Yu'lon Hero Concept



Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent. In this Hero Concept, Yu'lon is a main Mage specialized in displacing and disrupting the battlefield. Thanks to all that have been credited for their awesome work on models, effects, icons and code libraries, and please, if you find that no credit was given to you for your work here or credit were given by mistake, let me know, so I can fix it. Enjoy!

Dragon Scale

Dragon Burst

Dragon Dash

Whirlwind Spin

Yu'lon Blessing

Draconic Discharge

Dragon Zone















  • N3rth (WCU)
  • Arowanna
  • Magtheridon96
  • AZ, Blizzard
  • TheKaldorei
  • Zipfinator
  • AnsonRuk
  • Palaslayer
  • N-ix Studio
  • IcemanBo
  • AGD
  • Wood

  • Release
  • Updated to use the latest version of the requirement libraries
  • Changed the base ability of Dragon Dash and Whirlwind Spin to Channel to smooth out animations.
  • Draconic Discharge v1.2
    • Fixed a bug causing units not to take damage and get stunned
  • Dragon Burst v1.2
    • Updated to use the new CrowdControl system
  • Whirlwind Spin v1.2
    • Updated to use the new CrowdControl system
  • Draconic Discharge v1.3
    • Updated to use the new CrowdControl system
    • Removed a leak inside the onCast method
  • Dragon Zone v1.2
    • Updated to use the new CrowdControl system

For those who cant open the map due to a problem in the editor when trying to load Object Data, get the Object Data here.

Hero Concept (Map)

Hero Concept (Map)

What else can I say about this other than being stellar as usual? Well done, Mr. Chopinski. Status: Approved Version Reviewed: Version 1.2
Level 4
May 19, 2020
If your world editor cant open the map because of an Object Data error, here is the Object Data for you to import
Your work with Spells is as amazing as the way you organize your own presentation for the community here at Hive to enjoy, congratulations.
I find its AoE and "knocks back" effects surprising, in Wc3 are few abilities that use blows that hurl enemy units into distances. Remembers many BFME2 spells. I think it would be a good suggestion to try to create blows that throw enemy units away, but not only moving away by a distance, but also trying to change the height axis (Z), as if they were being hit that actually "fly" away ... lol
Don't stop proposing for more units, continue this excellent work for more and more Spells differentials within Reforged.
By the way, the last Spell of this (Dragon Zone) is awesome, it will be great for a Priest or Paladin.
Level 10
May 25, 2021
If your world editor cant open the map because of an Object Data error, here is the Object Data for you to import
Hello, where should I import this .w3o file to?
And I am a " level-2-newbie" to World Editor so that I don't know how to add this fantastic hero to a blizzard map (e.g. the map in my attached image)


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Level 43
Feb 27, 2007
Really wonderful work! But do you have the triggers in GUI please? Thanks
No, this is a JASS/Lua resource, but the triggers have comments to help you understand/configure the spells. Transpiling back to GUI would be a huge amount of work and generally isn't something you want to do when code becomes complex, since usually you started working directly in JASS/Lua because GUI did not allow you to easily do what you needed to do.
Level 19
Oct 17, 2012
You can use Map Adapter to make the map compatible with your preferred Warcraft III patch or try to import the Object Data attached to the first post in this thread to your map and copy the code from Preview Triggers to your map.

Beware that the code may be using native functions that are not available in 1.31. You will have to replace them. At times, there might not be good alternatives for some of these native functions on a older patch, so it might not be possible to get the true experience of these spells on an older patch.

To make copying the code easier, I attached below the Trigger Data file for this spell pack. See if you can import this into a blank map and then from the blank map copy the triggers to your map.

Ok, I just now tested importing the trigger data in the 1.31 World Editor, and all relevant triggers are properly imported.

After I compiled the code, it threw a few errors that you should watch out for, namely the ones that concern native functions introduced in new patches.
BlzSetUnitFacingEx and BlzStartUnitAbilityCooldown are used in the code and are not available in 1.31.

Fortunately, there is a workaround for BlzSetUnitFacingEx, which is using SetUnitFacing instead. However, BlzSetUnitFacingEx is instant while the latter is not. As for BlzStartUnitAbilityCooldown, one solution would be to use a dummy ability as mentioned in Force Cooldown.


  • Yu'lon Hero Concept.wtg
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Level 43
Feb 27, 2007
My version of Warcraft is version 1.31, so I can't open your map. I want to learn your trigger of Dragon Zone, Draconic Discharge, Dragon Burst and Dragon Dash. Can you make a low version of the map? ? ?
If you just wish to see the triggers (but not be able to edit or copy-paste them) you can view them from this resource page. Look for the section called "contents" in the resource post, then in the map info pane there is a button called "Preview Triggers" that opens an (uneditable) HTML version of the triggers.
You can use Map Adapter to make the map compatible with your preferred Warcraft III patch or try to import the Object Data attached to the first post in this thread to your map and copy the code from Preview Triggers to your map.

Beware that the code may be using native functions that are not available in 1.31. You will have to replace them. At times, there might not be good alternatives for some of these native functions on a older patch, so it might not be possible to get the true experience of these spells on an older patch.

To make copying the code easier, I attached below the Trigger Data file for this spell pack. See if you can import this into a blank map and then from the blank map copy the triggers to your map.

Ok, I just now tested importing the trigger data in the 1.31 World Editor, and all relevant triggers are properly imported.

After I compiled the code, it threw a few errors that you should watch out for, namely the ones that concern native functions introduced in new patches.
BlzSetUnitFacingEx and BlzStartUnitAbilityCooldown are used in the code and are not available in 1.31.

Fortunately, there is a workaround for BlzSetUnitFacingEx, which is using SetUnitFacing instead. However, BlzSetUnitFacingEx is instant while the latter is not. As for BlzStartUnitAbilityCooldown, one solution would be to use a dummy ability as mentioned in Force Cooldown.
When the trigger data is substituted, there are no trigger contents in it, only the names of those triggers!
Level 43
Feb 27, 2007
do you have any plans to upload Yu'lon as a model for a dragon hero? also it would be great to actuely get the spell's/ability's. couse i would like to use this unit as a character in a map im making.

This resource is approved. You can download the test map with all of the relevant code, textures, icons, and models. Use it however you want. That's the point of it being a resource here.

This resource is approved. You can download the test map with all of the relevant code, textures, icons, and models. Use it however you want. That's the point of it being a resource here.
well sure i can play the map, but i cant open it in editor, and the file fix for that you share to the other with that issue, i cant figure where to put it to work. is why i ask if you could please add the hero as a model, the spells as a file easy to as into the asset manager like the model, and they will just show up among costum ability's.

nevermind. found anoder way, the loading screen picture is here, the model is here, and 3 icon of its ability is here, but 2 ability's is missing.

if you click on the view resources in use, you see for yourself whats missing.
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Level 43
Feb 27, 2007
well sure i can play the map, but i cant open it in editor
Using an editor version many months/years out of date because you are unwilling to update isn't anyone's problem but your own. (Yadda yadda Reforged patches have been total ass, yes.) The map opens just fine; I downloaded it to check before I replied to you the first time.
if you click on the view resources in use, you see for yourself whats missing.
Yes, it doesn't show everything... but the models and icons you are asking about are in the map's imported files. You can get them from there; use the same imported filepaths that are are used in the map and they'll all work fine.

I honestly still don't know what you think you can't access.
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Using an editor version many months/years out of date because you are unwilling to update isn't anyone's problem but your own. (Yadda yadda Reforged patches have been total ass, yes.) The map opens just fine; I downloaded it to check before I replied to you the first time.

Yes, it doesn't show everything... but the models and icons you are asking about are in the map's imported files. You can get them from there; use the same imported filepaths are are used in the map and they'll all work fine.

I honestly still don't know what you think you can't access.
4 ability's of your map is not among them. could you add those 4 icons? its dragon dash, whirlwind spin, draconic discharge, and dragon zone. its fine if its just the icone. im sure i can figure out wich original ability's you used to make the ability's, and make them somewhat similar.
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Level 21
May 16, 2012
4 ability's of your map is not among them. could you add those 4 icons? its dragon dash, whirlwind spin, draconic discharge, and dragon zone. its fine if its just the icone. im sure i can figure out wich original ability's you used to make the ability's, and make them somewhat similar.
Dude, just open the map in a MPQ Editor and extract everything you need from it... The code you can get from the Trigger Preview
Dude, just open the map in a MPQ Editor and extract everything you need from it... The code you can get from the Trigger Preview
okay, ive finaly managed to get the Yo'long look and his icon on a seperated test map, all funtional.... if its okay with you, could i have your permmision to upload him as a model for people to download? where ofcouse your mentioned as the creator, and i simply upload him as seperated model from your map.... would like to do so with his ability's and icon too once ive figured thise out as well if i have your permission to do so. just to make it more easy for other people to get each of thise and/or the model

edit. okay. i have manage to get it all imported. but yo'longs ability's effect does not happen, yo'long does the animation, but ability's effect and amimation does not happen. is the triggers required for the ability's to work? if so, can you somehow make versions that does not require triggers?

mabie you could guide me over discord to make it all work.
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Level 2
Jan 1, 2023
This hero uses a lot of my [AZ] personal special effects model. I think I need to talk to HIVE personnel about this
When I open the map, the editor stops, crashes and closes. This is because it is not written in the trigger. Do it on triggers, not Jass
JASS wouldn't cause that crash. If you read the description though:

For those who cant open the map due to a problem in the editor when trying to load Object Data, get the Object Data here.
Dude, just open the map in a MPQ Editor and extract everything you need from it... The code you can get from the Trigger Preview
Ok it looks like this is a quite-annoying map to work with. The advice above would need to be taken in order to extract certain things. I don't find this to be suitable for a demo map if users can't even open it. It should probably have its problematic assets stripped and just the spells kept for the sake of the demo map.
Level 5
Sep 1, 2022
deleted fucking lilibrary
But this is done disgustingly, since it is also used with a library of another version necessary for another singer using the same library with an earlier version. Do not use libraries when creating abilities since they are no longer needed at 1.36 and there is a damage source


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  • 2023-09-11_200659.jpg
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Level 5
Sep 1, 2022
Here is a reconstructed demo map (from re-importing all the contents from MPQ Editor to a new map) that opens with the latest Reforged patch.

For those who are not confident/at ease with MPQ editor, Hive's Trigger Preview button etc...
It has a lot of problems since you need to make triggers on triggers and not Jass, I managed to reconstruct it myself. however, it causes a confrontation with the triggers of the same author from the Jaina pack and together they refuse to work.
It has a lot of problems since you need to make triggers on triggers and not Jass, I managed to reconstruct it myself. however, it causes a confrontation with the triggers of the same author from the Jaina pack and together they refuse to work.

"you need to make triggers on triggers and not Jass" ? Doesn't just importing the *.wtg file does it (like I did in the attached map above) ?

For the confrontation, did you figure out what dependency is the culprit ? Since depending of the map from Chopinski you use, the libraries might be in a more recent version.