Yes, finally it is here, the Sect of the Holy Mother 6 - Black Riverside. Those of you who remember Admiral Chronicles monologue about the subtitle of this map will understand that it's best to turn off all lights and increase the volume of your speakers/headphones.
I've tried something new for the first part half of this cinematic and I hope you will like how it turned out as much as I do.
Well I don't want to spoil anything else, have fun and I hope you like it.
Feedback is always welcome of course
Small Update: Fixed the typo that the mod pointed out, added sound to the exploding barrel which was missing, fixed the camera when Nikola is running away from the hound(kept the camera going through a building when he is waking up from falling from the planks, intentionally), removed waves from the small puddle.
Sect, Holy Mother, Kafana, Nikola, Awesome, Cool, Hot, Nice, Dead, Undead, Serpent, Brutal, Black, Riverside, best