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Hero Contest #1 - Mighty Hero

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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006

Hero Contest #1

[rainbow]Arena Gladiators participating in this contest must create a mighty hero in the Warcraft III World Editor. The heroes born of this contest must include custom abilities, capabilities, and spells.[/rainbow]

Contest Rules And Conditions
  1. No submission may violate any Hive Workshop site rules.

  2. Teamwork is not allowed: all hero builders must do their own original work.

  3. Hero Map Requirements
    • Entries must be posted as Warcraft III maps (.w3x file format).
    • The attached template map must be downloaded, edited, then submitted as one's final entry.
    • The template map's size boundaries may not be increased.
    • The template map's terrain may be edited.
    • Creeps and enemy units may be added to the map.
    • Cinemaic triggers may be included. Total cinematic running length may not exceed two minutes.
    • Regions and triggers used to control cinematics and hostile units may be included. Such regions and triggers may not be tied to any hero ability or spell.
    • No hero map may exceed 2.0 MB in size.
    • Hero Maps must be unprotected and open-able using Blizzard's Word Editor or WEU.

  4. Hero Spell Requirements
    • Spells MUST be original and created for this contest: no previous works are allowed.
    • Either (or both) GUI and JASS spells are permitted.
    • "Caster Systems" may NOT be used.
    • If third party tools not created by the contest are used (examples: CSCache, WE Warlock) such tools must be publicly available and full credit must be given.
    • Four custom spells must be included (one being an ultimate at any hero level).
    • The hero's spells can have 4 levels maximum per spell.
    • Heroes must have one (and ONLY ONE) passive ability.
    • All WE Object Editor fields may be modified.
    • Custom game play constants may be specified.
    • Dummy units, summoned units, and special effects may be included.
    • All Abilities and Buffs may be edited.
    • Please use custom objects only; do not edit standard ones. This way, it is easier for a user to locate the required objects in the map.

  5. Imported resources are permitted. [rainbow]They must adhere to the following criteria:[/rainbow]
    • All imported content MUST be pre-approved in The Hive Workshop's Warcraft resource section(s).
    • Full, fair credit must be given for all imported resources, either in the map's loading screen or an in-game quest item.
    • Participants may NOT create their own custom resources for the purpose of this contest.
      • Exception: Custom loading screens may be used in the hero Map. Credit MUST be given for the artwork whether the author created it or not.

  6. Submitted hero maps must be named thw_herocontest01username.w3x

  7. Completed hero maps must be physically attached to this thread.

[rainbow]» Hero Contest #1 Prizes And Winnings «[/rainbow]

  • First Place: 40 reputation points
    • A special award icon.

  • Second Place: 30 reputation points

  • Third Place: 25 reputation points

Contest Judging And Voting
  • 40% of the victor shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
  • 60% of the victor shall be determined by the results of a public poll.

  • Judging Criteria:
    • Is the hero original and well thought-out?
    • How balanced is the hero with default Warcraft III heroes?
    • Is the hero fun to play in the game?
    • How balanced, effective and original are the hero's spells?
    • How well presented is the hero in the submitted map?

Contest Dates And Deadline
  • Each map must be complete and submitted within one month after the contest begins.

  • The contest shall begin on 01 March, 2008 and conclude on
    [rainbow]01 April, 2008 0:00 AM, (GMT)[/rainbow]​

  • Credits to Parrothead for submitting the idea for this contest.
    Thanks Parrothead!
  • This is The Hive Workshop's first Hero creation contest. Our friends at wc3c have held similar contests, as have other sites.
  • The contest rules, while lengthy, should be clear enough. Please carefully read and understand them. Thanks.
  • [rainbow]Best luck, all Arena Gladiators! May the finest hero engineer emerge victorious! [/rainbow]


  • thw_herocontest01.w3x
    25.9 KB · Views: 313
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Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
The Defiler enters

I'm so joining:nehap:
Player NameHero nameProper name
Rakdos,DefilerDefiler legionnaireHar'tak Suevert
Does the passive ability have to be one of the 4 learned spells, or is it one that starts with the hero?
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
I'm so joining:nehap:
Player NameHero nameProper name
Rakdos,DefilerDefiler legionnaireHar'tak Suevert
Does the passive ability have to be one of the 4 learned spells, or is it one that starts with the hero?
There's no need to "register" or state that you intend to participate: simply grab the template and begin manufacturing your hero.

Yes, the passive ability MUST be one of the four learned abilities.
Level 7
Oct 5, 2007
Maybee I dont really get it but is "Arena Gladiators" the theme? Or could we just create any hero we want to!?
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
For a passive ability, could you have an ability that you cast but costs 0 mana, has infinate duration, and automatically casted when learned by trigger?
Level 6
Jun 23, 2005
I think im able to do something for this. Already made one spell today (took whole day to do it lol).

So im gona go with lightning theme...
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Bloodstorm, that's the hardest part. I spent all day yesterday and half of the day today looking till I finally found a suitable hero. Because I felt like doing a certain type of hero but couldn't find anything to match.
It's crazy annoying, but atleast i got like 30 good models bookmarked for later use now XD

Still wondering if my required passive ability can be an ability thats cast as learned but costs no mana and lasts forever, or untill leveled up then next one lasts forever.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Would I be allowed to use a Hero that will (after completion) be used in my map? So it would be something that I was going to do, that I might as well throw into the contest. I don't see why not, it wouldn't be old work.
Level 28
Jun 4, 2007
If you want to use more in WEU than the unlimited values and lesser add-in triggers you will have to enchance the map, wich will increase the file size a lot. I have had the bad luck of gettin an extra MB after enchancing.

Willl the use of GUI, JASS, WEU e.t.c. be considered when judging the maps? Cause if not, my chances might just drop the the center of the earth.
  • Heroes must have one (and ONLY ONE) passive ability.
  • Participants may NOT create their own custom resources for the purpose of this contest.

These two rules confuse me. Why do we have to have a passive ability? A bunch of wc3 heroes don't. Like the far seer for example.

And what's so bad about creating your own model? What if it's a specific special effect you want?
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
I know, the rule that states we can't create our own resources is starting to bug me. I can't find a hero model that matches the abilities I want. I'm so tempted to just go make my own.
Also, Thrikodious, whether the participant chooses to use JASS or GUI will not be used to judge, seeing how it is not included in the judging criteria. If it was, it would immediately give JASSers an un-fair advantage.

Argh! I wanted to give my hero a passive aura ability that will slow down nearby enemy units' movements and attack rate, but...

When I modified the Endurance Aura ability, the data to change movement speed and attack rate doesn't like negative numbers (eg. -0.10 = -10%) and changes to 0.00. I could swear it was possible before I installed the latest patch.

So instead, I tried to modify a slow aura (one of Tornado's abilities) so it can be used for heroes. But when the hero has learned it, the icon for the ability doesn't show up in the hero's list of learned abilities.
Level 6
Jun 30, 2006
This is not a help thread for specifics, nor a complaint thread for not being able to find a model. Please keep the bulk of this thread to a minimum. You can't create your own resources for this because if you were a good modeler, you could simply make things that aren't available to each contestant, which is unfair.

Am I allowed to use JassNewGen on this? The rules say nothing about it, and I assume I may, but it never hurts to check.
Level 17
Apr 11, 2007
Am I allowed to use JassNewGen on this? The rules say nothing about it, and I assume I may, but it never hurts to check.

Hero Maps must be unprotected and open-able using Blizzard's Word Editor or WEU.

If third party tools not created by the contest are used (examples: CSCache, WE Warlock) such tools must be publicly available and full credit must be given.

I'm assuming yes.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Argh! I wanted to give my hero a passive aura ability that will slow down nearby enemy units' movements and attack rate, but...

When I modified the Endurance Aura ability, the data to change movement speed and attack rate doesn't like negative numbers (eg. -0.10 = -10%) and changes to 0.00. I could swear it was possible before I installed the latest patch.

So instead, I tried to modify a slow aura (one of Tornado's abilities) so it can be used for heroes. But when the hero has learned it, the icon for the ability doesn't show up in the hero's list of learned abilities.

Hold down the shift key, for turning postive numbers into negative.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
These two rules confuse me. Why do we have to have a passive ability? A bunch of wc3 heroes don't. Like the far seer for example.

And what's so bad about creating your own model? What if it's a specific special effect you want?

Rule number 1: Well... to be honest, you have a point there, but then again, the majority of the heroes still have 1 passive ability.
Rule number 2: Because this contest is about the hero concept in the first place, and in order to make the contest as fair as possible, you shouldn't give modellers an advantage over non-modellers. For the same reason both GUI and JASS spells are allowed, and there are no restrictions on MUI-ness of heroes. I support this rule.

And Kaitech, engineering upgrade is passive, so my guess would be: yes.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Maybee I dont really get it but is "Arena Gladiators" the theme? Or could we just create any hero we want to!?
"Arena Gladiators" is simply my description of you, our intrepid Arena Contest participants. There's no specified theme: heroes may follow any theme devised by their creators.

Ok this might be kind of a dumb Q, but are spells required to be MUI?
I didn't originally include that in the rules. However, spells that ARE NOT MUI would loose a lot of points in the judging (at least in my book).

For a passive ability, could you have an ability that you cast but costs 0 mana, has infinate duration, and automatically casted when learned by trigger?
That might OK, but it seems like such a spell would grossly unbalance the Hero with default Warcraft III heroes.

Hey, its alright to just change names right?Anything unaffected by combat, y'know?And it doesn't have to be a melee-type or anything,does it?
The more creative, innovative and original heroes are, the better. There's a lot of freedom allowed in this contest, by all means use it!

Would I be allowed to use a Hero that will (after completion) be used in my map? So it would be something that I was going to do, that I might as well throw into the contest. I don't see why not, it wouldn't be old work.
Sure: your creation belongs to you and you can use it however you want. As long as you started working on the hero after the outset of the contest, no problem.

These two rules confuse me. Why do we have to have a passive ability? A bunch of wc3 heroes don't. Like the far seer for example.
ParrotHead mandated one passive ability in his original contest submission. Most heroes do have them, so just go for it.

And what's so bad about creating your own model? What if it's a specific special effect you want?
I know, the rule that states we can't create our own resources is starting to bug me.
Sorry guys. That rule is designed to keep the playing field level for all participants. Some people can easily create models, while others can't model at all. Let's keep it fair for everyone.

Kaitech[SanD];556233 said:
Do we get extra points for the map we make? If so I might make something like a HLW for testing purposes. Also could you make the judging criteria more specific please?
One of the judging criterion is:
How well presented is the hero in the submitted map?
So, make your hero maps as cool as possible: plenty of freedom is allowed.
My God, it's approved! Finally! Thanks, thanks and much more thanks to you, Wolverabid! +rep!

I'm gonna make the extremely rare Hero, "The Death Prophet"! I've made two spells now, and starting on the passive.

One question, can it be a active/passive? I mean, like you switch between using it and having it a passive?

Good luck to all, especially those who don't Jazz! :p
Level 6
Jun 23, 2005
My God, it's approved! Finally! Thanks, thanks and much more thanks to you, Wolverabid! +rep!

I'm gonna make the extremely rare Hero, "The Death Prophet"! I've made two spells now, and starting on the passive.

One question, can it be a active/passive? I mean, like you switch between using it and having it a passive?

Good luck to all, especially those who don't Jazz! :p

Well then it aint passive if its active. I hope you get it..
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