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Some Patch Fixes To Request...

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Level 5
Oct 29, 2016
I have some thoughts that if ever these fixes in a list would be taken into Blizzard and maybe modders and mappers community will be bigger and do their project more of ease. Here is a list of things to consider (I wish):

(a) Trigger into MPQ
--- This is a big shot. If we ever be able to import custom triggers into mpqs and we are able to have some custom spells that we also lessen the loading time. That if for example, a modder has 500 custom abilities that if he could save them into some '.j' or '.slk' file to the mpq and it would be easy.

(b) More Object ID combination and limit increase?
--- Well if you have more than 26^4 + 9^4 custom objects then your ids will need conservation. Big modders need some additional ids or just fixes that include combinatins like '9CHK', '3480' that includes number at the beginning. Maybe we have additional 9^4 + 26^3 custom objects more.

(c) WC3 equivalents of WoW Models?
--- This might be a big patch or total revamp. Maybe Blizzard could release some Warcraft III versions of their creatures (base models are enough) that take part in WoW games. We need to see some Dire Horns, Gorlocs, Moargs, and stuff like that sometimes. It will be awesome if they release base wc3 models monthly and people could mod it.

(d) Larger World Maps
--- Maybe if we can have 500x500 or 700x700 maps to create then maybe we may have a larger world to do and it would be awesome like it a big war.

(e) Lightning Speed Loading Time
--- If they increase up loading times in maps and stuffs like 1.5x or 2.0x.then it will be cool.

(f) Additional Team Colors
--- Maybe if we can see Neon Green, Magenta, Flesh, Maroon, and Black official team colors and maybe we can use it in cooler ways.

(g) Editable .SLK files
--- Well if they give us power to mod since WC3 survives because of mappers and customizers. Slk files need some impenetrability and invulnerability to corruption and easy to edit it.
I have some thoughts that if ever these fixes in a list would be taken into Blizzard and maybe modders and mappers community will be bigger and do their project more of ease. Here is a list of things to consider (I wish):

(a) Trigger into MPQ
--- This is a big shot. If we ever be able to import custom triggers into mpqs and we are able to have some custom spells that we also lessen the loading time. That if for example, a modder has 500 custom abilities that if he could save them into some '.j' or '.slk' file to the mpq and it would be easy.
I have no clue how writing a seperate .j file would benefit loading times in any way.

Importing script via files directly would be a nice feature, but the return of investment is definitely not there from a developers perspective. In other words: the required changes in the game's structure is not worth the miniscule amount of convenience added for mappers.

(b) More Object ID combination and limit increase?
--- Well if you have more than 26^4 + 9^4 custom objects then your ids will need conservation. Big modders need some additional ids or just fixes that include combinatins like '9CHK', '3480' that includes number at the beginning. Maybe we have additional 9^4 + 26^3 custom objects more.
If over 1.7 million rawcodes (not including symbols, which are also allowed) is not enough for your map, then you are doing something terribly wrong. Also, the editor will probably take years to open the object editor for that map...

(c) WC3 equivalents of WoW Models?
--- This might be a big patch or total revamp. Maybe Blizzard could release some Warcraft III versions of their creatures (base models are enough) that take part in WoW games. We need to see some Dire Horns, Gorlocs, Moargs, and stuff like that sometimes. It will be awesome if they release base wc3 models monthly and people could mod it.
Blizzard does no longer create content for WC3. It doesn't make sense from an economical perspective.

That being said, with the announcement of SC remastered we might eventually get a WC3 remaster too, which might come with some updated models.

(d) Larger World Maps
--- Maybe if we can have 500x500 or 700x700 maps to create then maybe we may have a larger world to do and it would be awesome like it a big war.
Not possible. The maximum map size of 480x480 is hardcoded into the game code. Extending this limit would require a refactoring of many game internals, including the AI.
Besides, if you need a map that large, then, again, your map design is probably terrible. 480x480 is already gigantic and only very few mappers have ever managed to actually fill a map that large with meaningful content.

(e) Lightning Speed Loading Time
--- If they increase up loading times in maps and stuffs like 1.5x or 2.0x.then it will be cool.
Requires code refactoring and a complete remake of the map file specifics. Very unlikely. Also, WC3 will most likely stay a 32 bit application, which will always cast a giant shadow on what you can do on modern machines.

(f) Additional Team Colors
--- Maybe if we can see Neon Green, Magenta, Flesh, Maroon, and Black official team colors and maybe we can use it in cooler ways.
Uhh... actually, why not allow us to pick player colors freely by RGB?
Teamcolors are actually saved as textures inside the game MPQ. Teamcolors are not generated by cell-shading or vertex coloring.
But it shouldn't be impossible to change that, though. However, why limit the request to a selected few? Allow us to pick team colors freely from RGB palette then.

(g) Editable .SLK files
--- Well if they give us power to mod since WC3 survives because of mappers and customizers. Slk files need some impenetrability and invulnerability to corruption and easy to edit it.
You can already edit and import many .slk files like lightning.slk.
(f) Additional Team Colors
--- Maybe if we can see Neon Green, Magenta, Flesh, Maroon, and Black official team colors and maybe we can use it in cooler ways.
As Zwieb mentioned, I'd rather have the ability to change team colors to any of the 16.8 million colors a computer can display instead of some hardcoded ones!
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