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[FINISHED] Spells&Systems Mini-Contest #15

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Time for the Critique~

redscores, Nice Spell.
~You need hotkeys buddy.
~Theres only 1 level for now.
~Need more Units to test this spell on.

The Reborn Devil, its nice but,
~no hotkeys.
~The wards suck out XP and gold.
~only 1 level .

BerZerKeR, Very nice spell.
~No tooltips.
~Sometimes the ward will stop attacking after 2 sequences.
~Sometimes it wont cast Chainlightning.

Kewlthis, Nice however,
~Its similar to the one in the game Moo Moo.
~The path of the trapping fire will get screwed up if there is a unit in the way.
~I can control the trapping fire.

Joe-black-5, its ok,
~Visuals dont match
~spell isnt that creative
~If that's a negative tranquility you are using then it will suck xp and gold

Spiwn, Its ok,
~My units exploded and so they dont get revived
~Revived units have a timed life
~basically just a Ressurection whenever a unit dies

Razorbrain, Nice spell.
~It was more fun to -spawn 99 locust than use your spell.
~invisible units dont get warped.
~the AoE is inaccurate.

in all very nice spells guys.
i liked redscores' and The Reborn Devil's the most
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-BerZeKeR- I found an odd bug in your spell. It appears that the units are unhidden at their "created location". I dont know how its possible, but they are, and it looked very mysterious since everything seemed fine in the triggers.
Also, is units supposed to become teleported back even if the ward dies? It would look better if they all are brought back upon ward death. (that is my opinion)

The only thing i spoted odd was the height of the dummies if there is a cliff or something.
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
Razorbrain, Nice spell.
~It was more fun to -spawn 99 locust than use your spell.
~invisible units dont get warped.
~the AoE is inaccurate.

in all very nice spells guys.
i liked redscores' and The Reborn Devil's the most
yeah, the bad thing about the Healing Ward spell is that changing the AoE wont affect the AoE it shows when you want to spawn it :S
I think my is done (but i know i forgot something, I just don't know what D:)

-------------Lightning Sentry----------


Creates an Sentry that will absorb and strike out lightning. The primary effect of Sentry is, that it charges out a Forked Lightning and to Purge nearby random unit. The secondary effect releases on a chance [%], that effect is Chain Lightning. When the time of Sentry expires the absorbed lightning will release and it will create a Static Field that will damage nearby units.

View attachment S&S#15-BZR-.w3x
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
berzeker, sorry indeed, I was talking about razorbrain's spell before. I mixed you too up >.<
I dont know why but perhaps it was due to my tiredness and that your avatars has the same colors:p

I tested all the spells now and I must say that they are all nice ideas. Sorry though, because I wont tell anything about them more than that berzeker "stole" my thoughts ^^

If I have time, I will start working on mine... (oh my...) ... Im sure Ill figure something to scrabble up :S

Level 14
Jan 15, 2007
Well there is my submission, its in vJass and MUI...

Vast Plain
Establishes 3 wards, which bind themselves up to a plain. The plain constantly moves upwards until it reaches it max powerlevel and drops down to zero. Deals various damage on falling units and decreases their movementspeed by 40% during the unit is on the plain.

Have fun with it ;). Hope you like it.

Edit: 15.08.2008 Added the fade and fixed a small bug.
Edit2: 10.10.2008 Finally fixed all bugs.
Edit3: 29.10.2008 Bug fix.
Edit4: 21.04.2009 Script optimized


  • hiveworkshop.spellcontest15.VastPlane.w3x
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Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
well, since they are not exactly the same theme, but could fit, sure, since its not the same contest really, and Zephyr will penalize the triggering much more... If you want to win on Zephyr, you better use jass, and a very efficient one.
But no, no one will stop you from post at the both contests I think.
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
which is not a lots of time left, due to my pc crash... I have to reinstall everything and such D:

... okay then... its happening again... I will not ascend to this contest due to the lack of time and due to that frikking pc-crash :/ I may would have time doing my spell if I worked the whole day now, but I cant, since Im invited to a friends party and have to find a present and pah....

Anyway good luck to you all, and dont let Hindy win :&
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Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
Yeah, I'm probably not gonna submit

I've still got questions about this TimerSystem that should be an improvement on regular attachment systems

Since I've only got about 30 minutes to write something up, I'll throw this together

I hope I do not get penalized for not having a map.

Obviously, the SFX will suck because I don't know the file-paths off the top of my head.

EDIT - Nevermind, I'm out of time here at the library ><
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
I know my entry is late but I hope you will just look at it. I just want to share my spell which I would have finished before the deadline but it was bugged so...
The caster summons an Orb of Water which gathers water from the surroundings. If the orb is placed in water, it will gather water twice as quickly. When the Orb expires or when an enemy touches it, it will realease waves of water depending on the water gathered.


  • Spells&Systems Mini-Contest #15 - WaterOrb.w3x
    34.2 KB · Views: 80
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Actually my original plan for this was that the number of waves depend on the amount of water. The damage of each wave doesn't change, but I found out it lags if lots of waves appear. (I tried it once and for some reason my computer lagged when the waves were released). So I used this new idea, it looks more logical anyway.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Contest closed, I was at a friend's house recently and was thus not inclined to be spending my time moderating.

Anyways, I don't know when the results will be up, but I plan on getting a lot more done on my programming job, which I present the proof of concept of on Friday, and thus I might be doing the marking as late as then.
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