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Discuss Film & TV Series - Ratings & Recommendations

Level 7
Aug 19, 2019
Yea, I had the pleasure of seeing it on TV years ago when it randomly ran around dinner time with my family. Gotta love the classic westerns with a splash of good fun (Who doesn't enjoy seeing Mormons being trained in fighting).
Hell yeah! Gonna catch Day of Anger and A Bullet for the General soon.




Kamen Rider Build NEW WORLD: Kamen Rider Grease - Perfect Triumph
Level 7
Aug 19, 2019
Oh dear god. Fuck you, Cats (2019) - IMDb





Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Finally watched Warcraft, the film. I understand the disappointment: the visuals are great, but it really lacks a compelling storyline and character development. I liked the role they gave to the fel magic, but that's about it. All in all, a "watchable" film for fans of the franchise.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Finally watched Warcraft, the film. I understand the disappointment: the visuals are great, but it really lacks a compelling storyline and character development. I liked the role they gave to the fel magic, but that's about it. All in all, a "watchable" film for fans of the franchise.

Had the exact same feeling hen I saw it in the cinema - although I wouldn't have minded another.
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Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
Finally watched Warcraft, the film. I understand the disappointment: the visuals are great, but it really lacks a compelling storyline and character development.
I watched it in a cinema when it released and sadly... I have to agree - it was a nice popcorn movie, but I feel they tried to cram way too much stuff into it, resulting in the storyline and characters feeling rather shallow. I mean, I had some fun with it as a Warcraft fan, but I can totally see how the movie could be disappointing to people who weren't already fans of the franchise.

I think the biggest mistake the movie made was trying to do both sides - in my opinion it would be much better if they followed the book storyline where Khadgar comes to Medivh as an apprentice/spy and the two slowly grow closer together, while also witnessing the beginnings of the Horde's invasion.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
I watched it in a cinema when it released and sadly... I have to agree - it was a nice popcorn movie, but I feel they tried to cram way too much stuff into it, resulting in the storyline and characters feeling rather shallow. I mean, I had some fun with it as a Warcraft fan, but I can totally see how the movie could be disappointing to people who weren't already fans of the franchise.

I think the biggest mistake the movie made was trying to do both sides - in my opinion it would be much better if they followed the book storyline where Khadgar comes to Medivh as an apprentice/spy and the two slowly grow closer together, while also witnessing the beginnings of the Horde's invasion.
I agree here. I basically see it as a Marvel film, lot's of action, fighting and magic effects, but without any character developement or senseful settings. That's why non Warcraft fans couldn't really place it, and the result shows. Personally if I haven't played WoW, I wouldn't find it much different than idk Thor. Some of the movie highlights, like Dalaran and Aegwynn, Draenei, Harvest Constructs would all seem weird without the knowledge of the game.

I mean they kinda went with it the wrong way, "The Last Guardian" being the main plot, with some "Lord of the Clans" squeezed in, and lots of uneeded retcons. While I agree that "The Last Guardian" is perhaps the mosty important story in the whole franchise, it's by no way the pinnacle of the franchise, and it's story and characters are nothing special without knowing the big picture.

Instead they should've started with the best of what they had. After 25 years of games, books, comics, etc....what's the pinncale of Warcraft lore? And I think we all agree here, especially on Hive. It's "Reign of Chaos", or more precisely "The Scourge of Lordaeron". It starts from zero, meaning no lore knowledge is needed prior to seeing the story for the first time and it pretty much has it all, strong character developement, powerful story, romantically involved main leads, you just name it. I think it should have been maid into a movie(or possibly movies), while "The Last Guardian" and "Lord of the Clans", and even Wc1 and Wc2, would've been better off as prequels.

By the way has anyone checked this out:
Diablo Anime on Netflix and Overwatch Cartoon Reportedly In The Making
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
That's why non Warcraft fans couldn't really place it, and the result shows.
I don't think Warcraft fans were a problem - I think the movie lacked appeal to a more general audience due to being too much of a fan-service, i.e. for instance by trying to show both sides and using too many characters. Warcraft fans already knew the plot and the characters - the general audience didn't and honestly, the movie did very little to make them care about any of the protagonists or the story.

While I agree that "The Last Guardian" is perhaps the mosty important story in the whole franchise, it's by no way the pinnacle of the franchise
I think The Last Guardian would be a really great starting point if they really focused on its core story - on Khadgar and his friendship with the eccentric mage, Medivh. That way the whole story would have been a lot more personal and the big plot twist of Medivh being corrupted would have felt more impactful.

It's "Reign of Chaos", or more precisely "The Scourge of Lordaeron". It starts from zero, meaning no lore knowledge is needed prior to seeing the story for the first time and it pretty much has it all, strong character developement, powerful story, romantically involved main leads, you just name it.
I agree that this would have been a good starting point too, if... they only focused on a small chunk of the story, for instance on Arthas' descent into madness culminating with his decision to purge Stratholme. Why only this? To avoid the very same mistake they made in the actual movie, i.e. trying to use too much of the existing story and thus making the plot feel shallow.

My whole point here is that the first movie should have focused on a much smaller cast and more personal, universal themes, because it should assume that your average viewer doesn't know the story or the characters and went in the direction of first building up a cast of characters that people actually liked and related to before unleashing the craziness of Warcraft's story. That's what Marvel did with its movies - yes, there were movies with big battles and so on, but also a lot of movies that build up the world and the characters, making sure that people would actually care about these heroes once you put a lot of them on the screen at once.

Warcraft didn't have that.
Level 7
Aug 19, 2019
The problem with making a movie out of a franchise as old as the Warcraft series is that the real target demographic for the games was young teens.

The old fans are well on their way to, or in many cases way over 30 years old. You can't expect to hook many more viewers that age that weren't already into it as kids.

So the target demographic can either be teens with the hopes of reviving the interest for a new generation, or as fan service to the lingering older fanbase.

One of these options is waaay more profitable.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
My whole point here is that the first movie should have focused on a much smaller cast and more personal, universal themes, because it should assume that your average viewer doesn't know the story or the characters and went in the direction of first building up a cast of characters that people actually liked and related to before unleashing the craziness of Warcraft's story. That's what Marvel did with its movies - yes, there were movies with big battles and so on, but also a lot of movies that build up the world and the characters, making sure that people would actually care about these heroes once you put a lot of them on the screen at once.
Yes, I agree. However, you can't really remember every Marvel superhero, let alone care about them. I mean before Endgame there were like 40 movies(not exaggerating) and I doubt our mind is capable of processing that much info, let alone remember them. But I agree that Warcraft would have been better without too many characters, that you would grow to care about.
For Diablo it has already begun?

No, that's an 8 year old promo for D3(that introduced cartoony graphics to the franchise). The Diablo series on Netflix are going to be an anime. And idk if I'll watch it tbh. I don't like the anime, simply it's animation and storytelling feel kinda idk, cheap. No offense to the Japanese culture of course, but anime simply aren't my thing.

As for OW, well, there already is an animated series of overwatch(to an extent) on youtube. And this would just be a continuation. And man are they awesome, that animation, it's Pixar quality basically. I never played Overwatch much (FPSs aren't my thing), but a good Pixar is always welcome. If Blizzrad found a partner for them indeed, that just means there's gonna be more of the shorts to see, and I do not doubt that Pixar quality will be kept.
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
I mean before Endgame there were like 40 movies(not exaggerating) and I doubt our mind is capable of processing that much info
You don't have to - it's enough you remember one or two and you already have something that will interest you in a movie where all these characters come together.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
The Diablo series on Netflix are going to be an anime. And idk if I'll watch it tbh. I don't like the anime, simply it's animation and storytelling feel kinda idk, cheap. No offense to the Japanese culture of course, but anime simply aren't my thing.
That one I linked was made in the anime style.
You have seen bad animes then.
As for OW
Now that's something that would not interest me. I don't think it will that much of an interesting story. It's just Justice League, Avengers, whatever hero group you've seen before.

As for a Diablo series, if it's not going to be too long, which would mean filler episodes and milking for cash, I might give it a try if the premise and all isn't something really cheesy. If they follow the main story pre-Diablo->Diablo IV, then I hope they won't retcon too much or at all from the good stuff. From my point of view, they could just skip Diablo III directly to RoS, meaning Diablo won't be resurrected with the stone and lords of Hell markings and all that silliness.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
As for a Diablo series, if it's not going to be too long, which would mean filler episodes and milking for cash, I might give it a try if the premise and all isn't something really cheesy. If they follow the main story pre-Diablo->Diablo IV, then I hope they won't retcon too much or at all from the good stuff. From my point of view, they could just skip Diablo III directly to RoS, meaning Diablo won't be resurrected with the stone and lords of Hell markings and all that silliness.
I disagree here, to me it simply doesn't work. Diablo is not supposed to be an anime, to me that seems ridiculous. If there is going to be a Diablo movie/tv series it should be done right and like it should be, a live action, R rated(18+) horror.
What I was trying to say is that to me they've hit the spot with Overwatch, it's just as it's supposed to be, a Pixar. While with Diablo they went the wrong way.

If we're talking Blizzard franchise movies/tv series, here's how imo they should look like:
  • Warcraft - live action jolly version of LotR(they did this both right and wrong in one way or another)
  • Starcraft - live action Star Wars (not gonna happen, co$t$ too much)
  • Diablo - live action 18+ horror (they've done it wrong, won't be good as an anime, to me at least)
  • Overwatch - Pixar(spot on)


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
I disagree here, to me it simply doesn't work. Diablo is not supposed to be an anime, to me that seems ridiculous. If there is going to be a Diablo movie/tv series it should be done right and like it should be, a live action, R rated(18+) horror.
Let's agree to disagree. We're not talking about Diablo Lego. Imagine that...

I didn't say I prefer anime. I'd rather have some 3D CGI stuff like they do with their Diablo games cinematic shorts. Besides it might look anime but might not necessarily follow the typical anime story arcs, character development, all that.
I'm saying the reason why they're doing it is that video I linked earlier. Also, it's cheaper than a movie like Warcraft.
Generally, games turned into movies usually go wrong because games are designed to be games, not movies. Sure, maybe some of those fan fiction, ahem, official Diablo books could be made into movies.

Warcraft was never jolly aside the cartoony look and quotes. Other than that, it's a pretty gruesome experience.
About StarCraft, I don't think it'll cost that much more than a Warcraft movie/series.

Anyways, all this does not kill the chances for a Diablo live action or whatever. If they make enough money with what they're trying now, they might become a new Disney with loads of filler movies that are totally unnecessary but make good food for fans.
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013

: O
Recommended semi-realist anime CGI action movie. While the story is kinda straight forward and common anime plot, there are more than enough action in these one half hours with its beautiful CGI. It's about fighting Japanese monsters or aliens with some futuristic tech. This movie is based on its manga/anime, but with different plot.

For me, the only downsides are with the plot (which kinda spoiler). I know this movie from Corridor Crew Youtube channel mentioning its great VFX . (I also highly recommend to subscribe Corridor Crew for review/explanation of movies on weekly basis).

As for its non spoiler plot, a group of people stuck in some kind of 'game'. They received some high tech weapons given by Gantz (an unknown entity). Each night they will teleported to kill all the monsters in there. Killing monster give you points, once you reach 100, you can be free from that 'game', or get weapons upgrade, or reviving your teammates. The story focus on Masaru Kato who just get into that game, but the group teleported into high level threat in Osaka. basic plot tldr its a noob get into high level dungeon o.o

As I said, its main selling point is the CGI. You can't expect much action with this noob group. Half of it they are just being scared and shocked. So that why they got into Osaka which feature some 'high level players'. Its based on popular manga in Japan. Based on some reddit user review, the plot is more confusing if you read the manga, because its kinda same but different. The fans are only wanted to see their characters as CGI. You can clearly see on its promo art (at top) showing those 2 girls with girly pose. Even this movie feature jiggle physic o.o

tes6.gif tes5.gif
turned out we still cant use webp o.o
Click here and here for better view

Hmmm... enough with the jiggle. For me, I always like such CGI. Like in Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV and Tekken Blood Vengeance, also FF7 Advent Children, even the older one Spirit Within. Maybe I'll try watch more of it like Captain Herlock and Resident Evils CGI movie.

So we know the group is noob. But they are not doing anything. Its really annoying to watch. Just being scared, staring those monsters, doing nothing, took really long time to start run away. Well, based on the manga, the creator wanted to make it as realistic as possible, so maybe this is how real life works o.o idk.

Then we have this MC, with 'i want to help but cant do anything' personality. The old man holding him off to do action is really annoying for me. I mean, they are all gonna dead if they not killing all of them, the result will be the same if they not doing anything.

Also we have this stupid osaka people, didnt know his of friend really dying but not helping at all. Also that guy who already won 7 times with robot, really suck using it. Who use long sword with zero range o.o

Then in the end, suddenly, the get snipers. IMBA snipers. wtf i thought they need points to get better weapons. And their aim are kinda good suddenly.

At the end, they are showing that this is the second time MC get in there. So thats mean, the actress girl and old man already there for more than 3 nights. at least. But even they dont know the range of their gun o.o
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Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Watched Hacksaw Ridge, a 2016 film about Desmond Doss, a medic who served in the US army in 1945 and refused to wield a weapon. :)

I'd rate it 4/5. The film is good, but, at times, they focus the carnage way more than is necessary.

Interesting.. I might not see the movie, but the story lead me down the rabbit hole on wikipedia. Thanks for it :smile:
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Level 4
Sep 24, 2021
If you've been sleeping on Boruto (the sequel to Naruto and Naruto Shippuden), I'm gonna let this video do the talking for me as to why you should pick the series up. The stuff with the Otsutsukis, Kawaki, Kara, and all that stuff is awesome

Level 2
Jul 29, 2021
Saint Maud
Very interesting horror, maybe there are no scare jumps - but despite that it keeps the level and does not become a comedy like most horror movies
Level 5
Oct 4, 2008
Latest movies watched:

Infinity Pool - 6.2/10

It was a nice little movie, with moments of atmosphere and surrealism. In the end it felt like a time good spent, but I expected more. On a "fucked up" scale, with 1 being a Disney movie and 10 being Salo, I'll give it a sold 5.8. Lead actress does a fine job of being mysterious and alluring, while the lead actor does his best impersonation of a dead fish.

Last Night in Soho - 5.5/10

This one was highly rated in IMDB, so my expectations were higher from the start. It failed to deliver on that. If all you're expecting is an interesting mystery wrapped inside of a period piece, then you will likely enjoy this movie. Personally I expected the movie to be more sinister and twisted. Still, it does a good job at portraying the sleazy entertainment industry from the middle of the last century. Both leading actresses did a good job as well.

The Cursed - 3.5/10

Jesus fucking christ. Pardon my French. If you're looking for fun, entertainment or at least something memorable, skip this one. This movie might only work as a cure for insomnia. It runs for almost two hours, but in that time, there is absolutely nothing of note. Zero character development, or any interesting and sincere human interaction, resulting in a complete care of what happens to anyone in the movie. Lead character is filled to the brim with cliches, as is the rest of the movie. I wanted to gouge my eyes out while witnessing this steaming, uninspired piece of turd. I thought I knew what working half-assedly meant, but these people have me beat. It was comical watching Kelly Reilly (otherwise a good actress) trying her damnest to squeze something out of this mess, but it just wasn't happening.
Level 11
Dec 21, 2012
Speak no Evil (2022):

"Psychological horror"? More like frustration. If you want to watch a movie about characters so stupid and spineless, that it'll make you get up and go outside for a breather every 10 minutes, this is for you. The movie, at least, seems to be somewhat self-aware at the end.
Level 1
Sep 6, 2023
Agreed, although I am still not certain if it retains the same quality upon a second viewing. Haven't dared trying as to not influence my intial impression of it, due to it being so mystical.
I have probably seen Inception more than 20 times now, but I get what you mean. You can get burned out with a film even on the second viewing.

For Inception though, I've started seeing more details on my 2nd and succeeding runs of it. I also didn't understand how compacted things are as they go through deeper layers of the dream and this was easier to digest the more I watch it. Of course, not in rapid succession of watching it but more like watching it every few months or a year. It's one of my most favorites.

Lots of good recommendations here, really dig the content. :)