Do you Believe In Aliens?

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Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
I believe there are lifeforms that exist not on this planet

Also, I can't watch that video because YouTube sucks and someone stole my name on YouTube, curse his hide. However, I deem it someone misinterpretting something else, or a hoax of some variety

However, I don't believe these lifeforms have had any contact with humans, and, presuming they're at the same level of development as us, are probably pondering the exact same questions about life in other parts of the universe
When i first had a serious talk about that i didn't believe that.But after talkin again,sawing one(BELIEVE IT OR NOT) and after watching that video:
Plz if you think you might get frightened dont watch this seriously.

No offence, but did you really believe that video where they cut that doll into pieces? I've seen more realistic aliens in movies...

But yes I believe that there are some living organisms somewhere in space, far away in a place that has good enough environment to support life.

Iv seen a ufo b4, was pretty neat..the girl at school thought i was crazy though.. :'{
You sure it wasn't an airplane, lightning, hallucination... etc?
Level 4
Apr 14, 2007
we're in a universe at least 24 billion light-years across. must be something else out there.
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
Twas a shiny silver ball in the sky and it was on fire and hovering, the sky was at sunset, it was far away but you can tell it was large. It went slow, then faster..faster..then stopped as if to observe something...

then all of a sudden..WHOOSH. it bursted into flames and went into space, it left a fiery a fire ribbon..really bright red, yellow and orange

...and it disappeared so fast that it would be impossible for it to be a man made object.

I was like. lol. kool. My brother and my father saw it aswell. And people often think i saw a "lighting ball" a certain type of thunder, but no, its not. trust me.

My father said he saw aliens on a planet. Purple and fluffy, many of them cute kind and caring, but he said Jesus took him there after going into an alley way so i don't believe him.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
we're in a universe at least 24 billion light-years across. must be something else out there.

exactly, out there, dont realistically expect an alien on you doorstep because the chances are so slim that its virtually impossible. even with worm holes or any other techonology, the chances of finding out planet are next to nil. extra-terrstrial life is more than likely to exist, but no where near us.
Twas a shiny silver ball in the sky and it was on fire and hovering, the sky was at sunset, it was far away but you can tell it was large. It went slow, then faster..faster..then stopped as if to observe something...

then all of a sudden..WHOOSH. it bursted into flames and went into space, it left a fiery a fire ribbon..really bright red, yellow and orange

...and it disappeared so fast that it would be impossible for it to be a man made object.

I was like. lol. kool. My brother and my father saw it aswell. And people often think i saw a "lighting ball" a certain type of thunder, but no, its not. trust me.

My father said he saw aliens on a planet. Purple and fluffy, many of them cute kind and caring, but he said Jesus took him there after going into an alley way so i don't believe him.

Werewolf,i also saw that kind of light.It was summer 9:00 at evening.Then a lightning ball came and it had a glowing flash.It then came to a very close distance and we were fuckin frightened.Then it went away.I couldn't sleep for 5 days.
Level 1
Apr 25, 2007
The video is kinda fake. I don't think it matters if there are any other life forms out tehre or not, and I don't know if there are (depends on whether this is a clossed or open world). Point is humanity will never travel to the stars.
Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
Ok, its not that alien's dont exist. There is a VERY VERY VERY high chance that there are other lifeform's in the billion's and trillion's of planet's out there.

BUT, the chance of coming in contact with these lifeform's...Slim to none.

There are alien's, but we will probebly never live to see any.
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
Anyway, I believe there are probably life forms on other planets, as for aliens on our planet, I'd say it's possible, and there's been a ton of sitings, most, or all, probably just publicity and the sake of rumor. But I really won't believe there are aliens on, and\or, observing the planet until I see a UFO for myself
Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
*cough cough* we already are *cough cough*
inside our own solar system, at least.

Human's have claimed them selve's to be the dominant lifeform's in our solar system. We consider our selve's in our Home solar system. We are not alien's in our own home's.

I do believe in alien's, but with no offence spud, i seriously doubt there are alien's on earth. The possiblity of INTELLIGANT lifeform's (Atleast Intelligant enough to be like in movie's with technology more advanced than human's) Is hardly believable.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
the main problem with the idea of aliens coming to earth is the fact that space is so vast that it would be almost impossible to explore every planet in the universe. even using worm holes that can transport you anywhere in the universe, the universe would exhaust itself (i.e. all matter freezes over due to heat decay or universe expands/collapses into nothingness) before aliens could find our planet, or explore even a small percentage of the planets. aliens would have to be EXTREMELY lucky to find our planet. the only way such an existance would be possible would be if there were considerably more inhabitable planets that orignally thought, which could give rise to a larger amount of inteligent life which has survived to give interstellar travel. even then the civilisation would probably need worm hole technology, if it exists, to get anywhere without it taking thousands if not millions of years.

the basic fact is, chances are aliens exist but it is very very very unlikely (1x10^-100%) that they have found us.
Level 8
Feb 4, 2007
Was waiting at my bus stop when I was a freshman, and my friend and I were looking at these two large stars. He's great at astronomy, and knew they shouldn't have been there, so we were trying to figure out what they were, then the one to the right moved extremely fast passed the one to the left, and then the one to the left followed it, then they both stop suddenly. I'm not saying aliens, nor do I really think it was, but it was weird.

Also, we recently discovered another planet with similarities to Earth. Is there even the slimmest chance that it doesn't contain life forms of some kind?
Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
There ARE lifeform's some where int he universe. It is HIGHLY unlikely that there arent. But human's coming in contact with these life form's or those life form's coming in contact with human's is highly un-likely

The earth is positioned Just right in the solar system to contain life, in the billion's if not trillion's of solar system's out there, there is bound to be another planet capable of containing life.

But us reaching them, or them reaching us........Very unlikely
Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
Gliese 581c is the most terran planet ever found (yesterday) and it is believed to contain at least an equalatorial "strip" in which life as we know it could develop and exist. It is postulated that if the planet were to contain a well-developed atmosphere that the entire planet (approxamitely five times larger than earth) could support life.

I agree that I also believe that there are extra-terrrestrial life forms, many of which would be far more advanced than humans. Consider the billions of years the universe has been around and the few millions of humns and the only few thousands of civilization. That being said I do not believe that they would come over just to mess with people's minds, screw up crops, and cut open cows.

The Fermi's paradox still holds true to this day, which is the heart of this discussion.
Level 3
Apr 15, 2007
The video didn't look very realistic, but I guess that was because it was in black and white (bad special effects). I don't think that THAT is a real alien, but there could be 'aliens' out there somewhere. Scientists somehow said they have discovered primitive life, bacteria and other single-celled organisms, on Mars. But not the full-blown aliens like you see in the video.
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Werewolf,i also saw that kind of light.It was summer 9:00 at evening.Then a lightning ball came and it had a glowing flash.It then came to a very close distance and we were fuckin frightened.Then it went away.I couldn't sleep for 5 days.

First they observe, then they attack :p
They are watching you while you sleep ~~

The video is kinda fake. I don't think it matters if there are any other life forms out tehre or not, and I don't know if there are (depends on whether this is a clossed or open world). Point is humanity will never travel to the stars.

offcourse its fake lol, where they found the alien then? :p it would be world news.. how the alien got there and blablabla ....

Human's have claimed them selve's to be the dominant lifeform's in our solar system. We consider our selve's in our Home solar system. We are not alien's in our own home's.

I do believe in alien's, but with no offence spud, i seriously doubt there are alien's on earth. The possiblity of INTELLIGANT lifeform's (Atleast Intelligant enough to be like in movie's with technology more advanced than human's) Is hardly believable.

There are some possiblities

1. Humans are the only one and the universe is there to provide them from planets, like when the sun stops his job we colonize other planets

2. Humans are just one of the many lifeforms on solarsystems but because of the infinity of the universe we dont reconize there are many more intelligent species out there then us .. (You cant calculate how big the universe is)

3. Humans are one of the more intelligent species and other species are moslty none intelligent or not intelligent at all, and there are only a few dominant intelligent species

4. Humans are very unadvanced creatures which when found by aliens, will be destroyed in a few seconds by technology way above ours..

Something like that, btw is this topic posted because of the newely discovered planet that looks like the earth?

And also, scientists say that there has to be water and other factors which make live on a planet available. But dont they have fantasy then? Aliens or other lifeforms could life out of way other things then we do. Maybe they dont need food or water..
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
There are some possiblities

1. Humans are the only one and the universe is there to provide them from
planets, like when the sun stops his job we colonize other planets

2. Humans are just one of the many lifeforms on solarsystems but because of the infinity of the universe we dont reconize there are many more intelligent species out there then us .. (You cant calculate how big the universe is)

3. Humans are one of the more intelligent species and other species are moslty none intelligent or not intelligent at all, and there are only a few dominant intelligent species

4. Humans are very unadvanced creatures which when found by aliens, will be destroyed in a few seconds by technology way above ours..

Something like that, btw is this topic posted because of the newely discovered planet that looks like the earth?

And also, scientists say that there has to be water and other factors which make live on a planet available. But dont they have fantasy then? Aliens or other lifeforms could life out of way other things then we do. Maybe they dont need food or water..

1. possible but very unlickely

2. very likely but scientists generally do accept their is alien life out there but with lack of definitive evidence it cannot be proven. also the comoving distance to the edge of the visible universe is about 46.5 billion light years in all directions from the earth; thus the visible universe may be thought of as a perfect sphere with the earth at its center and a diameter of about 93 billion light years, while we cannot accurately estimate the size of the universe it is at least 93 billion light years across, but almost definately more.

3. considering the age of the universe, the likely hood for an earth like planet to evolve, the likelyhood for life to evolve and the time it takes for intelligent life to evolve the chances of more intelligent life than us is very high. because we are effectively "late starters" with our solar system being 4.6 billion years old and the universe being 13.7 billion years old chances are life is more intellient than us out there somewhere. basically you cannot really believe that humans are the most intelligent lifeform because we are a relitively new civilatasion and if aliens do exist in the numbers we estimate then many of them will have been around for longer as so will be potentially more inteligent.

4. chances are that we are unadvanced but without evidence we do not know.

scientits say water is needed for life because every type of life we have observed and theorised (carbon based and silcon based) relies on chemical reactions which require water to metabolise and exist. without water these reactions could not happen and life would not exist.

aliens may possibly be able to live without food an water, becuase effectively food and water are used for growth and energy production. if a lifeform were able to harness energy from another source and could get growth materials without having to eat regularly then yes it is possible but with no evidence or theoretical way of life existing in this way it is unlikely. also the chances of an organism evolving in this way would be unlikely due to the physical restraints of life starting or developing such an existance.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
2. very likely but scientists generally do accept their is alien life out there but with lack of definitive evidence it cannot be proven. also the comoving distance to the edge of the visible universe is about 46.5 billion light years in all directions from the earth; thus the visible universe may be thought of as a perfect sphere with the earth at its center and a diameter of about 93 billion light years, while we cannot accurately estimate the size of the universe it is at least 93 billion light years across, but almost definately more.

You know I've been wondering, does the universe have an 'edge' or 'end' of some sort, or is it's edge defined by the furthest photons out?

Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
depending on what theory you believe it can have an edge but the one of the most popular theories suggest the universe loops so if you kept going in a spaceship forever you would end up back where you started and another popular theory is that the shape of a universe is dependant on its shape within the 11th dimetion, this is M theory.
Level 6
Apr 26, 2007
Aiens maby exist... who know? but well you guys know that there are a lot of people that made fake pictures and video just to earn money because they found aliens?

The father of my friend is 3d programer and he make some fake body for movies. He can make an alien body in no time and he can make a video with it. he can even make it talk and all and it may look realist.. so who know?

Well, anyway how the hell can someone get a video of an alien autopsy? and also, youtube is like the #1 site for fake video and wrong references.

EDIT: also, me and my friend saw that the alien on the video look REALY fake...
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
there is alot about the world around us we dont understand and there is alot people will do to make money. just because you see a flashing light in the sky or a video on youtube dont believe it is true. remeber statiscally, using scientific evidence and facts that we know are true scientists have shown that the chances of aliens reching us are slim. here is a breakdown

1. aliens more than likely exist
2. using estimates in with the drake equation, there are about 0.08 inteligent life forms (equal to or greater than us) per galaxy, so considering there are an estimated one hundred billion galaxies (10^11) there are about 8000000000 inteligent civilasations in existance.
3. the universe is huge
4. any civilisation in existance would probably have to travel millions of light years to reach us, this mean millions of year, in which time the civilisation could have extinguished itself
5. if life is anything like that on our planet it probably has a limited lifespan
6. interstellar travel over distances of millions of light years is impracticle.
7. for an intelligent life form to find us they would have to be incredibaly lucky because they have no mean of knowing where we are.
8. for us realistically be found by another inteligent lifeform they would have to have some form of worm hole transport and a means of navigation so they know where to look.
9. this combinations of things makes the chances of life finding us very slim.
Level 6
Apr 26, 2007
your right.. i say there less then 1% chances they ever find us.. and well if it hapen. what will hapen? but that we see some strange people on earth, there will be no changes. i hope!
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
C-581 (Recently Discovered)
It's blue and green, that's all that's been released about it.

you mean Gliese 581 c. we cant actually prove what colour it is as the planet itself has not been observed, you cannot see planets that far away because they do not emit light. we can tel it is there by eclipsing the star around it or by affecting its orbit or any other method of detection where the star is affected by the planet. using this dection we can estiamte how far away the planet is from us, from the star its orbiting, how big the planet is and we know how big the star is so we can tell if the planet is in the "habitable zone" for water/life. there is alot of theory on the net about this planet but facts are slim, size, distance from other entities and its existance is all that is really known.

its only just in this zone and its estimated that the only non frozen part of the planet would be near the equator.

scientists do not know whether the planet is rocky or icey so it might not be inhabitable at all

also what is meant by paradise? our planet is inhabitable but the planet type would be a rocky terrestrial planet with conditions to support life. Gliese c is not even known to be made of rock, it could be ice or mostly heavy carbon, it isnt really a paradise but it is still a terrestrial planet.
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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Hmmm, If you think (and look at facts) it isnt that unlikely that aliens have found us, If Gliese 581 Does support life, intelligent life (becouse a red dwarf has never been seen to die so we dont know if it actualy dies) maby more intelligent then us and they have found us at exactly the same way as we did their planet, they have better engines wich lets them travel at the speed of light and it only takes them a little 20.4 years to reach us, so is it that unlikely? and if you dont know yet, there might I repeat MIGHT be an ocean under the surface of Europe (a moon of jupiter) an ocean of liquid water under that icy surface, and it might even be habiteble for an underwater being, maby even intelligent, or there just is no ocean, no intelligence and not even life...
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
If Gliese 581 Does support life

well thats the big question, we dont really know how abundant life is in the universe but estimates range from 0.0001 civilations per galaxy to 10. fact is we just do know. i reccomend you look up the Drake equation on wikipedia which explains how these values are calculated, but if you ask me i dont think life is that common, perhaps 0.001 civilations per galaxy.

anyways, the chances of aliens finding is not possible to answer, for all we know we are the most advanced in the universe, or the least. we just have no idea. if you take into account our best estimations and all the relevant factors, such as distance and why we havent made contact yet, the likely hood of aliens having found us already is slim. but it doesnt matter because we cannot prove it.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
the human body is constructed of cells. Would it be the same for aliens?

the only life we have examined is carbon based, it is possible to have silicon based life because it has the same number of possible bonds so can form similar compunds. its also posisble to have nitrogen/phosphorus based lifeform theoretically but as i said onyl carbon based has been observed.

life would probaly only be possible in cells because if you think about it a cell is just a capsule containing the stuff which makes the thing alive, without a way of keeping the stuff all together its not really gunna stand a chance. its probably impossible to have life without it being held in a cell of some kind.
Level 3
May 2, 2007
i do believe there are other kind of life form in other planets, maybe they dont look like we are used to see in movies, pics, etc., they might be microscopic organisms or anything else, come on the universe is so huge its too much coincidence that there is life only in planet earth
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
That's in the human views of organic material. What if the life forms were something totally different in about every possible way than what we think are the building blocks of life, cells? It's hard to think it's possible, but why would "life" on another planet, with totally different situations, have to be the same as on our planet, earth?
Level 3
May 2, 2007
That's in the human views of organic material. What if the life forms were something totally different in about every possible way than what we think are the building blocks of life, cells? It's hard to think it's possible, but why would "life" on another planet, with totally different situations, have to be the same as on our planet, earth?

i agree with that
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
That's in the human views of organic material. What if the life forms were something totally different in about every possible way than what we think are the building blocks of life, cells? It's hard to think it's possible, but why would "life" on another planet, with totally different situations, have to be the same as on our planet, earth?

well i totally understand what you saying, but you have to consider how life would work for any situation. first off the organisms would need to utilse long chain molecules to survive, this is for energy production, storage, mass building. life cannot exist on simple molecules because there it is difficult to utilse the energy withing those molecules. chain molecules which can support life so far has only been theorised with carbon, silicion, nitrogen and phosphorus as the base elements. im not saying that you couldnt get any other base elements but we know it wouldnt be any metal due to the way metal complexes form and that for correct energy usage it would have to be a covalently bonded molecule. we also know that it would need a minimum of 4 bonds unless there is another bonding mechanism to make 4 bonds such as in nitrogen and phosphorus. this serverly limits the elements that life could be based on.

as for cells, well the thing is we dont really know what life coul do, but as i said a cell is only a compartment. a capsule. if you were to have all the organelles floating around in a microscopic pool on a rock or something then i guess it wouldnt be a cell but it doesnt chance the fact that those organelles need to be near each other. an organic "cell" is probably how this would arise, even in viruses they have a capsule around them, and while not being called a cell it is still the required compartment for the virus contents.

tbh i dont know what more i can say, the fact is there are physical and chemical limits to what can and cant exist. life can do many different and wonderful things but what you are asking, base elements and cells, are already known (or well understood) because of these limits. scientists dont have all the answers so i may be wrong, completely wrong, but considering what we know and have observered life everywhere will all have some things in common.

what is intresting is how an organism would be made up, like in evolution(film) with the organisms that have 10 nucleobases instead of 4 (6 including X and HX mutations). this would have incredable implications to the organism and that doesnt even start to explain how it works on a molecular level.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
Ok, But do you think it would be possible for a creature (alien) to live in the admosphere of a gass giant, with immence power to lift itself away from the planet, a race that would forever fly.

its possible, but i dont know how likely. if there was liquid water and the correct condisions i would expect so. because we dont exactly know how life starts we can only guess if life could start on a giant gass ball but im sure that a creature could evolve to live on one with water.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
Omg GST_Nemesis makes my brain hurt... Before we even think about looking for alien life i wouls say humanity should colonize a new planet. That way our race would have a chance to survive long enough to try it someday.
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