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Techtree Contest #2 - Altered Melee

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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006

Each contestant must create their own unique techtree for two specific races.
A techtree consists of a complete set of buildings, heroes, items and units for an entire race.

Contest Rules And Conditions
  1. No map may violate any site rules.

  2. The features that may be edited are:
    • Gameplay constants
    • Game interface
    • Object editor
    • Trigger editor

  3. Imported models, skins, and icons are allowed, but will not take part in the judging criteria.

  4. No pre-made triggered or JASS spells may be used in the map. All spells must be created by the contestant during the contest.

  5. The map's terrain may not be edited.

  6. Two existing specific races may be chosen for editing:
    • Human, Orc, Night Elf or Undead.

    • Alternatively, participants may copy and paste units from other race(s) into the World Editor's Custom Units folder.

  7. Creeps and neutral heroes may be edited as well.

  8. Marketplaces, Taverns, and item shops may be edited to make the game more interesting.

  9. Credits to authors of imports must be given either on the loading screen or in an in-game quest.

  10. Each participant must do their own original work: collaboration or teamwork is not permitted.

  11. Participants must download the (to be provided) template map, edit it and then resubmit it as their entry.

  12. The resulting map may not exceed 2MB in size.

  13. No map protection of any kind may be used. Maps must be open-able using Blizzard's World Editor or World Editor Unlimited. Protected maps will be disqualified.

  14. The submitted map must be named (4)LostTempleUsername.w3x

  15. Completed maps must be physically attached to this thread.

Contest Prizes And Winnings

  • First Place: 50 reputation points
    A special award icon
  • Second Place: 30 reputation points
  • Third Place: 25 reputation points

Contest Judging And Voting
  • Jugding Criteria:
    • Are the race techtrees original and well thought-out?
    • How balanced are the two races?
    • How balanced is the map itself?
    • If spells are included, how balanced, effective and efficient are they?

  • 40 % of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).

  • 60 % of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.

Contest Dates And Deadline
  • Each map must be complete and submitted six weeks after the contest begins.
    The contest shall begin on 09 February 2008 and conclude on
    [rainbow] [EDIT] 13 April 2008 00:00 AM,[/rainbow] (GMT)


  • (4)LostTemple.w3x
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Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Meh ... although I have many ... MANY projects on my hands, I guess I will work on them and this contest as well at the same time. I, EmBeR_NaGa, would like to participate in The Hive Workshop Techtree Contest #2 :thumbs_up:.

Also I have a few questions in mind about this contest however, my first question is ... the template map you will be releasing later on ... you cannot edit the terrain? Because it says you may not edit the map terrain. :hohum:

My second question is ... if the size limit is like about 500 more kbs than the limited amount of kbs is it still counted? Or do we have to try and decrease the size? :huh:

My third question is may me and/or we apply the Tavern heroes me and/or we edit from the Neutral Heroes to the races we make? Or must it conply with the 4 Heroes per race thing. :zip:

Quote:Imported models, skins, and icons are allowed, but will not take part in the judging criteria.

My final question is ... how do you mean by it will not take part of the judging criteria? :confused:

I hope you can answer my questions. This contest sounds really fun.
Level 12
Aug 19, 2007
What do you mean not be able to edit the terrain wolverabid? The idea was to create a map so that it will be originall and not just the same map with other races for everyone. Guess I got a little dissapointed by this.

Anyway, I'm in but I hope that can be changed... Otherwise it's not any different from the other contest except for imports and triggers.

And if that's the map we have to use and can't change the terrain, I will have to come up with new race ideas. DAMN!
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
you cannot edit the terrain? Because it says you may not edit the map terrain.
Let's NOT. This contest is to crete a techtree, not terrain. Other contests exist for that purpose.

My second question is ... if the size limit is like about 500 more kbs than the limited amount of kbs is it still counted? Or do we have to try and decrease the size?
As long as the final finished map is under 2MB, no problem. Maps OVER 2MB will be disqualified.

may me and/or we apply the Tavern heroes me and/or we edit from the Neutral Heroes to the races we make? Or must it conply with the 4 Heroes per race thing.
Everyone is free to edit their races as they see fit. So having the same exact unit in a tavern and a main race might be OK, but, would it upset the balance? Would it even make sense? It's up to the participant to do it, to we judges and voters to decide if such a feature is impressive (or not).
Imported models, skins, and icons are allowed, but will not take part in the judging criteria.

My final question is ... how do you mean by it will not take part of the judging criteria?
Once again this contest is about the techtree itself (mostly the Object Editor tweaks and spells (if any)). I actually hesitated to allow ANY imported content... It really just detracts from the techtree creator's ACTUAL WORK. Evaluating the techtrees based on who imported the most extra junk would be unwise and belittle the efforts of our race engineers.

What do you mean not be able to edit the terrain wolverabid? The idea was to create a map so that it will be originall and not just the same map with other races for everyone. Guess I got a little dissapointed by this.

Anyway, I'm in but I hope that can be changed... Otherwise it's not any different from the other contest except for imports and triggers.

And if that's the map we have to use and can't change the terrain, I will have to come up with new race ideas. DAMN!

Indeed. This contest is about the techtree itself, not the terrain. Let's keep the playing field level for all Arena Gladiators in that respect.

Terrain doesn't included doodads right? Or does it?
Doodads are models, not terrain. Jacking around with doodads is just poinless anyway. How could a doodad possibly enhance or improve the performance of a race?

One question I wondered about: If I used some of my own models, would it count negativ if I didnt give credit :con:
I'm allowing imported content ONLY if full fair credit is given for each and every imported resource (including one's own). I would expect that I'll probably have to disqualify a number of submissions for violations of that stricture. Bottom line? Don't bother to import stuff, it won't count in the judging anyway.
Level 10
Feb 8, 2006
Count me in!
'Tis strange, now we shall be able to start, after such a long waiting time...

Well, since we were trying to start the Tech Compo #2, I've been waiting, and so now I have around 12 race ideas to choose from...
What to do, what to do...
Level 12
Aug 19, 2007
Man... matyko is going to be hard!

Edit: Ok, I am going to do my stealth fiends and hopefully they will turn out all right but I'm thinking if i should make dwarves or something else for the last race. Anybody got some frozen ideas fro me?
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Level 10
Feb 8, 2006
Well my list of possible races are:
Riders (Humans): A race that builds tents, and creates walking units, that can mount a horse. You have to place horse lures to "summon" (attract) horses, that then your units can mount on, giving them increaced speed, and abilites...
Centaur Raiders (Orcs): Centaurs have only one building: The Battle Standard. These represent the battle prowess of the player, and as thus, they attract more centaurs to you (aka: PoP limit increase). You build your units with your Outriders. In metaphore it means that your outrider goes away, and finds a worthy centaur to fight for you, and then returns with him. In gameplay terms, the outrider vanishes, then apears with the choosen unit to build. This leads to very effective raiding tactics, since you can build up an army right outside the bases of your enemies. You gain recources by Slave Drivers, who summon slaves to do the dirty work (Hopefully, this'll be a modyfied Swarm ability, if that doesnt work, I'll go and trigger this :p).
The Cryptborn (Undead): The cryptborn are the perfect example of a slow, but steady race: Their capital (the Crypt)creates so called "Bone Piles", that can be enhanced into whatever building or unit you desire. Since Bone Piles build up around the crypt, they cant expand quickly, but they also have the most sturdiest of buildings. They also have walls, cheap, strong structures, that are more resilient to siege damage then most buildings.
The Furbolg Tribes (Night Elf): The Furbolg race is based upon their raw and shamanistic power, and the strength of every single warrior. They can only build so many units, but they are all strong against a certain situation. Every Furbolg unit is bound to one of their gods (This is not wacraft lore, I know): Their caster units, also known as te Kho'Stro call themselves the decendant of the Great Hawk Strom, Lord of the Skies. The Furbolg also have Tribal Fires: Here, the shamans can invoke their gods to aid the battle with powerfull and devastating spells. The tribal fire can be "charged up" with shaman, since the fire itself has no mana, and, infact, slowly looses its power, unless some shaman are there to power it.

These are the quick description of the first four race ideas I had, hopefully this'll inspire those that have no ideas....
I KNOW that we can only do two races, but I have yet to choose the races I am about to do...

There are still ten more race ideas that I didnt post yet, but I shall >:)

(If anyone likes these ideas, and whises to make one of 'em, tell me, so I wont make the same one)
Level 12
Aug 19, 2007
I will go with my stealth fiend race and probably this one:

Necropolis: Bound to the lich king no more, this necropolis has a will of its own. The Necropolis is the main and only building/unit as it can move and cast powerful spells. They will mostly have weak soldiers as they will spawn many at a time. It will probably come up corpses next to the necropolis so they can summon skeletons at all time. I'm thinking of not including heroes and instead will have extra powerful units. Because it can fly it will be able to attack the enemy base at the beginning. I'm not sure how to balance these guys. The necropolis will be able to create blight at a region so that it troops can heal.
Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
40% Finished!

Yes ... just like my title says am 40% finished :grin:. Because, am almost finished with my first race. But, however I would like to point the 2 races am making, and what their abilities are, and weaknesses and blah blah. :zip:

~Screenshots of the race can be found at the end of my post~
I will be using this race in my Naga Campaign, Rising of the Nagiranana. The units listed below is not guranteed to be official units in the project.

The Nagiranana is a new species of the Naga race that is clearly identical to them in many ways, BASICALLY, just the stronger and darker version of the Naga race. They are both intelligent and fast in battle, tactics, and magic. The Nagiranana was created by the Naga and was trusted under the care of 3 heroes and a few Naga Laboratorists.

One day, however, the Nagiranana broke out of the underwater labs and scattered all across Azeroth and Northrend. With the Nagiranana out, the Naga race is in danger of the Nagiranana at night. The Nagiranana's ultimate and true power is unleashed when the moon is out. However, the Nagiranana must stay on land, then again, the Nagiranana is capable of swimming in water but they can die if they stay in the water for a long period of time so, the Naga is safe from them in the water.

The Nagiranana is to be feared and killed. Noone can survive their wrath at Night. For this contest, I have to change that, so that everything is just about balanced but i'll still keep the Night magic active.

Starting from the top-right corner to bottom left corner in the screenshot.
Units -
Nagiranana Laborer - Build Structure, Ensnare (RH), Wind Walk (RH), Harvest Gold and Lumber, Shadowmeld.
Nagiranana Warrior - Wind Walk (RH), Defend (RH), Shadowmeld.
Nagiranana Brute - War Stomp, Dark Tides (RH), Shark Bite (RH), Shadowmeld.
Nagiranana Trapper - Ensnare (RH), Deep Roots, Wind Walk (RH), Shadowmeld.
Hero - Nagiranana Pathfinder - Wind Walk (RH), Shadow Enpower, Implosion, Darkness Incarnate, Ultimate - Deathly Transformation, Shadowmeld.
Nagiranana Scouter - Wind walk (RH), Abolish Magic (RH), Dispel Magic (RH), Shadowmeld.
Nagiranana Snap Serpent - Acid Breath (RH), Shadowmeld.
Nagiranana Siege Turtle - Shadowmeld.
Hero - Nagiranana Royal Guardian - Wind walk (RH), Tsunami, Tide Wave, Summon Sea Elemental(s), Ultimate - Summon Levianlugul, Shadowmeld.
Nagiranana Healer - Healing Water, Healing Ward (RH), Shadowmeld.
Nagiranana War Beast - Endurance Aura (RH), Water Endure, Shadowmeld.
Hero - Nagiranana Overseer - Shield Break, Devotion, Armoratorion Aura, Ultimate - Overpower, Shadowmeld.
Hero - Nagiranana Night Archer - Wind Walk (RH), Nightly Pierce, Moonlight Chant, Azshara's Grace, Ultimate - Nightmeld.

I won't put up the second race and Nagiranana Building descriptions yet. But ... I can tell you that the second race's name is "Guu'Rartar" (Goo-Rawr-Tar) meaning "Beating" or "Combat". :thumbs_up:. Good luck to the other contestants :wink:.


  • LostTempleNagirananaBuildingScreenshot.jpg
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  • LostTempleNagirananaUnitsScreenshot.jpg
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Level 3
Mar 6, 2007
Hmn.. How exactly do I get in on this contest? And the map that we are given with the pre-made terrain and all.. I can't change anything, am I not able to change the terrain and if not.. do i have to keep the creeps..?
Level 12
Aug 19, 2007
Oh read the rules. And if you want to join, just say you're in.

Edit: And ember_naga, those units look bad. And how can you be 40% done allready. The only thing i've done so far is my spider race builder.
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Level 3
Mar 6, 2007
And Now It Begins...

Alright this is much too exciting, this will be my first contest here on the Hive. I Am In!!
Level 3
Mar 6, 2007
I have a quick question.. I remember reading this somewhere, or maybe I'm mistaken but are we allowed to work with a partner in this contest on one map?
Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Lol... yup. Am a fast worker! :spell_breaker:. Now I can slack off for now since am almost done :grin:. Its amazing how much you can do during the weekend. :wink:

Meh ... I would submit the map but it says you cannot submit the map until 6 weeks have past ~.~. So I can just wait. :thumbs_up:.

Wow, you are really fast... i have do my builder and one troops for my first race (Crystal Elves or Ice Elves:spell_breaker:... i dont know, I will probably do a "Necromancer" race for the second). I have just to say to you, improve your race, add more thing and IMPROVE it.
Yeah after am done with the Techtree and units and abilities i'll start testing, improving, and changing stuff over time I mean its still the beginning of the contest right?
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
I have a quick question.. I remember reading this somewhere, or maybe I'm mistaken but are we allowed to work with a partner in this contest on one map?
I'll edit my post to make a note of that. No: each Gladiator must create their own techtree. Collaboration is not permitted in this Arena event.

Meh ... I would submit the map but it says you cannot submit the map until 6 weeks have past ~.~. So I can just wait. :thumbs_up:.
Each map must be complete and submitted six weeks after the contest begins.
That means the FINAL VERSION of your techtree must be complete and submitted before the deadline expires. One may, however, submit an entry at any time. Just remember though, only one "final" entry will be considered for judging.

Yeah after am done with the Techtree and units and abilities I'll start testing, improving, and changing stuff over time I mean its still the beginning of the contest right?

You can submit any of your work at any time as a Work In Progress (WIP). If you'd like to preview your techtree, by all means be our guest!
Level 12
Aug 19, 2007
I guess that's allowed matyko as it would open up much feedback from the testers. I am not going to release any WIP(or at least i think so) because then I would give away to much of the gameplay, which will make my final version well... let's just call it boring.
Level 12
Aug 19, 2007
This contest doesn't have the "at least one WIP" rule?

Doesn't stand in the rules.

Edit: I might have to scrap my nerubian race because there aren't enough building icons, either that or take away all the buildings.

Perhaps I'll make a walking spider queen that can lay eggs that after some time hatches and creates units... Yay!
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Level 8
Jun 25, 2007
Ok... I have started my first race and its what I have do for now... PLZ say me say me if its a good or a bad start.

Cristal Elves:
Ice Hall(Town Hall)-> do the builder
Ice Castle (Keep)-> build the builder and have the ice aura ability
Ice Citadel (Castle)-> build the builder and have the ice aura ability

Crystal Slave (Worker): Have the blink ability (only blink on a town hall)
Frost Guard: Have the Ice Defense ability (slow the ennemy who attack him)
Crystal Sniper (Archer): Have the Ice Shoot ability and Crystal Arrows
Ice Striker (Elite Footmen): Its a very fast unit (attack) and have Ice Defense and Chaos Damages.
Sorcerer: Cystal Barrier (Have 20% chance to freeze the ennemy who attack the unit for 3 seconds)/Unknow/Unknow
High-Sorcerer: Ice Nova /Unknow /Crystal Aura (Day/Night ability)/ Unknow
--Crystal Aura: At day that aura regenerate life and at night regenerate mana

P.S. The "Unknow" is some ability that i dont do now.
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Level 12
Aug 19, 2007
Ok... I have started my first race and its what I have do for now... PLZ say me say me if its a good or a bad start.

Cristal Elves:

Ice Generator (Town Hall)-> do the builder
Ice Castle (Keep)-> build the builder and have the ice aura ability
Ice Citadel (Castle)-> build the builder and have the ice aura ability

Cristal Slave (Worker): Have the blink ability (only blink on a town hall)
Cristal Guard: Have the Ice Defense ability (slow the ennemy who attack him)
Ice Sniper (Archer): Have the Ice Shoot ability and Cristal Arrows
Ice Soldier (Elite Footmen): Its a very fast unit (attack) and have Ice Defense and Chaos Damages.
Ice Wizard: Cristal Barrier (Have 20% chance to freeze the ennemy who attack the unit for 3 seconds)/Unknow/Unknow
High-Sorcerer: Ice Nova /Unknow /Cristal Aura (Day/Night ability)/ Unknow

P.S. The "Unknow" is some ability that i dont do now.

Isn't is spelled "Crystal" and not "Cristal"? I think it's a good start but you need to think out better names. To much "Ice", take frost instead or snow maybe.

And i dont like Ice generator as tier 1 when its named generator. Have something like "Ice Fort/Fortress" intstead.

OK, I am thinking about making the races not dependant on resources. Is that allowed?

Edit: Forget what i said, I've figured out a new way which will make the units able to cost.
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Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
Almost completed the first tech, just need to polish the rough edges and add the last hero, a few spells are missing as well but other than that iz awzum, a bit challenging against humans but still, iz awzum. The Race features 12 units,about 18\19 upgrades can remember exact number and 10\13 buildings *the \13 part are upgrades*. They have there racial strenght and weaknesses.
The 1st race is based on a race in warhammer and in warlords battlecry even D&D.

Can you guess what it is?

My second race is a little original, they are like a race of evil fey....
Heres a hint.
One of there unit is a boogeyman....
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
...One question though, should i make races as in plural?, or will one race suffice?
Yes. You'll need to create two separate races in order to submit a valid entry.

Riders? stealth fiend race? Nagiranana? Cristal Elves?

Excellent concepts guys! Keep up the brainstorming and all the good work. We look forward to further developments (and especially to any previews / WIPS)!
Level 12
Aug 19, 2007
OK, I've decieded that resources will only be used for items or upgrades. I also have made a little "random" unit system. Well, it's basicly dark portal with one unit created at a time. The spider queen uses lay egg and guess what? It lays an egg! The egg will after some time hatch and a warrior will be born from it. This makes it hard to create the same units and you then have to value all units because you cant survive without them. I want to include heroes in this so they will be resurected at the spider mother or necropolis. This way you can focus more on battle against the other enemy than on resource gathering. But you will need to upgrade because it will improve your units much.

I'm still not sure how to create units for the necropolis race, create corpses amd then have a raise dead or something?

Btw: Elenai, are you in this contest?
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