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Problems with vJass in Patch 1.29

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Level 6
Oct 31, 2015
Actually I'm now using 1.29.1 but I have this problem since 1.29. I've visited a few posts about this but they were not specific to my problem nor had comments that helped me. So I started this thread to ask you guys directly. Here is my problem:

All triggers in my maps coded in vJass are getting disabled (GUI and Jass seems to be ok), I've always used Jass NewGen then I changed to SharpCraft at 1.28.5 and now I'm using the Vanilla 1.29.1 editor. I was expecting to find a lot of threads of people complaining about this with lots of replies but suprisingly to me there are too few with almost no helpful tips. So I must suppose that my problem might be in the minority of things that occured to people's maps after 1.29. I could keep going without vJass but I really would prefer to not do so. I need some direction or tips of what to do to solve this problem.

Thanks for anyone interested in helping to solve this.
Level 6
Oct 31, 2015

Thank you for replying so quickly. I will be posting here the results of my tests in about 5 hours. (I will be unable to do this earlier, sorry :S)


I'm back. I've done some testing and nothing. Sharpcraft doesn't open and also doens't display any error message. I have extracted the adresses.xml inside the plugins folder in "SharpCraft WEX Bundle (" but nothing happened when I attempted to launch the application. Sadly :(.
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Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
vJass problems with patch 1.29 seems unsolvable now. Unless:
- We have an updated JassNewGen fully compatible with WE 1.29 (since they combined ROC and TFT into one).
For now, trying to open the map will only result in WE ROC edition (and that is old 1.21 WE one). You cann't switch it to newest WE TFT edition.

- Sharpcraft can skip synctax error and fully fix address problem with vJass, similar to what JassNewGen did.
For now, trying to open and save the map will automatically disable all vJass triggers (except GUI and normal Jass triggers are allowed).

There are still many limits in patch 1.29 such as limited maximum number of AI can handle, widescreen fixed aspect problem or lagging issues in-game. I hope Blizzard will sooner fix these and also, JassNewGen/Sharpcraft authors can update these tools as well.

All vJass custom maps are limited to WE 1.27b and cannot add more slot for players right now. Sad.
Level 6
Oct 31, 2015
vJass problems with patch 1.29 seems unsolvable now. Unless:
- We have an updated JassNewGen fully compatible with WE 1.29 (since they combined ROC and TFT into one).
For now, trying to open the map will only result in WE ROC edition (and that is old 1.21 WE one). You cann't switch it to newest WE TFT edition.

- Sharpcraft can skip synctax error and fully fix address problem with vJass, similar to what JassNewGen did.
For now, trying to open and save the map will automatically disable all vJass triggers (except GUI and normal Jass triggers are allowed).

There are still many limits in patch 1.29 such as limited maximum number of AI can handle, widescreen fixed aspect problem or lagging issues in-game. I hope Blizzard will sooner fix these and also, JassNewGen/Sharpcraft authors can update these tools as well.

All vJass custom maps are limited to WE 1.27b and cannot add more slot for players right now. Sad.

Oh that's really sad to know but thank you for replying. The only way seems to be wait for Blizzard to update WE to the community's level of development or we will be dealing with new issues on every patch release. :(
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