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Discuss Film & TV Series - Ratings & Recommendations

Level 7
Jun 26, 2010
Not Tauer, but I actually just saw it tonight and was impressed. It's pretty well-done, with lots of callbacks for us fans (things that are "fine" to not know, but cooler if you do know the lore behind it).

Some stuff has been changed; wondering if it's a "Star Trek" reboot continuity dealio, personally... And boy do I wish the Orcs weren't so gravelly. Really hard to understand them.

It's more of a "Warcraft Cinematic Universe" sort of thing, actually. Movie canon and game canon are separate.

Though I'll be disappointed if Blizzard doesn't bring some of the ideas introduced in the movie to the games. Like (SPOILER ALERT) Garona being Medivh's daughter.

Personally, I feel the movie fell flat on it's face. Quite a few things were changed coming from the books (mostly for the worse), the whole story felt rushed and the dialogue seemed clunky. Effects were nice and design was on point yet I couldn't help but feel that I was not watching warcraft. It looked the part but the rest just wasn't there for me. Overall, disappointed with the movie.

Mostly for the worse? You prefer the convoluted, less-than-straightforward mess that is the state of the lore in the games right now? Chronicle has done a lot to patch it up, granted, but until the other volumes come out it's STILL a convoluted mess I'll prefer the movie's take over.

Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

It's more of a "Warcraft Cinematic Universe" sort of thing, actually. Movie canon and game canon are separate.

Though I'll be disappointed if Blizzard doesn't bring some of the ideas introduced in the movie to the games. Like (SPOILER ALERT) Garona being Medivh's daughter.

Mostly for the worse? You prefer the convoluted, less-than-straightforward mess that is the state of the lore in the games right now? Chronicle has done a lot to patch it up, granted, but until the other volumes come out it's STILL a convoluted mess I'll prefer the movie's take over.

I'd have preferred if WoW Cataclysm and beyond never happened.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Honestly, I found it to be a solid film. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little dissapointed.

The separate canon was a tough pill to swallow. I get that they're trying to make their version of the MCU, and I wouldn't really have an issue with changes if they improved the storyline or pacing. But the problem is I don't really think they did. In some areas they actually worked against the plot and character development,
Medivh not aging Khadgar is an example of a huge change from the books, one which will have a major impact on his character. Also he was the heir to Karazhan or something like that? That part just served to make his storyline more complicated than it needed to, instead of streamlining it for a casual audience.

The Dwarves and Elves already being in the Alliance (the fact that there even is one) takes away from the plot of the Second War and the creation of the Alliance. If they even plan on doing that. I don't really get why they did this either. We didn't even see the Elves or Dwarves doing anything. The dwarves were there to introduce a gun (which got used way too much for my taste) and we only saw the Elves in one scene. They might as well not be in there.

Lothar and Son plot was soapy and unnecessary. Also Lothar was portrayed very differently from his book counterpart. Not necessarily a bad thing, but he was kind of a dick.

Thing that pissed me off the most though was their portrayal of Orgrim Doomhammer. Not even mentioning that they made him a Frostwolf (this takes a lot of meaning away from his friendship with Durotan, and how unheard of it was among the orcs) but they make him a fucking traitor? That's just not the Doomhammer we know. His character in general was completely wasted in this movie. I thought they would at least give him his moment against Gul'dan or Blackhand for redemption, but no dice.
It seems to me that alot of the changes were made just to make changes, which in my opinion is a bad practice. A lot of the areas were the film fell short, the source material got right.
There were a few changes I actually liked though.
Gul'dan reviving a stillborn Thrall was a really cool twist, and also a great explanation of why he is green in the new canon. It also set a great tone for the rest of the movie. I loved that.

The scene where they go through the portal was so awesome. Amazingly well made in my opinion.

I liked Llane having Garona stab him to save her, very nice twist. Even though it changes her whole character and her motivations, I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.

I enjoyed how they gave Blackhand a little character instead of just making him a generic bad guy. But him going out like a bitch against Lothar was bullshit.

I would've liked Durotans death if not for the fact that he died for nothing. They set it up like this huge sacrifice that would open his peoples eyes. But it didn't. They might have compained a bit, but when the credits rolled they were still following Gul'dan. There was no payoff. Wasted opportunity for an otherwise well made and emotional death.

It did do a lot of things right, most notably the orcs. They were pretty amazing. Durotan was by far the best character in the movie. Garona was quite interesting, but I think she stood out too much compared to the normal orcs.
I definately think it was a mistake for the movie to focus primarily on the humans, and it seems like I'm not the only one who thinks so. As far as I've seen, even casuals were more interested in the orcs.
It was quite funny in some areas (Murloc!!) but the dialogue also felt incredibly cheesy in many areas, mostly among the humans. Amazing how the orcs seemed to have better acting than the humans.

All in all, it was decent film that suffers from some occasional cheesy dialogue and weird pacing, but has amazing visuals and interesting characters. As a long time fan of Warcraft lore though, I was put off by the huge amount of changes they made to the lore, most of which seemed unnecessary and didn't really further the plot.

One thing is for sure, it does not deserve the overwhelming hate it gets from critics. It was just as good as, if not better than, any of the MCU movies I've seen. I hope we'll get a Director's Cut with the missing 40 minutes that were allegedly cut. That's a fucking lot. I'm willing to bet that it changes pacing completely.

Though I'll be disappointed if Blizzard doesn't bring some of the ideas introduced in the movie to the games. Like (SPOILER ALERT) Garona being Medivh's daughter.

Wait, this was a thing?? I didn't pick up on that at all. When did they say this?

Also I doubt this will carry over to the games, since they have a son together (ugh) in the current canon.

Mostly for the worse? You prefer the convoluted, less-than-straightforward mess that is the state of the lore in the games right now? Chronicle has done a lot to patch it up, granted, but until the other volumes come out it's STILL a convoluted mess I'll prefer the movie's take over.

Well, since the film is based on the First War, they wouldn't need any of the convoluted lore from current canon WoW. They could base it off the old books and games and it would still be pretty straight forward, and in many cases work better than what they did in the movie.
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Level 7
Jun 26, 2010
I agree pacing was a bit of an issue (though a second viewing changed that for me, personally), but I disagree about the lore changes. I think they made more sense narratively than the game's lore.

For example, Orgrim's native clan. It makes FAR more sense for him to be a Frostwolf and be Durotan's friend than to be a Blackrock and be Durotan's friend. Such a friendship would be easier to believe and more natural than if they'd gone with the Blackrock angle. I can't really buy into the idea he was Durotan's friend in the games. I know he was, but I just find it VERY difficult to believe since they never would have seen each other more than once a year. If anything they'd just be acquaintances that got along well together.

Yes, that was a thing Tauer. It's implied in the movie and confirmed in the novelization. I personally prefer that take since it means no half-draenei retcon and NO MED'AN! :D

And as much as I'd have loved for it to just be an adaptation of the Warcraft 1 manual, I feel the goal was to try to make the universe and lore at least SOMEWHAT recognizable. Most of the audience haven't even played the original Warcrafts, so going with something so radically different to the current lore would have turned audiences off even more.

Regardless, this is a Tauer's models thread not a movie thread, so... again, Tauer, any chance of a brown-haired Lothar variant like in Warcraft 1? :D




As far as I know, that both movies TED 1 and 2 is the greatest crude humor ever.. damn, It's.. it's fucking hard comedy maan. Bill Cosby in Starbucks fuckin' with Robin williams? darn pure crude jokes... I also like Mark Wahlberg starring there. :b



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
So, we had discussed Game of Thrones a year ago. I've also been arguing with colleagues so bear with me. Today I finally watched the first episode. It only confirmed what I had deduced from what I had heard about it. There was a huge number of unnecessary sex scenes (not to mention rape and anal — call it doggy-style whatever you want, it's all the same, I'm referring to the last scene in the tower with the kid eavesdropping). Half of the episode is riddled with them and they fail to advance the story in any way. Note, as we had established previously, sex != nudism (even though a few of the scenes with nudism were also pointless to some extent, such as that one with the dwarf guy).

I was actually vaguely curious about the plot despite the large lack of character development. Because the season isn't available for sale or preview anywhere, I was forced to get it through less orthodox means and it took 4 hours. Because those means weight heavily on my old PC, I'm not interested in spending that time when it could have taken well half the time/size without those meaningless scenes in them. If I find an easier way to watch it, I might give it another try. But, overall, I don't know, it just seemed like the guy decided to throw a myriad of lifetime sex fantasies of all sorts with a semi-interesting plot. As I had foreseen, and judging by the fact recent seasons don't have as much of that, it only seemed like a cheap maneuver to attract people. It's just an episode and, as of the right now, other than the gruesome amorality, cruelty and all the aforementioned, there's nothing impressionable about this series to distinguish it from any other half-assed (pun not intended) medieval films. (Being a medieval series might play in its favor for me, I'll grant, as I generally prefer watching series over watching movies.)



Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
So, we had discussed Game of Thrones a year ago. [...] Today I finally watched the first episode.[...] There was a huge number of unnecessary sex scenes (not to mention rape and anal [...]). Half of the episode is riddled with them and they fail to advance the story in any way. [...].

I was actually vaguely curious about the plot despite the large lack of character development. [...] I'm not interested in spending that time when it could have taken well half the time/size without those meaningless scenes in them. [...] But, overall, I don't know, it just seemed like the guy decided to throw a myriad of lifetime sex fantasies of all sorts with a semi-interesting plot. [...] it only seemed like a cheap maneuver to attract people. [...] other than the gruesome amorality, cruelty and all the aforementioned, there's nothing impressionable about this series to distinguish it from any other half-assed (pun not intended) medieval films. [...] I generally prefer watching series over watching movies.)

Although it is a motion picture, you might want to give Flesh and Blood a try. Careful, it is for mature audiences, and I am not kidding here. Some parts of it are hard to stomach.

This 1985 medieval movie was quite censored in some countries. It did not do very well at the US box-office ("too cynical and downbeat" to be a hit, according to director Paul Verhoeven).

His initial intent was to portray the moral ambiguity of its characters, and the Middle Ages as a "stinking time in which to live". And imho he more or less succeeded overall, despite the movie lacks dramatic unity. This is because multiple sources all wanted to take the film in different directions (and it shows).
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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
There was a huge number of unnecessary sex scenes (not to mention rape and anal — call it doggy-style whatever you want, it's all the same, I'm referring to the last scene in the tower with the kid eavesdropping). Half of the episode is riddled with them and they fail to advance the story in any way.
Not sure I read you right, but the tower scene ain't rape. It's secret consensual incest buttsecks. And it is kind of central to the plot because it's a hereditary monarchy. This starts to play out pretty early on in the first series even.

There's a lot of unnecessary shit to set the tone to edgy as fuck, that's no secret. But it doesn't really downplay the series as a whole. What's more annoying is that the story progression is painfully slow and convoluted, but I guess that's all part of the game of bones.

Hate it or love it, either way's fine and I've wrestled with both sides throughout, but just watching the first episode is really not giving the series an honest shot.

Because the season isn't available for sale or preview anywhere
It's all available on HBO.




Watched a couple of Violent movies..
Wolf Creek 2 (2013) - Well, I don't fucking watch piece of shit original films, but this film? Aw fuck yes, I love the Antagonist.. Beating up those cock sucking Government cops.. Yeah man, I love it. Best movie ever.. So yeah, Don't fuck with the Rednecks.. I respect that killer tho. Salute goes to him.

Green Room (2015 or maybe.. 2016 but I don't give a fuck on it.) - I only like the part when Anton Yelchin's arm got butchered as fuck.. but those skin heads are awesome.. I also like the part when Patrick Stewart became a Pro-nazi on the movie.. Damn. cool cool cool..

The Water Diviner (2014) - Complete tasteless shit the whole time, But I only like the death of the other sons of that Aussie..



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Not sure I read you right, but the tower scene ain't rape. It's secret consensual incest buttsecks. And it is kind of central to the plot because it's a hereditary monarchy. This starts to play out pretty early on in the first series even.

There's a lot of unnecessary shit to set the tone to edgy as fuck, that's no secret. But it doesn't really downplay the series as a whole. What's more annoying is that the story progression is painfully slow and convoluted, but I guess that's all part of the game of bones.

Hate it or love it, either way's fine and I've wrestled with both sides throughout, but just watching the first episode is really not giving the series an honest shot.

It's all available on HBO.
Alright, thank you. (but flad, I reckon your response would've been a lot more stinging if you weren't staff)
I've actually been watching the following episodes. The plot is sufficiently interesting, though yes, with scenes designed to inflate audience.
Level 8
Nov 10, 2012
. The first season is an almost exact replication of the books
Nearly yes... :) That is a fair-one, however Robert's scene will Renly not happened or some little minor things, which you tell.

A lot of it is just there because it happened in the books
The slow downfall begins with season 2 and ended with season 5, episode 10. The sixth season is popular and good, but now become a fanservice series and uses popular and calculable tropes, or filled with cheap-scenes, like Arya's plot.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I don't know about "scenes designed to inflate audience", Rui... The first season is an almost exact replication of the books, minus some fluff and worldbuilding. A lot of it is just there because it happened in the books, although the books are more graphic and darker in some respects.
A lot of the sex or nude scenes could have been quickened or plain suppressed. That's what I mean.
Level 2
Oct 8, 2015
Anybody here watches Stranger Things? If you are a fan of Fringe and the X-files, you better watch it. Season 1 just ended and I heard that there will definitely be a season 2.
fargo (the tv show) is pretty damn good, i'd say on par with breaking bad in terms of quality. you have to initially adjust to the quirky tone, otherwise it's a very enthralling show.

recently, my friends and i were discussing about batman begins vs. the dark knight rises. it seems they, along with most of the internet from what i've seen, agree that batman begins is the better film, having a tighter story and accomplishing most of what it set out to do.
i argued that it's better to be ambitious and fail (TDKR) then aim low and succeed (batman begins). plus upon rewatching, batman begins (and even the dark knight) suffer almost as much plot stupidity as TDKR, so really it's not like the trilogy's plot logic took a huge nosedive with TDKR. iunno, what do y'all think?




@EdwardElric - I mentioned you for a reason! Caaaauuuseee:

Blood Creek - Best movie ever, the story is good but shitty reviewers downvoted it cause of "Animal Abuse" Which ONLY Fucking uses CGI on those parts, but the undead stuff, Yeah I love it, so as the main antagonist. Good Ku Klux Klan/Twilight/-theme Stuff.. oh, also the part where superman's former job was a fucking Nazi-Vampire hunter. LOL

Eden Lake - Shitty movie, Kids fucking up magneto, LOL. I only liked the part, the rest.. Total bullshit..

^ I recommend ya to watchie the Blood Creek..




Watched Rogue one, Sadly it's Recorded on Cam from a Puto Cinema. (Spain) The story was good so far, I only liked the few characters except the girl tho. (Chirrut, Andor, KS20 and Saw G.) The ending was shit tho, the main characters died :c

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Finished House of Cards seasons 1-4 (all as of now): I can imagine it not being for everyone, but if you like the first season you gonna like the rest.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

^Season 1 was good, though I didn't enoy all of the rest so much.
I guess I like high shock factor; peeing on father's grave and dropping Jesus statue were really unexpected to me. Also the train scene, kill happened unexpectedly, whereas the car scene was kind of dragged on (I predicted how the scene would end).

Edit: For reference:
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Bucket List for 2017 Bingewatch:
  1. Silence
  2. Life (Alien Copy Shit)
  3. Alien: Covenant
  4. Return of Xander Cage
  5. Monster Trucks
  6. The Mummy
  7. Another Star Wars Shit
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
I watched some movies and I'll put some words about them now.

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

Suicide Squad

Avengers Age of Ultron

Captain America Civil War

X-Men Apocalypse

Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV

The Flash series.

That's my detailed reviews. Thanks for reading.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Hello gents, just dropping by to share something.

This isn't technically a film or a tv series, but a web series, so a series nonetheless.
What's more is that my GF is part of the production of this series, she's the editor
(And other stuff). :)

It's a funny, wacky, series about a group of students sharing a flat that discover
magical powers, and how this alters their otherwise normal lives. I hope you'll give
it a watch, a chance and maybe even share and subscribe.

Link to the channel: Partway Productions


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
The regular doom rock bar/hangout I frequent hosts monthly screenings of weird horror/exploitation/fringe/whatever flicks. It's a pretty sweet setup. They pick out three films based on whatever theme they have for the evening, and then write cryptic descriptions for each film without revealing the title so people can vote on whichever description they like best.

The theme yesterday was "Recent features that spark hope for the future", and the subtheme that won was "Punkrockers bite off more than they can chew".

Long story short, they screened Green Room by Jeremy Saulnier. And I gotta say, it was fucking awesome. Free of most annoying horror tropes, cool plot and setting, unpredictable plot developments, real nice cinematography, neo-nazis, basically everything you could ask for.

If you also think horror is a dying genre, or if you just want to see Patrick Stewart turning his normal typecasting flat on its face, check it out.

Green Room (2015) - IMDb

Supernatural(serie) is highly,highly,highly recommended for watching.

Do u wanna know why?
The story is epic and awesome,ik. that the graphics of monsters are not really something,but u know what?! its all about the story,which is epic,amazing and awesome.
So if u search for a good story,supernatural is just the right thing for you.

Here is a nice Trailer(Warning contains SPOILERS):

Here is some more information(dont watch the video,it contains spoilers):
Supernatural - IMDb

P.S.im currently done with season 11.




Supernatural(serie) is highly,highly,highly recommended for watching.

Do u wanna know why?
The story is epic and awesome,ik. that the graphics of monsters are not really something,but u know what?! its all about the story,which is epic,amazing and awesome.
So if u search for a good story,supernatural is just the right thing for you.

Here is a nice Trailer(Warning contains SPOILERS):

Here is some more information(dont watch the video,it contains spoilers):
Supernatural - IMDb

P.S.im currently done with season 11.

I also like Supernatural and my Favorite character is Castiel. Damn Misha's good tho.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Lost count of how many I watched since I've been away.
  • The Myth with Jackie Chan comes to mind. Not a great piece, but fairly entertaining, combining humor on a modern day era with combats from a medieval one.
  • Looper. The first 30 minutes of the movie feel bland, like it was just another gun shooting for the sake of wrecking stuff and people, but the movie progressively gets better towards the end.
  • The Prestige (IMdb: 8.5/10). I thought a movie about two magicians would be fairly boring, but it turned out to be quite good; first by the fair amount of plot twists, and then by the morally questionable choices by the protagonists that leave you wondering where you stand.
I'll add more as I remember.
Level 15
Nov 30, 2007
I recommend Marco Polo for anyone who isn't squeamish, loves Mongolian throat singing, and the principles of Sun Tzu and Machiavelli. Oh did i mention there is a pegging scene. Yes, you heard that right pegging. Sadly there won't be a season 3.

Similar series are: The Last Kingdom and Vikings.

I'm a sucker for historical series so won't give any of them a rating but I'd say they are all competing in the same league. Vikings possibly being the weaker of the bunch.
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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I recommend Marco Polo for anyone who isn't squeamish, loves Mongolian throat singing, and the principles of Sun Tzu and Machiavelli. Oh did i mention there is a pegging scene. Yes, you heard that right pegging. Sadly there won't be a season 3.

Similar series are: The Last Kingdom and Vikings.

I'm a sucker for historical series so won't give any of them a rating but I'd say they are all competing in the same league. Vikings possibly being the weaker of the bunch.
I'm quite fond of historical series as well. Recently I've been watching Victoria. Not sure how accurate it is, but it's got good immersion and the protagonist feels relatable.

Valar Morghulis.
I've been watching that one closely. I think I once ranted here about it being fiddled with unnecessary scenes. It seems, now that they are gone, people are finding the series's run overly short. I wonder why that is :rolleyes::xxd:

I've watched all installments of Alien except the last one, Young Sherlock Holmes (1985, loved it, though the child actors performed kinda poorly), and Nanny McPhee Returns (2010).
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Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

I recommend White Collar for anyone looking for a light hearted and entertaining twist on cop show (I've seen first 3 seasons, I don't know what's it like after that though).
Band of Brothers is a great, but short tv series about the second world war. It's not just a documentation of historic events. It also has interesting characters.

As for the movies, if you like westerns I recommend The Unforgiven and The Fistful of Dollars trilogy, though chances are you've already seen them if you like westerns. I also recommend Gran Torino and Dirty Harry movies. (Yes, all these movies feature Clint Eastwood xD)
Seven Samurai is also an excellent film for pretty much anyone, unless you can't do without action every few minutes.
Level 3
May 2, 2014
I recently watched Icarus last night from Netflix. It is a really good documentary and made me realize why does the use of performance-enhancing drugs is not allowed if almost all the athletes are taking supplements that are not "banned" in the WADA's list.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Watched While She Was Out. The movie's start is pretty bland. At some point I thought I'd be surprised, but then I wasn't. The abused-house-wife-goes-on-an-invidual-spree after walking around with a silent savior toolbox is just way too unbelievable.

More agreeable was watching The Golden Compass. I was surprised to find out it didn't rate too well, but I do love this sort of movies anyway. Despite the admittedly unoriginal and poorly developed characters, it didn't feel like wasted time at all.
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Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
More agreeable was watching The Golden Compass. I was surprised to find out it didn't rate too well, but I do love this sort of movies anyway. Despite the admittedly unoriginal and poorly developed characters, it didn't feel like wasted time at all.

The book series behind it are quite decent in case you haven't read them or should be interested in doing so. (There is of course a lot more and a lot better character development in the books).
  • Like
Reactions: Rui



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Watched Centurion (2010), an historical movie. The explicit bloody scenes end up not working in their favor as the bloodspatters don't even look realistic (I recall a scene of a soldier hitting a tree with a spatter that looked like a melon breaking). At some point there's some progress towards character development. Though I feel that, in the end, neither the character nor historical planes are well developed. Still worth a shot for those who like medieval/historical films.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Always good with some classics. I do wonder if the Thor one was the good or the bad one? Can't recall the name of either.
From what I've read regarding critical response, it was the bad one — which, to me, was decent for some casual action! :p
The good one is called Ragnarok I believe.

I've meanwhile rewatched Kingdom of Heavens (2005) and Karate Kid (2010). The first is a great movie already, though unfortunately story inaccurate, even though the characters are all real. There is a special version outside theaters which seems to have received much better response than the theatrical one. Karate Kid is also cool to watch, though I always wonder if the individualism doesn't stand out too much over the obvious saving that is having someone like Mr. Han willing to lend you a hand.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
From what I've read regarding critical response, it was the bad one — which, to me, was decent for some casual action! :p
The good one is called Ragnarok I believe.

I've meanwhile rewatched Kingdom of Heavens (2005) and Karate Kid (2010). The first is a great movie already, though unfortunately story inaccurate, even though the characters are all real. There is a special version outside theaters which seems to have received much better response than the theatrical one. Karate Kid is also cool to watch, though I always wonder if the individualism doesn't stand out too much over the obvious saving that is having someone like Mr. Han willing to lend you a hand.

Hehe, I should get around to seeing some of the thor movies. I've only gotten around to the first and I still have an unopened DVS with Kingdom of Heavens in my collection. Karate Kid is likely the only movie with Jackie that I didn't see. Heard so much bad a bout it, and really didn't like the reboot idea.