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Ragnaros Hero Concept




Ragnaros, Lord of the Fire Elementals, and one of the great calamities of Azeroth. Ragnaros, in this Hero Concept, is a main Spell Caster with a touch of Bruiser playstyle. This Hero Concept introduces a few functionalities that until now were not present in Warcraft 3 gameplay, like ability charges and Drag & Drop spell cast, all coded by myself. Thanks to all that have been credited for their awesome work on models, effects, icons and code libraries, and please, if you find that no credit was given to you for your work here or credit were given by mistake, let me know, so I can fix it. Enjoy!

Explosion Rune

Living Meteor


Lava Elemental

Sulfuras Smash

Molten Shield
















  • Murlocologist
  • Ether
  • Magtheridon96
  • Empyreal
  • Verxorian
  • TriggerHappy
  • PrinceYaser
  • AZ
  • Power
  • Systemfre1
  • Mythic
  • Bribe
  • MyPad

  • Requirement Systems updated to their latest versions.
  • New Library PluginSpellEffect
  • Spells that require SpellEffectEvent by Bribe now also requires the new library.
  • Explosive Rune now has a local cooldown for every ability instance instead of a global one.
  • Requirement Systems updated to their latest versions.
  • Requirement Systems updated to their latest versions.
  • Concept ported to LUA
  • Required systems updated to their latest versions
  • Updated to use the latest version of the requirement libraries
  • Adjust the starting height of abilities that use Missiles
  • Updated to use the latest version of the requirement libraries
  • Fixed a bug in the Lava Elemental ability vJASS version
  • Removed a global constant not being used in the Afterburner ability in the vJASS version
  • Updated to use the latest version of the requirement libraries
  • Lava Elemental v1.6
    • Updated to use the new CrowdControl system
  • Sulfuras v1.6
    • Added a new configuration GetStackCount, that determines how many normal kills Ragnaros must make before gaining the bonus damage
  • Sulfuras Smash v1.6
    • Updated to use the new CrowdControl system

Pack updated to match my standard requirement libraries. For those who cant open the map due to a problem in the editor when trying to load Object Data, get the Object Data here.

Hero Concept (Map)

Ragnaros Hero Concept (Map)

A truly scathing entity, Ragnaros makes known his seething hatred for life, from the smolders of leaves to cataclysmic searing flames. The all-burning heat overwhelms even the most ardent foe, as ice shall know vapor, and as snow enters hell...
Level 3
Dec 30, 2018
The spells are incredible such as charges and Drag & Drop spell cast. I like it take some reference from HOTS too. Especially Would port them to my AOS map. Credits would be given but it was never released. Thanks for the effort.:psmile: Oh, ya can't wait what you have in store for Mannoroth, The Destructor!
Level 20
May 16, 2012
Thx all!

The spells are incredible such as charges and Drag & Drop spell cast. I like it take some reference from HOTS too. Especially Would port them to my AOS map. Credits would be given but it was never released. Thanks for the effort.:psmile: Oh, ya can't wait what you have in store for Mannoroth, The Destructor!

Use it however you like it :), and soon enough Mannoroth will be upon us.
Level 8
Jun 13, 2008
It's nice to see that various people who inspired from other Blizzard games started doing these different and modern lore-based hero thematic spellpacks.

It's like you guys started a new genre in the spells section:)
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
When I saw all these incredible spell packs, I thought there was a hero-spell contest going on. Turns out people are just making incredible things without needing any encouragement. Fantastic.
A truly scathing entity, Ragnaros makes known his seething hatred for life, from the smolders of leaves to cataclysmic searing flames. The all-burning heat overwhelms even the most ardent foe, as ice shall know vapor, and as snow enters hell.

Ragnaros has quite the arsenal for dispatching his foes, and none shall face his wrath and tell the tale.

Now with that, let's get started on the spells that might have to be addressed.

Explosive Rune

A moderate to heavy AoE burst damage spell, Explosive Rune does sell the inherently combustive nature of the Fire Lord known as Ragnaros. Adding a charge system is a nice touch, too.

However, the charge system operates on a global scale of units, which is questionable, considering the period of time between each iteration. This actually leads to more of an overhead than creating a timer for instance.
Lava Elemental

I'm not sure if the Lava Elemental being unable to move, if that Lava Elemental was spawned from the ground (not targeted), is intentional. If so, I'd recommend hiding the move ability ('Amov') for the user's sanity.
Sulfuras Smash

Not much to say here. Indentation is a bit wonky on the following chunk:
                exitwhen i == j
                    set v = BlzGroupUnitAt(g, i)
                        if DamageFilter(source, v) then
                            if DistanceBetweenCoordinates(x, y, GetUnitX(v), GetUnitY(v)) <= aoe then
                                call UnitDamageTarget(source, v, 2*damage, false, false, ATTACK_TYPE, DAMAGE_TYPE, null)
                                call GroupAddUnit(aux, v)
                                call UnitDamageTarget(source, v, damage, false, false, ATTACK_TYPE, DAMAGE_TYPE, null)
                set i = i + 1

Considering all points, I would consider the above issues minor, so this bundle is approved.
Level 20
May 16, 2012
Explosive Rune

A moderate to heavy AoE burst damage spell, Explosive Rune does sell the inherently combustive nature of the Fire Lord known as Ragnaros. Adding a charge system is a nice touch, too.

However, the charge system operates on a global scale of units, which is questionable, considering the period of time between each iteration. This actually leads to more of an overhead than creating a timer for instance.


Lava Elemental

I'm not sure if the Lava Elemental being unable to move, if that Lava Elemental was spawned from the ground (not targeted), is intentional. If so, I'd recommend hiding the move ability ('Amov') for the user's sanity.

The lava elemental not being able to move is intentional but removing the move ability make it so that the elemental cannot rotate towards it's target when attacking, and that do not look good.

Sulfuras Smash

Not much to say here. Indentation is a bit wonky on the following chunk:

Level 20
May 16, 2012
Hello, I want to use the triggers to make it a boss, but there is a spell that doesn't work when I create a new no-heroic unit. This is the "Explosion Rune". The "Conflagrate.mdl" does not appear and does not deal damage.
Thanks for help.

Explosion rune uses the event "A unit learns a skill" to create whats necessary for the spell to have it's charge system and by simply add the ability to your non-heroic unit this event never happens and the spell system never gets activated. One possible solution for you is to make your unit a hero and at the proper moment you add a skill point to the hero and order it learn the skill, this way it might work.
The living meteor seems like it would be a satisfying ultimate skillshot. Not sure why when it spawns it moves towards rag and not away. The lava elemental spawn seems like it shouldn't be bigger than rag himself as it dwarfs him in comparison. The hammer toss is hilariously oversized. I see this working more for one of those god maps where dark iron dwarf players will be making sacrifices too rag. Fireshield wasn't present in the version I tested, was it removed or is it being reworked?
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
It is bringing Warcraft 3 hero concepts, RPG maps, boss maps (anything including epic fights with abilities) accessible to the masses (like myself).

There is no denial of how impactful such a release is.


When I saw all these incredible spell packs, I thought there was a hero-spell contest going on. Turns out people are just making incredible things without needing any encouragement. Fantastic.
Same, I was like "okay there's a hero contest going on".

EDIT: Also the GIF for the description should become the norm, it's just awesome to see at a glance what this big boy is looking like.
Level 3
Dec 25, 2020
I got missing level info error instead, how to solve? I have heard of sth. about MPQ browsers for such errors but any recommendations else


  • missingLevelInfo.png
    64 KB · Views: 79
Level 20
May 16, 2012
Which version of the editor are you using when trying to open the map? That's usually a compatibility problem if I'm not mistaken. Whoever, you can use the Object Data I attached in the thread and import it to a new map in the editor and copy the codes from this thread in the "Preview Triggers" options. You can also use an MPQ Editor to open the map and extract the models I used.
Level 3
Dec 25, 2020
It's 1.28f. I also installed World Editor Extended Sharpcraft.

If I import strings or import file from import manager in the world editor I still cant open the map for missing level info error. Import all object data gives me another error about not having enough memory to do.

Edit: Import all object data now cause a crash to desktop.


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Level 10
Jun 11, 2018
I can not get Sulfuras Smash to work with some Player colors. The spell works fine with Player 1 (Red), Player 2 (Blue) etc. but does not work with Player 18 (Peach), Player 23 (Emerald).

Know what the solution is?
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Hello ! I absolutely love this one !

I imported it in my map with a few adaptations and it seems to be working fine:
  • I replaced your RegisterPlayerUnitEvent by Magtheridon96 by Bannar's version that seems more up-to-date/optimized ([Snippet] RegisterEvent pack).
  • I renamed your Damage Interface's "Damage" struct to "DamageCache" because of a conflict with Bribe's GUI Damage Engine that I use.
  • I replaced your Unit Indexer by calls to Bribe's GUI Unit Indexer -> vJass Plugin, since I use his GUI Unit Event System.
Level 20
May 16, 2012
Hello ! I absolutely love this one !

I imported it in my map with a few adaptations and it seems to be working fine:
  • I replaced your RegisterPlayerUnitEvent by Magtheridon96 by Bannar's version that seems more up-to-date/optimized ([Snippet] RegisterEvent pack).
  • I renamed your Damage Interface's "Damage" struct to "DamageCache" because of a conflict with Bribe's GUI Damage Engine that I use.
  • I replaced your Unit Indexer by calls to Bribe's GUI Unit Indexer -> vJass Plugin, since I use his GUI Unit Event System.
thats an issue with the model itself, nothing i can do with code to fix it. You can try to ask someone experienced here in hive to fix it for you or fix it yourself using Magos Model editor
Also you should add a little note to recall the downloaders to either set "bones decay time" to 5s or Lava Elemental to "does not decay". Otherwise the death animation keep playing again and again for 88s ^^

It brain-freezed me for 30min wondering why it worked in your map but not in mine, since your import tutorial didn't mention looking at gameplay constants^^
@chopinski here I made a basic portrait model for this hero.

I started from your normal model.

I opened it with "W3 Model Editor" to
- Create a basic "Portrait - 1" animation from an existing sequence

Then I opened it with "Retara's Model Studio" to:
  • Copy/paste a background plan with player color from this model.
  • Removing useless nodes & mesh for the portrait (lower body parts, weapon, hands)
  • Creating a "Camera01" for the potrait.

You can add it to your spell map if you want :)

Also, do you plz know who I should give credits to for the models used in this map? I like giving credits to the model authors & system authors, but in your credit list I don't know who made what :)


  • Ragnaros_Portrait.mdx
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Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
You could look at the triggers and attempt to reason through it?

There's only one trigger called Living Meteor under the Spells folder... so you should probably copy that, right? Then a big trigger folder called Libraries that contains all of the required libraries for all of the spells to function. You can either import all of them and hope that nothing in any of them affects other stuff in your map (which they probably won't) or manually go through the list of requirements for the spell you want and then grab all of those libraries and all the libraries that they themselves require.

library LivingMeteor requires RegisterPlayerUnitEvent, SpellEffectEvent, PluginSpellEffect, Missiles, MouseUtils, TimerUtils, Utilities optional Afterburner
Level 10
May 25, 2021
You could look at the triggers and attempt to reason through it?

There's only one trigger called Living Meteor under the Spells folder... so you should probably copy that, right? Then a big trigger folder called Libraries that contains all of the required libraries for all of the spells to function. You can either import all of them and hope that nothing in any of them affects other stuff in your map (which they probably won't) or manually go through the list of requirements for the spell you want and then grab all of those libraries and all the libraries that they themselves require.

library LivingMeteor requires RegisterPlayerUnitEvent, SpellEffectEvent, PluginSpellEffect, Missiles, MouseUtils, TimerUtils, Utilities optional Afterburner
I had done all you suggested B4 I asked (I changed also the Ability's raw code to the appropriate one in my map). But the ability doesn't work in-game in my map: there is casting animation, cooldown and my hero looses his MP but no graphics and no effects.
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Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
I cannot tell you anything besides what I typed above because those are the steps. You need to learn how to do this process yourself by following steps and then checking over everything you imported. This is a vitally important skill for you to learn because nobody can toubleshoot in a situation like this unless you upload your map (but please don’t do that; you need to become self-sufficient).

If you have grabbed all of the important code then the ONLY other thing it could be is… configuration. So look through the configuration section and make sure there are no other rawcodes or other things that need to be changed. Maybe there is a dummy unit or another ability or something else that needs to be corrected.

Yelling “I TRIED BUT IT DOESN’T WORK” into the void is not helpful. That gives no information for anyone to go on.
Level 10
May 25, 2021

Yelling “I TRIED BUT IT DOESN’T WORK” into the void is not helpful. That gives no information for anyone to go on.
I didn't yell at all. Where did you get that idea from? I was very normal then, and still am. Why are you so emotional (out of nowhere) this time? Maybe your works are exhausting you.
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Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
"Yell into the void" is an English expression. It means to say whatever you're saying into lifeless space where nobody will hear or respond, no matter how loud you might be (like if you give no information, then nobody can help you).

I'm only bothered because you keep asking people to do things for you instead of learning for yourself. Even when told exactly what to do you still didn't do it.