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Sect of the Holy Mother 6

Yes, finally it is here, the Sect of the Holy Mother 6 - Black Riverside. Those of you who remember Admiral Chronicles monologue about the subtitle of this map will understand that it's best to turn off all lights and increase the volume of your speakers/headphones.

I've tried something new for the first part half of this cinematic and I hope you will like how it turned out as much as I do.

Well I don't want to spoil anything else, have fun and I hope you like it.

Feedback is always welcome of course :)

Small Update: Fixed the typo that the mod pointed out, added sound to the exploding barrel which was missing, fixed the camera when Nikola is running away from the hound(kept the camera going through a building when he is waking up from falling from the planks, intentionally), removed waves from the small puddle.

Sect, Holy Mother, Kafana, Nikola, Awesome, Cool, Hot, Nice, Dead, Undead, Serpent, Brutal, Black, Riverside, best

Sect of the Holy Mother 6 (Map)

07:53, 27th Jun 2008 Septimus: Good Point [+] Good horror movie for me... lol [+] William look kinda funny [+] Very good sound effect [+] Very good special effect [+] Rofl lmao, the funniest part is when they though they had luck when...




07:53, 27th Jun 2008

Good Point

[+] Good horror movie for me... lol
[+] William look kinda funny
[+] Very good sound effect
[+] Very good special effect
[+] Rofl lmao, the funniest part is when they though they had luck when somebody is bashing the door. Turn out to be pyramid head... lol, nice humor at there...
[+] This map had a lot of humor on it.
[+] Beautiful scenery

Neutral Point

[!] How the hell Nikolai and William can enter the tavern without open the door ?

Bad Point

[-] It is bad to upload those chapter separately, it would be much better if you merge it into 1 campaign so people would be able to d/l all those chapter in 1 download.
[-] A typo error detected, you written quiet as quite
[-] The final ending of this cinematic seem to contain some XXX part which is not a good thing especially there is some minor playing warcraft as well. But of well, at least it is censored.

Overall - 4/5

Septimus Comment : I want to give 5/5 for it, but after seeing the ending for it. I decided to give 4/5 instead.

MasterHaosis: Septimus and I had conversation about this map, and we decided to change rating of this map from recommended to higly recommended. CMarket, man next part quickly !!
Level 1
Jul 23, 2007
Love these cinematics

All of been good and there is no voices but still great. Voices increase file size anyway. I havn't watched it yet but looking forward to it.
Level 13
Jan 3, 2008
OoooooOooooh! this sounds interesting i will tell how great this is after i watch i will use the magical Edit button Wow!! i am very impressed by this this made my day But.. that part.. the XXX part was freaky.. Richard and Carolina!? Eeeewww Good thing it was censored oh and BTW the part at the town scared me till i peed my pants off
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Level 5
Aug 19, 2007
lol xD

an interisting combination of half life 2 sounds and silent hill modells/setting - it was pretty entertaining
and finally after many weeks of bad and plebby cinematic finally something good n enjoyable
(i say the animals in the beginning are eating him xD)

the biggest minus goes for the camera which sometimes runs trough buildings
but i like how you straightly follow the rule: never let a camera stand still *thumbs up*
but in the town, when you are showing the scene from ego-perspective you should shake/sway the camera to simulate his footsteps

and i dunno why there was a wet spot on the road, but you could at least remove waves on rolling shores 'cos it looked rather odd ^^

and the thing between karolina and richard? wtf xD that was kinda annoying
but where is the "XXX part" (the mod said there is) i havnt seen it :D i just read an "Oh! Richard!" - may be it's an "Oh! Richard! What are you doing here?" ^^ "Oh i just wanted to say goodnight before i go into my tent nextby without doing anything sexual or ambiguous to you" (my interpretation of the ending xD)

"[!] How the hell Nikolai and William can enter the tavern without open the door ?" (quote mod)
maybe they are dead xD they died inside blackriver without knowing and the landlady is also dead and doesnt know that they don't know that they are dead and everyone else they meet from nowon is also dead already 'cos they all died by a meteorite that hit the earth and they are trapped in a world between life and death for eternity and tomorrow is christmas and i m ending this post now great work since this is finally one good cinematic 5/5 bye
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Thank you all, it's comments like this that keep me working on the cinematics :)

Regarding the moving through door, well, there really wasn't any house with that kind(or any other for that matter) of animation.

Regarding the camera going through buildings: The part where Nikola is running away from the plagued hound was not intentional, but if I moved it a bit away from the building it would seem like he is stroling around it completely. The part after he falls down was intentional(I wanted that effect, just for a change from the old ordinary camera rotate). If it was a real problem I'll make sure never to repeat it.

Thanks for the comments and the rating!
Level 7
Sep 6, 2007
I found the part VI just today when I was browsing hiveworkshop. I saw this map before and I was like: Oh... ok! I'll watch it :D

I watched all the parts from 1 to 6.

Part 1 was boring, nothing special (sorry).
Part 2 was near it and I didn't see a lot of improvement.
Part 3 improved a lot! It was a lot more interesting.
Part 4 also improved a lot! Among the first 5 it was surely the best one. I was kind of hanging on the scenario :)
Part 5 was good, but worse than the 4th one.

Part 6 - Best of all! My congrats. Now this one realy got me hanging on the scenario! I was like: Omg, what'll happen next?

The thing with the Black Riverside was realy good, but it was more like a filler :p
Other than that the scenario hasn't advanced a lot, but the chapter was DEFINITELY worth it!

Now I'm realy exited about the next chapter.
You want to give a release date ? :p Would love to watch the next chapter!

I gave it 5/5
Level 17
Sep 8, 2007
Wow, I see you become better with each part of this story. You gain 5/5 from me for sure, I really enjoyed watching this. However, I have a question...the ending, it was a little bit....wierd xD if I understood it correctly...did Karolina and Richard had sex?!?!?!? ^^
Level 13
Jan 3, 2008
Wow, I see you become better with each part of this story. You gain 5/5 from me for sure, I really enjoyed watching this. However, I have a question...the ending, it was a little bit....wierd xD if I understood it correctly...did Karolina and Richard had sex?!?!?!? ^^

probably... Didn't you see the part where Karolina screams "Oh! Richard!" Part? :xxd:
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
This is the best cinematic you made so far. You will have to work really hard to make next part better than this :D
Only bad thing I saw wast that barrel of explosives that Williams shot exploded with no sound.
I see you keeping some mystery about sound that only Nikola hear form 4th part.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Yes, indeed I'll have to work hard to make it better. Regarding the explosion, I was sure that I put the sound when it was supposed to explode...hmm, must have missed that by mistake. I'll update it later.

EDIT: Updated it and fixed this issue along with a few others(camera, waves).
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Level 24
Jan 19, 2008
Well once again you did an great cinematic here :p
I really have to say that you have improved like hell while doing these and finally the terrain is getting better :D
All bad things I have to say is that the forest roads were kinda dull cause they where to linear and they were made only by using one type of tile, but otherwise it was great as always :) (I volunteer for testing the part 7 also :p)
+ I don't think it was fair to drop it from 5/5 to 4/5 cause of the ending >_>
Level 3
Jul 3, 2008
Aaaarghh !! I was watching it at night, and i didn't knew what was waiting me xD
But i like it. You are a genius ;)

Btw, is Karolina a Serbian name too ? It's pretty popular in Poland :p
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
I will group them 2 per row. Anyway the Sect of the Holy Mother 7 is coming out today around noon GMT time, possibly sooner. All I need to do is test it one last time and make sure everything is as it should be.
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
dwarfs numbers cant get any bigger

i like these cinematics. though i would like 2 say somthin serious.

You should give credit to Harry Potter(JK Rowling) and The Lord of the Rings ( Jrr TOlken)
because in the 5th part, you use the line " There is no good or evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it" that is directly from harry potter, sorcers stone.

and you use the spell " bombarda " which is also in harry potter.

and the idea of the ghoul following nikola is a smeagol thing ( from LOTR ) ( but you dont have to really credit that)

just credit J K Rowling. IT would suck if she came along, watched your cinematic, and then sued you xD

other than that though ,, EVERYTHING is 1000 /5 !!!!!
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
dwarfs numbers cant get any bigger

i like these cinematics. though i would like 2 say somthin serious.

You should give credit to Harry Potter(JK Rowling) and The Lord of the Rings ( Jrr TOlken)
because in the 5th part, you use the line " There is no good or evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it" that is directly from harry potter, sorcers stone.

and you use the spell " bombarda " which is also in harry potter.

and the idea of the ghoul following nikola is a smeagol thing ( from LOTR ) ( but you dont have to really credit that)

just credit J K Rowling. IT would suck if she came along, watched your cinematic, and then sued you xD

other than that though ,, EVERYTHING is 1000 /5 !!!!!

First of all, yes, that quote about power is from HP, but there are many similar quotes made even before Rowling made the book. Most of them mean the same but don't sound as good and I really couldn't think up anything better to say about power in that sense so I had to use her quote. And the spell wasn't bombarda, it was bombus.

And no, I did not set the ghoul to be a smeagol, as you've probably seen in part 8. I didn't even have the slightest thought that somebody would see him as such(and neither did I).

Anyway thanks for watching the Sect of the Holy Mother.
Level 16
Apr 2, 2008
What are you talking about it can get a lot bigger!!!!

Level 4
Jan 4, 2008
Okay i just love theese Cinematics. Your the best cinematic making guy in the whole world. Shaun said: "Oh! Richard! What are you doing here?" ^^ "Oh i just wanted to say goodnight before i go into my tent nextby without doing anything sexual or ambiguous to you" That really mad me laugh so hard that i cried. But then again i cant belive that people were scared of the Haunted town part. Well its really scary but comon ^^ Im 12 years old and i Watch Horror movies from day 2 day ^^ Come on GIRLS !! Grow up ^^
Well now you gave a 4/5 without a reason so that's pretty much the same. I have no problem with criticism, in fact, I praise criticism but only if it is constructive.

Let me see if I can help.

Some of these points may just leave you laughing because they are so minor, but hopefully they actually help..

-Voice acting was near terrible. It was better than most cinematics I'll admit, but could still use a lot of work. Sometimes their voices didn't seem to match their bodies if that makes sense; I just watched The Lone Panther Chp. 1 again and specifically the uncles voice seemed very out of place.
-Voice quality could be better. I don't know if it's because of the microphone used or the outbound audio quality, but when you're making a single player map and don't care about map size, you should really look to max the quality of the audio.
-Far-z clip was too short. In many places the map just sort of seemed to stop abruptly. You can fix this by increasing the density of your fog and increasing the far-z clip.
-Terrain was excellent though if I had any complaints it would be that the trees and rocks and things seemed to all be the same size, which people probably wouldn't notice. Maybe I'm just being too picky here.
-Camera movement was VERY smooth; I was impressed, but in certain parts it gets really choppy then smooths out again. I'd recommend avoiding camera objects and attempt to use specific camera settings (pan) more. If you're using GUI you can try using pan camera with interpolated height.
-Custom tiles sometimes didn't look right. Specifically the bricks in the room with Reege seemed enormous.
-Because your maps focus on storyline as opposed to action, you may consider paying attention to unit's animations. There is a lot of standing around in your maps, and I'm sure you'll find a way to make the characters animations match what they're saying.
-More 3d sounds. You demonstrated excellent camera control in your maps and I believe using 3d sounds will benefit the outcome a lot. You can keep the talking at voice over level but other things like sound effects will actually sound better if they produce less volume at distance.
-Minimap images and loading screens (this is my most LOL dumb criticism) look pretty bad. Your fan base is huge and I'm sure you could find some budding artist to make better looking ones for you.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
See, was that hard? :)

Now I can improve :)

Well, for the voices, I know they are low quality but I had to reduce their size because some of my fans still have dial up and I want to make my map available to everyone of them and not just those with a high internet speed.

Far-z was at maximum almost always. My problem is that I make large landscapes of terrain that don't fit in the maximum 10000 far z :(

Hmm, I thought my doodads were scaled rather naturally. I always put a doodad next to a unit and then take a look at what the best size of that doodad should be.

Alright, I'll try to adapt my animation to the voice actings(but sadly most custom models(if not all) have no real voice animations)

I'll try to add more 3d sounds :)

Well, maybe that's your opinion, but I found that all of the others found the minimap and loading screen very well made.

Thank you for your review, this actually does help!
I'm glad this helped. I would say next time I review I'll point out the smaller (in my eyes less important) things but it seems Septimus doesn't want me to review your maps anymore. Something about communism and taking away my rights. (Just kidding he didn't say anything about commies :p)

When I said use animations I didn't mean find one that makes them look like they're talking (no unit animation that I know of besides portrait of course has a moving mouth)

What I mean is, when for example someone gives an interjection or points something out, you play a specific animation. Hope that makes sense.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Yeah, I sort of get what you mean. But the fact is that most custom models have Stand, Attack, Spell, Death and Decay animations. I'll try to find a way to make the animations and voices sync but I doubt it will be easy(or possible).