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Chen Hero Concept




Chen Stormstout, Legendary Brew master and Monk, in this Hero Concept, Chen is a main Melee Bruiser specialized in area of effect damage. Thanks to all that have been credited for their awesome work on models, effects, icons and code libraries, and please, if you find that no credit was given to you for your work here or credit were given by mistake, let me know, so I can fix it. Enjoy!

Fortifying Brew

Keg Smash

Breath of Fire

Drunken Style

Storm, Earth and Fire

Drunken Brawler

Panda Power

























  • N3rth from Warcraft Underground
  • YourArthas and the Rebirth team
  • AZ
  • JesusHipster
  • EvilCryptLord
  • Vexorian
  • AnsonRuk
  • Darky29
  • NFWar
  • Magtheridon96
  • Bribe
  • Blizzard

  • Requirement Systems updated to their latest versions.
  • Concept ported to LUA
  • Updated to use the latest versions of the required libraries
  • Updated to use the latest version of the requirement libraries
  • Adjust the starting height of abilities that use Missiles
  • Updated to use the latest version of the requirement libraries
  • Updated to use the latest version of the requirement libraries
  • Changed the base ability of Keg Smash, Breath of Fire and Drunken Style to Channel and removed Chen Cast Point to smooth out Chen Drunken Style cast.
  • Keg Smash v1.3
    • Updated to use the new CrowdControl system
    • 2 new configuration functions GetSlow and GetSlowDuration
  • Drunken Style v1.3
    • Updated to use the new CrowdControl system
  • Fissure v1.3
    • Updated to use the new CrowdControl system
  • Fortifying Brew
    • NEW passive variation of the ability!
    • Added scaling to the damage reduction.
  • Keg Smash
    • Fixed a bug where the miss chance debuff was not being applied.
  • Updated to use version 1.9 of my Utilities library.
  • Updated to use version 2.8 of my Missiles library.

For those who cant open the map due to a problem in the editor when trying to load Object Data, get the Object Data here.

Hero Concept (Map)

Hero Concept (Map)

The latent elemental energies that surround the stout Chen are no mere magic. Despite his tendency to douse himself with spirits, the breath of alcohol that spews is not to be taken lightly. Prone to combustion, Chen's fiery energies ignite even the...
The latent elemental energies that surround the stout Chen are no mere magic. Despite his tendency to douse himself
with spirits, the breath of alcohol that spews is not to be taken lightly. Prone to combustion, Chen's fiery energies ignite
even the basest of brews, causing all unfortunate to stand in its wake to suffer a scorching and gruesome end. As a fighter,
Chen is no slouch either, as unaware opponents find themselves realizing that fact. In a pinch, Chen's elemental energies
will protect him by splitting him up into three avatars respective to them.

The roars and groans of the earth can be felt as the Earth Spirit crushes a pillar of stone to the ground, causing a pit of
rocks to ascend and stun foolish enemies who dare stand in its wake. The soothing flames that protect and invigorate the
Fire Spirit scathe any foe daring to engage the Spirit in battle. The crackling of electricity and the eminence of thunder
as conscious lightning hurls towards a point heralds the coming of the Storm Spirit.

Despite their combined fury, the avatars of Chen (embodied by the elemental energies) know that they cannot remain
in their avatar forms for too long, as the powers they hold, although powerful, are exhausted far more quickly. So stands
the legend of Chen, the Elemental Panda Warrior.

Not much to be said here in the vJASS version. All spells work fantastically out of the box.
Level 21
May 16, 2012
The latent elemental energies that surround the stout Chen are no mere magic. Despite his tendency to douse himself
with spirits, the breath of alcohol that spews is not to be taken lightly. Prone to combustion, Chen's fiery energies ignite
even the basest of brews, causing all unfortunate to stand in its wake to suffer a scorching and gruesome end. As a fighter,
Chen is no slouch either, as unaware opponents find themselves realizing that fact. In a pinch, Chen's elemental energies
will protect him by splitting him up into three avatars respective to them.

The roars and groans of the earth can be felt as the Earth Spirit crushes a pillar of stone to the ground, causing a pit of
rocks to ascend and stun foolish enemies who dare stand in its wake. The soothing flames that protect and invigorate the
Fire Spirit scathe any foe daring to engage the Spirit in battle. The crackling of electricity and the eminence of thunder
as conscious lightning hurls towards a point heralds the coming of the Storm Spirit.

Despite their combined fury, the avatars of Chen (embodied by the elemental energies) know that they cannot remain
in their avatar forms for too long, as the powers they hold, although powerful, are exhausted far more quickly. So stands
the legend of Chen, the Elemental Panda Warrior.

Not much to be said here in the vJASS version. All spells work fantastically out of the box.