Nobody will test the maps in-game, just in the Game View mode in WE, most likely. (not counting those who vote for their friends, not even checking what the entries are)

But it would be nice if the maps were renamed so all had the contestant's name in it. Some are too similar, might cause miss-votes.
Level 31
Apr 17, 2009
You're supposed to test it ingame cause it's a playable terrain.
And playable means be playable without the help of an triggering.

I like Oziris terrain, but I found a little bug, but funny thing ^^
I used the Blink ability to teleport out of the playable area and now I can walk on empty star space :D

And the long downloading times because some people were too lazy to export the few models from the UTM and uploaded the whole UTM is very annoying.
Level 5
Sep 27, 2007
Really outstanding job by all the participants, I'm still mulling this over in my head. There was a great deal of creative and technical ability showcased here.

When applicable, the camera systems, and descriptions were often instrumental in setting the scene. Though the former were somewhat cumbersome; I would have liked to unlock the camera under certain circumstances.

I was very impressed with all the submissions, haven't seen this level of creativity here for a long time. I hope I'll see more from all of you in the future.
Raven0 i think was the best one :)
Maybe but he used invisible platforms instead of terrain ground, that means that you place units or building in WE on the ground! Also whole terrain in above ground creating camera bug each time when you scroll down or up!

Without unused doodads (large file size) and invisible platforms this one get my vote for sure!

Small Review

laserdude -> The Void:

Very small file size is maybe only good thing about this one, terrain look average but for this kind of contest, very poor, no imported models, no custom cliffs no custom tiles or anything that can increase terrain quality! Idea is very simple, random shitz all over place, there was no some epic special or lightning effect! No need to explain it anymore!

OffGraphic -> wtffail:

Worst entry for this contest, nothing personal man but this was created in 10 min!
Nothing more to say.

De.Facto -> Terraining Contest #10: Surrealism:

Really epic idea! Nice usage of alpha tile, epic models!
Decent file size and number of imported doodads! Special and lightning effect was perfectly used!
But there is really bad thing, walls, walls size ruined terrain, without triggers this map can’t show much!
Sry dude, you won’t get my vote :p

Oziris -> Terraining Contest 10b:

Cool idea, still you somehow created it wrong, invisible platform again, huge file size (4.7 MB is really bad), there is no room for 10 units at many locations! Still special and lightning effect usage is great!
In few words, epic terrain but hard to find where to use it!

The_Olorin -> Terraining contest - Surrealism:

Now this is fancy terrain, but why so many doodads that block view! Bottom part of terrain is unusable!
Also pathing blockers ruined my vote for sure, hero with summoning spell or blink ability can easily ruin gamepaly!

johannesr -> TC10v3:

Unfinished terrain, there is no need to explain!

chilla_killa -> Surrealism by chilla_killa:

1 word: Empty!
Cool blizzard cliffs and models show us how even map without 2 many imported stuff can look cool!
Still as I already said above it’s empty, you missed few special and lightning effect at first place!
Playability 100%, quality 50%, sry buddy!

Evil_Redneck -> Surrealism - Islands of Dreams Final:

Don’t know what to say really, some cool ideas like awesome wisps really impressed me, but why that black terrain, and for then end size, file size ruined everything, sry dude, but 7.8 MB for 64x64 playable map that should be used by another dude is really bad! Add few triggers and maybe map preview and you killed multiplayer!

eMo2LoVe -> 13:

Again we have empty terrain here, you can’t build building (only on snow terrain), some ways are narrow. Also some doodads are placed there as units, changing color or transparency is cool idea, all walls should be created in this way! Really cool but because we don’t look at triggers you won’t get my vote as well!

Raven0 -> TC10 Enter the Dream

Maybe the best entry right now, but invisible platforms used instead of terrain ground won’t impress me, damn you can’t place units or building in WE on the ground! Also whole terrain in above ground creating camera bug each time when you scroll down or up!

Without unused doodads (large file size) and invisible platforms this one get my vote for sure!

As you can see many of you showed me really cool stuff, some ideas are really great and less or more all entries are good! But I won’t vote this time :p, have a good day and again good luck guys!

Damn maybe I should be judge -.^'
Level 6
Apr 29, 2007
Don’t know what to say really, some cool ideas like awesome wisps really impressed me, but why that black terrain, and for then end size, file size ruined everything, sry dude, but 7.8 MB for 64x64 playable map that should be used by another dude is really bad! Add few triggers and maybe map preview and you killed multiplayer!

Yea, mine was 7.8 mb because I used a different template instead of the UTM 3.0. I was too lazy to take out the stuff I didn't use hehe. What black terrain are you talking about?

Also, unlike most people who did a Star type theme, my inspiration came from the old Myst game, thus the fog and dense type map.
Level 8
Apr 6, 2008
This is really as journey to a dream....

i played all maps... only way to launch is a "test map", however.
What i can remember (and was most impressive), a wizard-racoon (Oziris), think i found the icy tower behind the burning star, but nothing happened.
A beautiful map by Raven0, filled with interesting objects and ideas.
A nice look had the map with planets and a little world (3rd person)
And the 4 rooms by The_Olorin - it has a more "finished" look.
De.Facto's map... The heaven may let you go (although it was difficult), but not the hell)
All in all, this is awesome contest.

Its good vote isnt such important, i would've chosen The_Olorin, Raven0 and Oziris. well, it's Enter the Dream.
Level 14
Jul 28, 2009
hm. my first idéa was a castle theame, but i left the contest and joined like 1 day before the deadline >.>


Guys, is possible too revote?
I kinda missed the "View Result in Poll" button and voted on myself
so i could check the votes >.<

Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I vote for raven i love all the floting rocks and the malestormloking like thing in the midle
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Alright, I've watched through the lot and concluded with the following:

I love De.Facto's terrain, it is truely a work of art. Hence I shall vote for him.
Raven, the terrain really looks messy, but I suppose thats part of the gimmick, however it just didn't cut it for me. And I can see that you did it in a rush, you dont seem to be a bad terrainer, I just imagine what that terrain COULD look like if you had HAD better time.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
ohh... poor chilla you cant face the fact that some1 is beter then you ohh... poor litle thing lets cook you a dinner.
you do realize, that chilla was just kidding?
well... the fact is that the chilla_gorilla guy voted for chilla_killa, as well as another account with no posts created in the same day as chilla_gorilla, which is called Operator1337.

Both created in the same day they voted. All of the three have the same realm in bnet, the same clan, and the same race.

I find it quite weird.
Level 23
Dec 20, 2009
Those are set like that to all registered users by default, unless changed after verifying email and customizing profile. =P

The IP check should probably take care of the other things you stated...

Well this will be taken care off. In order to keep this thread clean from those discussion please now skip this topic in here, and stay ontopic ;)
Thank you all!
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