Do you Believe In Aliens?

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Level 8
Jun 13, 2007
Ok, first of all. Do you, in fact, know what a theory is? You think that a theory is an idea that is not proven. This is wrong. A theory is a hypothosis or a series of hypothoses that have been put forth and tested.

Cold sleep is not an idea, or something that we "could" do, or something that is not real. Millions of animals in naire hibernate for over a month; all we need to do is observe them and find ways to adjust our metabolisms. There have been tentative studies that suggest we could get cold sleep technology within the next fifty years.

... You are forgetting the speed at wich technology is going, and Cold sleep is also just a theory... And the wormhole is a theory by Dr. Albert Einstein, if the wormhole theory is not correct, then we just might be able to move faster than the speed of light, and btw... MATTER/ANTI-MATTER DRIVE FTW!!!! lolz ^^

We will not have wormholes, anti-matter drive or faster than light travel for hundreds, possibly thousands, of years. Do you want all of humankind to stay on Earth for that long, while we try to figure out how to make wormholes?
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
... One question, do you think you or scientists can actualy look into the future? no, It might be that all of my suggestions will come before hibernation, As a very intelligent, but very unknown person once said: Everything is possible.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
I believe a "theory" would be something that hasn't been proven directly, but all tests related to it would indicate that it is true.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
We don't even need cryogenics to reach other planets with life, we could send people willing to spend the rest of their life in space. The problem with either of those is that it would take hundreds or thousands of years to find out if there is life on other planets anyway. The best thing to do would be send out probes to test the conditions on other planets. Also, most civilizations would eventually discover radio technology like we did, and send out radio waves for the remainder of their life times like we are and will.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
We don't even need cryogenics to reach other planets with life, we could send people willing to spend the rest of their life in space. The problem with either of those is that it would take hundreds or thousands of years to find out if there is life on other planets anyway. The best thing to do would be send out probes to test the conditions on other planets. Also, most civilizations would eventually discover radio technology like we did, and send out radio waves for the remainder of their life times like we are and will.
As soon as we find a way to leave a probe with that much energy to move for millions of years and take pictures.
Level 8
Jun 13, 2007
We don't even need cryogenics to reach other planets with life, we could send people willing to spend the rest of their life in space. The problem with either of those is that it would take hundreds or thousands of years to find out if there is life on other planets anyway. The best thing to do would be send out probes to test the conditions on other planets. Also, most civilizations would eventually discover radio technology like we did, and send out radio waves for the remainder of their life times like we are and will.

It would take most ships, with the techno.logy that we have today, hundreds, maybe thousands of years to reach the nearest star....much longer than one human lifetime.

There is an alternative to cyrogenics, and that is the whole colony ship thing. You make a ship miles long, put trees and dirt in it so people can farm, and also put some green algae in tank of water for oxygen. Basically, you create a mini-environment fior colonists to live in for thousands of years.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
It would take most ships, with the techno.logy that we have today, hundreds, maybe thousands of years to reach the nearest star....much longer than one human lifetime.
Yeah, but why send out people when you can send probes? It would be a waste of people.

There is an alternative to cyrogenics, and that is the whole colony ship thing. You make a ship miles long, put trees and dirt in it so people can farm, and also put some green algae in tank of water for oxygen. Basically, you create a mini-environment fior colonists to live in for thousands of years.
That's what I meant by "people willing to spend the rest of their life in space": send an entire ecosystem. But it would be a waste in the search for other life, when our planet dies or we find a planet that we want to copy to, then we can do this.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
You make a ship miles long, put trees and dirt in it so people can farm, and also put some green algae in tank of water for oxygen. Basically, you create a mini-environment fior colonists to live in for thousands of years.

That's called promoting inbreeding. Where do new additions to the gene pool come from? What happens when a fatal genetic default occurs so frequently that the entire colony ends up dead or dying?
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
That's called promoting inbreeding. Where do new additions to the gene pool come from? What happens when a fatal genetic default occurs so frequently that the entire colony ends up dead or dying?
It also should be noted that there would be nowhere to get the massive amount of energy needed to last millions of years unless we've acquired to ability to generate our own damn plasma, and spending a few years out in space really takes a toll on you, nonetheless an entire lifetime.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
It also should be noted that there would be nowhere to get the massive amount of energy needed to last millions of years unless we've acquired to ability to generate our own damn plasma
If it isn't a window, it's covered in solar panels. Even on the inside of the facility. :grin:

and spending a few years out in space really takes a toll on you, nonetheless an entire lifetime.

I'd trade my osteologic integrity for... wait, no I wouldn't. Not for anything short of a human life or a new body, with osteologic integrity perfectly intact.
Level 8
Jun 13, 2007
That's called promoting inbreeding. Where do new additions to the gene pool come from? What happens when a fatal genetic default occurs so frequently that the entire colony ends up dead or dying?

You are right....for now. Technolohies involving genetic engineering are advancing rapidly; soon this will no longer be a problem.

Hey I heard something about that people can actualy make drinkable water out of moon rock o_O, and if you can make drinkable water, you can make oxegen, wich means, you can create a eco system on the moon o_O

You cannot make water out of moon is possible howver that there is frozen water in deep craters on the moon.

It also should be noted that there would be nowhere to get the massive amount of energy needed to last millions of years unless we've acquired to ability to generate our own damn plasma, and spending a few years out in space really takes a toll on you, nonetheless an entire lifetime.

That is a good point. However, there are several solutions. The most comnon one is solar panels, but there will nto be enough light for that outside of the solar system. So, once you get out of the solar sytem, you turn of your nuclear, the radiation would not be a problem; the reactor core could be thickly shielded with lead. Or, if we ever figure out cold fusion, then radiation will not be a problem.

Also, wha the heck does plasma have to do with anything?
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Plasma can basicly be used to channel and store energy near-limitlessly.


I think aliens are DEFINETLY possible, it's humanities' nature to think that we are blessed with being the most important things in the universe however, giving us the impression that Earth is the "one great exeption".
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
You are right....for now. Technolohies involving genetic engineering are advancing rapidly; soon this will no longer be a problem.
Mutations are unpredictable. They must survive for a very long time before a mutation in them becomes unimportant.
You cannot make water out of moon is possible howver that there is frozen water in deep craters on the moon.
Indeed, moon rocks are very depleted of water and volatile materials.
That is a good point. However, there are several solutions. The most comnon one is solar panels, but there will nto be enough light for that outside of the solar system. So, once you get out of the solar sytem, you turn of your nuclear, the radiation would not be a problem; the reactor core could be thickly shielded with lead. Or, if we ever figure out cold fusion, then radiation will not be a problem.
Also, wha the heck does plasma have to do with anything?
Do you know where solar energy comes from? Nuclear fusion. That's the power of the stars, the flaming marbles of plasma. That would be a GREAT energy source.
Level 4
Jun 16, 2007
the universe never ends, the chances that somewhere in the universe our earth-sun relationship is duplicated, even if not exact, but just enough to create a lifeform is extremely high, its easier to say theres a 100% aliens are out there than to say they arent with that fact.
Level 7
Feb 14, 2006
I'm pretty sure that even with the human race's enormous capability for sudden and unexpected advancements in technology, it would take millennia for humans to exceed the speed of light. Better to travel through alternate planes of existence, which are equally unlikely.
personally i think its impossible, because of the whole time warp thing that as you go faster time itself goes slower (for you) and the theory is when you hit light speed, time will stop for you are you will be stuck in a state of stasis... at least i think that is the theory. Light is a strange force, the best it would cause some strange, 'phenomenon'...
the universe never ends, the chances that somewhere in the universe our earth-sun relationship is duplicated, even if not exact, but just enough to create a lifeform is extremely high, its easier to say theres a 100% aliens are out there than to say they arent with that fact.
the universe does have a boundary, but the universe does expand, but things inside the universe increase in size proportionately so it doesnt make a difference.
That is a good point. However, there are several solutions. The most comnon one is solar panels, but there will nto be enough light for that outside of the solar system.
You could store mass quantaties of power for enough energy to at least drift at high speeds (no drag == no decelaration) and since the whole time-spacial speed warp theory (semi stated above), you would survive more than long enough to make it to say, the nearest star, becasue time would have less effect on your body. <- Proven Fact
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
personally i think its impossible, because of the whole time warp thing that as you go faster time itself goes slower (for you) and the theory is when you hit light speed, time will stop for you are you will be stuck in a state of stasis... at least i think that is the theory. Light is a strange force, the best it would cause some strange, 'phenomenon'...
Yeah, I should have said "if humanity ever does, it would take etc."

the universe does have a boundary, but the universe does expand, but things inside the universe increase in size proportionately so it doesnt make a difference.
Wait... So I'm continuously getting bigger without gaining weight? Or are they both increasing together? I don't think things inside the universe are expanding with it.

You could store mass quantaties of power for enough energy to at least drift at high speeds (no drag == no decelaration) and since the whole time-spacial speed warp theory (semi stated above), you would survive more than long enough to make it to say, the nearest star, becasue time would have less effect on your body. <- Proven Fact

To the extent of my knowledge, that is not a proven fact. It has been logic'ed out, but not directly proven.
The chances of there not being life outside this world is very slim, just like its a slim chance that aliens will ever come to earth, and probably not to cause harm right away either. Think of the coincidences that first created life on earth (if you are religious or not, think your belief and still you would assume there is more life out there).
Level 19
Jun 16, 2007
I think their are life forms out there.

Look "Big Bang" Created Our Solar System. so the "Big Bang" might of created other solar systems which have life forms inhabited on those planets.

That new planet they found that might be the next solar system i am talking about and that will have life forms on it.

One day when we can space travel in 1-5hours from planet to planet we will be able to see what lives on different planets.

And you might not no they might be more advanced then us, and if you look back at the acient egypt they was advanced for their life time. I belive they learnt their technolegy from Aliens.

So this comes to the close. Aliens do exist.

Those people have been being apducted they have been coming back with marks on them and bones or parts of tissues missing from them so all we know "Aliens" have been alive when we was still a single cell Organisms.

So infact they are just seeing our body Cells compaired to them.

And Their was a FBI Cover up for Aliens Abductions thats why we are not hearing things about them any more.

I belive Area 51 exists and they have Alien Space Ships thats how we are learning and getting more advanced.

Video Proof site :
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Level 8
Jun 13, 2007
I think their are life forms out there.

Look "Big Bang" Created Our Solar System. so the "Big Bang" might of created other solar systems which have life forms inhabited on those planets.

That new planet they found that might be the next solar system i am talking about and that will have life forms on it.

One day when we can space travel in 1-5hours from planet to planet we will be able to see what lives on different planets.

And you might not no they might be more advanced then us, and if you look back at the acient egypt they was advanced for their life time. I belive they learnt their technolegy from Aliens.

So this comes to the close. Aliens do exist.

Those people have been being apducted they have been coming back with marks on them and bones or parts of tissues missing from them so all we know "Aliens" have been alive when we was still a single cell Organisms.

So infact they are just seeing our body Cells compaired to them.

And Their was a FBI Cover up for Aliens Abductions thats why we are not hearing things about them any more.

I belive Area 51 exists and they have Alien Space Ships thats how we are learning and getting more advanced.

Video Proof site :

The Big Bang created the universe, not our solar system.

The Ancient Egyptians did not get their technology from aliens......if they had contact with space-faring creatures, they would get things like electricity, not pyramid building technology.

The idea that people have been abducted by aliens is very unlikely. The universe is a big place, and even with faster-than-light spave travel, our planet is just a speck of dust lost in the universe.

Also, why would you think that we are getting our technological advances from aliens? If a race existed that could travel across space and that had the resources to find our tiny little world, why woouldn'y they give us more advanced technology?

Please disregard all "video proof sites" you may find. It is unlikely in the extreme that these are genuine.
Level 19
Jun 16, 2007
I typed a few typos in their no point now changing them since u quoted me.

Anywhos i know the big bang created the universe i was just setting an example if our solar system is in that universe theirs bound to be other ones with life forms and more advanced.

And I went to other Proof Sites their links went to dead links with the "Goverment Picture Error". So all we know the real Proof sites have been shut down by the USA Goverment because they wish to remain in power.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
I typed a few typos in their no point now changing them since u quoted me.

Anywhos i know the big bang created the universe i was just setting an example if our solar system is in that universe theirs bound to be other ones with life forms and more advanced.

And I went to other Proof Sites their links went to dead links with the "Goverment Picture Error". So all we know the real Proof sites have been shut down by the USA Goverment because they wish to remain in power.
1. I'm sick and tired of these stupid conspiracies. Did the government do 9/11 too?
2. How the hell would they remain in power by not informing us aliens exist? Do they have a master plan behind that too?
3. There is such a thing as citations.
4. We don't know what created the universe. Because I too believe in the Big Bang theory, I'll level with your immaturity. Even the first single cellular organisms had very, very complex carbon molecules. The chances of finding another thing like it in our solar system is roughly equivalent to the chances of finding another planet in our solar system with the huge oceans we have.
5. Aliens DID NOT visit us.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
I would like you to read with your mature side if you do have one.
Provocative and out of context.
My post was not immature.
Same as above.
So prehapes may you becareful with your posts next time ?
Same as above. Need I explain? I called that statement immature because you assumed everyone also believed the Big Bang. Now if you have time to nitpick at phrases, you have time to use real logic.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
MyspaceBarBroke I would advise you not to call people immature because I would not wont to go onto your Level as you call it "Immaturity". I would like to hear your Mature Thoughts on "Do You Belive In Aliens" insted of your creterisizing on other peoples opinions on this topic.
1. And you STILL nitpick at that phrase after I explained myself.
2. You don't want to go to my "level" so you don't want me to call you immature?
3. I don't creterisize people's opinions. I give facts to make a debate as plausible as possible.
4. I've given a valid argument that you've completely ignored in light of the word "immaturity"
Level 8
Jun 13, 2007
Ok, people, let's get back on topic.


I was not aware that there were any other theories, barring religious ones, about the begining of the universe. What are some other ones? I am interested.

Also, while it is strictly true that there are no planets in the solar sytem with huge oceans of water, there mat be one moon of Jupiter that has them: Europa. Europa's core is kept warm by Jupiter's strong tidal forcres, so there may or may not some liquid water under the ice there.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Ok, people, let's get back on topic.


I was not aware that there were any other theories, barring religious ones, about the begining of the universe. What are some other ones? I am interested.

Also, while it is strictly true that there are no planets in the solar sytem with huge oceans of water, there mat be one moon of Jupiter that has them: Europa. Europa's core is kept warm by Jupiter's strong tidal forcres, so there may or may not some liquid water under the ice there.
Creationism is possible and is only partially religious. Furthermore, because Big Bang cannot really be proven beyond logic, we may never really know until we get some pretty gadgets.
Level 19
Jun 16, 2007
Science has Given a Logic on the Big Bang Logic.

And Science has never Let us down.

So I prefer to belive the Scientific Logics then the "Make Belives of a Man who called him self the son of a "God" If you belive in god i would like to say Don't take this the wrong i know you have your opinions but this is mine".

All I would like to say. Aliens other meaning is People from another country. Or another Planet.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Einstein disproved Newton before. Yes, science can be let down. It is most probable that aliens do exist, and that the Big Bang was the true happenings, but there are many unexpected curves in the world of science, not to mention even our own planet has a vast bonanza of unexplored knowledge.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
He was saying nobody really responded to his video of moonrocks being turned into water except in PM or E-mail.

Another possible theory is the cycle one (unsure of the name) where the universe expands from a singularity and then crunches back together, in an infinite amount of Big Bangs and Big Crunches.

the universe is expanding together. We do notweigh more because our mass and the mass of other bodies is proportianitely equal to what it was before.

First, I apologize for saying "weight" instead of "mass".

Second: *Headpalm*
Where the hell does the extra mass come from? The universe is expanding but the things inside it are not. Okay, gravity (and as such weight) depends on distance as well as mass. Let's say the earth expands, but so do we. The earth is not gaining any mass, but we are increasing our distance from its centre. That would create a noticeable decrease in significantly sensitive measuring devices, of which I know humans have. Some sort of thin gold thing for accurately measuring some obscenely small weight.
Level 8
Jun 13, 2007
Hmm.. nobody responded to my video of Moonrock being changed into drinkable water, But stop with this, or take it to pm or E-mail (yes I know I did the same with Teh_Emphy (sorry if I spelled it wrong) on another topic)

Please drop it. Moon rocks cannot be transformed into wates unless they contain water. Heat and pressure cannot transform moon rocks into water. Also, "moon rocks" are nto made of some special, magical material. Rocks on the moon contain only minerals found on the Earth.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
did you actualy look at the video? and Teh_Ephy I did mean what MySpaceBarBroke said, It's just anoying to read all that fighting of them when it's just not productive, why would they continiue anoying other people if they can also go to pm or e-mail.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
did you actualy look at the video? and Teh_Ephy I did mean what MySpaceBarBroke said, It's just anoying to read all that fighting of them when it's just not productive, why would they continiue anoying other people if they can also go to pm or e-mail.
It was a lot more productive and on topic than your posts on the "Dreams" thread. He said aliens had already visited the Earth and the US government was trying to cover it up to stay in power. Stupid, but on topic. You, on the other hand, want people to see the apparent "moon rock" video, and just want us to shut up so people can see it.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Lol ^^ I know that the dreams topic with me and teh_ephy was very... stupid, but no-one stopped us until I left... or did anyone? oh well, That moon clonization video does answer something, so why not look it? quite interresting. atleast in my oppinion ^^. and it was just a suggestion (both about the 'fight' and the video)
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