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Discuss Film & TV Series - Ratings & Recommendations

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Discuss films and TV series*, recommend them, rate them, bash them for all I care, but don't make a fight out of it. Opinions are different, and they will continue to be different. If someone else loves a film you hate, ignore the other one, but feel free to explain why you hate it - and then leave it at that, don't try to prove your opinion is better, or that the other opinion is flawed or lacking in evidence.

Let everyone have their own opinions in peace, and enjoy discussing films with people who have opinions similar to yours instead. Can we just do that? I'm so sick of people always having to shove their e-peen into friendly discussions. It always happens when arts are discussed - my subjective opinion is bigger better than yours! Make this thread the exception. Thanks.

Stick to discussing complete seasons first and foremost.

If you must spoil, use [HIDDEN]-tags.
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Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Myself said:
Purchased Prince of Persia, hoping to watch it before going out. I've already seen it before, but I was in the mood for a film of the sort after watching Captain America (shit - they still got Tønsberg wrong-, but it ties Ironman, Captain America and Thor together, and I guess they are all three present in this Avengers gang, so I guess it's good for something), Blitz (decent, but nothing new), The Rock (old classic, still great), The International (enjoyed this a lot, but I'm not too fond of conspiracy theories, regardless of how true they are or seem to be) and Doomsday (still one of my favourite films, the only thing I keep getting annoyed at is how those shitty cars out of Mad Max are faster than the Bentley, alas, it wouldn't be a car chase scene if they just fell behind) the last two weeks.

Captain America.. I honestly don't know why I bothered. I just threw it into the order to get free shipping. I figured Marvel had done somewhat decent films lately and it was worth a shot. Wait, it's not Marvel, is it? It's DC? Or what is that other company called? Ah, screw that, anyway. The beginning is really awkward because, if I recall correctly, they're in Tønsberg, Norway during WW2 just like they were in Tønsberg on Thor, centuries earlier, and there's mountains in the back. Although it's less apparent in Captain America, the mountains are still there, and they don't exist. Tønsberg is relatively flat, with a rock called Slottsfjellet being the highest point. Another largely annoying feature is that they hired a German to be the Norwegian priest(?) and although his words are Norwegian, the pronunciation is far off. And I mean, it's one sentence, they could at least have tried to get it right. To further up the ridicule, there's this guy with a huge head and a tiny body (I bet he would have trouble standing upright in real life with a head twice the weight of his body) trying to get enlisted for military duty. It's all fine and dandy that he wants to be in the army, but if his physics is what prevents him from being enlisted, then why doesn't he do anything about it? Moving on, he becomes part of this secret project because some professor sees that he is thoroughly good and therefore is perfect for the experiment. So they build him muscle, ie return his real body to the head. But that's not all, because this guy can suddenly run faster than a car. The muscle they made on him is redundant, because he's obviously magic. Just like all other Marvel characters, but still. I'm not going to spoil any more, though. The film is shit, only watch it if you love Marvel or liked Thor and Ironman and want some filling to the story.

Blitz is a Jason Statham genre film. Except it's not really. He's an uncontrollable cop with an impossible case he's trying to solve. Then there's this lunatic serial cop killer that thinks he's the best thing since sex. Perfect actor for the job there, by the way. It all takes on a predictable course and there's nothing you haven't seen before.

The Rock, well, if you haven't seen it, it offers names such as Don Simpson, Michael Bay, Jerry Bruckheimer and Sean Connery. As a bonus, Claire Forlani shows up as well. It takes place in San Francisco Bay, on Alcatraz, where a rogue General and his troops occupy the island and take the tourists on the location as captives. This to prove a point, pay a bunch of families of fallen soldiers and to secure their own future.
"I'd take pleasure in guttin' you, boy"
Also, I'm trying to imply here, that it's a really great film and you should watch it.

The International is one of those conspiracy films where everyone are working against you and there's nobody you can trust. It works more or less, but you never really get the idea of paranoia apart from one scene quite early on. It's kind of essential that when you're in a world where there's nobody you can trust and everyone's out to get you, you get a little paranoid. Anyway, Clive Owen does a good job otherwise and the film is exciting enough. As for recommendation, if you're looking for this kind of film, I'd say The Adjustment Bureau is a better shot. Much better shot.

Doomsday is an excellent film. You have punk slash post-apocalyptic, you have medieval and you have dirty modern society. In addition, you have Rhona Mitra and David O'Hara, the former being my second favourite action film actress and the latter being the most awesome voice and accent combination on the planet - and he got the looks to go with it. I really got nothing more to add, because this film is just perfect entertainment for me. It satisfies me in all areas except emotion, and sometimes, you don't want the emotion.
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
The movie I've seen most recently is Ghost Town, in which Ricky Gervais (shame on those who don't know him) plays a dentist who can see dead people. Great humor. But it's still a Hollywood movie, so expect some sappy romance as well.

And some shitty Sci-Fi channel movie I watched for about 10 minutes, called Ice Spiders. Has anyone ever seen a good Sci-Fi channel movie?

shiiK said:
Blitz is a Jason Statham genre film. Except it's not really. He's an uncontrollable cop with an impossible case he's trying to solve. Then there's this lunatic serial cop killer that thinks he's the best thing since sex. Perfect actor for the job there, by the way. It all takes on a predictable course and there's nothing you haven't seen before.

Yeah, seen that one. He plays the exact same role as in all of his other movies. He also always looks the same, even in that fantasy movie of his, A Dungeon Siege Tale. :p

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Aw, I can't remember the beginning of that film, in fact, I only vaguely remember the contents roughly contained in the trailer. Even so, I seem to recall enjoying it.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
I've been meaning to go see that one.

Really a bummer though, I was actually considering watching the dubbed version if the original voice actors were to participate.
Turns out most of the bundle were either politely knocking on death's door or ill-mannered enough to have barged in inadmissibly.
Level 12
Apr 4, 2010
I've been watching Apollo 18, I'm 117% sure that the movie is TRUE and NASA and the ministry of defense for America tried to stopped it from being published as a movie, however, the Russian politicians MIGHT have helped them in publishing the movie. The official website for Apollo 18, the movie, had been blocked by the America's government. Here's the website: http://www.lunartruth.com
I couldn't access it as well though, it just keep saying loading 0%.
BRO TIP: Watch Apollo 18 at night, although watching it on the Moon would have better effects.
You guys should really watch Apollo 18, I give it a 8/10.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
^ must watch, all movies with him are way hilarous to miss

I've been watching Apollo 18, I'm 117% sure that the movie is TRUE and NASA and the ministry of defense for America tried to stopped it from being published as a movie, however, the Russian politicians MIGHT have helped them in publishing the movie. The official website for Apollo 18, the movie, had been blocked by the America's government. Here's the website: http://www.lunartruth.com
I couldn't access it as well though, it just keep saying loading 0%.
BRO TIP: Watch Apollo 18 at night, although watching it on the Moon would have better effects.
You guys should really watch Apollo 18, I give it a 8/10.

I've researched lots of conspiracies regarding 'Alien buildings on Mars/Moon' in these cases these shapes are rock formations, rocks can look like humans, animals, even the smiley on Mars seems to be naturally formed.

The movie was completely unclear, I had no idea what's going on other than the chit-chat b-n the astronauts, some screaming and until they went outside to check that abandoned CCCP ship out.

I give it a 5/10 just because it does not include funny looking costumed aliens as if taken from the Halloween costumes store, or I would've given it less.
Level 12
Apr 4, 2010
I've researched lots of conspiracies regarding 'Alien buildings on Mars/Moon' in these cases these shapes are rock formations, rocks can look like humans, animals, even the smiley on Mars seems to be naturally formed.
That doesn't relate to alien life on the moon, did you watch Apollo 18? :ogre_icwydt:

The movie was completely unclear, I had no idea what's going on other than the chit-chat b-n the astronauts, some screaming and until they went outside to check that abandoned CCCP ship out.
Okay, I'll explain to you, Apollo 18 is a 3 man crew secret moon launch joint operation by NASA and Ministry defense for America. They were sent to investigate what was ON the moon, however, the 3 men were not told that this operation was investigating what was on the moon, they were told to collect moon stones. One man on the orbiting space ship which orbits around the moon, receive communication data from the 2 men crew on the space ship which lands on the moon, scans the moon for temperature, movement, etc, and also receive communication data from Earth. 2 men crew on the space ship which lands on the moon collects data of the moon and was bound to return back to earth after 4 days, or 76 hours. However, already on the first day on Moon, they found an abandoned Russian space ship at the South of the Moon. It was running good however, blood could be found inside the abandoned Russian space ship, they were also unknown if the space ship was contaminated. They also found a dead Russian body with a "stone" inside it's body. The stone was however, a parasite, they did not know it was a parasite and kept it inside a bag. On the second day, things were really strange, and they decided to leave with the permission of Ministry of Defense for America, however, something strange knocked out their system and they lost communications and was unable to take off. One of the crew member decided to check out what happened to the systems, however, the "stone" had went inside his astronaut suit. He was bitten and was contaminated. The parasite was taken out of his body but he was still infected and minimal medical care could be given. His eyes went blood shot, his infection started to spread, on the third day, he lost half of his self control due to infection. He asked his buddy to abandon him, however, his buddy refused to do so. He also went to break the glass of the NASA space ship, the whole space ship was not able to function, thus, his buddy decided to bring him along to the Russian space ship and leave Moon, bound for Earth. He then pushed himself into a Moon hole and asked his buddy to leave him here. His buddy had no choice but to board the Russian space ship, his buddy then had communications with the Russians and the Russians rerouted the communication line to MoDFA, MoDFA then said told his buddy that they cannot bring him back to Earth as he is contaminated, however, his buddy was not contaminated. The guy orbiting the Moon was then able to establish communications with his buddy. That guy then guided his buddy to leave Moon. However, unexpectedly for his buddy, the Russian space ship was contaminated with parasites, his buddy was also infected. The end, the guy orbiting the moon, I don't know what happened to him, that's the end.

I give it a 5/10 just because it does not include funny looking costumed aliens as if taken from the Halloween costumes store, or I would've given it less.
Hopefully the explanation I've given would have enlighten you and you would give it a higher rating.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Yes I remember, it wasn't about buildings or intelligent life, it was about this bacteria on the Moon, I remember these 'stones'.

I dont know what the movie was trying to say - that the Russians brought some virus on the Moon? Or that there is some bacteria i.e life there? That's why I made the connection with the 'life on the moon theories'
Level 12
Apr 4, 2010
Yes I remember, it wasn't about buildings or intelligent life, it was about this bacteria on the Moon, I remember these 'stones'.

I dont know what the movie was trying to say - that the Russians brought some virus on the Moon? Or that there is some bacteria i.e life there? That's why I made the connection with the 'life on the moon theories'

There's alien life on the moon, the some stones are actually parasites in a stone form.
Level 16
Oct 18, 2008
Nice thread shiiK :D

I really haven't watched as many movies as I usually do lately (easily 3-4/weeks), but the latest one I saw was Snatch, I don't know why I've waited so long to see it, I should slapmyself because this movie totally kicks ass. Pretty much a lesser known Pulp Fiction if you ask me.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels was great, didn't like Rock 'n Rolla quite as much, but it was nice nonetheless.

Re-watched The Matrix yesterday, all three films. I think I got a better understanding of the concept now after seeing it for the second time. The first time, I got kind of caught up with following the action. Less impressed with the battle scenes now that I've seen a lot of it is made in relatively poor 3D, though. Still, it's a pretty good film, it just lacks a protagonist to sympathise with - I'm kind of finding myself feeling sorry for Agent Smith more so than Neo, but still not really caring for either.

Saw Citizen Kane today, as part of history class. It's kind of hard to follow, and there's so much information you would like to get which is kept from you. Alas, I didn't quite catch the message. It's not a terribly boring film, though, but it's long.
Level 14
Jan 5, 2009
Watched the New Harry Potter.

Well. It was so annoying,
Harry managed to survive the death curse ma bob. Then kill Voldemort Heres my ending: Harry makes a horcuxe thingy, gets killed by voldemort, then voldemort trips over his snake killing the snake, then falls back on his wand stabbing him in the heart MUCH BETTER
Level 25
Apr 27, 2008

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Saw The Transporter yesterday, as planned. Unfortunately not as good as I remembered it to be, but good enough. I guess I've just seen too many Jason Statham films. The first time I saw The Transporter, I had only seen Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (and The One) starring Statham before, and it was amazing.

Watched this thing.

Let's just say I'll never sleep again.

Is that the one with the bones shattering? I don't recognize the cover image and I never memorised the name of the actors. I reckon it was an OK film, though. Except for that doll on the other floor, that was just hilarious.
Level 16
Oct 18, 2008
Saw The Transporter yesterday, as planned. Unfortunately not as good as I remembered it to be, but good enough. I guess I've just seen too many Jason Statham films. The first time I saw The Transporter, I had only seen Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (and The One) starring Statham before, and it was amazing.

No Crank in that list! Watch at least the first one (I'm conscious you've probably seen both already :p). Now that I think of it though, the first Crank is one of the few movies I can count on one hand that gave me an adrelaine rush (action movie-wise). Not a classic in anyway, but way better than what people say, I loved that movie. Oh and Snatch is a kickass Statham flick aswell :D

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

No Crank in that list! Watch at least the first one (I'm conscious you've probably seen both already :p). Now that I think of it though, the first Crank is one of the few movies I can count on one hand that gave me an adrelaine rush (action movie-wise). Not a classic in anyway, but way better than what people say, I loved that movie. Oh and Snatch is a kickass Statham flick aswell :D

Seen both the Crank films, prefer the first one over the other. Enjoyed both, though. Snatch is probably the one film with Statham I haven't seen yet. I should fix that, I guess.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Went to see In Time, the latest sci-fi/philosophy quandary.

I was half expecting a slack-jawed action concept, but it actually packed more punch than I would've imagined. Hell I was at fever pitch 10 minutes in. The premise was actually good, and Justin even managed to pull off the thick-skinned anti-hero from the block- act. If only I'd known the flame was flickering already. By the time I had actually settled on giving it an actual shot, enter cliched chase sequences and the most cringe-worthy dialogue. I literally had to suppress several growls. As the credits started rolling I was just frowning. What the hell happened to the plot? What the hell happened to that brilliant premise? Burried somewhere beneath thick layers of half-baked notions and some borish Robin Hood-idealisms.

Niccol, for briefly lighting a fire only to drench it in urine, stomp the embers, bury the ashes and not even have the courtesy to mark the spot; you just made the list.
Level 8
Dec 17, 2010
The last film i watched was Johnny English Reborn.

(Yes, that is Mr. Bean)