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Blackrock and Roll, Too Maps Pack

Have you ever wanted to play as the enemy in the Warcraft lll campaign missions? Well, now's your chance.
Even better, you can select 1 from 6 Orc bases to play as. This stays mostly true to the original mission, meaning no new custom units and uses mostly Reign of Chaos balancing.

Haven't got any friends to play? No worries, the AI's work. If you play solo just try to survive as long as possible and if you're playing with friends then try to kill the Undead to win the mission.

Undead AI should work properly and attack all of the Orcs hard.

When creating this mission, I saw it like the Smash and Grab mission in Starcraft 2 where the Zerg attack the Protoss without mercy and completely destroy them. But I will probably edit it if requested to make it easier.

Version 1.5: Teal attack force is reverted back to original, with very few units, to make an early orc rush a little bit harder. Blue has slightly stronger defenses now. Green/Gray's defenses are way weaker now since he was intended to be stronger than blue but a bit weaker than brown.
All other orcs have their defenses increased, especially Orange and Red.
Orcish AI attacks are way bigger now.

PS: undead defenses will feel very strong if you play map alone but should be able to be destroyed by a game full of players. Point of playing solo is to see how long you can defend anyway. :thumbs_up:

Utter Corruption: similar to previous map but Undead have abominations and Demon units.
Infernals fall from the sky and the Orcish Clans are even more unique.

Last Stand: Human/High Elven/Dwarven version of the map with new events such as zombies and Frostmourne.

Defense Eternal: Night Elven version of the map. New event such as Illidan becoming a demon and Cenarius is there to aid the Night Elves who are charged with protecting the World Tree.

Battle of the Gods: Humans, Orcs and Night Elves put their differences aside to protect the World Tree.

Cold Death: Illidan finally faces Arthas. One will reign, the other will fall. Be a part of the battle between the Blood Elves & Naga against the Undead Scourge.

Made the non undead factions/bases slightly weaker on all maps, especially Cold Death.
Also fixed some minor things like enabling Wyverns for production for red player on Utter Corruption and fixed the hotkey of the Ogre Mage and reduced its attack by 2 damage; from 24-27 to 22-25.
Cold Death v1.2 is here. Nerfed the blood elven and naga bases a bit more and gave strong starting items to the undead heroes.

Special thanks to:
General Frank
Rebellu Sidus

For all the unit models.

Battle of the Gods v1.2 (Map)

Cold Death v1.2 (Map)

Defense Eternal v1.4 (Map)

Last Stand v1.5 (Map)

Reversed Blackrock and Roll,Too v1.5 (Map)

Utter Corruption v1.7 (Map)

Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
-Map is suposed to be very hard since the Orcs are supposed to help each other but if you are playing solo, then just try to survive as long as possible!
-I might make a different version of this soon with custom units and spells.
-Undead should work properly and attack multiple Orc bases at the same time but the heroes were more difficult to make (Arthas and Kel'Thuzad) so I will try to make them appear smarter and more functional in the near future.

Forgot to mention: I'm probably going to do some other missions in the near future but as standalone maps and not a campaign (unlike the Starcraft 2 Reversed thingy)

Edit: Arthas and Kel'thuzad appear to be functioning well but if you encounter any bugs, please let me know.
I'm most likely to improve undead AI behaviour in the near future.:grin:
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Level 5
Jun 13, 2016
That's quite odd that this map counts as a RoC campaign's mission and ends with a technical defeat if you manage to destroy the Undead's camp.
Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
That's quite odd that this map counts as a RoC campaign's mission and ends with a technical defeat if you manage to destroy the Undead's camp.
Things you mentioned should work now properly :thumbs_up::xxd:

Also I gave it RoC balance because the original mission is a part of Reign of Chaos campaign maps. Most things should be the same except for the little custom changed I made.
Level 7
Mar 7, 2018
Is one thing that you might wana consider, If you attack with all orcs early game , a rush attack , then you win almost instantly , but if you play with bots allies well you only survive with all orcs pretty much, also you can't revive any hero if lose it you lose it for the whole map. I was thinking instead of having an extra orc base maybe make use of the demon gate tu summon demon reinforcements or something, that would be cool:D , But I assume you wanna keep the map unchanged and just offer a different perspective , in that case I think is oke not much to change
Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
Hello. Yes, you are right, an early rush attack will end the undead. I will make it so when a player is Orc then a lot of orcish units are removed from the base.
I will also make it so that if a player leaves, the AI will take control over that base.

Also orc heroes are not revivable like in original map so the player is careful with attacking the undead.

For now I focus on improving the undead attacks and the heroes especially! :xxd:

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Above the actual map preview on the bundle, there's a button that says " add resources ". Click on it and it will allow you to insert additional resources of the same type in the exactly same bundle. In this case, it will allow you to add another map.
Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
Above the actual map preview on the bundle, there's a button that says " add resources ". Click on it and it will allow you to insert additional resources of the same type in the exactly same bundle. In this case, it will allow you to add another map.
Done. Thanks!
It was actually right there, I'm ashamed I didn't notice it.

Maps ready for review whenever you can :cool:
Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
Quick Note: I'm almost done with the Human map for this series of maps. Just testing the balance and will create a new event as well like in the Utter Corruption map (the Infernals that fall down from the skies are the event there).
I'm thinking about zombies event but will see, might not do it.

Human version of map released.
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Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
Mini update on Last Stand: now voice lines at beggining work and made the terrain around the undead base wider so the enemy units don't get stuck randomly (sometimes they would get stuck and sometimes not, this should reduce the chance for the units to get stuck immensely).

Next part of project is Night Elves and then all 3 races: humans, orcs and night elves. Then I might do 1 final map with "custom" races like Centaurs, Razormen, Ogres etc...
Might also make 2 version for Night Elves maps, 1 against the undead and burning legion like the other maps, and another against corrupted night elves. Corrupted treants and Satyrs, allied by the Burnng Legion of course. Might not include any undead there, will see.

Edit: Dwarven Worker, Dwarven Warrior and Dwarven Battlepriests now all have dwarven voices.
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Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
New map released: Defense Eternal
It is a Night Elven version of the maps pack. Some events like the Infernals falling down from the skies are still there from the previous maps but new events such as Illidan becoming a demon are there and Cenarius is also there.

I most likely will replace the zombies attacking the night elves with ghouls and some necromancers but for now I kept it that way so it's not too hard. Done!

And as always, AI works on all players, you just have to set it in the lobby.

Next is all 3 races combined against the undead and the demons, will be kind of like Twilight of the Gods but without a timer.
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Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
New map added: Battle of the Gods

It does not have any additional events apart from infernals falling down from the skies like the other maps but there are 3 extra player slots (AI works on all players just set it in the lobby). There is 1 human and orcish base which is divided in 2 player.
And the other 2 extra players are protecting the objective, the World Tree. There are 1 Human, 1 Orcish and 1 Night Elven base now protecting it, 3 separate players.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
  1. The intro in the night elf vs undead map cannot be skipped. When the cliff with torches is shown, there's nothing (no unit) there at least not visible.
  2. If that map is to be played in mutiplayer, the undead have only one player against so many others. Actually, it can't be played by more than 1 player. The empty slots get filled by computer players and the player always starts with Malorne. The AI doesn't seem to work though. Mines are not even entangled. The undead AI seems to work.
  3. Generally, intros can't be skipped. Intros are useless anyway, the camera is wrongly placed depending on which faction you choose to play as and the AI seems to work during cinematic mode. After the intro finishes, the camera doesn't apply to where you actually start.
  4. In Blackrock and Roll reversed, the orcs don't use their AI.

Generally, meager edits and some of them are not really needed, like replacing orcs with night elves or humans. You could just make one edit and make game modes, thus enabling the choosing of other factions rather than orcs and stuff to happen on the map.

All in all, it's not that bad, especially the orc one which can be played in many players, however, the techtrees are not at all improved or differentiated. The undead are pretty much the same and am not sure how powerful they are against so many players.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
  1. The intro in the night elf vs undead map cannot be skipped. When the cliff with torches is shown, there's nothing (no unit) there at least not visible.
  2. If that map is to be played in mutiplayer, the undead have only one player against so many others. Actually, it can't be played by more than 1 player. The empty slots get filled by computer players and the player always starts with Malorne. The AI doesn't seem to work though. Mines are not even entangled. The undead AI seems to work.
  3. Generally, intros can't be skipped. Intros are useless anyway, the camera is wrongly placed depending on which faction you choose to play as and the AI seems to work during cinematic mode. After the intro finishes, the camera doesn't apply to where you actually start.
  4. In Blackrock and Roll reversed, the orcs don't use their AI.

Generally, meager edits and some of them are not really needed, like replacing orcs with night elves or humans. You could just make one edit and make game modes, thus enabling the choosing of other factions rather than orcs and stuff to happen on the map.

All in all, it's not that bad, especially the orc one which can be played in many players, however, the techtrees are not at all improved or differentiated. The undead are pretty much the same and am not sure how powerful they are against so many players.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Yes, few small issues and things that I have to fix.
For me, all the AI works properly on all maps, could it be because I'm playing it on my "local" computer?
All the maps have been playtested by me with AI on every single avaiable player slot (that's why I created the spectator faction, to observe the AI)
and everything worked properly.

Also thanks for approval :grin::wink::thumbs_up::xxd::cool:2
Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
If someone wants to request another map for this series, then let me know and tell me what you would like to see.
For example: draenei, ogres, gnolls, kobolds...
The races don't have to be "friendly" in Warcraft lore to each other but if they are, then even better. (like humans, dwarves and high elves sticking together against the undead). For example draeneir and fel orcs working together would be weird but I could do it.
Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
Y'all, 1700+ downloads is amazing for me. Big accomplishment and map got also approved.

I found a couple of things that I will soon fix. From some tooltips to balance changes.

Also the Furbolg Workers will not disappear anymore when they build an Ancient and the Furbolg Hall will produce Furbolg Workers, not other Furbolg Halls (oopsie).

Thanks y'all again!
Level 24
Jul 26, 2008
Would prefer if the "campaign" tag is used for a series of maps that constitute some kind of story, as opposed to a situation like this where there are multiple versions based on a single campaign map.
Reversing the teams seems like a fun idea though, look forward to trying it out.
Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
Would prefer if the "campaign" tag is used for a series of maps that constitute some kind of story, as opposed to a situation like this where there are multiple versions based on a single campaign map.
Reversing the teams seems like a fun idea though, look forward to trying it out.
I wish a lot of things were different too homie but they aren't. Sometimes we're stuck with the way things are...

Thanks a lot, I hope you will enjoy it, maps can be played solo.
Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
Very Good Idea, You should Continue making More Missions like These. It would be fun to see Various Orc Clans to defend against Scourge. 5/5
And next time it will be better since I learned so many things about writing AI scripts and the trigger editor (how to prevent majority of the leaks that happen in my map(s))!
Level 2
Jan 25, 2023
One question, it is possible that someone has edited the entire campaign of warcraft 3 to play on the side of the enemies because it would be very fun to play with the bad guys in the campaigns of the frozen throne
Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
I don't think that every mission has been "reversed".
Some missions would be boring to do honestly but I've been planning to make more Reversed missions/maps and make a few edits of them like this one.
Lately I've barely had any time to make Warcraft 3 maps though.
I tested around A Destiny Of Flame And Sorrow (tried to make it Reversed) and it didn't seem that fun so I scratched it. I will look for a new map to reverse. The night elf finale seems like an easy one to do and that's why I've been avoiding to do it but I might as well make it next if I can't find another map to reverse.
Level 2
Jan 25, 2023
I would like to play the reverse warcraft 3 maps (the maps you can build on) but with the necessary changes each map would be a challenge for hardcore gamers like the second scourge of lordaeron mission other than no one had done a reverse campaign before warcraft 3

the 2nd mission could be like 2 human bases, the arthas base and an additional base of dwarves that attack the searinox cave and optionally destroy the dwarf base before they kill searinox as a reward that he leaves you an item or that from time to time they attack the arthas base with minor dragons and that at least the orca base has a hero like the seer and like other maps it could be changed if they know starcraft 1 their campaign was edited in my opinion well to play in reverse for that I am II with the desire and I did not find maps of warcraft 3 inverse
The experience playing it would be different from how you would play it in the original campaign, but I don't want to take your time. If you could do it I would really appreciate it and if not well at least I tried XD
Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
I would like to play the reverse warcraft 3 maps (the maps you can build on) but with the necessary changes each map would be a challenge for hardcore gamers like the second scourge of lordaeron mission other than no one had done a reverse campaign before warcraft 3

the 2nd mission could be like 2 human bases, the arthas base and an additional base of dwarves that attack the searinox cave and optionally destroy the dwarf base before they kill searinox as a reward that he leaves you an item or that from time to time they attack the arthas base with minor dragons and that at least the orca base has a hero like the seer and like other maps it could be changed if they know starcraft 1 their campaign was edited in my opinion well to play in reverse for that I am II with the desire and I did not find maps of warcraft 3 inverse
The experience playing it would be different from how you would play it in the original campaign, but I don't want to take your time. If you could do it I would really appreciate it and if not well at least I tried XD
Don't worry, I've been working on it for some time. I think I finally figured out which maps I could reverse :wink:
Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
keep it up.
So, uh, @raypack , what's the update here?
No update this time, I just put it on the first page of the site every couple of months so new people can see it.
But fear not, I've got plans for this map pack since as I've already mentioned. I found out a new way to do AI scripts for the bots and I've improved with triggers a lot so I will re-do the basic map (Arthas vs the Orcish Clans) in at least more than 1 different way. I've just been very busy lately and barely have any time to create or edit maps and write AI scripts for them. Plus I need maybe 2 more weeks for the next update on my new map War Crafts and after it I will move on to this and a new project I've been planning for a long time.
Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
Huge update: new map released called Cold Death; a bit more details provided in the description on top of the page.
Also finally changed the starting orc kodo beasts with tauren kodo beasts for Cairne in the map In Utter Corruption.

PS: I might do a balance patch next for the maps but for now I'm happy as it is. And maybe add more voice lines, especially for the new map.
The only thing I can do as soon as possible is to balance out more the new map if people are saying it's too easy for Illidan's Forces to win (for example).
Level 8
Dec 1, 2021
Huge update: new map released called Cold Death; a bit more details provided in the description on top of the page.
Also finally changed the starting orc kodo beasts with tauren kodo beasts for Cairne in the map In Utter Corruption.

PS: I might do a balance patch next for the maps but for now I'm happy as it is. And maybe add more voice lines, especially for the new map.
The only thing I can do as soon as possible is to balance out more the new map if people are saying it's too easy for Illidan's Forces to win (for example).
could you provide detail on which map that you update and summary what new?, all i know from your map pack new one Illidan race, and update on orc, but other than new map, i can't figure what new.

and yeah, naga race are strong unit, a nice addition.

did you make each race is based on warcraft III story, that ever have a huge battle against Undead ?, i wonder if there still any new race that fight Undead on this maps
Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
could you provide detail on which map that you update and summary what new?, all i know from your map pack new one Illidan race, and update on orc, but other than new map, i can't figure what new.

and yeah, naga race are strong unit, a nice addition.

did you make each race is based on warcraft III story, that ever have a huge battle against Undead ?, i wonder if there still any new race that fight Undead on this maps
- The other maps didn't get changed. Only the map In Utter Corruption (and a bit). You can download them individually and not as a pack.

- Naga is indeed strong, I will probably nerf them with the next update a bit.

- Mostly yes. For example Illidan and his naga and blood elven servitors fight against Arthas in the final campaign of the game so you could say that this happens in lore/story.
Honestly apart from the Draenei, I do not know which race else to put in the future. Perhaps 1 map with creep races against the undead. And maybe 1 or 2 bandits bases.
For the draenei I can do a mix of lightforged + broken ones for more diversity, but for now I am focusing on my map War Crafts and a rework of the Scourge of Lordaeron (already done 3 missions).