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[FINISHED] Spells&Systems Mini-Contest #11

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Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Welcome to The Hive Workshop's

Spells & Systems Contest #11

The Spells & Systems Contest is a mini-contests due to its low requirement, time limit and prize. The aim in each contest is to make a spell that matches the specification included below. To win, you simply have to try your best to make a spell with the given theme, while considering the main judging points.
This contest's theme is


The spell must bounce between more than two targets, affecting each in some way. (Like Chain Lightning or Healing Wave, for example).
  1. Post your own work only!
  2. Only one submission per user!
  3. Don't protect your map!
  4. The spell should have been started after the contest started.
  5. Do not use custom sounds, icons or models that boost your spell's effects!
  6. Your spell must support multiple levels (at least 2)!
  7. You cannot use WEU's advanced functions!
  8. The test-map should provide proper testing of the spell (low cooldown, many/respawning creeps, etc...)
  9. Both JASS and GUI are allowed.
  10. If you use any 3rd party tools, say what they are, and if they're obscure, provide a link!
    3rd party tool examples:
    • WEWarlock
    • Grimoire (and/or JassNewGenPack)
    • WE Helper
  11. You may use utilities (that do small jobs), but no large do-it-for-you systems.
    Examples of utilities:
    • Local Handle Variables
    • CSCache
    • Armor Detection System
    • Vector System

    Examples of large do-it-for-you systems:
    • Particle System
    • Caster System

If you break the rules, you may be disqualified from the contest, but minor offences (Such as an imported model/icon) will only be punished by the ignoring of them (as if it didn't exist) in the scoring, and possibly a point penalty.
There is no specific required entry method. Just say you wish to enter, or post your spell when it's finished. Whatever works for you.

You can not enter this contest, if you
-have a negative reputation
-won the previous spells & systems contest.
Judging will follow a formula:

  1. Idea (5 points) - Originality and execution of the idea is the goal.
  2. Triggering (5 points) - Making efficient, leakless, and simple (as possible) triggers is the goal.
  3. In-game playability (3 points) - Making sure your spell is easily understandable (tooltip, not overcomplicated) to the average player, as well as having a practical use in x game type is the goal.
  4. Visual effects (2 points) - Making a nice-looking (but not too complicated) effect, while not hugely hindering the spells playability value (excepting spells with this theme, such as a spell that masks the screen for enemies of the caster) is the goal.
  5. Theme (3 points) - The better the spell matches the theme, the more points you will get in this category. ex: A black hole looks like 'Evil' (judging by the models) magic, but it doesn't really fit 'Evil', so that would get a low rating should the contest theme be 'Evil'. A Death Bolt spell, on the other hand, would score a high rating.
A spell can earn a maximum of 18 points. It's simple, the contestant with the most points will win.
The winner's prize will be 10 reputation points, and earn a spot in the "Spells/Systems hall of fame" (list of winners of this contest).
However, the winner cannot participate in the next contest.

You have 13 days to work on and submit your spell.

The deadline is: 17th February (Sunday), 00:00 GMT.

Well, it's back! Good luck everyone!
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
I have an amazing idea for my spell. It will probably also turn out to be one of the most complex spells I will ever make, and hopefully one of the coolest.

Some real complicated spells have been made. Its not a surprise when several people's spells are a few hundred lines of JASS. Take a look at previous contests.

But then again that is the whole point. Push yourself to the limit. See if you can smash opponents! MUHAHAHAHA
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Can I use my chain lightning system? (I seriously doubt it, but its worth asking)

I have an amazing idea for my spell. It will probably also turn out to be one of the most complex spells I will ever make, and hopefully one of the coolest.
Remember that there is not a direct correlation between complexity and quality. In fact, in many cases there is a negative one (depending whether you mean the complexity is to do with the spell's effects, or to do with the code).

A small question: is Spirit link considered a chainspell?
I'm mainly asking to know whether you're allowed to have an "instant" chainspell, or if the chain waits like 0,5 seconds before targetting a next target?
Spirit Link is not considered Chain, I would say, because it's more of a long-time link (we actually have a Link theme planned for a future contest, so just wait a bit ;))

On the other hand, it doesn't really matter if you do or do not want a delay between each jump in the chain. (But then don't give a spell an Area of Effect targeter and call it a chain spell!)
Level 7
Jun 10, 2007
My spell turned out to be much simpler than planned. At the moment is is completely done and only around 250 lines, but I'm not satisfied with how the spell turned out, so I am probably going to add a lot more to it.



Level 19
Nov 29, 2006
Must there be a single chain, or can it spread through multiple chains that multiplies like a chain reaction?

Also must there be a visible chain animation? or will a projectile which travels from target to target be sufficient?
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
Pah, I was coding last night and WE's stupid syntax checker owned itself.
Sigh, I suppose JNGP is a must?
Well game cache (or is it just I2H) doesnt work well with lightnings, if you are gonna use them
so "ZOMG YOU NEED JNGP PWNT" would be a good comment for this.
Or you can make a custom lightning global and say "set udg_lightning[H2I(timer)] = somelightning" to store in normal we

... cool theme (I forgot we have a spell contest before 1 month I just remembered that we have one)
Got 2 days to think and 1 hour to make (I got 2 days to make but wont spend 2 days for a spell)
Chain of Death Pact maybe with ubercoolpropwnaz0r lightning effects (no steal)

I'll see if I find an idea
Level 9
Aug 28, 2005
Final Entry

I', ready and here is my spell for the contest:

Elemental Chain

Summon the primeval elemental powers to strike at your enemies. Bounces up to four times and applies different elemental effects onto each of the affected targets.

There are four elements: Air Earth Fire and Water

Their effects are:

Air - Cyclone - The target get damaged for 5/10/15 damage per second for 15 seconds. It suffers 5/10/15 armor reduction, 50/100/150% attack speed reduction and 20/40/80% move speed reduction.

Earth - Boulder - The target gets 200/300/400 damage and is stunned for 2/3/4 seconds.

Fire - Scorch - The target suffers 100/150/200 initial damage and 10/30/50 damage per second for 15 seconds. It also suffers from a 50% move speed reduction.

Water - Geyser - The target suffers 50/100/150 damage per second for 5 seconds and cannot move.

-Support 3 levels.
-Target can be hit more than once.
-Bounces up to 4 times.
-Each target is hit by a random element.
-Creeps are auto revived.


  • Elemental Chain.w3x
    56.7 KB · Views: 298



Level 19
Nov 29, 2006
Here my spell for the spell competition

Chain Bomb

The tinker fires a bomb, that explodes upon target area, and when a enemy unit dies, it explodes and can hit 2 other enemies. This chain might continue when there is units killed by the bombs. This continues until the bombs stops killing... or when there is no nearby units.

-6 levels
-Might harm the caster
-Bounces on each killed unit into 2 additional bomb fragments
-Potentially unlimited chain - Also applies on structures
-Creeps may be resurrected by the paladin - unless you kill him xD

But I'm not sure this spell is acceptable for this competition, since it requires kills to make the chain effect. Spell might be a bit too strong, but it's fun with domino effects.


  • ChainBomb.w3x
    37.8 KB · Views: 78
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Level 7
Oct 5, 2007
Chain Bomb

-Extremely simple GUI
In my opinion you should only tell us features that are worth to know... and I think, simple scripting is not virtue within a spell contest :|

Hey, I tested the spell and it's quite funny :D There's defenitly a chain aspect in the spell, but as you already said, the triggering is not overwhelming...



Level 19
Nov 29, 2006
Well if simple scripting gives little point, well bad for me. But I think chain bomb is quite original (I hope it's original cuz I haven't seen it elsewhere...) A bomb, which can explode, and then chains-> an explosive chain reaction.

But I think I did everything in according to competition rules. This is also the first time I'm in a competition, so I might have overlooked something.


I tried the Elemental chain spell, Martin. It quite good. I like the idea with using the elements in chain spell, also they might inflicts different buffs in addition.


ty for feedback on my spell XieLong. It wasn't the purpose of making it a bit addicting to test. I've to admit that I'm not good in the triggering part; especially high level triggering. Also I make the spell in no time. But you know, tipping dominoes is fun too (In a chain way).
Hi Guys, do you know where I can find a tutorial that teaches people about how to do spells like this one ?


Hey, about Chain Bomb, I think it is pretty cool. And do you know what ?? Easy code is an advantage. Cool spells do NOT mean complicated codes. Yours is a living example. It will benefit you, because more people will either understand it, or use it !!
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
Learn vJASS...

Or actually you can attach lightnings with Handlevars but you need a global lightning variable

(just ignore me Im boored)
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
Vjass is evil !!! Katan's Var is better =P (I think lol).
Anyway, if you know of a good tutorial, I would like to know it.

w00t just before 2 days or so you said its too weird and compicated and you don't want it...


lol 2 contesters... anyway, both spells are kinda nice.

I think a big improvment for either of those is seeing the spell and not only its effects.

In the elements you can hardly see them passing between units.
In the bombs, you can hardly see the missles.

Anyway, both are good spells :)
w00t just before 2 days or so you said its too weird and compicated and you don't want it...

Ya it is truth. But I followed your advice, and searched every where for decent tutorials. I tried hard, and now I have my reward. I found a tutorial that explained me just what I was needing to know. Now I think I am able to understand simple spell with Katan's Var system.
Btw, can you check on mY gas triggers plz =S

Back on topic
Well, where is the 1st map ?? I couldn't see it =S
Level 2
Jan 22, 2008
Here's my submission:

Volcano Blast

The user shoots Volcano Balls that explode on impact that deal damage and chain onto nearby enemy units.


  • VolcanoBlast.w3x
    25.9 KB · Views: 58
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Its definite, I won't have time to finish my spell. I'm in 'First Robotics' and we're given 6 weeks to finish a robot. Tuesday is the last day. We're all pressed for time like freaken crazy.

Funny, I'm one of the team's three programmers.

I hope theres another contest soon, I'm sad I missed this one.
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