Do you Believe In Aliens?

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Level 19
Jun 16, 2007
But have you noticed the last Alien Abduction Reported was 2002 or 2003. Since then their hasent been a single report ?...

Or maybe the Goverment is covering it up "Dramatic Music Plays"

Probley if aliens did visit us and tested on a few hundred or thousend people then left with their happy faces knowning what we was made of and seeing how we work.

To see if we was a threat or not.
Level 8
Jun 13, 2007
Aliens would not need to test a hundred thousand people, or anyone at all, to see if we were a threat. If aliens could even find us, then they would be so advanced compared to us that we would surely not be a threat. And no, aliens have never visited the Earth. They haven't. Please don't clog the thread wih conspiricies......
Level 19
Jun 16, 2007
Maybe the goverment just doesn't wont people to know the truth.

Theirs tons of theorys.

The Goverment created the Aliens Abduction Theory to get the public all in a shock and start talking. Then they might of created a Site to get people together to talk about aliens about their opinions then start a rumour about the Area-51 containing aliens.

Reason the goverment might do this so they look in control.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Maybe the goverment just doesn't wont people to know the truth.

Theirs tons of theorys.

The Goverment created the Aliens Abduction Theory to get the public all in a shock and start talking. Then they might of created a Site to get people together to talk about aliens about their opinions then start a rumour about the Area-51 containing aliens.

Reason the goverment might do this so they look in control.
So they would look in control by making it look like information leaked?
Level 7
Feb 14, 2006
He was saying nobody really responded to his video of moonrocks being turned into water except in PM or E-mail.

Another possible theory is the cycle one (unsure of the name) where the universe expands from a singularity and then crunches back together, in an infinite amount of Big Bangs and Big Crunches.

First, I apologize for saying "weight" instead of "mass".

Second: *Headpalm*
Where the hell does the extra mass come from? The universe is expanding but the things inside it are not. Okay, gravity (and as such weight) depends on distance as well as mass. Let's say the earth expands, but so do we. The earth is not gaining any mass, but we are increasing our distance from its centre. That would create a noticeable decrease in significantly sensitive measuring devices, of which I know humans have. Some sort of thin gold thing for accurately measuring some obscenely small weight.

the things inside the universe are expanding, and thats why the universe will most likely collapse in on itself and then re-big bang. Its logical that we arent the first, and we definately arent the last. I mean, why would we be the first? All things increase PROPORTIONATELY, meaning that their is no possible way to tell that anything has changed whatsoever. Its a strange theory thats in debate. But we know that the universe is expanding...
Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
But have you noticed the last Alien Abduction Reported was 2002 or 2003. Since then their hasent been a single report ?...

Or maybe the Goverment is covering it up "Dramatic Music Plays"

Probley if aliens did visit us and tested on a few hundred or thousend people then left with their happy faces knowning what we was made of and seeing how we work.

To see if we was a threat or not.

Maybe the goverment just doesn't wont people to know the truth.

Theirs tons of theorys.

The Goverment created the Aliens Abduction Theory to get the public all in a shock and start talking. Then they might of created a Site to get people together to talk about aliens about their opinions then start a rumour about the Area-51 containing aliens.

Reason the goverment might do this so they look in control.

At first i respected most of your beliefs, and i still do. But honostly, dont take offence from me. Please dont. But you sound like a nutcase to me.

What is with all your conspiracy theories? Have you ever thought once that you are WRONG?

Where do you come up with all this crap! Goverment covering up alien abductions?

HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people abducted? And NO ONE NOTICES or gets any VALID video/pictures of it?

Are you like one of those people who wear tin foil around their head and have mini-vans parked outside of "mysterious" buildings to pick up alien frequencies?

Let me be clear. This comment may overjoy you.

YES, there ARE aliens. YES, there IS probebly more planets that can support life one way or the other. But the thing is, the chance of INTELLIGENT lifeforms, beings descriped as your everyday movie "Aliens" with UFO's. Is EXTREMLY SLIM. And further more, the chance of the Intelligent aliens (IF there is a tiny 0.1% chance that they exist) coming into CONTACT with humans is a sand grain from none (i would say 0.0000000001% chance).

Excuse me being rude, but i have been looking at your comments for a while, and i felt that i needed to express my opinions about them.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Hmm.. I feel I'm ignored... but arab4life is right, exept for this sentence:
YES, there IS probebly more planets that can support life one way or the other.
You placed an IS instead of an ARE ^^ lol but I make spelling or grammar errors all the time so I'll just shut up about this.
Level 8
Jun 13, 2007
At first i respected most of your beliefs, and i still do. But honostly, dont take offence from me. Please dont. But you sound like a nutcase to me.

What is with all your conspiracy theories? Have you ever thought once that you are WRONG?

Where do you come up with all this crap! Goverment covering up alien abductions?

HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people abducted? And NO ONE NOTICES or gets any VALID video/pictures of it?

Are you like one of those people who wear tin foil around their head and have mini-vans parked outside of "mysterious" buildings to pick up alien frequencies?

Let me be clear. This comment may overjoy you.

YES, there ARE aliens. YES, there IS probebly more planets that can support life one way or the other. But the thing is, the chance of INTELLIGENT lifeforms, beings descriped as your everyday movie "Aliens" with UFO's. Is EXTREMLY SLIM. And further more, the chance of the Intelligent aliens (IF there is a tiny 0.1% chance that they exist) coming into CONTACT with humans is a sand grain from none (i would say 0.0000000001% chance).

Excuse me being rude, but i have been looking at your comments for a while, and i felt that i needed to express my opinions about them.

Yes! Someone who makes sense! I agree with you, by the way.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
But have you noticed the last Alien Abduction Reported was 2002 or 2003. Since then their hasent been a single report ?...

Or maybe the Goverment is covering it up "Dramatic Music Plays"

Probley if aliens did visit us and tested on a few hundred or thousend people then left with their happy faces knowning what we was made of and seeing how we work.

To see if we was a threat or not.

Rofl... "abduction" stories are all the result of sleep paralysis, when you are awake but your mind is still dreaming. You are acutely aware of your surroundings, but your mind is still dreaming. Most of them include some sort of dark shadowy figure standing above you. This phenomenon is also responsible for (Irish I believe) hags, and other monsters that uh... get... sleepers. They are no longer reported as alien abductions because A) being abducted by aliens is no longer in vogue B) The phenomenon has been explained.

Anyways, if they were concerned enough about us to "see if we were a threat" then they'd be pretty hostile, and as such we would probably not be alive to talk about it.

the things inside the universe are expanding, and thats why the universe will most likely collapse in on itself and then re-big bang. Its logical that we arent the first, and we definately arent the last. I mean, why would we be the first? All things increase PROPORTIONATELY, meaning that their is no possible way to tell that anything has changed whatsoever. Its a strange theory thats in debate. But we know that the universe is expanding...

If everything was increasing proportionally, that would not be so damn noticable. Also, you are saying as we expand we gain extra mass (gravity remaining the same). From where? You are losing this discussion until you answer that.
Level 7
Feb 14, 2006
... Redshift is caused by the galaxies moving because of the force of the big bang, not universal expansion.
This extra mass is explaineD (sortof) because the edge of the universe is the edge of time and space, to be propelled out of this would have... unthinkable... consequences. And as the universe expands, so does time and space, and this expansion warps all and stretches it proportionately. :eekani: Actually, that more or less sounds like an explanation to way matter is composed chiefly of nothing, but... whatever... But the universe will collapse in on itseslf because think of all the mass and mass force building up in black holes, sooner or later, this will cause the universe to fall in on itself, but in that collapse, will cause a 'big bang #2' that we 'reboot' the whole universe.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
The chances of another life form in our solar system is terribly slim, nonetheless an intelligent one, or one that has "abducting devices and ufos". The complex carbon atoms that formed us from the big bang were all incidental, but because our universe is so, uh, bigly, there simply has to be another life form out there. whether it's developed long before we did or vice versa, it's most certainly not an anal probing gray.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Thesecretarts, What do blach holes have to do with the big crunch? and if everything is growing proportionetly, why can we notice stars, planets and whole galaxies moving away from eachother? I think your just trying to use as much words that you think we don't know, and then make us believe what you say, wich we don't, unleas you can find good evidence, (wich doesn't exist) to convince me/us. But that's just my oppinion...
Level 13
Jun 21, 2007
I've always had this threory... which would explain WHY so many people claim to see u.f.o.'s so similar shape and such.

Try to fallow me on this...

Now, there are many projects that belong to the world, such as the international space station. What if... now this is a BIG what if... several worlds of diff aliens races created an experiment to see what life in a semi-controlled enviroment would do? So, the find a planet that is just bein' born... they drop off a few bacteria... and they come back every once in a while to check on it.

Now, what if that experment was Earth?

Just an idea I made up while day dreamin'.
Level 7
Feb 14, 2006
Thesecretarts, What do blach holes have to do with the big crunch? and if everything is growing proportionetly, why can we notice stars, planets and whole galaxies moving away from eachother? I think your just trying to use as much words that you think we don't know, and then make us believe what you say, wich we don't, unleas you can find good evidence, (wich doesn't exist) to convince me/us. But that's just my oppinion...
I love reiterating myself:
TheSecretArts said:
... Redshift is caused by the galaxies moving because of the force of the big bang, not universal expansion.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
... Redshift is caused by the galaxies moving because of the force of the big bang, not universal expansion.
Hahahahahahahahaha[HIGHLIGHT]NO[/code]. Redshift is the Doppler Effect for light; a noticeable alteration in a wave's frequency due to velocity differences between the observer and the observed object. Expansion means movement (velocity), which would cause redshift, but on a much lesser scale than what is observed. Also, if the universe was expanding in proportion, the redshift for all galaxies would be the same, which it is not.

This extra mass is explaineD (sortof) because the edge of the universe is the edge of time and space, to be propelled out of this would have... unthinkable... consequences.
A) Consequences like matter appearing out of nowhere? Please let me know what kind of consequences.
B) You certainly aren't in any sort of position to decide something like that. Humanity has yet to even SEE the end of the universe, who are you to say what happens at the end of it? And who are you to decide that the "edge" of the universe is the end of time and space?
C)You haven't yet explained where the physical matter has come from. Matter only appears from nowhere when it is moving horridly close to the speed of light, which it isn't because redshift isn't so horridly apparent.

And as the universe expands, so does time and space, and this expansion warps all and stretches it proportionately. :eekani: Actually, that more or less sounds like an explanation to way matter is composed chiefly of nothing
You've just said that matter becomes less dense. That would lead to a decrease in gravity as I've explained earlier.

but... whatever... But the universe will collapse in on itseslf because think of all the mass and mass force building up in black holes, sooner or later, this will cause the universe to fall in on itself, but in that collapse, will cause a 'big bang #2' that we 'reboot' the whole universe.
Lol! Fail! Fail hard! Black holes aren't massive sources of gravity. If the sun magically became a black hole (pretending that it has the mass to, and that it doesn't supernova) the earth will remain in its orbit. The gravitational field of a black hole is no more massive than the gravitational pull of the star it was. Indeed, the gravitational pull would be less because it looses a fair amount of matter in a supernova.

Anyways, Gravity == (gravitational constant)*((Mass1+Mass2)/Distance). Nothing in the equation changes, the gravitational pull of black holes is only uber when extremely close to that black hole.

In conclusion, your lack of scientific knowledge, or rather, your application of that lack of scientific knowledge to the workings of the universe, makes me giggle.

What if... now this is a BIG what if... several worlds of diff aliens races created an experiment to see what life in a semi-controlled enviroment would do? So, the find a planet that is just bein' born... they drop off a few bacteria... and they come back every once in a while to check on it.

Now, what if that experment was Earth?

Just an idea I made up while day dreamin'.

If it is true, humanity will never really know. Does the Matrix have you? Is our universe just a marble that some other beings play with? Does God exist or not? Humanity will never really know. About your experiment, especially if those aliens are good about keeping themselves out of the experiment.
Level 13
Jun 21, 2007
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Level 5
Jun 3, 2007
well that video i do not believe in at all. That is very easy for someone to make something like that. Also a government releasing this kind of video, or even getting out by mistake is almost a 0% chance.

But, I do believe in extraterestial lifeforms(i can't spell so i winged it =P) I mean What is the chances that we are the only life that exists. Geez we are a pitiful race if we can actually try and think we are so "special" or the chosen that we are the only intelligent beings able to exist in the universe.

Also nothing is impossible, there could be technology out there to go thousands of times faster then light. We don't know so don't say its impossible. Back around 1700s they probly would never think of the idea of a car and think its impossible. And back during 1940s they'd never think of a car hovering then flying. AND YES there is cars that do that. They just cost a few short of a couple of billion dollars of Bill gates bank account.

But as ephy explained we will never know the answer to questions like does god exist... or a god or any god. imo "god" doesnt exist cause one flaw he doesn't have a damn name. Also notice how the bible only states miracles on times when people were naive and couldn't, nor want to disaprove a "Act of god."
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
But, I do believe in extraterestial lifeforms(i can't spell so i winged it =P) I mean What is the chances that we are the only life that exists. Geez we are a pitiful race if we can actually try and think we are so "special" or the chosen that we are the only intelligent beings able to exist in the universe.
Everybody wants to feel special. Most people aren't, but there's always that need.

Also nothing is impossible, there could be technology out there to go thousands of times faster then light. We don't know so don't say its impossible. Back around 1700s they probly would never think of the idea of a car and think its impossible. And back during 1940s they'd never think of a car hovering then flying. AND YES there is cars that do that. They just cost a few short of a couple of billion dollars of Bill gates bank account.
Actual hovercars? I need a link!

But as ephy explained we will never know the answer to questions like does god exist... or a god or any god. imo "god" doesnt exist cause one flaw he doesn't have a damn name. Also notice how the bible only states miracles on times when people were naive and couldn't, nor want to disaprove a "Act of god."

It's wasn't naïvety, but a lack of a better explanation. Please don't turn this into a God discussion.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
[...]the gravitational pull of black holes is only uber when extremely close to that black hole.
You don't need to be close to the black hole if your in the event horizon.

Consequences like matter appearing out of nowhere?

God has 100 names (in one religion), the bible is not the only thing to talk about god, etc. You don't know much about god do you?

The universe doesn't have enough mass for a "Big Crunch", it is actually expanding faster and faster (to fill the infinite void?).
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Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
You don't need to be close to the black hole if your in the event horizon.
I believe the event horizon would be pretty close to the black hole. Please forgive me if I'm wrong, but I thought an event horizon is just the point where gravity is too strong to escape the black hole.

The universe doesn't have enough mass for a "Big Crunch", it is actually expanding faster and faster (to fill the infinite void?).
I said it was a possible theory, not the most likely one.
Level 8
Jun 13, 2007
I believe the event horizon would be pretty close to the black hole. Please forgive me if I'm wrong, but I thought an event horizon is just the point where gravity is too strong to escape the black hole.

Originally Posted by: Hakeem
The universe doesn't have enough mass for a "Big Crunch", it is actually expanding faster and faster (to fill the infinite void?).
I said it was a possible theory, not the most likely one.

The expansion of the universe is speeding up according to latest observations....a Big Crunch is looking less and less likely.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
I believe the event horizon would be pretty close to the black hole. Please forgive me if I'm wrong, but I thought an event horizon is just the point where gravity is too strong to escape the black hole.
I thought that the event horizon was a cylinder pointing in one direction infinitely (it was probably a bad explanation I read). Apparently, it is a sphere around the black hole. Now it all makes sense.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
We have not invented hovercars, because nothing can really make a plane hover, unless, of course, we transform it into a helicopter. We have, however, been able to make flying cars, of which fly like planes.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
The expansion of the universe is speeding up according to latest observations....a Big Crunch is looking less and less likely.

If it's highly unlikely, it's still technically possible, which is all that I said it was. I admit that it's not very likely, however, and it is not likely to remain as a valid theory after the next revelations in astrology.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
The event horizon is the disc around the black hole right? (sorry I forgot what it exaclty was, shame me) But there can escape something out of the Event horizon (if it's the disc you mean) Light, infra red light and all sorts of other things. if there could not escape anything out of the event horizon, how can we see it? But I'm not sure if the disc is the event horizon, or... I think the event horizon is the inner edge of the disc, were when further pulled in, you cannot escape anymore, not even light can escape there.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
The event horizon is the disc around the black hole right? (sorry I forgot what it exaclty was, shame me) But there can escape something out of the Event horizon (if it's the disc you mean) Light, infra red light and all sorts of other things. if there could not escape anything out of the event horizon, how can we see it? But I'm not sure if the disc is the event horizon, or... I think the event horizon is the inner edge of the disc, were when further pulled in, you cannot escape anymore, not even light can escape there.

The event horizon is the area around a black hole in which the black hole's gravity is too strong to escape (making it a sphere, not a disk). It is believed (known? I'm not sure) that black holes emit strong electromagnetic radiation (in the form of UV rays and such) from their poles. That gets away from a black hole, but nothing else. I'm also not sure of the physics behind how it escapes, so I guess just search around online. Wikipedia's Netherlands article is here.

Just so you know, we actually can't see black holes, at least not directly. We infer their presence by seeing an absolute lack of everything, or an extreme distortion. If the axis of UV rays happens to pass through a satellite sensor, however, that would be detected.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
I was talking about the disc of light when a black hole is near a star ^^, you can see it if you look at the nasa site. And I know pretty much about Black holes, I find them very interresting so I did some 'research' about them, forgot some things though, shame on me...
Level 9
Jul 26, 2005
also i think i should note that the amount of radiation that comes out of the black hole's poles is so great it can evaporate planets in nearby star systems...that is the "light" you see...

aliens are POSSIBLE...
but i doubt it...
even us humans are not probable...
even cats and dogs are not probable...
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
also i think i should note that the amount of radiation that comes out of the black hole's poles is so great it can evaporate planets in nearby star systems...that is the "light" you see...

aliens are POSSIBLE...
but i doubt it...
even us humans are not probable...
even cats and dogs are not probable...
Humans, cats, and dogs are, if you believe in evolution, plenty probable. We would be just another block in the evolutionary chain. Aliens are plenty probable as well. Why should we think, that out the the seemingly infinite amount of space that the universe contains, that the single celled organisms that we've come from are the only ones with such complex carbon atoms? Sure the chances of aliens near us are very slim, but can we really be the only life from the big bang?
Level 9
Jul 26, 2005
what i am saying, even the lifeforms in earth are so complex that the odds are SO slim i cant believe it really happened! (you know what i mean)

after all-there are infinite options of evolution too, and nearly everything leads to self-destruction.
and many organs in own body had no point creating without others, meaning some bunches of them showed up at once! what are the odds for THAT?
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
what i am saying, even the lifeforms in earth are so complex that the odds are SO slim i cant believe it really happened! (you know what i mean)

after all-there are infinite options of evolution too, and nearly everything leads to self-destruction.
and many organs in own body had no point creating without others, meaning some bunches of them showed up at once! what are the odds for THAT?
We all started out as single celled organisms. And the organs did not all show up at once. That's why there are so many different types of mammals with different types of certain organs, some containing altogether new organs. As to the "infinite options" part, look up natural selection. The odds are as slim as everything else.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
what i am saying, even the lifeforms in earth are so complex that the odds are SO slim i cant believe it really happened! (you know what i mean)
As far as humanity knows, the universe is infinitely big. At the least, several many septillion times larger than even our own galaxy.

after all-there are infinite options of evolution too, and nearly everything leads to self-destruction.
Um... no. Evolution is about staving off self-destruction.

and many organs in own body had no point creating without others, meaning some bunches of them showed up at once! what are the odds for THAT?
Please name some of those "bunches that showed up at once." Also, the chances are pretty high; it's like going from the horse-drawn carriage to the car.
Level 8
Jun 13, 2007
Ok, number one, the universe is not infinite. The reason we know this is because if the universe was infinite, then there would be an infinite number of stars in it, and every star would put out if the universe was infinite, and you looked up at the night sky, then the night sky would be blazing with light, because there would be a beam of light coming from every direction.

aliens are POSSIBLE...
but i doubt it...
even us humans are not probable...
even cats and dogs are not probable...

The chances are slim, true. Let's say that the chances of life evolving are one in a million. But there are trillions of planets in the galaxy. SO even if the chances of life evolving are tiny, there are still thousands of alien civilization out there. (See the Drake equation)
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
Ok, number one, the universe is not infinite. The reason we know this is because if the universe was infinite, then there would be an infinite number of stars in it, and every star would put out light...

and that light would shift down the spectrum into infrared light which is that is not necessarily true. however i believe that the universe "loop" in on itself as a dimentional membrane similar to M theory. that mean that if you went into space and traveled in a straight line forever you would eventually end up back where you started.
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