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[General] Possible limit of working waygets to single map issue...

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Level 8
Mar 2, 2014
First really short explanation of my side project:

you start on isle and pick of 27 heroes....
on that isle are two wayges which leads to two island and each island has two waygets which leads...

Soo I have total 140 isles in my map and 285 waygates...
note: you can not go back in my map just forward

Problem:some wayges stopped working (units just stand on waygate and dont teleport) I can fix them with chaging owner (from neutral passive to hostile or from hostile to passive) it fixes certain gate but then other gate which was not bugged is bugged...

It is still playable becouse there is multiple ways to reach end... but its my first map which people actually like and want rmk, and it makes me really sad that some waygates do not work :(

Any help will be appreciated.

Edit: I go post map when I get from work out of time.D
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Level 28
Sep 26, 2009
Well, I don't know if there is a limit to active waygates, but if the limit is there, then you could try a workaround. Simply create a region over each island. Then through triggers detect when unit enters one of those regions. If there is only 1 unit in that region, turn on all waygates on that island.
Make another trigger that detects when unit leaves a region. When this trigger fires, check if there are any other units inside that region. If no unit is present, deactivate waygate on that region. You will probably need to also include a death check, etc. so no death units are picked when checking the numbers.
My gut tells me that the limit for waygates is probably around 255.

... and tbh, that's a larger amount than any sane man should ever need...

You should really consider redesigning your map if you need that many waygates.

Other than that; I'd say go with Nichilus suggestion: deactivate waygates temporary depending on where the players are. Split the map into 4 quadrants and if someone enters one of the quadrants, enable all waygates there. Unless players are in all 4 quadrants, you should always have plenty disabled.

Btw, for a maze type of map, using waygates is not a good idea as the AI pathfinding considers them as regular methods of crossing maps. In other words: players can cheat by clicking the goal, then the unit will automaticly find the right way through the gates.
Level 8
Mar 2, 2014
... and tbh, that's a larger amount than any sane man should ever need...

Not at all! :D Damn I was planing map in future "The Cube" similar to movie Cube... and I was couting 500-1000 waygates...

Last question could I fix bugged Way gates with region in the middle of them and when unit enters region.. instantly move triggering unit to desired region?
And would it leak ?

PS: I uploaded map for andreasaspenberg, you all can try fix it, just do not play it too much, I want people play fully working version:)

Edit: I just realized could not this bugg gates somewhat?
  • Waygate full work
    • Events
      • Time - Every 60.00 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set Islesmove = (Random integer number between 1 and 3)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • Islesmove Equal to 1
        • Then - Actions
          • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0004 <gen> destination to (Center of Alterantive 1 <gen>)
          • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0005 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 2 <gen>)
          • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0006 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 3 <gen>)
          • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0007 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 4 <gen>)
          • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0008 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 5 <gen>)
          • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0009 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 6 <gen>)
          • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0010 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 7 <gen>)
          • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0011 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 8 <gen>)
          • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0012 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 9 <gen>)
          • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0013 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 10 <gen>)
          • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0014 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 11 <gen>)
          • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0015 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 12 <gen>)
          • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0016 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 13 <gen>)
          • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0017 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 14 <gen>)
        • Else - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • Islesmove Equal to 2
            • Then - Actions
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0004 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 001 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0005 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 002 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0006 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 006 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0007 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 005 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0008 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 004 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0009 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 003 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0010 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 011 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0011 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 001 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0012 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 002 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0013 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 010 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0014 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 009 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0015 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 001 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0016 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 008 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0017 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 002 <gen>)
            • Else - Actions
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0004 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 15 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0005 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 16 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0006 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 17 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0007 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 18 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0008 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 19 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0009 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 20 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0010 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 21 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0011 <gen> destination to (Center of Alterntaive 22 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0012 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 23 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0013 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 24 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0014 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 25 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0015 <gen> destination to (Center of Alternative 26 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0016 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 001 <gen>)
              • Neutral Building - Set Way Gate 0017 <gen> destination to (Center of Region 002 <gen>)


  • Isles 2.5.w3x
    1.2 MB · Views: 30
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