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Beyond the Throne: Tides of Darkness

Beyond the Throne

Version - Altered Melee: 4002 / Survival: 126

I was disappointed when I saw that RoC did not include sea combat so I set out to edit the melee system to include ships and that spiraled into a significant altered melee. Beyond the Throne adds elements of WCII, my own ideas, and community ideas that I have accumulated over many years. It is the only melee map of its kind that is able to be hosted on b-net without high download time. I hope you will enjoy playing.


Integrated Sea Units


Sea units serve as extensions to racial strengths. Orcs field raw power, high health, area damage units. Humans specialize in concealment, fast movement, and ground unit support. Lost use flying ships that deal magic damage, target multiple units, and augment ground armies via proxy summoning units. Naga units are all amphibious, but slower on land.

Unique Third Race: Lost

2023-06-15 20_26_35-Greenshot.png

When I set out to create a third race I wanted to base it off of demons and undead, but still be something new. Lost are a hyper-aggressive race with several unique attributes. Organic units will lose hit points when off of blight. Structures and research are expensive. Gold is harvested automatically by a Consumed Gold Mine, and lumber is harvested by workers as Wisps do. Rather than a naval transport of some type, Lost have a Derelict that can proxy summon units provided after absorbing your own units. Units start with all their abilities, researches increase spell power. You need to attack wisely due to the unit decay when off of blight, and make use of Derelicts to create blight away from your structures. Early expansion is advised.

Who are the lost?

Functioning Naga Race

2023-06-15 20_32_16-Greenshot.png

I wanted to build on the TFT Naga tech tree and have created a diverse unit roster. These Naga rely on movement bonuses and magic manipulation. Every unit is amphibious. They use % bonus upgrades. Lumber may be harvested automatically from their upgrade center.

Specialized Terrain


You will play in areas designed to integrate sea units and find that sometimes the best way to defend or secure an expansion is from the water.

Survival Mode


Survive against the Lost onslaught as Orc, Human, Naga, or the precursor to the Lost - Fallen.

The following websites are where I found many of my custom resources:
thehubb.co.uk, xgm.ru, wc3campaigns.com, wc3sear.ch --> hiveworkshop.com

The following are those responsible for the above listed websites, and creators of custom material I've used:
Blizzard Entertainment, Deuterium, -BerZeKeR-, Aspard, Flame_Phoenix, Septimus, Maker, Squiggy, Mage_Goo, D4RK_G4ND4LF, Paladon, Moyack, scorpion182, Pyrogasm, Thanathos, TriggerHappy, -JonNny, hell gate, BlackHawk, Vexorian, WILL THE ALMIGHTY, Mephestrial, Red XIII, Beepo, Dmitry Rommel, Michael Peppers, CRAZYRUSSIAN, Cookie, General_Frank, Cheezeman, Eccho, xxdingo93xx, Rising_Dusk, xBlackRose, supertoinkz, s4nji, Kimberly, jigrael, Debode, OgeRfaCes, dickxunder, inhuman89, KelThuzad, 67chrome, _Reborn_Devil, NFWar, M0rbid, enjoy, Pharaoh, _END, Mr.Goblin, Dentothor, Volvox, Thrikodius, Hellx-Magnus, Foopad, Hanky, -Grendel, infrenus, Retera, I3lackDeath, Elven Spellmaker, Remixer, SeedinAethyr, TaShadan, Infrisios, darkdeathknight, Heinvers, Daenar7, maskedpoptart, BeTaGod-, Tauer, Spellbound, stan0033, Rightfield, Bumhunter, BLazeKraze, JesusHipster, NightSkyAurora, Tarrasque, Ayane, Norinrad, SuPa-, Vinz, JetFangInferno, 8512590215848, Stanakin, -Berz-, Deleted member 238226, 4eNNightmare, ChevronSeven, Coinblin, Pyramidhe@d, San, Kuhneghetz, .ee, kola, Mad, Horn, HappyTauren, Ryuthedragon, KILLCIDE, Edge45, nGy, epsilon, Hermit, EdwardSwolenToe, Dionesiist, frostwhisper, Daelin, Boogles, MiniMage, Kenathorn, HerrDave, Misha, MGHetedik, CreatorD3292, Sellenisko, Murlocologist, Suselishe, tillinghast, FerSZ, Zap, Direfury, UgoUgo, Shyster, republicola, Stefan.K, Tranquil, sPy, Weird Human, Just_Spectating, Matilda_Knights, AndrewOverload519, PROXY, Champara Bros, alfredx_sotn, Mayday, and more.

Thank you!

What does Beyond the Throne: Tides of Darkness seek to do?

  • Continue the story after TFT in terms of racial development
  • Introduce sea units
  • Provide high replay value

Who worked on this?

I have done 99% of the map work, with limited help from Vexorian, Moyack, Retera, and Spellbound.

How long have you been working on this?

On and off since August 2002.

Does this seek to emulate WC: II perfectly?

Not at all. Over the years many Wc2 units have found there way into the project but have since been transformed to provide a unique experience.

Did you do any of the custom models/textures/icons for this map?

With the exception of a few icon edits, no I did not.

Can I have any of the models in your map?

Most are available here or on other resource sites. Let me know if I can help.

Why is your map locked?

  • Preservation of game balance
  • Prior to recent patches I needed to compress to be playable on bnet

Will you ever release an unprotected version?


Will you ever be done?

I doubt it.


=== SURVIVAL ===


  • Zone - Ruptured Dam - Jug hit point regeneration reduced from 5 to 2 per second, attackers are targeted once every 7 seconds with a water spire, reward damage increased from 20% to 50%
  • Zone - Forbidden Laboratory - Now causes Lost units exiting portals to have 80% of their max hitpoints
  • New special enemy unit: Magus Expunger - AoE mana drain to him, no base regen, once reaches max mana explodes dealing large AoE damage
  • Anomaly - Shady Merchant - Reward is now a number of remote Goblin turrets owned by player Orange
  • Anomaly - Breach - Chosen units are now transported en masse once all wave units enter the field, chance to be marked changed from 1 in 8/7/6/5 to 7/6/5/4
  • Boss - Ruinous Rook - Base armor increased from 8 to 14
  • Boss - Carousella - Base armor increased from 6 to 10

  • New upgrade: Inherit Armor - Reclaimed units retain their original armor, 4,500 gold
  • Forge Voidcrust gold cost increased from 2250 to 3250
  • Corrupt Crystal gold cost increased from 1750 to 2750
  • Reclaimed units now spawn from portals, and by default have reduced armor and level
  • Void Crust now applies to reclaimed units
  • Conscript base armor reduced from 4 to 1, damage reduced from 28 to 20

  • Roving patrols and Wild Horrors now hostile to Harbinger, marked as player "Ferals" with Yellow team color
  • Roving patrols now use multiple randomized destinations, +1 Roving Patrol count, are lead by a Sludge Wrangler that when killed causes all units in its patrol to die, and when it kills a copy of the dying unit will be added to the patrol.
  • Income from kills made by heroes is now scaled down with each level. This is meant to encourage early decision making and prevent an abundance of resources late game.
  • Lumber per level reduced by 17%
  • Kills made by hero summons now contribute to the income bonus
  • Goblin Artillery Pack added to Unique item pool


  • Glyph of Fortification now provides hit point bonus to all living units as well as future units
  • Rune of Healing no longer drops on top of other items
  • Zone - Haunted Tree Farm - Corrected issues with item selling and hero respawn if the hero died in the farm


- Vision Obelisk has new model

  • Mad Artist is now Pink
  • Anomaly on-screen messaging more informative for all players


=== SURVIVAL ===


  • Boss - Blitz Engine - Range inccreased from 500 to 1500, armor doubled
  • Boss - Practitioner now heals to full health when it kills, and provides an aura that returns % health to the Practitioner Lost forces deal damage
  • Boss - Hook Horror can no longer be devoured
  • Mad Artist now a unit with splash damage
  • Zone - Sunken Farms - Number matches player count
  • Zone - Waste Processing - Sludge Serf area reworked
  • Zone - Observatory Mountain - Mystic Loom attack cooldown is reduced for each additional defending player
  • Zone - Pumphouse Pond - Guardian Tentacle now a ranged unit
  • Zone - Haunted Tree Farm - Item sale is randomzied sum from 1,500 to 4,000 and given to each defending player, same range for Harbinger
  • Zone - Ruptured Dam - Monster percent damage increased from 20/10 hero/unit to 30/40 hero/unit, reward defense percent damage increased from 10 to 20
  • New Zone - Eternal Grove - Leaving a combat unit in proximity to the Eternal Crown grants a global +.5 hp regeneration per second to all organic units you own globally (Survivor only)
  • Fortified Silo count reduced from 2 to 1 per player
  • Workers now invulnerable at night
  • Fountain of Power now requires gold payment, 500 for 30 seconds
  • Final Chance added for Survivors. When your hall dies it will be revived once at 50% hit points, but all non-resource generating buildings and workers will be killed. You will only have the units alive at that moment and your hero to work with.
  • Fortified Silo bonus reduced from 10 to 5

- Upgrade costs doubled

  • Banish now provides a 50% move bonus to friendly units
  • Flame Strike casts 2 and 3 pillars at level 2 and 3, delayed 4.5 and 9 seconds after the initial cast, 0 second cast
  • Summon Water Elemental now summons 2 per level, mana cost increased from 125 to 150
  • Siege Engine base damage increased from 45 to 65
  • Monitor gold cost increased from 280 to 380, hit points reduced from 950 to 750
  • Crusader mana regeneration reduced from .6 to .3

- Experimental Goo can now target air units

  • Frost Armor now AoE starting at level 2, mana cost increased from 40/40/40 to 60/60/60
  • Corruption may now target mechanical units
  • Carrion Beetles now return 5% of damage in mana instead of 10% in hit points

- Ravager armor type changed from Heavy to Fortified, base armor from 6 to 0, hit points from 950 to 650, attack cooldown decreased from 2.25 to 2

  • Tidal Wave - Damage increased from 75/100/125 to 125/175/225, final area increased from 250 to 300
  • Pillars mana cost reduced from 125 to 100 all levels

  • Green camps also drop Rune of Healing
  • Xenomorph Egg has 45 second cooldown, poisoner stats increased by 300%
  • Mogrin's Report pauses cooldown when not in active items
  • Tomes of Knowledge and Greater Experience removed from Unique pool, Ancient Figurine added
  • Amulet of Recall gold resale value doubled
  • Goblin Night Scope removed from green pool
  • Scope of Sight added to Unique pool, present when Harbinger is playing
  • AI spell targeting improved
  • New wave unit: Shredder: Heavy anti-air


  • Boss - Blitz Engine no longer missing from the pool
  • Zone - Ruptured Dam - Reward damage corrected
  • Zone - Waste Processing - Reincarnation no longer triggers defeat, stage three doppelganger inventory updates to match peridically

- Rune Stones can no longer be teleported

  • Enchanted Gemstone has visual cooldown
  • Mogrin's Report has visual cooldown
  • Base scolls of TP no longer show up in the Marketplace
  • Issue with enemy unit count after player leaves resolved
  • Replays work again


- Automatorium - Flavor text updated

  • Carrion Beetles has correct hotkey
  • Spiked Carapace has correct hotkey

  • Respawning heroes have correct hero name
  • Fortified silo captures represented in score screen
  • Wave tracking correct in score screen
  • Game duration printed in score screen
  • Esc can now be used to clear text
  • Upkeep text replaced
  • Updated tooltips for Tradehouse items
  • Hero revive hint is now player specific


=== SURVIVAL ===


  • Anomaly - Rebellion - Barrels are now revealed to Survivors, and invisible to Harbinger
  • Anomaly - Void Flowers - Healing Flower placement adjusted, terrain change added
  • Zone - Waste Processing - Failure handled correctly
  • Zone - Ruptured Dam - Damage to heroes increased from 10 to 20% of max hit points, if the monster kills a unit Corrupted Jug health is restored, pathable area around monster restricted
  • Zone - Sunken Farms - Terrain includes more shallow area
  • Zone - Haunted Tree Farm - Wandering Wraith - Weapon type changed from Bounce to single target, damage type changed from Magic to Chaos, cooldown increased from .9 to 2 seconds, now has Frost Attack, attack range increased from 500 to 800
  • Unit armor bonus increased from 2 to 4
  • Passive gold income reduced from 18 to 15, and lumber increased from 14 to 15

  • Harbinger unit movement speed increased 10%
  • Starting level for Harbinger is equal to number of Survivors (Thanks Treeflu)
  • Reduced base starting stats for Harbinger heroes
  • Dark Duel - Arena now a uniform rectangle, if either player exits the arena early they will be moved back, and entangled for the duel duration, cooldown increased from 180 to 360 seconds

- Tears of Dalaran bonus reduced from 75% to 25%

- Suppressor damage type changed from Magic to Normal

- Ravager damage type changed from Magic to Normal

  • Spell immunity removed from turtles
  • Shimmering portal cooldown increased from 60 to 120

  • Creeps gain +2 armor per difficulty level
  • Building kills no longer grant xp
  • Potion of Ominiscience removed from pool



- Harbinger players can no longer get the wrong heroes to choose from

- Burrowed Crypt Lord has correct inventory

- Shimmering portal no longer obstructed by dead trees


- Suppressor model updated

  • Zones now identified with minimap icon
  • Item pool visible to all players


=== SURVIVAL ===


  • Anomaly - Shady Merchant - Goblin Artillery damage doubled, cooldown increased from 2.5 to 3.5, projectile speed lowered from 1200 to 600
  • Anomaly - Void Flowers - Healing Flower removed from survivor base, completion pings added
  • Zone - Haunted Tree Farm - Attempting to teleport or otherwise leave the tree maze will return you to the beginning

  • Gryphon Rider stock replenishment interval increased from 60 to 120 seconds
  • Argonaut stock replenishment interval increased from 60 to 120 seconds
  • Siege Engine stock replenishment interval increased from 30 to 90 seconds
  • Smoke Screen now works on ground units, cooldown increased from 35 to 60 seconds
  • Savant Guardian reduce base mana regen from .8 to .5
  • Fortified Heal mana cost increased from 125 to 200

  • Blaster stock replenishment interval increased from 30 to 90 seconds
  • Pulverizer stock replenishment interval increased from 60 to 120 seconds

  • Somber Dragon stock replenishment interval increased from 60 to 120 seconds
  • Suppressor stock replenishment interval increased from 60 to 120 seconds

- Couatl stock replenishment interval increased from 60 to 120 seconds

  • Hero XP Gained - Updated from 100/100/90/90/80/80/70/70/60... to 100/90/80/70/60/50...
  • Wave interval for Story Mode incresed from 200 to 240 seconds


  • Wave numbers are reduced when a survivor leaves
  • Anomaly - Supply Wagon - Failing is correctly handled

  • BlzDestroyFrame has been removed to avoid related desync
  • West base entrance area terrain revised


- Savant Guardian spell animation updated so VFX is no longer in the ground

- Poisoner has generic voice


=== SURVIVAL ===


  • Starting gold and lumber is now 1000/500 for Normal, Hard, and Brutal.
  • Automatorium - Vision is retained after repairing
  • Automatorium - Plasma Cannon - Cleanse no longer affects boss units
  • Anomaly - Supply Wagon - Gold reward increased from 1,000 to 2,000
  • Anomaly - Hypnosis - Jailor Corrus no longer magic immune, duplicates one attacking unit once every 30 seconds, basic attack cooldown increased from 2 to 3 seconds, has Mana Burn
  • Anomaly - Regional Magistrate - Regioanal Magistrate no longer magic immune
  • Anomaly Swarm Pool - Killing the spawning unit now grants 1,000 gold per survivor
  • New Anomaly: Rebellion: Now a hoard of angry militia may attack the survivors
  • Boss - Ruinous Rook - Attack cooldown increased 50%
  • Zone - Ruptured Dam - Damage is now 10% of maximum unit hit points for both defeating the creature and base defense

  • Wrecked Derelict - Eternal Vision - Reveals areas of the map
  • Anomaly - Void Flower - No longer hostile towards Harbinger
  • Harbinger faces optimal direction when exiiting portals in the field
  • Starting level reduced from 6/5/4/3 to 4/3/2/1
  • Upgrade cost increased by 25%
  • Wild Horror tentacle damage increased from 25 - 45, Normal to Chaos, spawn cooldown decreased from
  • Wild Horror mana regeneration reduced from 1 to .5 per second

- Argonauts may now use Submerge

  • Devour damage increased from 20 to 40 hit points second
  • Dragon food cost increased from 6 to 8, stock replenishment interval increased from 60 to 120 seconds

  • Rush AoE increased from 225 to 250
  • Corruption no longer functions on units with Divine Armor
  • Assassin now uses Normal damage
  • Orb of Slow replaced with Shadow Orb, updated description

  • Rush AoE increased from 225 to 250
  • Corruption no longer functions on units with Divine Armor
  • Razor now uses Normal damage
  • Lost unit health reduced by 40%

  • Tidal Guardian damage type changed from Magic to Piercing
  • Trench Guardian damage type changed from Magic to Piercing
  • Urchin Turtle stock replenishment interval increased from 60 to 120 seconds

  • Gem of Truesight removed from pool
  • Added ping, spacebar-point, and additional text options for Mad Artist death
  • Enchanted Gemstone no longer functions on units with Divine Armor
  • Demonic Skull no longer functions on units with Divine Armor
  • Various terrain changes based on playtest feedback


- Zone - Waste Processing - Vision modifiers and units correctly cleared on failure

- Unused bases removed correctly

- Somber Dragon - Acid Burst - Has correct VFX

  • AI casts Rush, related upgrade buff is now correct
  • AI casts Mince
  • Lost units correctly gain abilities based on difficulty level
  • Pummel no longer lasts forever on heroes
  • Stygian Monarch - Acid Burst - Has correct VFX

  • The wave spawn system has been overhauled, eliminating potential desyncs and performance issues.
  • Special units and units killed by the Harbinger now correctly populate the telemtry panel using the terms "Special" and "Claimed"
  • Hero respawn image matches hero level
  • -tg disables early hero pick tip correctly
  • Failed Anomalies show as red in telemtry


  • Standard wave units populate for player to see
  • Dread Aura tootlip is correct

- Tears of Dalaran tooltip updated

  • Item pools, including special items from anomalies and other events, are displayed visually directly north-west of the Survivor base. Items are removed when dropped.
  • Zone - Valley Checkpoint - New layout, hint unit updated
  • Wings of Avoidance has new icon
  • Outro score screen uses "Waves" instead of "Rounds"


=== SURVIVAL ===


  • Zone - Waste Processing - Spawn rate for Mana Sappers reduced 25%
  • Passive base gold rate reduced by 2 per cycle
  • Pass lumber rate increased by 2 per cycle
  • Fortified Silo creep camps separated from neutral camps

  • Replicate no longer able to target creeps above level 8
  • Portal locations modified for a closer to 120 degree distribution
  • Portal exits are now selectable

- Scepter of Avarice gold conversion rate reduced 25%


- Shattered Hearthstone no longer activates for AI heroes


  • Replicate tooltip updated
  • Portals now become partially transparent on cooldown
  • Minimap icons for Portals, and Wrecked Derelicts altered for better readability


=== SURVIVAL ===


  • Heavy air unit base gold cost increased by 100
  • Zone - Ruptured Dam - Damage is telegraphed, damage interval set to 2 seconds, damage increased from 250 to 400, Jar health increased to 1,000, regen 5 HP/second
  • Zone - Sunken Farms - Farms no longer invulnerable after capture
  • Zone - Waste Processing - Second leg added, with optional out at previous end.
  • Zone - Waste Processing - Field damage formula changed from 10 damage per second to 1% max HP per second, does not affect magic immune
  • Anomaly - Hypnosis - Jailor Corrus now has 4 Divine armor
  • Managerial key is now a spell based on Unholy Frenzy

  • All upgrades moved to new building: Knowledge Yew
  • Rune Stone visibility range decreased by 50%
  • Harbinger bases separated from main play area

- Scrubber base attack type changed from Magic to Normal, base damage increased from 22 to 32

  • Wild Horror deals Chaos damage instead of Magic
  • +2 red camps


- Shattered Conduit renamed to Portal Conduit

- Trees that can be destroyed are now a brighter color


=== SURVIVAL ===


  • Survivor base movement speed increased 20%, all units
  • Zone - Forgotten Laboratory - Visaul makeover, prize is set to Faceless One Deity (for now), arrangement of Growths randomized
  • Zone - Magistrate Hill - Broken Magistrate base hit points reduced from 1200 to 900, armor reduced to 2
  • Anomaly - Hypnosis - Jailor Corrus is now a flying unit, new model
  • Reform can't target units with Divine armor, or other Contained Souls
  • Keeper no longer targetable with Charm
  • New anomaly - Swarm Pool - Destroy them, or be plagued

  • New boss: Blitz Engine - Heavy siege engine
  • Boss movement speeds increased by 20%


- Corruption Crystal no longer active prior to research

  • Dark Ritual targeting works correctly, bonus reduced to .33/.99/1
  • Death Pact targeting works correctly, bonus reduced to 1/2/3
  • Coil targeting works correctly

- Unit adjustments applied correctly

  • Multi-page inventory functions correctly with transforming heroes
  • Inventory buttons no longer remain on score screen when a hero is selected at end-game


  • New Way Gate model
  • Players may now chat in the score screen =)


=== SURVIVAL ===


  • Starting gold reduced from 1250/1000/750/500 to 1000/750/500/250
  • Starting lumber reduced from 800/700/600/500 to 500/400/300/200
  • Zone - Pumphouse Pond - Will no longer accept illusions or other zero-food units
  • Zone - Pumphouse Pond - Tentacles have a 180 second lifespan
  • Zone - Observatory Mountain - Fleshcrafter Spirit recalls Hill Mutants at 66% HP instead of 33% HP, has Divine armor
  • Zone - Haunted Tree Farm - Wandering Wraith has Divine armor, health regen reduced from 4 to 2 per second, base damage reduced from 200 to 125, projectile pseed reduced from 900 to 600, projectile homing disabled
  • Zone - Magistrate Hill - Broken Magistrate has Divine armor

- Wrecked Derelicts now usabled for the Harbinger

  • Brilliance Aura bonus decreased from .75/1.5/2.25 to .75/1.25/1.75
  • Brilliance Aura tooltip has correct data
  • Holy Light replaced with Holy Radiance (area heal/damage)
  • Bombardment remade to be a line AoE spell

  • Hex hero/unit durations reduced from 4/5/6 to 3/4/5 and 15/30/45 to 5/10/15
  • Hex mana cost increased from 70 to 100
  • Incendiary Bomber bomb count increased from 3 to 5, creating a solid line of fire

  • Vampiric Aura unit return reduced from 15/30/45 to 10/15/20, and DL bonus from 30/45/60 to 20/25/30
  • Pain Shroud AoE reduced from 550 to 250 (applies to Razor)
  • Assassin mana regeneration reduced by 10% (applies to Razor)
  • Petrified Bark - Spell immuntiy will no longer apply before learning, and is correctly removed when using a Tome of Retraining

  • Mana Leech return % reduced from 4/8/10 to 2/4/5
  • Mana Leech no longer generates text when at full mana

  • Ravager armor type changed from Fortified to Medium
  • Boss units scale HP/mana/armor based on Survivor count

- Wild Bonds - Bonus reduced from 15% to 10%

  • Mana regen per int point reduced from 4% to 3%
  • Mana point bonus per int point reduced from 10 to 8
  • Hit Point regeneration bonus per level reduced from 4% to 3%
  • Creep reduction table updated from 100/90/80/70/60/50/50/50/50/50/50/50/50/50/504 to 100/90/80/65/50/35/20 ->
  • Base Gold Bounty for all units adjusted to: Level x 15 gold
  • Round end resource bonus for kills reduced 10%
  • Empty Harbinger bases now contain a Wild Horror
  • New wave unit: Hunter: Anti-hero
  • Revised inventory system that provides four pages (24 item) capacity
- Only the currently visible page is active
- Revised item drop pool including:
- Standard green/orange/red camp pool
- Unique - drop once per playthrough, multiple sources
- Artifact - drop once per playthrough, red camps only


- Fixed issue where Wild Horror was required to be killed to unlock a Fortified Silo

  • Decimator has correct ability set
  • Assault Drone - Bombardment and Bulwark now behave correctly when casting near a drone.

- Suppressor tooltip corrected

- Legion Doom-Horn tooltip has correct data

  • Occasional desync on round end should be fixed
  • Portal count no longer reduced when Harbinger player leaves
  • Results - Harbinger player round count tracks correctly
  • Mad Artist no longer counts in Hero Kill stat fields


- Repair (Hopper) tooltip updated

- Contained Soul has new model

  • Tidal Guardian model has water again
  • Tidal Guardian icon updated

  • Player Interface quest only mentions F11 menu if there are multiple defenders.
  • Discord link added to Map Info tab


=== SURVIVAL ===


  • Ruptured Dam - New zone
  • Automatorium - Repair cost reduced from 350 to 300 per player

  • Boss - Hook Horror - Disease damage increased from 10 to 20 per second
  • Boss - Void Elemental - Now deals ranged splash damage via a slow moving homing projectile


  • Mad Artist - No longer has the potential to track through the Survivor base
  • Mad Artist - Glyph of Fortification applies to Lost units when killed by the Harbinger


- Added Map Info tab with General and Codex sections


=== SURVIVAL ===


- Various cost adjustments to Scout Tower and upgrades

- Burrow and Watch tower combined, slots reduced by 2

  • Automatorium - War Golem now costs 2 food, and 150 lumber
  • Automatorium - Plasma Cannon added
  • Automatorium - Mana bomb added
  • Automatorium - Repair cost reduced from 500 to 350 per player
  • Additional gold production buildings must be captured from randomized creep camps. These generate 10 gold for each survivor, and are invulnerable.
  • Survivors no longer build gold production buildings
  • Hall gold generation increased from 15 to 20

  • Ravager base hit points reduced from 1900 to 1200
  • Rune Stone researches no longer one second long

  • All boss units now have fortified armor
  • Boss - Ruinous Rook - New passive AoE attack
  • New Boss: Carousella
  • Hero stats adjusted:
- Mana point per intelligence point - 33% reduction
- Mana regen per intelligence point - 20% reduction
- New special unit: Mad Artist - Spawns during wave four, kill him to get a special prize!


  • Anomaly - Regional Director - Reward description updated
  • Zone - Waste Processing - Fixed an issue where failure was not being detected in some cases
  • Zone - Waste Processing - Sewer Treant armor changed to Fortified, hit points reduced from 1800 to 1300, hit point regen increased from 2 to 4 per second
  • Zone - Observatory Mountain - Hill Mutants now replenish until the Fleshcrafter Spirirt is critically injured
  • Zone - Observatory Mountain - Fleshcrafter Spirit damage type set to Chaos from Magic
  • All boss names correctly appear on the stat board and/or show UI life bar
  • Anomaly trophies show correctly

  • Frenzied Blood learn tooltip is correct
  • When setting the Harbinger to a AI player, portal attacks behave correctly

  • Frenzied Blood has the correct hotkey
  • Bounding Crush has the correct hotkey

  • Creep camp icons forced on for all players
  • Skipping player slots no longer breaks telemetry UI
  • Escaping at the score scene exits the game correctly


- Zone - Observatory Hill - Renamed to Observatory Mountain


=== SURVIVAL ===


- Trading gold and lumber removed from Arcane Vault to Tradehouse

- Monsoon damage increased from 75 to 125, damage interval decreased from 1 to .5

- Starting gold reduced by 250 all levels

  • Wrecked Derelicts set aside for now
  • Rune Stones now exist at each potential portal spawn. These provide vision, and special abilities after researching

  • Mercenary Camp replaced with Tradehouse
  • Heroes may respec at the Tradehouse


- Outro cutscene revised to show player accomplishments and stats
- There are three trophy sections, for: Boss, Zone, and Anomaly
- Trophies will be arranged in chronological order, and remain 50% opaque unless completed successfully
- Stats show to the right of each hero


=== MELEE ===


  • Siphon Mana over-charge decay reduced from 2 per second to 1 per second
  • Flame Strike base damage reverted, damage cap removed
  • Banish provides a 50% movement bonus to friendly units

- Far Sight now remembers previous casts for up to 6 minutes, mana adjusted to 50/50/50, 8 second CD

- Elune's Curse replaced with Petrified Bark
- Burns nearby enemy units for <A0FC,DataA1> points of damage per second, provides spell immunity, and causes Treants to explode on death dealing 200 area damage.

- Storm, Earth, and Fire
- Storm - Wind Walk replaced with Permanent Invisibility (5 second conceal delay)
- Earth - Pulverise chance increased from 20% to 50%, partial damage radius increased from 250 to 350, remove Taunt
- Fire - Immolation damage increased from 10 to 20 per second
  • Black Arrow now creates a single 320 hit point skeleton with Magic Immunity, level range is now 700/700/700 up from 600/700/700, mana cost increased from 6 to 12
  • Transmute replaced with Transmutation Aura
- Affected units generate gold when they slay an enemy unit. Gold awarded is 5% of the slain unit's maximum hit points. Heroes, creeps, and buildings do not generate gold.
- Volcano now creates a chain of three smaller Volcanos, duration reduced from 35 to 20 seconds, waves per volcano reduced from 8 to 5, cooldown reduced from 180 to 90


- Sustain no longer leaves visual artifacts

- Deteriorating Breath applies buff correctly

- Robo-Goblin no longer missing Attribute Bonus

- AI has been updated


- Archmage reverted to original model

  • Monstrosity has team color
  • Scale of town hall reduced

  • Terrain update for Scarcity Canyon
  • Terrain update for Poisoned Outpost
  • Terrain update for Frozen Void


=== SURVIVAL ===


  • Anomaly - Hypnosis - Contained Soul no longer invulnerable, hit points increased from 120 to 250
  • Heroes no longer cost food
  • AI - Gold/lumber above 500 is redistributed to human survivors
  • AI - Heroes are randomly chosen at start
  • AI - Units sold by AI buildings will be under AI control, but will charge your gold/lumber

  • Wrecked Derelict now has Summoning spell
  • Closest Wrecked Derelict to Harbinger base removed at game start
  • Primary creep from each camp will be added to each attack wave if killed by Harbinger
  • Tentacle vision increased from 800/1200 to 1200/1800
  • Scarlet Crystal base damage set to 35 damage every level

  • Adjusted creep XP to 100/90/80/70/60/50/50...
  • Valley Checkpoint zone completed
  • Building kills grant XP
  • Base hero speed increased by 20%
  • Waste Processing - Punishment unit for failure replaced
  • Hard and Brutal difficulties no longer default to hints off


- Sustain no longer leaves visual artifacts

  • Portal counts are correctly reduced on AI player defeat
  • AI correctly chooses a hero when Survivor team is only AI
  • Satellite gold/food production building script is working correctly
  • Pumphouse Pond - Circle no longer triggered by summons

  • Dark Duel edge case for camera getting stuck removed
  • Dark Duel - Summons removed on exit
  • Scarlet Crystal now correctly displays when multiple units selected
  • Hero tooltip names are correct

- Pressurized Excretion no longer adds additional food cost

  • One orange camp had a chance to spawn with no creeps
  • UI now handles different resolutions correctly


  • Dark Duel now has an arena timer
  • Easier to see Wrecked Derelict on minimap
  • Decay Rate has new icon
  • Augmented Protection has new icon

- Town hall scaled down

- Hero respawns have visual timer


=== SURVIVAL ===


  • Dark Duel duration reduced from 30 to 25 seconds, cooldown increased from 60 to 180 seconds
  • Wrecked Derelict mana reduced
  • If Surviors fail the gauntlet, Harbinger is given a powerful unit

  • Automatorium behaves correctly when there are no human Survivor players
  • Pumphouse Pond text no longer missing
  • Powerups no longer show up in the Marketplace
  • Hero respawns ignore heroes owned by players who left
  • Dark Duel should no longer trap players in the arena after using a Scroll of Teleportation
  • Anomaly - Wagon - Attackers correctly target the wagon
  • Ruinous Rook health reduced from 2000 to 1600, classified as mechanical
  • Charm can no longer break round detection, and stolen units will not be affected by AI orders


=== SURVIVAL ===


  • Survivor unit base armor increased by 2
  • Survivors begin with one gold production structure outside the base
  • Survivor starting gold reduced from 2000/1500/1000/500 to 1750/1250/750/500
  • Automatorium repair lumber cost reduced from a flat 1500, to 500 per survivor
  • War Golem no longer has life decay, only produces one for the buying player, and max hit points reduced from 2000 to 1500
  • Anomaly - Ransom - gold cost reduced from a flat 1000, to 750 per survivor
  • Anomaly - Hypnosis - Reform now copies the health and mana of the target unit

  • Umbreal count lowered per boss wave
  • Added Ruinous Rook boss
  • Tentacle eyes re-placed, and count no longer tied to difficulty

  • Keeper Rune of Speed replaced with Greater Rune of Mana
  • Haunted Tree Farm special zone completed
  • Observatory Hill Way Gate zone completed
  • Pumphouse Pond Way Gate zone completed


  • Deteriorating Breath applies buff correctly
  • Boss units have reduced stats
  • Practitioner has correct armor type/amount


  • Hero descriptions have correct color code
  • Monstrosity has team color

  • Forcing mechanic that detects when a survivor is at low resources no longer fires incorrectly
  • Telemetry no longer truncates Anomaly names after completion


=== SURVIVAL ===


  • Siphon Mana over-charge decay reduced from 2 per seocnd to 1 per second
  • Flame Strike base damage reverted, damage cap removed
  • Banish provides a 50% movement bonus to friendly units

- Elune's Curse replaced with Petrified Bark
- Burns nearby enemy units for <A0FC,DataA1> points of damage per second, provides spell immunity, and causes Treants to explode on death dealing 200 area damage.

- Storm, Earth, and Fire
- Storm - Wind Walk replaced with Permanent Invisibility (5 second conceal delay)
- Earth - Pulverise chance increased from 20% to 50%, partial damage radius increased from 250 to 350, remove Taunt
- Fire - Immolation damage increased from 10 to 20 per second
  • Far Sight now remembers previous casts for up to 6 minutes, mana adjusted to 50/50/50, 8 second CD
  • Black Arrow now creates a single 320 hit point skeleton with Magic Immunity, level range is now 700/700/700 up from 600/700/700, mana cost increased from 6 to 12
  • Transmute replaced with Transmutation Aura
- Affected units generate gold when they slay an enemy unit. Gold awarded is 5% of the slain unit's maximum hit points. Heroes, creeps, and buildings do not generate gold.
- Volcano now creates a chain of three smaller Volcanos, duration reduced from 35 to 20 seconds, waves per volcano reduced from 8 to 5, cooldown reduced from 180 to 90

- Added slot for "Harbinger", an enemy player
- Harbinger player home is single randmoized location, creates three linked portals, AoE heal, single target damage
- Four new heroes to choose from
- This player is meant to work with attack waves
  • Reduce starting gold by 500 all levels
  • Wild Horrors:
- Tome of Power - Owner of killing unit has hero less than max level
- Random item based on primary attribute - Owner of killing unit has hero at max level
  • Item drops are now more randomized, and unique depending on the type of encounter
  • Bonus gold for kills reduced from 10x dying unit level to 7x
  • Regional Magistrate no longer becomes invulnerable upon entering your base
  • For escort anomaly, attackers are ordered to suicide after completion if wagon is killed
  • One remote gold generating structure is provided at the start
  • Forbidden Laboratory reward is now randomized, approach path is less deadly
  • Waste Processing level requirement lowered from 15 to 10


- Robo-Goblin no longer missing Attribute Bonus

- Fixed bug that prevented resource bonus and generator VFX uodating each round


- Archmage reverted to original model

  • Removed unbuildable buildings from worker tree
  • Substantial terrain pass
  • Attribute Bonus is now hidden from command card



- Filling Survivor slot 1 and 3, but leaving 2 empty, will break voting




- Incendiary Bomber range increased from 800 to 900

  • Blight Growth and Blight Aura merged into Blight Spill
  • Stygian Monarch damage type from Pierce to Chaos, damage reduced from 63 to 55, Phase removed

- Coral Bed no longer has vision reduction

  • Beastmaster summons now have Resistant Skin
  • Stampede replaced with Wild Bonds
- 15% of damage dealt by Beastmaster summons is returned to him as health. If a summon kills, all his ability cooldowns are reset.
  • Soul Burn is now passive
  • Volcano no longer affects friendly units


  • Siege Engine tooltip refers to correct cargo unit
  • Assault Drone tooltip displays correct duration

  • Blink (neutral) hotkey is correct
  • Frenzy hotkey is correct


  • Frost Nova renamed to Nova
  • Death Coil renamed to Coil

  • Mana Well renamed to Mana Beacon
  • Slave renamed to Dweller

- All racial buildings, units, and heroes have updated tooltips
- The goal here is to more accurately and concisely communicate information to the player.


- Building textures are incorrect in places (ABK needs to fix this)


=== SURVIVAL ===


- Incendiary Bomber range increased from 800 to 900

  • Blood Mage starts with a Siege Engine
  • Bulwark can now be cast at infinite range when Assault Drone present

- Corruption no longer fails to return the target unit

- Illusory Wail images reduced from 2 to 1

- Stampede replaced with Wild Bonds
- 15% of damage dealt by Beastmaster summons is returned to him as health. If a summon kills, all his ability cooldowns are reset.
- Beastmaster summons now have Resistant Skin

  • Loss detection now damages your hall when your situation becomes dire
  • Starting gold increased from 1200/1000/1000/800 to 2500/2000/1500/1000
  • Starting lumber increased from 600/500/500/400 to 800/700/600/500
  • Starting time reduced from 240/240/180/180 to 180/120/120/120
  • Wave interval reduced from 240/210/210/180 to 210/180/180/150
  • Players recieve extra gold at wave end at a rate of: sum of enemy unit level * 10 of killed units
  • Players recieve extra lumber at wave end at a rate of: sum of enemy unit level * 5 of killed units
- Applies when heroes kill units directly, and when the following buffs are present and the hero is within range: Endurance Aura, Brilliance Aura, Devotion Aura, Vampiric Aura, Unholy Aura, Presence, Bulwark, Incendiary Bomber, Bond, Swine Flu, Noxious Cloud, Frost Armor, Anchor
- Range for active cast abilities is identical to their cast range, and 900 for any auras



  • Assault Drone interaction with Bombardment no longer prevents casting when drone present
  • Assault Drone tool tip displays correct duration

  • Frenzy hotkey is correct
  • Blink (neutral) hotkey is correct

- Item shop unlocks match difficulty levels

=== MELEE ===


- Incendiary Bomber range increased from 800 to 900

  • Blood Mage starts with a Siege Engine
  • Bulwark can now be cast at infinite range when Assault Drone present

- Corruption no longer fails to return the target unit

- Illusory Wail images reduced from 2 to 1

- Stampede replaced with Wild Bonds
- 15% of damage dealt by Beastmaster summons is returned to him as health. If a summon kills, all his ability cooldowns are reset.
- Beastmaster summons now have Resistant Skin

  • Loss detection now damages your hall when your situation becomes dire
  • Starting gold increased from 1200/1000/1000/800 to 2500/2000/1500/1000
  • Starting lumber increased from 600/500/500/400 to 800/700/600/500
  • Starting time reduced from 240/240/180/180 to 180/120/120/120
  • Wave interval reduced from 240/210/210/180 to 210/180/180/150
  • Players recieve extra gold at wave end at a rate of: sum of enemy unit level * 10 of killed units
  • Players recieve extra lumber at wave end at a rate of: sum of enemy unit level * 5 of killed units
- Applies when heroes kill units directly, and when the following buffs are present and the hero is within range: Endurance Aura, Brilliance Aura, Devotion Aura, Vampiric Aura, Unholy Aura, Presence, Bulwark, Incendiary Bomber, Bond, Swine Flu, Noxious Cloud, Frost Armor, Anchor
- Range for active cast abilities is identical to their cast range, and 900 for any auras



  • Assault Drone interaction with Bombardment no longer prevents casting when drone present
  • Assault Drone tool tip displays correct duration

  • Frenzy hotkey is correct
  • Blink (neutral) hotkey is correct

- Item shop unlocks match difficulty levels



- Wild Horror drops Tome of Power until all survivor heroes are level 15

- Added new anomaly


  • Anomalies shuffle correctly
  • Flying altars no longer duplicated
  • Corruption no longer has a visual leak



- Ivory Tower removed

- Soul Burn is now passive

  • Reduced quantity of enemy units per wave for waves 1-3
  • Spawn delay decreased from 1.5 to 1.0 seconds
  • Portal spawn time (round 2+) before next round increased from 10 to 30 seconds
  • Towers limited to 5/4/4/3
  • Shops limited to 1
  • Anomalies revised: 7 possible, 5 spawn per game
  • Tomb Horror renamed to Wild Horror, new model
  • Tome of Power has 50% chance from Wild Horrors



- Volcano no longer affects friendly units

  • Workers now have a 60 second stock delay (30 for Naga) to avoid players spending their money right away
  • Level 15 dungeon has mana sapping normal units in final stage


- Siege Engine tooltip references correct unit for upgrade

  • When a player leaves the game waves and telemetry are no longer placed into a broken state
  • Hero choice process no longer has a chance to bug with multiple players
  • Units owned by leaving players are handled properly
  • Sleep and Mana Shield neutral hotkeys



- Hibernation move to T2

  • Cannon Tower and Bombard Tower no longer damage friendly units
  • Flamestrike no longer harms friendly units

  • Spell immunity to Ravager
  • Spell immunity to Derelict
  • Vampiric Aura life return reduced from 30/60/90 to 30/45/60
  • Corrus use a missile, update anim backswing damage .250 / .577

  • Conflagrate damage increased from 60/90/120 to 90/130/170
  • Noxious Cloud duration reduced from 15 to 8 seconds, radius increased from 150 to 175, DPS from 10/14/18 to 15/20/25
  • Dark Respite mana returned increased from 30/40/50 to 50/75/90, duration from 60/80/100 to 120/120/120, orb cap removed, orb scale increased
  • Fel Meteor fall duration increased from 1 to 4 seconds, impact damage increased from 220 to 320, AoE increased from 225 to 250
  • Sunderer mana reduced from 300 to 125, Eye of Annihilation and Devour Magic replaced with Evulsion (passive mana destruction)

  • Double clockwerk Goblin base damage
  • Killmaim life steal reduced from 50% to 10%
  • Constants: Web Checks magic immunity True, same for Ensnare


- Raging Boars now has a passive icon and buff

  • Crew is healing 1 hit poiint per second
  • Arrow Storm tooltip accurate

  • Relocate no longer has a chance of breaking
  • Unsummon Building hot key X
  • Derelict description mentions correct abilities
  • Assimilate mentions Infinity Core

- Eternal Well was not always functioning correctly resulting in bonuses not be applied

  • Update Unit Event to
  • Update Damage Engine to
  • Update Eternal Well script
  • Update Extinguish script
  • Update Assimilate script
  • Update Essence script
  • Update IsUnitConstructing script


  • Siege Engine references correct unit for Barricade
  • Crew tooltip
  • Pious Hand buff art

  • Derelict model, icon updated
  • Corruption tooltip
  • Mince model
  • Pain Shroud model
  • Deteriorated Building uses correct icon
  • Add charge cost to Palette spells
  • Crypt Lord skin update

  • Sunderer tooltip
  • Tidal Guardian tooltip
  • Mana Well tooltip
  • Building tooltips are revised to provide more concise information

  • UI updates for widescreen, idle worker icon
  • Zoom scroll bar added
  • Initial Scroll of Town Portal is racial themed
  • Adjustments to various ubersplat scales



- Resurrection mana cost reduced from 200 to 175

- Incendiary Bomber zeppelin now unselectable/invulnerable

  • Engineering Upgrade movement speed bonus increased from 10/20/30% to 20/30/40
  • Maximum damage cap on Cluster Rockets removed

  • All damage and healing fields in hero spells increased 50%, exceptions: Remote Mine, Bond, Venomous Splash, Incendiary Bomber
  • Global hero stat adjustments:
- Attack Bonus per Primary Att. Point: 1 -> 1.2
- Defense Bonus per Agility Point: .3 -> .4
- HP Regen. Bonus per Strength Point: 050 -> 070
- Hit Point Bonus per Strength Point: 25 -> 35
- Mana Point Bonus per Intelligence Point: 15 -> 12
  • Hero XP Gained - Creep Redution Table: 80/70/60/50/0 -> 80/70/60/50/40/30/20/10/10
  • Hero train time reduced from 55 to 20 seconds
  • Upkeep: 50/80 -> 70/100


- Big Bad Voodoo buff displays properly on the caster, tooltip states correct % damage reduction

  • Mercenary Camps use default unit sets again on all maps
  • Goblin Shipyards, Frigates, Battleships, and custom ground mercenary units removed
  • Transport ship added to Mercenary Camp
  • Rain of Fire has correct Off button
  • Cluster Rockets tooltip and stats corrctly update with Engineering Upgrade



  • Raging Boars now has a 5% chance to trigger when Burrows are attacked, boar count reduced from 3 to 2
  • Raging Boar damage reduced from 37 to 25, hit points from 450 to 375, cooldown increased from .5 to 1.5 seconds
  • Earthquake revereted to channeling, mana cost reduced from 150 to 125, no longer slows friendly units, building damage increased from 50 to 75 per second
  • Big Bad Voodoo now grants units 75% damage reduction in place of invulnerability, and allows the Shadow Hunter to move with a 25% movement speed reduction.
  • Reincarnation now revives up to 6 of your units along with him.
  • Dragon Roost pathing map matches Gryphon Aviary

  • Critical Sector replaced with Assault Drone, a hihgly mobile deadly flying unit
  • Bombardment AoE increased from 175 to 225, base range is 900 max but infinite as long as a Assault Drone is within range of the target
  • New ability: Bulwark - Reduced damage to friendly units in an area by 25% for a duration.
  • Resurrection mana cost reduced from 300 to 200
  • Siphon Mana bonus mana decay reduced from 3 to 2 per second, can over-charge again

  • Animate Dead: Units are no longer invulnerable, explode on death dealing 200 normal damage in a 250 AoE to enemy ground units, and leave behind a disease cloud for 30 seconds
  • Harbinger now has Spell immunity
  • Death and Decay cooldown reduced from 150 to 20 seconds, duration reduced from 35 to 10 seconds, mana cost reduced from 250 to 135, damage % increased from 4 to 10, no longer harms allies
  • Charred Adjutant movement speed increased from 220 to 270
  • Abyss pathing map matches Gryphon Aviary

  • Presence duration reduced from 30 to 15 seconds
  • Blood Tracking replaced with Blood Sight
  • Venomous Splash mana cost increased from 110/110/100 to 110/160/210
  • Mana Shield replaced with Mana Leech
  • Tornado replaced with Monsoon (modified)
  • Illusory Wail cooldown increased from 45 to 60 seconds
  • Shrine of Azshara pathing map matches Gryphon Aviary


- Serpent Ward tooltip damage displays correctly


  • Cannon Assault renamed to Bombardment
  • Formatting issues on Tears of Dalaran and Gilnean Hope

- Obsidian Moor model edited to remove glowing eye, button updated

  • Atrribute Bonus tooltip updated
  • Ruined Lock terrain around Shipyard islands updated


- This update contains, thanks to Spellbound, an enomrous overhaul to most spells and systems resulting in a significant performance increase.


  • Conceal AoE reduced from 750 to 550
  • Rocket Bomb changed from Siege to Normal damage, and damages all enemy ground units and structures, damage increased

from 100/150 to 150/200
  • Demolition Team training time reduced from 32 to 22 seconds
  • The ability to purchase Sheep has been moved to the Town Hall, max stock increased from 3 to 5, no stock start delay,

sheep do not wander

  • Locust Swarm range increased from 800 to 900
  • Mince level 2 duration reduced from 15 to 12 seconds
  • Ravager hit points reduced from 1350 to 950, armor type changed from Light 9 to Heavy 6
  • Nether Fold mana cost increased from 90 to 100
  • Threshold replaced with Pain Shroud, a passive AoE damage aura

  • Health leech from Cull reduced from 5% to 2%
  • Blink mana cost increased from 50 to 90
  • Refreshing Swell duration reduced from 30 to 15 seconds, health gained increased from 15 to 20
  • Shimmering Portal teleport delay removed, minimum range set to 1200


- Shell Shock was using a 0% chance instead of 25%

- Tooltip for Crew updated to reflect that it does not work when submerged

- Hotkeys for Derelict summons


- Rupture SFX is quieter



  • Shell Shock range reduced from 50% to 25%
  • Obliterate is now unique cast

- Relic Spire no longer requires blight to build

- Attribute Bonus added to all heroes, The intent is to allow you to substitute when there is an ability you don't want.


- Monitor has new projectile model

- Tooltips updated for all items, units, and abilities to remove duplicate hotkeys



-Monitor base damage reduced from 18 to 12

-Rush AoE decreased from 300 to 225
-Monstrosity base armor increased from 6 to 10

-Urchin Turtle no longer requires Pressure Chamber
-Hatchery requires Reservoir Vault
-Reservoir Vault lumber return rate decreased from 20 to 16 per cycle


-Experimental Goo learn tooltip
-Hibernation can no longer be cast when at full hit points

-Conceal no longer affects enemy units

-Deteriorating Breath now correctly applies only to buildings that train or sell units
-Non-Lost Tavern heroes hired now have increased healing on Blight in addition to being classified as Lost

-Severed Isles playable area reduced to avoid air unit exploitation


-Incendiary Bomber has correct buff icon

-Conduit Gem has correct buff icon



-Monitor attack speed increased 40%
-Relief mana cost increased from 2 to 4
-Smoke Screen duration reduced from 15 to 8 seconds
-Revive mana cost increased from 100 to 125

-Assimilate autocast threshhold reduced from 25% to 5%
-Deteriorating Breath is now passive

-Scrubber available, Drown removed, Crush now slows mechanical units correctly, base damage type changed from normal to

magic, base armor type from heavy to medium
-Anti-Magic Shield cooldown increased from 30 to 45, mana cost from 250 to 300

-Center area of Ruined lock revised


-Raging Boars no longer triggers when killed by friendly units



-Dragon primary damage type set to Pierce
-Envenomed Spears removed from Berserker
-Removed Disenchant, replaced with Disruptor
-Removed Healing Aura, replaced with Fel Burst
-Warlock now deals splash damage instead of bouncing attacks, max mana reduced from 250 to 200
-Inner Strength removed
-Grunts start with 800 hit points
-Burning Oil removed
-Pulverizer deals Normal damage
-Dragon base armor reduced from 10 to 8, armor can be upgraded
-Barge deals Normal damage
-Magi food cost reduced from 5 to 4

-Demolition team armor changed to Heavy 1
-Halt removed from Savant Mage
-Magic Defense removed from Gryphon Rider
-Conceal now affects all friendly units, range reduced from 900 to 750
-Argonaut deals Normal damage
-Monitor deals magic damage

-Ravager base armor increased from 5 to 9, light armor, can attack air, base attack damage increased from 20 to 55, lumber cost reduced from 200 to 160, mana regen rate reduced from 1 to .65, attack cooldown decreased from 3 to 2.25, food cost increased from 3 to 5, mana max decreased from 200 to 150
-Derelict armor type changed to Fortified with base 0, lumber cost reduced from 180 to 140, base attack damage increased from 12 to 24, food cost increased from 2 to 4
-Nether fold now has a 33% chance to explode the Ravager if cast below 25% hit points, mana cost reduced from 100 to 90
-Specter gold cost reduced from 150 to 90
-Gold income interval lowered from 1.5 to 1.25
-Lumber income interval decreased from 8 to 6 seconds
-Staff of Reanimation raises a maximum of two units per usage for 60 seconds
-Harbinger has 6 hero armor
-Averter food cost reduced from 4 to 3, lumber cost reduced from 240 to 135, permanently invisible, trained at Reliquary, tier 2, base armor reduced from 6 to 4
-Drain removed from Averter
-Seer removed
-Mask of Death cost increased from 400 to 650
-Cede max target creep level reduced from 6 to 5, casting time increased from 3 to 4.5 seconds
-Shambler lumber cost reduced from 10 to 0, gold cost increased from 180 to 190
-Essence lifesteal bonus reduced from 20 to 10%
-Frenzy removed from Nightmare
-Terror lumber cost reduced from 280 to 180
-Blade Shards removed from Razor
-Razor base damage increased from 21 to 26, mana max reduced from 400 to 175
-Sacrifice now at Reliquary
-Monstrosity food cost increased from 4 to 5
-Threshold cost reduced from 450/420 to 350/220
-Void Armor cost reduced from 350/330 to 280/190
-Sacrifice lumber cost reduced from 200 to 250
-Well of Sorrow lumber cost reduced from 375 to 275
-Pummel lumber cost reduced from 345 to 145

-Refreshing Swell no longer heals mechanical
-Keratin Scales damage reduction reduced from 3/5/7/9 to 2/4/6/8
-Urchin turtle now requires Pressure Chamber and Reservoir Vault
-Myrmidon food cost reduced from 5 to 4
-Altar of Depths lumber cost reduced from 100 to 50

-Battleships now have Heavy armor and Siege damage
-Frigates now have Heavy armor and Normal damage
-Transports have Medium armor

-All racial shops cost 130/30
-All heavy air cost 6 food


-Earthquake requires level 6
-Outpost button locations

-Barracks button locations

-Text for reaching food cap references Crux
-Cede refers to Specters
-Dispense refers to Crux

-Tornado button location and hotkey

-Mercenary boats now spawn
-Battleship has correct icon
-Frigate has Normal damage
-Finger of Pain requires enemy target


Ruined Lock
-Terrain smoothness
-Gates are no longer selectable
-North mine no longer shifts when playing as Lost or Naga


-Corrus reverted to previous model



-Swine Flu revised

-Shadowplay max reduced from 60% to 40%
-Derelict armor changed to 0 Heavy
-Ravager armor changed to 5 Heavy, turn rate increased from .05 to .25
-Disruptor bounces decreased from 4 to 3
-Neutral heroes hired that are not undead will have Undead classification added when hired by a Lost player

-Creeps start with 25% mana


-Incendiary Bomber no longer lags

-Various button locations did not match hotkeys

-An outdated unit indexing system was causing numerous spell issues


-Recall renamed Assimilate
-Derelict tooltip updated
-Carrion Beetles tooltip updated


Balance Changes:

-Argonaut base armor type changed from Fortified to Heavy, base hit points increased from 975 to 1200
-Monitor base armor type changed from Fortified to Medium, base armor increased from 5 to 8, base hit points from 800 to

950, no longer requires Academy
-Hopper base armor type changed from Fortified to Heavy
-Gryphon Rider no longer targets air
-Wall upgrade cost reduced from 90/90 to 30/20, build time reduced from 20 to 12 seconds
-Harasser base damage reduced from 16 to 12, sides per die from 4 to 3, attack cooldown increased from 1.4 to 2 seconds
-Siege Engine secondary attack damage reduced from 36 to 12, cooldown from 2.4 to 2, base armor increased from 5 to 10,

base hit points from 700 to 1000
-Legion requirement reduced from 4 to 3, detection range increased by 32%
-Hopper can repair air units
-Gryphon Rider primary attack type changed from Pierce to Magic, base damage reduced from 62 to 44, can target air
-Savant Guardian base damage reduced by 10
-Decimator base damage reduced by 17
-Demolition Team now have single attack, base damage increased from 21 to 41
-Flare duration increased from 10/20/30 to 20/40/60
-Barrage deals 2x damage to sea units instead of 3
-Conceal range increased by 33%
-Marksmanship bonus reduced from 8 to 4
-Barricade allows Demolition TEams instead of Riflemen
-Conceal range increased by 60%
-Seraphic Blade bonus damage reduced from 25% to 15%
-Storm Hammer damage reduced from 25 to 10, no longer hurts friendly units
-Cannon Towers have Fragmentation Shards
-Halt mana cost increased from 125 to 175
-Pulse slow duration reduced from 5 to 2
-Reduced Polymorph duration from 60 to 20 seconds
-Reconstitution bonus reduced from 50% to 25%
-Magic Sentry added to Arcane Tower
-Rapid Chambering merged into Crew
-Enchanted Structure no longer requires a Castle
-Crusader training time reduced from 50 to 40
-Gryphon Rider regeneration rate increased from .25 to .75
-Smoke Screen cooldown increased from 25 to 35 seconds

-Ironbacks now have minimum attack range of 200
-Outburst reworked to have a 20% chance to provide a free Bloodlust on attack
-Pulverizer base armor type changed from Fortified to Heavy, damage AoE reduced, primary attack cooldown increased from

1.8 to 2.25
-Hunkered Pulverizer armor type remians Fortified, reduced from 12 to 3
-Junker base armor type changed from Fortified to Heavy, no longer requires Fortress/Goblin Laboratory/War Forge, now

available at T1, replaces Barge (keeps name), formation rank adjusted, base hit points increased from 700 to 1000
-Shell Shock now a T2 upgrade
-Healing Aura mana cost increased from 100 to 125, duration reduced from 30 to 15 seconds
-Obliterate cooldown increased from 40 to 60 seconds, slow duration reduced from 60 to 30 seconds
-Blast no longer affects Heroes
-Far Sight AoE capped at 900, duration increased from 8/8/8 to 60/90/120, mana cost decreased from 75/60/50 to 50/50/50
-Horde Mentaility bonus decreased from 4% per level to 2% - max reduced from 40% to 20%, creeps are now valid targets
-Warthog base damage reduced from 45 to 15, sides per die from 4 to 3, attack cooldown decreased from 3 to 2 seconds
-Myrmidon base damage reduced by 6
-Warlock base damage reduced by 10
-Berserk damage taken reduced from 50% to 20%
-Pulverizer base hit points increased from 1250 to 1600
-Dragon base damage reduced from 70 to 60
-Overflow deals 2x damage to sea units instead of 3
-Earthquake channel time reduced to 2.5 seconds, damage reduced from 50 to 25, duration from 25 to 10, mana cost from 150

to 90, cooldown from 90 to 10
-Critical Strike now matches release
-Afterburn damage reduced from 45 per second to 30
-Berserker base armor increased from 0 to 2
-Envenomed Spears damage reduced from 4 to 2 per second
-Bloodlust attack sppee bonus reduced from 30% to 25%, duration reduced from 40 to 20 seconds
-Hibernation health regeneration increased from 5 to 10 per seocnd
-Removed Gazlowe's Mix
-Magi training time reduced from 55 to 40
-Dragon regeneration rate increased from .25 to .75
-Far Sight now grants permanent true sight to the Far Seer in his vision range
-Spiked Barricades is now 1 level available at T1 that deals 40% of melee attack damage back to a enemy unit
-Blaster base armor increased from 6 to 8, hit points increased from 850 to 900
-Ironback damage increased from 20 to 25, now benefits from
Volitile Shells

-Mutation damage reduced from 30 to 22, max hit points reduced from 480 to 225
-Ravager armor type changed from Medium to Small, base hit points increased from 1100 to 1350,base armor reduced from 12

to 7
-Derelict armor type changed from Medium to Light
-Vampiric Aura provides an additional bonus to Dreadlord
-Cede now available at Tier 1 and no longer requires Sieve (Have fun rushing!)
-Averter no longer requires Sieve
-All Derelict abilites now have 700 range, has basic attack enabled, formation rank adjusted
-Stygian Monarch attack type changed from Normal to Magic, base attack damage reduced from 83 to 53
-Incendiary Bombs damage to buildings reduced by 75%
-Nightmare base damage reduced by 10
-Razor base damage reduced by 10, armor type from Medium to Heavy, base armor reduced from 8 to 4
-Corrus base damage reduced by 49, attack cooldown reduced from 2.9 to 2
-See armor type changed from Light to Unarmroed
-Monstrosity base armor increased from 4 to 6
-Instead of being able to transform and move Terminus Crux's have Relocate
-Devastate replaced with Elune's Curse
-Extinguish damage reduced from 90/120/150 to 50/70/90
-Molten Wrath is now a flat 20% chance
-Infinity Core max reduced from 30 to 20
-Terror chance reduced from 25% to 15%
-Rush damage bonus decreased from 8/12 to 4/6
-Reprisal damage reduced from 25/33% to 20/25%
-Mutations changed to a purchasable spell book
-Avert training time reduced from 40 to 30
-Crypt Lord has Burrow

-Urchin Turtle armor type changed to Heavy from Fortified, base hit points increased from 1200 to 1350, now has Spell

-Cascade no longer requires Resevoir Vault
-Couatl base damage reduced from 85 to 70, gold cost increased from 380 to 440
-Illusory Wail duration reduced from 30 to 20 seconds, image damage reduced from 100% to 50%
-Auto lumber harvest rate increased by 20%
-Scrubber attack type changed from Siege to Normal, armor type from Fortified to Heavy
-Siren base damage increased from 20 to 25
-Sunder base damage increased from 16 to 18
-Slow Poison damage reduced from 2 to 1 per second, movement speed factor from 50% to 25%
-Saturate deals 2x damage to sea units instead of 3
-Base movement speed for all Naga units increased by ~30%
-Enchanted Parasite healing increased from 3 to 6 per second, mana cost increased from 90 to 110
-Draken attack cooldown increaed from 1.2 to 2
-Leviathan max mana increased from 100 to 150
-Calcify mana cost increased from 100 to 150, bonus amror from 6 to 12
-Saturate damage reduced from 25 to 20 per second
-Tornado reworked

-Shredder added to Mercenary Camp
-Rain of Fire initial mana cost reduced from 35 to 0, cost per second reduced from 8 to 6
-Overlord starting agility increased from 14 to 16, starting strength from 24 to 28

-Default camera height set to 1900 from 1650
-Assault reoved from all heroes


-Bombard Depot cost corrected
-Flare works correctly
-Conceal works correctly

-Upgrade hotkeys and button locations

-Draken hotkey
-Pressurized Excretion lag
-Anchor hotkey
-Nazjataran Influence lag
-Enchanted Parasite now unique cast
-Fury now unique cast

-Warsong Battle Drums buff icon
-Rain of Fire no longer damages allies

-A crash cause was identified as placing Demolish on a unit with waepon type Artillery, Demolition Team has been changed

to Missile (Splash) until a solution is found


-Blaster lightning centered on barrel
-Tauren Chieftain no longer uses custom skin
-Blademaster no longer uses a custom model

-Terminus Crux renamed to Crux

-Bond description
-Nazjataran Influence description
-Reservoir Vault typo
-Venomous Splash typo
-Scrubber description typo

-Dark Ranger priority
-Overlord reverted to Pit Lord

-Hero tool tips revised for accuracy and clarity


Balance Changes:

-Iron Plating now affects Hoppers, and Argonauts
-Black Gundpowder noe affects Argonauts
-Gilnean Hope now a research at the Barracks
-Liquid Bread now a research at the Academy
-Tears of Dalaran now a research at Mage Sanctum
-New research at Gnomish Factory: Barricade
-Siege Engine now has Barricade
-Refined Smithing reworked to reduce attack damage to Footmen by 4
-Rocket Bomb damage reduced from 150/200 to 100/150, damage type changed from Normal to Siege

-Overflow bonus reduced from 4 to 3
-Hunker now increases attack range by 50% instead of a armor bonus
-Obliterate damage reduced by 75%, now slows enemy ground organic units; front cannons for 25/60% attack/movement and side cannons for

15/45%, cooldown increased from 25 to 40

-Penetrate deals 2x damage to sea units
-Ravager now attacks up to 4 units at once, has 12 Medium armor, base hit points reduced from 1400 to 1100, gold cost increased from 340

to 440, base damage reduced from 80 to 20, wood cost increased from 160 to 200, attack cooldown increased from 1.75 to 3
-Derelict now has 8 Medium armor, hit points reduced from 900 to 500, no longer attacks
-Terminus Crux movement speed increased by %40, gold costr reduced from 340 to 260, base damage reduced from 40 to 26
-Averter wood cost increased from 70 to 240
-Cede binding time reduced from 4 to 3 seconds
-Deteriorating Breath cooldown doubled
-Mutation Spire abilities now target air units, infinite range as long as blight is present
-Infinity Core capped at 30 charges, Corrus charge reduced from 3 to 2, Nightmare charge reduced from 4 to 3, each 25% damaged now

reduces by one charge
-Recall now has autocast passive toggle and costs 15 mana
-Molten Wrath area damage reduced from 10/15/20 to 2/6/10
-Units created via Palette now enforce tech requirements
-Devastate charge time reduced from 10 to 5 seconds, damage per shard reduced from 125 to 75
-Incinerate removed from Scourge, gold cost increased from 145 to 215
-Consumed Gold Mine food cost reduced from 5 to 3
-Gold intake amount increased from 7 to 10
-Specter now has Essence
-Lost gold intake rate increased from 1 to 1.5

-Saturate now deals 3x damage to sea units
-Crush now deals 4x damage to mechanical units
-Urchin Turtle base armor reduced from 16 to 12, base hit points reduced from 1300 to 1200
-Pressurized Excretion damage reduced from 50 to 25
-Tidal Wave chance increased from 10% to 20%
-Pressurized Excretion no longer targets structures
-Anti-Magic Shell mana cost increased from 145 to 250
-Gold intake amount increased from 7 to 10


-Submerged Argonaut hit points set to 975 from 1440
-Sustain damage cap
-Bombard Depot upgrade cost

-Hunkered Pulverizer hit points reduced from 1700 to 1250

-Sacrifice upgrade now at Obsidian Moor
-Pummel description
-Ignited Scourge damage

-Saturate description
-Shimmering Portal pathing detection
-Tidal Wave casts
-Flood Gold Mine is now handled automatically

-Frozen Void was using the wrong game data set
-T2 support magic units now only require a T2 hall


-Ravager model revised


Balance Changes:

-Guard tower damage reduced from 32 to 22
-Relief no longer targets dead
-Flare Gun duration reduced from 45 seconds to 10
-Legion now removes buff correctly
-Relief no longer fires when target is out of range
-Militia attack speed and damage set to 1 from .8 and 15 from 22
-Bombard Depot food produced matches Farm Depot, base damage increased

from 35 to 55, gold cost reduced from 375 to 260
-No Revive on full hp

-Risky Strike replaced with Unstable Concoction
-Burrow attack speed increased from 2.75 to 4
-Watch Tower damage decreased from 80 to 20
-Shredder gold cost increased from 375 to 475
-Burrow lumber cost increased from 40 to 60

-Lost gold return reduced to from 7 to 6
-Seething Wraith damage reduced by 50%, now adheres to upgrade
-Orb of Corruption replaced with Orb of Shadows
-Terminus Crux movement speed increased by 32%

-Chitin Incursor armor bonus decreased from 12 to 8
-Sinkhole replaced with Refreshing Swell
-Vortex replaced with upgraded mana flare
-Draken base hit points reduced from 800 to 700
-Incursor base hit points reduced from 825 to 750
-Naga armor upgrades now provide a 3/5/7/9 atack damage reduction
-Enchanted Parasite healing reduced from 5 to 3, duration reduced from

30 to 20 seconds
-Naga AI is experimental trigger enhanced, it will not perform as well

as standard AI at this time

-Battleship to 750 hp
-Food production rebalanced
-Non-production building pathing maps revised


-Demolition Team description

-Raging Boars now works

-Summon Lava Spawn tooltip
-Potion of Restoration tooltip

-Voting for all research to be complete will now catch all researches


-Fortified Heal has buff effect

-Refreshing Swell buff

-Battleship has new icon

-Typhoon renamed Typhoon Temple, terrain updated


Balance Changes:

-Saturate no longer provides vision

-Ring of Superiority added to level 7 drops
-Ring of Protection +4 swapped with Ring of Protection +5
-Shadow Orb added to item drop pool
-Severed Isles terrain updated
-Ruinced Lock terrain updated
-Creep camps and item drops updated


-Wand of Illusion description
-Reaver removed from upgrade description


Balance Changes:

-Decimator now has Dalaran Well (Spirit Touch)
-Stone Guardian benefits from Tears of Dalaran
-Enchanted Structure time increaed from 25 to 60 seconds
-Orb of Fire AoE increased from 140 to 200

-Blight Aura bonus increased from 3 to 4

-Sea Witch abilities revered to vanilla
-Saturation Pool built time increased from 60 to 70 seconds
-Shimmering Portal cooldown increased from 45 to 60 seconds
-Nazjataran Influence AoE reduced by 50%

-Pit Lord (Overlord) and Dark Ranger return
-Rain of Fire now a toggled AoE
-Cleaving Attack AoE increased from 200 to 250, 30/55/80 to 40/65/90
-Howl of Terror now decreases armor by 1/2/3
-Acid Bomb AoE increases per level
-Chemical Rage now provides magic immunity
-Healing spray no longer heals enemy units, healing reduced from 40/55/70 to 30/45/60
-Transmute return increased from .8 to 1.5
-Creep camps and item tables adjusted

-Mobile shop move speed reduced by 50%
-Terrain changes to Severed Isles


-Flare now casts
-Relief when upgraded now casts
-Bombard Depot upgrade cost


-Harasser description
-Savant Guardian description
-Nitroglycerin description
-Enchanted Structure has new icon
-TC glow on Pack Horse

-Den tooltip

-Blazing Seed has new icon


Balance Changes:

-Fiery Shards bonus decreased from 6 to 3
-Aerial Shackles and Homing Missiles replaced with Flak Cannons and Smoke Screen
-Improved Masonry reverted to 20% per level

-Risky Strike Damage reduced drastically

-Molten Wrath damage output reduced significantly
-Unveil removed from Dereleict, applied to new light scout Seer

-Glacial Bile has cooldown, damage reduced, area affected reduced
-Urchin Turtke gold cost increased from 285 to 400
-Removed Glacial Bile for revision

-Hall requirements are now: T2 - Nothing, T3 - Research structure


-Fire Shot upgrade button

-Morph revert icon
-Tentacle lumber return


-Basic upgrade icon locations revised

-Basic upgrade icon locations revised


Balance Changes:

-Gazlowe's Mix cooldown set to 20
-Ironback no longer requires Rig
-Hunker now requires Fortress/Goblin Laboratory/War Forge
-Shell Shock chance reduced from 100% to 50%
-Blast bonus reduced from 2 to 1.5

-Crew bonus increased to 1 hit point per second
-Sustain now maxes out at level 25
-Polymorph duration on heroes reduced from 15 to 10 seconds
-Dalaran Shield replaced with Stone Guardian
-Pulse mana drain reduced from 75 to 50
-Cleansing Beams moved to new Savant Guardian alternate form, replaced with Relief
-Mystic Aura range decreased from 450 to 350

-Terminus Crux move speed increased from 80 to , now amphibious
-Obsidian Wrath replaced with Wraith Beacon
-Ravager now area magic splash damage, attack cooldown reduced, damage increased
-Nether Fold cooldown reduced from 45 to 15

-Slave gold cost reduced from 120 to 60
-Leviathan no longer requires Reservoir Vault
-Blood tracking hero duration reduced from 60/90/120 to 15/30/45
-Sunderer max mana reduced from 400 to 300
-Abolish Magic replaced with Devour Magic
-Eternal well life regeneration increased from 1 to 2

-Racial shop item lists revised, move speeds increased
-Creep item lists revised


-Obliterate missile effect
-Cleaving Blows now requires upgrade
-Blast hero damage

-Bombard Depot cost

-Hall lumber cost
-Shimmering Portal can no longer be cast in the abyss

-Guardian upgrade costs/model
-Harchery/Shrine of Azshara

-Finger of Pain can no longer target self

-Significant jass revisions and general optimization thanks to Spellbound including: Rocket Bomb, Obliterate, Chilled Arrows, Cannon Assault, and Naga lumber harvesting
-Frozen Void substantially revised


-Armor and melee upgrades now refer to Magi
-Obliterate description
-Incendiary bomber damage buff icon
-Afterburn upgrade icon location
-Disenchant upgrade icon location
-Experimental Goo learn tooltip
-Gazlowe's Mix upgrade buff

-Paladin (unit) renamed Crusader
-Revive has new icon

-Unholy Aura buff/research icons

-Resevoir Vault has one tentacle


Balance Changes:

-Derelict has Repulse, base move speed reduced from 250 to 220, base armor increased from 10 to 12, max mana reduced to from 450 to 350, mana regen rate reduced by 20%
-Recall cooldown decreased from 5 to 1 second
-Infinity Core limit removed
-Mutations have 60 second expiration timer, no food cost
-Obsidian Wrath duration reduced from 15 to 10 seconds, damage per hit reduced from 250 to 150


-Ravager tech requirements
-Infinity Core unit roster, formulas
-Stygian Basin and Reliquary locations switched


Balance Changes:

-Mauling Armor chance increased from 5% to 10%

-Shell Bash replaced with Chitin Incursor, may now transform into a heavily armored slower unit
-All organic Naga units now have a base health regen of .5, most were .75

-Severed Isles substantially revised
-All creep camps revised for creep composition and item drops


-Conceal buff range adjusted

-Finger of Pain correctly targets


-Acid Burst has new icon

-Incursus has new model
-Slow Poison has new icon
-Crush Depth renamed to Pillars


Balance Changes:

-Essence no longer decays units off blight, regen on blight reduced from 5 to 3


-Flare upgrade removed

-Crush Depth description revised

-Issues related to map protection resolved


Balance Changes:

-Healing Spray replaced with Experimental Goo

-Currents replaced with Crush Depth
-Crescendo replaced with Nazjataran Influence
-Naga hero intel per level adjusted
-New Hero: Viper
-Reservoir harvest rate reduced by 50%

-All Hall upgrade costs reverted to stock


-Obsidian Wrath lightning effect

-Trench Dweller can no longer be trained more than once
-Trench Dweller spell tooltips revised
-Azsharan Scales tech tree requirement

-Hero support structures have correct tool tips
-Hero hot keys revised


-Hopper has new model/icon

-Deep Legacy has new icon
-Tempered Guard model scale increased


Balance Changes:

-Pulverizer base speed reduced by 20%
-Magi base mana regeneration reduced from .9 to .6

-Paladin base mana regeneration reduced from 1 to .6
-Savant Guardian base mana regeneration reduced from 1 to .8
-Fortified Heal persists in combat

-Terminus Crux attack spped reduced by 25%

-Leviathan base armor increased from 4 to 6, damage reduced from 50 to 40
-Added Scrubber, T3 anti-mechanical unit
-Slave has basic attack, max HP reduced from 300 to 200, armor type = unarmored
-Breath of Frost replaced with Bile Shards
-Urchin Turtle spikes now deal no damage amd slow
-Refresh replaced with Vortex
-Slave gold cost increased from 25 to 125
-Cascading Slave damage increased from 6 ro 24, damage type from normal to magic

-Added Hero structures that reward leveling your heroes:
-Human: Trade Center - Provides upgrades for specific units
-Orc: Den - Purchasable units
-Lost: Mutation Spire - Provides units with new or altered abilities
-Naga: Saturation Pool - Regenerates mana for surrounding units
-Barge/Hopper/Derelict no longer have tech requirements
-Ruined Lock substantially revised
-Alchemist, Tinker, Firelord, Pit Lord return to Tavern


-Siren has new model/icon
-Hauler has new model/icon
-Urchin Turtle has new icon
-Revised Naga harvesting icons/descriptions


Balance Changes:

-Magi food cost increased from 4 to 5
-Pulverizer training time increased from 20 to 35 seconds
-Spirit Wolves have 25% more hit points
-New sea unit: Junker (Single target nuke, extreme range land support)
-Gash replaced with Cleaving Blows
-Mirror Image now deals 10/20/30% damage
-Critical Strike now deals 40/80/120 bonus damage instead of providing a multiplier
-Chain Lightning now loses 5% of damage per bounce instead of 15%

-Paladin food cost increased from 4 to 5
-Dematerialize may now target any friendly mechanical unit as long as there is water at the target unit location
-Argonaut food cost increased from 3 to 4
-Savant Mage now has Fortified Heal
-Paladin Healing replaced self target Revive, now has Seraphic Blade
-Decimator now has Mystic Aura
-New sea unit: Monitor (Anti-mechanical, land support)
-Cluster Rockets upgrade replaced with Homing Missiles

-Nightmare food cost increased from 3 to 4
-New "sea" unit: Averter (Healing support, air support)
-Ravager available at T2

-Mana Mine replaced with Refresh, a support healing ability
-Cascade life decay reduced from 2 per seond to .5 per second
-Sea Witch now has Tornado as an ultimate again, Mana Shield returns with a buff to 2/4/6 damage absorbed
-Fathom Trident replaced with Trident of Torrents
-Anchor cooldown decreased from 20 to 10 seconds
-Torrent renamed Todal Wave and given to Nullifier
-New hero: Trench Dweller
-Urchin Turtle available at T2, has Hurl, gold cost reduced from 320 to 280, hit points reduced from 1700 to 1500
-Resevoir Vault harvests lumber

-All Orc, Human, and Undead (Lost) heroes have returned. Technician, Combat Engineer, and Charred Adjutant remain
-Stock start delay on neutral heroes removed
-Food limit decreased from 125 to 120
-Upkeep levels adjusted to 70/100
-Battleship added to Mercenary Camp
-Frigate added to Mercenary Camp
-AI update


-Halt has new icon
-Abolish has new icon, renamed Pulse
-Polymorph has new icon
-Crew has new icon

-Swine Flu has new icon
-Overflow has new icon
-Rupture has new icon

-Burning Corruption has new icon


Balance Changes:

-Grunt attack damage/dice reverted to vanilla, HP reduced from 800 to 750
-Berserker attack damage/speed revereted to vanilla
-Raging Boars changed to effect Burrows only
-Devour now deals 10 damage inseatd of 99999 damage
-Dragon attack type changed from normal to magic
-Clear Cut mana cost reduced from 125 to 100
-War Forge gold cost reduced from 235 to 205
-Warlock armor type changed to Light
-Incendiary Bomber now drops 3 bombs at all levels and deals 30/60/90 damage
-Powdered Stimulants bonus reduced from 40% to 30%
-Rupture duration decreased from 30 to 15 seconds
-Sappers removed
-Ironback now T1 siege unit, armor reduced from 6 to 4, gold cost reduced from 285 to 260
-Burrow base armor increased from 2 to 4, food produced increased from 14 to 22, gold cost increased from 115 to 240, build time increased from 20 to 30 seconds
-Pulverizer is no longer a transport
-Orc transport unit added

-Rifleman attack damage restored to wc3 vanilla, has armor upgrade again, base armor reduced by from 5 to 4
-Rifleman, Demolition Team, and Gryphon Rider have Studded Leather Armor again
-Argonaut can no longer attack while submerged
-Marksmanship upgrade damage increased from 3 to 8
-Nitroglycerin upgrade bonus increased from 2 to 6
-Demolition Team armor type changed from Light to Medium
-Hopper gold cost reduced from 440 to 350
-Decimator armor type changed from Medium to Small in standard form, Fortified when deployed
-Reconstitution upgrade bonue increased from 30% to 50%
-Flare removed
-Siege Engine armor type changed from Fortified to Heavy, base armor increased from 4 to 6
-Arcane Field removed from Field Generator (now Arcane Tower), Feedback added, gold cost reduced from 110 to 80
-Wall cost reduced from 110 to 90
-Savant Guardian armor type changed from Medium to Light
-Valkyrie renamed Grand Sorceress
-Dalaran Shield affect increased from 250 HP and 50% to 400 HP and 200%
-Lord renamed to King's Hand
-Gryphon damage type changed from pierce to magic
-Power Armor (Divine Armor) given to Lord (King's Hand)
-Inner Circle mana cost reduced from 175 to 125
-Guardian replaced with Charge
-Hindsight replaced with Sentry Gun
-Academy gold cost increased from 200 to 240
-Refined Smithing gold cost reduced from 350 to 275
-Upgrade cost structure reverted to a standard increase per level
-Power Armor repalced with Flare
-Demolition Team gold cost increased from 180 to 220
-Peasant gold cost set to vanilla
-Cannon Assault shots reduced from 6/12/18 to 3/6/9
-Farm Depot gold cost increased from 175 to 375, lumber cost increased from 60 to 120, build time increased from 25 to 35 seconds, food produced increased from 16 to 30, base armor increased from 4 to 6
-Argonaut primary attack range increased by 50%, cooldown increased from 2 to 4 seconds, base damage increaed from 38 to 90
-Decimator remade reflecting user feedback

-Blink base cooldown increased from 3 to 5 seconds
-Poison Bite replaced with Blink upgrade reducing cooldown to 0
-Draken base hit points reduced from 1120 to 900
-Incursor base hit points reduced from 960 to 825
-Siren food cost reduced from 4 to 3, base hit points reduced from 1220 to 975, armor type changed from unarmored to light, base armor reduced from 5 to 4
-Myrmidon base hit points decreased from 1300 to 1175
-Couatl attack type changed from normal to magic
-Phor base damage increased from 12 to 16
-Mana Mine now available at tier 2
-Deep Legacy bonus reduced from 67%/33%/0% to 80%/60%/40%
-Chilled Arrows mana cost reduced from 200 to 150
-Cull now steal health or life depending on the target unit and current mana
-Scale Shallows removed, upgrades moved to Spawning Grounds
-Volatile Blood now deals: 100 + 25 x number of player owned Reavers in range
-Mana Shield replaced with Annihilation Eye
-Sinkhole now returns mana to the Sunderer
-Sunderer armor type changed from Large to Small
-Devour Magic replaced with Siphon Mana
-Coral Guardian damage base reduced from 120 to 80, damage type changed to Pierce, food produced increased from 15 to 21, gold cost increased from 130 to 230

-Volcano replaced with Burning Corruption
-Molten Wrath now triggers when attacking on the attacked unit, overall damage and area decreased
-Consumed mine now costs 5 food
-Lost heroes now cost 5 food
-Specters now trained normally at town halls, and summoned from Derelicts, and require 1 food
-Mana Regeneration on Derelicts increased from 1 to 1.25
-Flesh Mites requires upgrade
-Flesh Mites unit count and spawn rate reduced to vanilla, damage increased from 12 to 24
-Nether Fold must target blighted ground
-Desecrator removed
-Brute reworked to be heavy close range siege unit
-Ignite is now reversible, has Demolish
-Specter costs 1 food
-Charred Adjutant correclty classified as Undead (Lost)
-Terminus Crux damage base reduced from 60 to 40, damage type changed to Pierce, Corpse Burn removed, gold cost increased from 245 to 340
-Metasis removed
-Ignited Scourge has Penetrate (Demolish) for attacking sea units
-Stedding removed
-Conduit removed
-Shambler no longer requires lumber
-Specter gold cost increased from 75 to 90
-Obsidian Moor lumber cost decreased from 180 to 100
-Stygian Bastille lumber cost reduced from 160 to 90
-Mana Circulation is now a blanket mana regen upgrade that affects all Lost units (mechanical and organic)
-Mana Circulation has new icon
-Corrus armor type changed from Medium to Small
-Razor armor base reduced from 12 to 8
-Lumber collection reduced from 6 to 4
-Derelict mana reduced from 700 to 450
-Rift/Bastion/Parapet food produced increased from 12 to 18
-Consumed Gold Mine requires 5 food
-Burning Corruption number of units reduced from 2/3/4 to 1/2/3
-Specter gold cost increased from 90 to 150
-Derelict armor base increased from 6 to 10
-Ravager armor increased from 8 to 14, armor type changed from Large to Medium

-Primary Towers now have one attack that is balance to deal damage to all units
-Damage multiplyer abilities on primary towers removed
-Heavy sea units now have Large armor
-Junker and Decoy removed, replaced with a standard Transport



-Onslaught can't be leveled in a row
-Presence now requires level 6
-Huntress abilities work now

-Blink can no longer be cast into buildings


-Stygian Bastille has new model, now named Stygian Basin

-Sunderer has new model

-War Forge DISBTN fixed


Balance Changes:

-Grunt attack damage/dice reverted to vanilla, HP reduced from 800 to 750
-Berserker attack damage/speed revereted to vanilla
-Raging Boars changed to effect Burrows only
-Devour now deals 10 damage inseatd of 99999 damage
-Dragon attack type changed from normal to magic
-Clear Cut mana cost reduced from 125 to 100
-War Forge gold cost reduced from 235 to 205
-Warlock armor type changed to Light
-Incendiary Bomber now drops 3 bombs at all levels and deals 30/60/90 damage
-Powdered Stimulants bonus reduced from 40% to 30%
-Rupture duration decreased from 30 to 15 seconds
-Sappers removed
-Ironback now T1 siege unit, armor reduced from 6 to 4, gold cost reduced from 285 to 260
-Burrow base armor increased from 2 to 4, food produced increased from 14 to 22, gold cost increased from 115 to 240, build time increased from 20 to 30 seconds
-Pulverizer is no longer a transport
-Orc transport unit added

-Rifleman attack damage restored to wc3 vanilla, has armor upgrade again, base armor reduced by from 5 to 4
-Rifleman, Demolition Team, and Gryphon Rider have Studded Leather Armor again
-Argonaut can no longer attack while submerged
-Marksmanship upgrade damage increased from 3 to 8
-Nitroglycerin upgrade bonus increased from 2 to 6
-Demolition Team armor type changed from Light to Medium
-Hopper gold cost reduced from 440 to 350
-Decimator armor type changed from Medium to Small in standard form, Fortified when deployed
-Reconstitution upgrade bonue increased from 30% to 50%
-Flare removed
-Siege Engine armor type changed from Fortified to Heavy, base armor increased from 4 to 6
-Arcane Field removed from Field Generator (now Arcane Tower), Feedback added, gold cost reduced from 110 to 80
-Wall cost reduced from 110 to 90
-Savant Guardian armor type changed from Medium to Light
-Valkyrie renamed Grand Sorceress
-Dalaran Shield affect increased from 250 HP and 50% to 400 HP and 200%
-Lord renamed to King's Hand
-Gryphon damage type changed from pierce to magic
-Power Armor (Divine Armor) given to Lord (King's Hand)
-Inner Circle mana cost reduced from 175 to 125
-Guardian replaced with Charge
-Hindsight replaced with Sentry Gun
-Academy gold cost increased from 200 to 240
-Refined Smithing gold cost reduced from 350 to 275
-Upgrade cost structure reverted to a standard increase per level
-Power Armor repalced with Flare
-Demolition Team gold cost increased from 180 to 220
-Peasant gold cost set to vanilla
-Cannon Assault shots reduced from 6/12/18 to 3/6/9
-Farm Depot gold cost increased from 175 to 375, lumber cost increased from 60 to 120, build time increased from 25 to 35 seconds, food produced increased from 16 to 30, base armor increased from 4 to 6
-Argonaut primary attack range increased by 50%, cooldown increased from 2 to 4 seconds, base damage increaed from 38 to 90
-Decimator remade reflecting user feedback

-Blink base cooldown increased from 3 to 5 seconds
-Poison Bite replaced with Blink upgrade reducing cooldown to 0
-Draken base hit points reduced from 1120 to 900
-Incursor base hit points reduced from 960 to 825
-Siren food cost reduced from 4 to 3, base hit points reduced from 1220 to 975, armor type changed from unarmored to light, base armor reduced from 5 to 4
-Myrmidon base hit points decreased from 1300 to 1175
-Couatl attack type changed from normal to magic
-Phor base damage increased from 12 to 16
-Mana Mine now available at tier 2
-Deep Legacy bonus reduced from 67%/33%/0% to 80%/60%/40%
-Chilled Arrows mana cost reduced from 200 to 150
-Cull now steal health or life depending on the target unit and current mana
-Scale Shallows removed, upgrades moved to Spawning Grounds
-Volatile Blood now deals: 100 + 25 x number of player owned Reavers in range
-Mana Shield replaced with Annihilation Eye
-Sinkhole now returns mana to the Sunderer
-Sunderer armor type changed from Large to Small
-Devour Magic replaced with Siphon Mana
-Coral Guardian damage base reduced from 120 to 80, damage type changed to Pierce, food produced increased from 15 to 21, gold cost increased from 130 to 230

-Volcano replaced with Burning Corruption
-Molten Wrath now triggers when attacking on the attacked unit, overall damage and area decreased
-Consumed mine now costs 5 food
-Lost heroes now cost 5 food
-Specters now trained normally at town halls, and summoned from Derelicts, and require 1 food
-Mana Regeneration on Derelicts increased from 1 to 1.25
-Flesh Mites requires upgrade
-Flesh Mites unit count and spawn rate reduced to vanilla, damage increased from 12 to 24
-Nether Fold must target blighted ground
-Desecrator removed
-Brute reworked to be heavy close range siege unit
-Ignite is now reversible, has Demolish
-Specter costs 1 food
-Charred Adjutant correclty classified as Undead (Lost)
-Terminus Crux damage base reduced from 60 to 40, damage type changed to Pierce, Corpse Burn removed, gold cost increased from 245 to 340
-Metasis removed
-Ignited Scourge has Penetrate (Demolish) for attacking sea units
-Stedding removed
-Conduit removed
-Shambler no longer requires lumber
-Specter gold cost increased from 75 to 90
-Obsidian Moor lumber cost decreased from 180 to 100
-Stygian Bastille lumber cost reduced from 160 to 90
-Mana Circulation is now a blanket mana regen upgrade that affects all Lost units (mechanical and organic)
-Mana Circulation has new icon
-Corrus armor type changed from Medium to Small
-Razor armor base reduced from 12 to 8
-Lumber collection reduced from 6 to 4
-Derelict mana reduced from 700 to 450
-Rift/Bastion/Parapet food produced increased from 12 to 18
-Consumed Gold Mine requires 5 food
-Burning Corruption number of units reduced from 2/3/4 to 1/2/3
-Specter gold cost increased from 90 to 150
-Derelict armor base increased from 6 to 10
-Ravager armor increased from 8 to 14, armor type changed from Large to Medium

-Primary Towers now have one attack that is balance to deal damage to all units
-Damage multiplyer abilities on primary towers removed
-Heavy sea units now have Large armor
-Junker and Decoy removed, replaced with a standard Transport


-Onslaught can't be leveled in a row
-Presence now requires level 6
-Huntress abilities work now

-Blink can no longer be cast into buildings


-Stygian Bastille has new model, now named Stygian Basin

-Sunderer has new model

-War Forge DISBTN fixed


Balance Changes:

-Sapper hit points, gold cost, lumber cost, and Kaboom damage doubled
-Warthog base damage increased by 2.5x from 18 to 45, attack cooldown doubled

-Astral Pillar remade
-Reactive Armor replaced by Power Armor
-Harasser has Aerial Shackles as an upgrade

-Devour Magic description fixed
-Brute rewored to be large melee unit based on the Mountain Giant, Pummel still applies,

gold cost increased from 250 to 390, lumber cost increased from 120 to 170
-Demolish damage to sea units increased from 2/3 to 5/6
-Derelict can now be upgraded to absorb friendly Lost units for mana (Recall)
-Duplicast replaced with Void Armor
-Ravager now has Nether Fold, attack damage type chnaged from siege to Normal, armor

increased from 6 to 8, mana max increased from 0 to 250
-Flesh Mites requires mana
-Burrow no longer requires mana
-Monstrosity's count as summoned

-Anchor description updated, buff shows effect
-Calcify effect shows correctly
-Compression replaced by Fathom Trident
-Phor now has Mana Crush as an upgrade, maximum mana increased from 50 to 125, has basic


-All support caster units, and the Warlock, now have dispel based abilities


Balance Changes:

-My understanding of Spirit Link has been flawed, I have not adjusted it to work as I intended. The primary target will take 10% of the initial damage and spread 90% of initial damage to all linked units including the initial target.
-6 linked units
-One linked units is dealt 100 damage
-Targeted unit takes 10 damage + 15 damage
-Remianing 5 units take 15 damage
-Spirit Link mana cost increased from 75 to 120, duration increased from 25 to 40 seconds, upgrade gold cost increased from 175 to 250, lumber cost increased from 25 to 120

-Dweller Burst replaced by Anchor
-Cloud replaced by Currents


-Dweller Burst description/buff corrected
-Shimmering Portal preload and portal orientation altered
-Shimmering Portal dummy issue resolved

-Terrain update to Severed Isles,
-Updated for 1.27a
-Incursor model revised


Balance Changes:

-Watch Tower damage increased from 15 to 45, maximum targets increased from 1 to 3, gold cost increased from 110 to 180
-Healing Spray healing increased from 40/65/80 to 80/160/240, mana cost increased from 75/85/95 to 120
-Incendiary Bomber damage increased from 45 to 90, mana set to 140 for all levels
-Remote Mine mana cost increased from 150 to 200
-Clear Cut damage mana cost increased from 90 to 125
-Stampede damage increased from 80 to 150
-Crushing Blows replaced with Cleaving Strikes
-Onslaught base spell changed, damage bonus increased from .10/.15/.20 to .15/.30/.45, range reduced, mana cost set to 125 at all levels
-Winds of Durotar replaced with Presence

-Only Human may use an alternate building for resource return
-Guard Tower gold cost increased from 80 to 140, maximum targets increased from 1 to 4
-Cannon Tower area damage ranges increased
-Inner Circle mana cost increased from 125 to 175
-Reactive Armor bonus increased from 6/8/10 to 10/14/18
-Starfall damage increased from 125 to 175, mana cost increased from 200 to 275
-Respite Aura replaced with Righteous Aura
-Demolition Team hit points increased from 180 to 360
-Healing mana cost increased from 125 to 200 and hit points healed increased from 150 to 300
-Knight train time increased from 45 to 50 seconds
-Peasant gold cost increased from 50 to 60

-Terminus Crux damage base increased from 24 to 60
-Extinguish damage increased from 80/100/120 to 90/120/150, mana cost increased from 90 to 130
-Devastate damage increased from 75 to 125, mana cost increased from 125 to 200
-Secretion damage increased from 60/120/240 to 80/160/320, mana cost omcreased from 70 to 100
-Razor gold cost increased from 285 to 380, hit points increased from 880 to 950, armor increased from 4 to 12, attack type set to magic from normal, damage base increased from 21 to 31, food cost increased from 3 to 4
-Corrus damage increased from 15 to 65, attack type lightning added, attack cooldown increased from 1.9 to 2.5, range increased by 50%, armor increased from 4 to 6, gold cost increased from 155 to 250, food cost increased from 2 to 3
-Metasis can now be used on caster
-Shambler food cost increased from 1 to 2
-Duplicast gold cost increased from 230 to 330
-Nightmare train time increased from 25 to 30 seconds
-Specter hit points increased from 180 to 280

-Naga gold mining now works like Night Elf gold mining
-Spiked Shell damage return increased from 30% to 50%
-Liquid Pierce replaced with Bond
-Urchin Turtle now has self targeting units on it's back after upgrading
-Slave lumber harvest rate adjusted, has basic attack, has Cascade, hit points increased from 120 to 300
-Naga halls can now be repaired
-Coral Guardian damage increased from 45 to 120, cooldown time decreased from 1.5 to 1.2, attack type changed to chaos
-Chilled Arrows mana cost increased from 75 to 200, slow duration increased from 5 to 8
-Bond damage bonus increased from base 10-22 to 20-32, mana cost increased from 120 to 140
-Cresendo damage increased from 50/75/100 to 120/180/240, mana cost increased from 90 to 120
-Compression damage increased from 150 to 280
-Cloud mana cost increased from 100 to 175
-Devour Magic mana cost increased from 75 to 150
-Incursor train time increased from 18 to 24 seconds, gold cost increased from 175 to 200
-Cascade research added
-Siphon Mana replaced with Dweller Burst
-Dweller Pool replaced with Shimmering Portal

-Coinbaron spells require minimal mana


-Inner Circle area now acts correctly

-Naga heroes now yield correct bounty
-Watery Wrath base spell changed
-Torrent/Calcify upgrade buff
-Murky Gaze can no longer be cast on workers

-Neutral heroes now come with correct racial Assault

-Corrected neutral creep ability hot keys


-Swine Flu has new aura effect

-Desecrator TC now works correctly
-Toxic Carapace buff icon set to passive version
-Blight Aura has new buff effect
-Blight Growth has new effect
-Mince has new icon

-Reef Elemental has new model
-Naga town hall model attachment point corrected
-Pressure Chamber model collision and HP bar height corrected
-Whirlpool description fixed
-Calcify has buff effect
-Hydra has new icon
-Nullifier has new model/icon

-Collection now has an aura model

-Information tab no longer flashes at game start


Balance Changes:

-Obilerate cooldown increased from 45 to 90 seconds, damage increase from 80/125 to

150/275, range reduced from 500/400 to 250/325
-Pulverizer primary attack damage base increase from 28 to 38
-Mass Shot removed
-Pulverizer base damage increased from 38 to 54, attack cooldown increased from 1.6 to

-Pulverizer/Ironback deals 2x damage to organic units
-Assassinate cooldown set to 25 seconds
-Overflow damage bonus reduced from 5x to 4x

-Rapid Chambering attack cooldown bonus increased to 25% from 20%
-Argonaut attack AoE (Full/Medium/Small) increased from 25/35/50 to 125/200/225
-Argonaut and Battleship merged (name remains Argonaut), primary attack damage base

increase from 26 to 36
-Rocket Bomb cooldown adjusted from 70/55 to 80/80, range adjusted from 275/350 to

-Storm Hammers now deals persistent area lightning damage
-Triage Tent replaced with Tactical Hindsight
-Flare duration reduced from 30 to 10 seconds
-Crystal Ball duration reduced from 10 to 5 seconds
-Mystic Cuff Aura reworked

-Executioner revised
-Blight Growth is now instant cast
-Incubator reworked

-Blink cooldown lowered from 10 to 3 seconds
-Leviathan armor type changed from Fortified to Heavy

-Greed Vault damage reduced from 55 to 45, allowable targets restricted to organic

-Decoy unit vision range adjusted
-Coinbaron spells no longer require mana (this may change), can no longer attack air


-Hero target priority adjusted for AI
-Adjusted creep camp locations on Typhoon
-Heavy siege unit damage revised


-Warlock now correclty attacks up to three units
-Hibernation was disabled for testing, sorry about that
-Assassinate no longer targets units in deep water
-Rune Field was disabled for testing, sorry about that

-Wreck correctly deals bonus damage to Derelict/Ravager
-Rocket bomb damage is assigned correctly

-Urchin Turtle can no longer be transported

-Host bot commands now show in channel and game lobby


-Nitroglycerin tooltip revised
-Revival icon displays correctly, there was no issue with the spell function
-Conceal marker updated

-Dragon projectile scale
-Warlock has Surge icon to indicate passive multi-targeting
-Overflow button position moved

-Altar of Overseers has correct death special effect
-Hulsk has new model
-Blight Growth has new effect

-Murky Gaze tooltip revised
-Morph tooltip revised
-Sunderer has new icon

-Selection circle adjustments


Balance Changes:

-Inner Rage replaced with Stampede

-Comradeship replaced with Inner Circle
-Reflections of Light replaced with Guardian
-Bind replaced with Astral Pillar
-Dalaran Shield % blocked increased from 25% to 50%
-Field Generator may now target mechanical units with Replenish Life and Mana
-Conceal now has an AoE target image
-Decimator range increased from 500/800 to 600/900
-Deployed Decimator damage increased from 16 to 20, RoF increased by 25%, Starfall

-Wall added as upgrade to scout tower
-Starbust replaced with Reactive Armor
-Combat Engineer damage and attack speed adjusted
-Gravity Well replaced with Starfall
-Mana Cuff is now an aura
-Conceal now has 30 second cooldown, 30/60/90 second durations, costs 125 mana
-Legion no longer provides Magic Immunity
-Critical Sector now increases melee and ranged damage by 40%
-Replicate replaced with Triage Tent

-Firewall replaced with Volcano
-Executioner primary attribute changed to Intelligence

-Murky Gaze is now a single unit target spell, mana cost reduced from 200 to 150
-Barb Torrent replaced with Emergence
-Mana Shield no longer targets mechanical units
-Hydratia replaced with Torrent
-Tornado replaced with Whirlpool

-Sappers and Demolition Teams have a 20% chance to explode when attacked
-Mercenaries reworked


-Envenomed Spears button location fixed
-Remote Mines now walkable

-Deploy description fixed

-Decoy fixed
-Dummy units no longer cast shadows on land or sea


-Dragon has new missile model
-Peon scaling size increased slightly

-Combat Engineer model edited to remove particle effect, projectile changed
-Conceal ground effect changed

-Specter changed back to a more Shade-like model - it's good to know the community has

-Charred Adjutant scale reduced 10%
-Massacre renamed to Nether Path
-Murky Gaze has new icon

-Siren has new skin/icon
-Deep Trench renamed Sinkhole
-Sinkhole buff fixed


Balance Changes:

-Outpost and Mound merged
-Rush no longer affects mechanical units
-Battle Guide removed
-Storm Generator replaced with Rupture

-Savant Guardian health reduced from 1080 to 825
-Pulse replaced with Flare
-Reflection of Light uses 500% at all levels, has buff

-Devour Magic desc now shows correct numbers
-Acid Burst now shows correct upgrade path
-Ignited Scourge can attack air
-Noxium now damages properly

-Anit-Magic Shell, and Cyclone both require a Maelstrom Temple
-Carrion Migration deals damage correctly
-Desecrator reworked to be an offensive attack unit that spawns smaller version upon


-Sunderer mana maximum reduced, now has Mana Shield as an area effect invilnerability

spell to replace Mana Flare
-Naga unit movement speed on land reduced from 75% to 60% of equivilent non-Naga land

-Barb Torrent reworked
-Mana Shield replaced with Resistant Heart
-Water Elemental max summons reduced from 4 to 3, summons per corpse reduced from 2 to

1, elemental hit points increased from 300 to 500, attack damage increased from 16 to

26, damage type changed from Pierce to Magic, duration reduced from 180 to 90
-Fury now subtracts mana after cast
-Phor unit added to Enclave

-Many building stat changes - see excel file
-Standard Marketplace returned
-Standatd item drop tables enforced
-Food limit reduced from 150 to 125


-Phase and Acid Burst causing fatal errors

-Resevoir Vault can return gold
-Couatl requires Maelstrom Temple - this was not an issue unless your MT was destroyed

and you happened to have a Tidal Temple or upgraded to one.


-Goblin Laboratory has new model

-Shadow replaced with Wisp model, renamed Specter
-Lost building models switched around to more accurately reflect purpose

-Bladebane item buff icon replaced


Balance Changes:

-Blaster damage fixed, rebalanced to no longer attack air but deal significantly more

base siege damage
-Strike is now Risky Strike, deals 350 damage to a target enemy unit and stuns for 3

seconds but deals anywhere from 90 to 175 damage to the Warthog

-Death Pact replaced with Defile
-Tumor now costs 0 mana to cast, and has a 30 second cooldown

-Urchin Turtle now has Barb Torrent


-Juggernaut mana spell removed

-Devour Magic research icon fixed
-Devour Magic description fixed

-Assault added to Naga heroes

-Frozen Void terrain adjustments
-Severed Isles now uses correct interface text and gameplay constants, terrain revised
-Crystal Lake removed pending revision


Balance Changes:


-Halt range reduced from 900 to 800
-Hammer of Thor replaced by target cast Dalaran Shield
-Mana Fog replaced with Magic Defense
-Afterburn no longer damages friendly units

-Attack upgrade for Naga beast units now provides a chance to deal extra damage per hit
-Hauler armor type changed to Medium
-Coral Blades is now an attack speed bonus of 10%/10%/10%
-Added third Naga hero: Nullifier

-Mobile shop item list adjusted, creep drops adjusted
-Increased spell damage of Pandaren Brewmaster abilities
-Neutral hero sight range reduced to match racial heroes
-Heavy organic air unit attack damage buffed
-Spell Breaker added to Mercenary Camp


-Cluster Rockets upgrade description fixed

-Strike now requires the War Forge instead of the War Mill
-Ogre Magi model path restored
-Onslaught now fires

-Altar of Overseers now has standard altar pathing map
-Blight Aura buff no longer shows on heroes
-Anti-Magic Shell upgrade description fixed
-Fixed Blight Aura

-Fixed Pandaren Brewmaster hotkeys


-Savant Mage renamed to Savant Guardian
-Marksmanship now shows as a green +3 on the unit
-Rocket Bomb description changed, tooltip now changes after upgrade

-Removed double birth effect from Altar of Overseers

-Upgrade descriptions now tell vital statistics
-Added an item cleanup script
-The Move command now says "Move" again.
-New terrain: (2) Frozen Void
-Revised terrain: (2) Severed Isles


Balance Changes:

-Mumbo Priest replaced with Warlock
-Ascension replaced with Outburst
-Flaming Grog removed, standard attack now causes area damage
-Clan Allegiance removed
-Scattershot replaced with Storm Generator
-Pulverizer has Mass Shot
-Rune Duration increased from 45 to 60, mana cost increased from 200 to 250
-Bloodlust mana cost increased from 100 to 125
-Hibernation mana cost increased from 75 to 100
-Ogre Magi mana maximum decreased from 400 to 300
-Warlock mana maximum reduced from 450 to 350
-Obliterate damage increased from 30/65/100 to 60/125/250
-Clear Cut damage increased from 75/150/225 to 125/250/325
-Healing Spray damage healed increased from 30/45/60 to 50/65/80
-Incendiary Bomber damage increased from 20 to 45
-Assassinate damage increased from 120/240/360 to 150/300/450
-Combust is now a remotely triggered ward

-Animal War Training removed
-Monastery merged into Barracks
-Replenish Mana and Life moved to Field Generator
-Blacksmith and Lumber Mill merged into Academy
-Shock and Awe removed
-Engineer removed
-Resistant Armor repplaced with Legion
-Siege Engine now has Barrage by default, new upgrade: Pulse Cannon
-Cluster Rockets is now a tier 3 upgrade
-Rocket Bomb (Rocket Strike) can now be upgraded to level 2
-Removed Foundry
-Human sea units no longer have armor upgrades, Battleship has Robust Cannon upgrade
-Field Generator now has Replenish Life and Mana, a magic attack, increased gold cost, and requires a Mage Sanctum
-Ale Screen Removed
-Savant Mage mana maximum mana reduced from 460 to 400
-Cannon Assault AoE increased from 150 (melee range) to 250
-Rocket Speheres now deals siege damage
-Replicate now creates one drone at all three levels, drone attack damage increased from 13/17/21 to
-Critical Sector ranged damage bonus oncreased from 25% to 40%
-Bind damage increased from 100/225/375 to 225/350/500
-Comradeship damage buff increased from 6-18/10-25/15-33 to 10-22/15-30/20-38
-Omega Bursts replaced with Gravity Well
-Resurrection man cost raised from 200 to 300 and dead revived raised from 6 to 12
-Hopper movement speed reduced by 20%

-Removed Consume from Scourge
-Ravager movement speed over land reduced, now has movement bonus over water
-Executioner reworked
-Torn Sky removed
-Metasis mana cost increased from 110 to 250
-Mince mana cost increased from 90 to 150
-Burning Barrier damage increased from 10/20/30 to 25/50/75
-Devastate AoE range increased by 60%
-Secretion damage increased from 60/90/120 to 60/120/240, duration set to 30 seconds at all levels
-Derelict lumber cost increased from 180 to 250

-Volatile Blood no longer damages Reavers
-Incursor gold cost reduced from 225 to 125, mana bank removed
-Murky Gaze area of effect reduced, cooldown increased from 35 to 60 seconds
-Spawning Grounds lumber cost reduced from 125 to 60
-Naga hall food production increased from 10 to 16
-Urchin Turtle now requires 8 transport slots
-Dark Fold removed
-Harbinger now a fortified siege unit
-Myrmidon mana maximum reduced from 450 to 350
-Summon Reef Elemental replaced with Watery Wrath
-Urchin Turtle now has Normal damage type, movement speed reduced by 50%, has Escort
-Hydralings now have small armor, and magic attack
-Hydra has magic attack
-Draken now has Slow Poison as a standard attack, Barbed Tail removed, mana maximum increased from 100 to 125
-Breach is now a research and Calcify is available by default
-Submerged removed from Naga units - Deemed too powerful in combination with Eternal Well and amphibious movement

-Gryphon Rider/Dragon/Stygian Monarch/Couatl attack type changed from Magic to Normal
-Towers require Buildable condition
-Swindler reworked into Coinbaron
-Experimental units reworked into standard units
-AI smart casting improved
-Decoy reworked to create stronger fake units
-Hit Point bonus per strength point increased from 25 to 50, defense bonus increased from .3 to .6


-Fixed bug where devoured units triggered afterburn
-Orc AI works
-Gash tooltip fixed

-Bind target buff effect location fixed
-Revival tooltip fixed
-Footman birth sound range fixed

-Fury duration now works correctly
-Blight Aura buff displays correctly

-Pressure Chamber no longer mentions Wind Serpent

-Creep abilities should now conform to the QWER/ASDF/ZXCV pattern
-Fixed Greed Vault text display


-Naga building ground textures changed to Night Elf


Balance Changes:

-Mumbo Priest hit points reduced to 1200 to 900
-Warlock replaced with a permanent transformation spell on the Mumbo Priest
-Fade Step replaced with Assassinate
-Blades of Durotar mana increased from 110 to 150
-Evasion now causes passive permanent invisibility
-Abduct mana reduced from 140 to 100

-Conceal mana cost increased to 125 from 100
-Removed Bulwark
-Battleship range increased from 750 to 850

-Poison Bite and Barbed Tail now require a Resevoir Vault
-Wind Serpent removed
-Myrmidons, Incursors, and Drakens no longer move when submerged. This is a balance consideration to offset the regernation and movement bonus Naga units have in water.
-Parasite replaced by Desiccate
-Couatl's no longer benefit from Sharpened Claws
-Incursors can now be upgraded with Shell Bash
-Sea Witch and Tempered Guard now cost 5 food
-Coral Bed replaced with Coral Guardian
-Devour Mana replaced by Illusory Wail
-Urchin Turtle now has Kraken Call

-All heroes have increased armor via a base armor of Strength (7), Agility (5), Intelligence (4)


-Naga bounty rewards fixed


-Grapple renamed Abduct
-Winds of Durotar renamed Blades of Durotar

-Battlecarrier renamed Battleship

-Incursor model now allows shading
-Draken missile model changed
-Chilling Silence renamed to Chilling Wail
-Siren has new skin/icon


Balance Changes:

-Pulverizer armor increased from 8 to 10, damage increased from 24 to 28
-Juggernaut damage increased from 32 to 48
-Barge removed, Pulverizer can now carry 8 units

-Argonaut armor reduced from 6 to 4, damage increased from 20 to 26
-Battleship replaced with Battlecarrier
-Fire Support Replaced with Starburst

-Torn Sky now costs 100 mana

-Blink costs 50 mana now
-Harvester food cost increased from 2 to 4
-Sea Witch added
-Leviathan now has Breach, and can learn Calcify
-Reaver can learn Volatile Blood

-Naga flag model attachment removed
-Ruined Lock upkeep levels fixed
-Fixed some sea pathing issues on Ruined Lock
-Slave model now has correct swim aniamtions when carrying resources
-Slave now has correct repair


-Insane AI now function at all difficulty settings with triggered variiations


-Siege Magnate has temporary skin/model

-Altar of Oversight model now fits with other altars, renamed to Altar of Overseers

-Upgrade buff icons added for Naga

-Unit health bars are now split in to 25% increments


Balance Changes:

-Drudge removed, build lists consolidated, Peon hit points increased from 250 to 380
-Salamander Vizier no longer has Abolish Magic or Bloodlust

-Sanctuary Gem and Ivory Tower no longer have techtree requirements
-Peasant and Engineer gold cost reduced from 75 to 50
-Retribution Wagon hit points increased from 500 to 575

-Reformation replaced with Torn Sky
-Mauling Armor chance reduced from 35% to 5%
-Stygian Monarch hit points reduced from 1350 to 1200
-Harbinger hit points reduced from 1775 to 1700
-Corrus hit points reduced from 575 to 480
-Lost gold intake rate reduced by 25%
-Shambler build time increased from 14 to 18 seconds
-Derelict mana reduced from 800 to 700
-Harbinger gold cost increased from 275 to 475

-Naga introduced
-Removed Consumptionist - it was a test bed for Naga abilitties


-Scourge Bones Chimes replaced with Orb of Souls
-Quench Life casts correctly now
-Fixed Consume hotkey

-Corrected radius on enhanced Vision, True Sight, and Unveil
-Removed unused systems


-Removed custom Outpost model/icon

-New terrain: (2)Ruined Lock
-Enemy player can no longer buy items from your mobile shop
-Creep item tables expanded significantly and are now based on what kind of creep was killed - e.g. a Mur'gul Snarecaster will drop a scroll or other magic based item


Balance Changes:

-Giant Sea Turtle attack range decreased from 900 to 800
-Hex range increased
-Barge armor increased from 3 to 5
-Voodoo Trap replaced with Voodoo Rune

-Hammer of Thor no longer destroys trees
-Altar of Kings no longer has Reclaim
-Bulwark attack range decreased from 900 to 800
-Phoenix Rise mana cost increased from 100 to 175
-Spell Shield bonus added to Fire Support
-Halt and Hammer of Thor cast range increased
-Hopper capacity increased from 5 to 8, move speed reduced from 160 to 130, food cost increased from 1 to 2
-Dematerialize range increased to infinite, mana cost now 80/70/60/50

-Lost gold intake lowered to +7
-Blight Growth area increased by 33%, mana cost increased from 50 to 100
-Mana Current bonus decreased from 1/2 to .5/1
-Predictive Eye replaced with Nullify on Corrus
-Nullify replaced with Shadowplay - Evasion that starts at 2% and increases by 2% per level on attack up to 60% and remains until no enemy units are in the immediate area.
-Mana Shield replaced with Blight Aura
-Derelict armor increased from 2 to 6
-Razor maximum mana reduced to 400 from 500
-Mince bonus reduced from 300% to 250%
-Altar of Oversight lumber cost reduced from 200 to 75
-Rift/bastion/Parapet food produced increased from 8 to 12
-Noxium duration reduced from 30 to 20 seconds, no longer targets air units
-Carrion Migration now costs 90 mana, no longer targets structures
-Secretion now costs 70 mana
-Adjutant totally reworked

-Decoys are now purchased at the Mercenary Camp


-Fixed Afterburn bug that would cause it to cast again
-Devour buff now has correct icon

-Hammer of Thor was causing slight lag
-Mana Fog no longer triggered by flying units
-Submerged Argonaut pathing adjusted
-Reclaim upgrade requirements fixed (referenced Workshop)

-Nightmare's description still referenced Unbridled Frenzy
-Acid Burst has upgrade buff
-Metasis hotkey/button position corrected
-Harbinger no longer has mana
-Toxic Carapace learn hotkey fixed

-Corrected War Club description
-Greed Vault no longer requires level 6
-Decoy no longer produces an unusable shadow when targeting certain units

-All Orc and Human structures now dispel blight
-Adjusted Mine and creep locations on Typhoon to prevent unprovoked creep aggros while moving troops
-Numerous unit pathing fixes on Typhoon
-Triggers now only run if the unit that uses them has been created
-Altars no longer require a Barracks/Outpost/Aperture
-Adjusted flying height of air units +100 units
-Sight radius of all units has been lowered


-Barracks renamed to Outpost, has new model/icon (racial flavor)
-Transport Ship renamed to Barge

-Combat Engineer names revised

-Desectrator has new sound set
-Scourge/Ignited Scourge has new sound set

-Adjusted how unit descriptions are written in context of ability lists
-Loading screen set to default, version number now appears in map title


Balance Changes:

-Blaster gold cost reduced from 500 to 300, Siege damage reduced from 33 to 26, Chain Lightning replaced with a secondary lightning attack that deals 5 times damage to sea units, Overflow upgrade removed
-Pulverizer gold cost reduced from 320 to 280, lumber cost increased from 85 to 110
-Transport build time increased to 15 seconds
-Warthog gold cost reduced from 320 to 280
-Giant Sea Turtle gold cost reduced from 330 to 285, lumber cost increased from 65 to 90
-Scattershot damage incresed from 15 - 50 to 25 - 100
-Cannon Assault AOE increased from 95 to 150, damage per hit increased from 15 to 45
-Warlock movement speed reduced to 270 from 320
-Horde Mentality max bonus decreased from 50% to 40%
-Targeting area reduced for Cannon Fodder

-Militia attack damage increased from 11 to 22, cooldown reduced from 1.2 to .8
-Siege Engine gold cost reduced from 520 to 320, Barrage now targets all enemy units and deals 3 times damage to sea units
-Sheep now have a 15 second stock start delay
-Hopper build time increased to 15 seconds
-Harasser gold cost reduced from 290 to 250
-Resistant Armor no longer behaves as hero armor. It was too much of an advantage to be immune to so many spells. It now reduces all spell and magic damage by 50%.
-Siege Engine secondary attack damage reduced from 42 to 36
-Farm Depot/Bombard Depot have new sound set
-Retribution Wagon movement speed reduced from 270 from 320
-Refined Smithing now at Lumber Mill
-Arcane Field duration increased from 30 to 45 seconds
-Wreck damage multiplier reduced from 2 to 1.5

-Derelict build time increased from 15 to 18 seocnds, gold cost reduced from 290 to 220, lumber cost increased from 80 to 160
-Ravager gold cost reduced from 590 to 480, lumber cost increased from 110 to 225
-Rift cost now identical to Great Hall and Town Hall
-Mauling Armor no longer affects mechanical units
-Eradicate now based on Phoenix Fire
-Duplicast mana costs increased by 50 mana, Duplicast upgrade cost increased from 280 to 350
-Cede no longers adds Essence, and many not target workers
-Brute is a now a mechanical ranged unit
-Pummel chance reduced from 25% to 20%
-Essence lifesteal increased to 20%

-War Club number of hits increased from 1 to 3

-Mercenary Camps no longer sell basic creeps
-Added Privateer Wharfs to Crystal Lake
-Altars now require a Barracks/Aperture instead of an Elven Lumber Mill/War Forge/Sieve
-Transport and Hopper build times increased to 15 seconds
-Heavy siege units rebalanced to fall in line with racial traits in terms of strength Lost->Human->Orc



-Replicate description fixed
-Fire Burst now has correct buff
-Refined Smithing buff now correctly shows on Riflemen and Footmen after researching Refined Smithing
-Huntress revive text fixed
-Packbeast has hit point regeneration
-Hibernation functions correctly

-Cede upgrade location set to 0,1
-Noxium description fixed
-Pummel no longer fires on mechanical units or structures
-Duplicast upgrade buff now shows on Derelict
-Stedding no longer heals enemies
-Scourge now correctly gains hit points when attacking

-Derivative Wealth and Whirlpool now require level 6
-Tempered Myrmidon now costs 5 food
-Tempered Myrmidon no longer shows 3 supply capacity

-Repair gold/lumber cost and time now match unit costs for buildings and mechanical units
-Optimized a number of skins to reduce imported file size
-Hero icon location changed so hotkeys do not compete with neutral hero hotkeys
-Game Options function correctly now


-Mound has new sound set
-Error messages for Cannon Fodder more specific

-Retribution Wagon has new model/icon
-Model size of Hopper increased by 20%
-Mana Fog has new icon
-Bulwark death animation fixed

-Sieve and Aperture model scale reduced by 10%
-Mince has new icon
-Terminus Crux has new model
-Terror buff effect changed

-Various custom icons deemed unnecessary replaced with standard icons
-Model size of experimental units decreased roughly 10%


Balance Changes:

-Pulverizer gold cost reduced from 380 to 320
-Juggernaut gold cost reduced from 510 to 400, base armor increased from 15 to 16
-Dragon gold cost reduced from 630 to 580
-Spiked Barricades dmage return increased from 4/12 to 8/18, gold cost of level 2 increased from 50 to 125
-Lumber Harvesting upgrade replaced by Raging Boars upgrade

-Retribution Wagon base damage increased from 6 to 16
-Phoenix health lowered from 1250 to 850, decay rate reduced from -25 to -15
-Argonaut gold cost reduced from 300 to 250
-Battleship gold cost reduced from 460 to 350
-Gryphon Rider gold cost reduced from 580 to 520
-Improved Masonry has 3 levels again
-Barracks, Lumber Mill, and Blacksmith now have Reclaim. Reclaim is now a research

-Ravager gold cost reduced from 590 to 450
-Unbridled Frenzy renamed to Frenzy and is now a passive that increases attack damage every attack as long as an enemy unit is within attack range
-Terror checks for research
-Dark Retreate is now Dark Fold, found on the Ravager
-Incursus removed, I found it had no real purpose as it was orignally the medium naval unit as sort of morphed into a semi-useful air unit. Four air units is too many.
-Stygian Monarch gains Phase
-Abyss now requires Parapet

-Crystal Lake: Adjusted cliff height so units are slightly farther away
-Crystal Lake: Line of Sight blockers added around exterior creep camps to give them more purpose
-Warrior and Elementalist removed. Promethian Crusher, Burster, and Vessel added. My goal is make mercenary units something people actually want to buy.
-Tempered Myrmidon added to Tavern
-Formation ranks adjusted
-Paradise Shoals: Players set to FFA, Marketplace replaced with Mercenary Camp, slight terrain changes to improve naval pathing


-Footman model now correctly loads after Refined Smithing is researched
-Retribution Wagon description corrected

-Sheep, Arcane Despository, Packbeast, and Void Aide no longer included in Assault

Cosmetic Changes:

-Cleansing Beams now displays lightning effect on first cast, thanks to Maker

-Voting options are now integrated into starting halls via a spellbook
-Gold Mine texture removed
-When playing as NE (Human) tech tree precentages now show correctly in score screen
-Neutral heroes button location moved to avoid conflict with racial hero hotkeys


Balance Changes:

-Runes replaced with Hibernation
-Magnate redone
-Troll Ancestry removed, Berserk attack speed bonus increased to 100%
-Endurance Aura (Altar of Blood / Mound) replaced with Clan Allegiance
-Inner Strength hit points bonus increased from 50 to 100, and gold cost increased from 50 to 125
-Ascension magic reduction increased from 70 to 75%
-Berserker Regeneration increased from .8 to 1 hit point per second

-Pressure Mine replaced with Fire Burst
-Fire Support mana cost reduced from 90 to 65, and cooldown from 25 to 15
-Cleansing Beams damage reduced from 150/200 to 75/140
-Dematerialize mana cost reduced from 80 to 60
-Hopper now has Ale Screen
-Soul Imitation has been replaced with Resistant Armor which provides hero like armor against magic damage. Negative effects will have the same duration as they would on heroes. Soul Imitation was not providing a racial benefit as it was intended to.
-Demolition Team now has Resistant Armor (racial ability)
-Thors Might replaced with research option Refined Smithing
-Lumber Mill/Blacksmith upgrades re-divided
-Footmen now have Defend by default, % chance increased to 50% from 30%, non-reflected damage taken decreased from 50% to 25%
-Sheep stock maximum reduced from 4 to 3
-Long Rifles merged in Marksmanship, gold cost increased from 100 to 150

-Conflagration replaced with Corpse Burn
-Reformation max healed reduced from 25 per second (625) to 10 per second (250)
-Essence now provides a 10% life steal when off blight. This is a further incentive to be

-Dark Retreat and Reformation now have a cast range of 10000, Reformation is now an 650 area target spell for 185 mana that lasts 15 seconds
-Reprisal now a starting ability and deals 25% of melee attack damage back to the enemy (can be upgraded to 33%), Terror must be researched
-Toxic Carapace no longer returns damage
-Corpse Burn duration reduced from 15 to 10 seconds
-Ravager movement speed reduced to 90 from 125
-Derelict movement speed reduced from 200 to 150
-Cede redone. It now generates a copy of a target organic non-hero non-neutral unit. You are required to have the food cost of the target unit available. It does not transfer racial abilities, upgrades, or buffs. The copy will gain Essence.
-Corrus food cost increased to 2
-Razor food cost increased to 3
-Consume has mana cost and cooldown
-Scourge was replaced with Desecrator and Nightmare removed from summon list on Derelict

-Heroes now have Assault rather than support air units
-Crystal Lake terrain revised, added Tavern


-Dragon skin now matches Dragon Roost
-Berserker now references Berserker Regeneration instead of Troll Regeneration in unit description
-Envenomed Spears now works with Max Tech voting option

-Hopper spell animation fixed
-Rapid Chambering now correctly increases fire rate by 20%
-Footman model removed due to animation issues

-Collateral Destruction references Scorch instead of Immolation
-Terminus Cruxs can be repaired
-Terror chance and duration are now correct in the description
-Derelict now directly summons units rather than using a spellbook. This was done as there was no way around the mana cast issues inherent to control groups and spellbooks. The result is a much more user friendly unit.
-Proxy summon upgrade no longer allows a player to go over the food limit
-Stygian Bastille references Desecrator instead of Leech
-Noxium cast range adjusted (It was set too low and interfered with casting)
-Mana Circulation and Conduit FX now works with Max Tech voting option
-Blade Shards now correclty assigns damage

Cosmetic Changes:

-Mistress renamed to Huntress, new icon
-Giant Sea Turtle has new icon
-Bloodlust has new icon
-Altar of Blood renamed to Mound

-Elite Rifleman renamed Combat Engineer

-Collateral Destruction has new icon
-Ravager has new model/icon
-Mana Current buff effect changed

-Unit movement art speeds now match real movement speeds


Balance Changes:

-Secretion has a 15 second cooldown


-Riflman portrait, Icon replaced

-Cede upgrade hotkey and description
-Carrion Migration learn tooltiip description
-Ravager requirement
-Flesh Mites requirement
-Scourges summoned via Palette are no longer Ignited

-Crystal Lake naval structure AI
-Crystal Lake terrain modified. Creep camps moved, more detail added, moved the north central land bridge to be equidistant from both start locations
-Grimore Of Atreides's tooltip states 5 charges instead of 10


Balance Changes:

-Bloodlust attack speed increase lowered from 40% to 30%
-Afterburn chance increased from 25% to 33%

-Sheep may now be bought at Farm Depots at a cost of 40 gold and 5 lumber to produce 3 food

-Impale replaced with Blade Shards
-Fulgor removed
-Shadow mana cost reduced from 175 to 150
-Unbridled Frenzy no longer deals self damage
-Nightmare Palette cost reduced by 50 mana, attack range increased to 100 from 90 to match Ogre Magi and Paladin, armor increased by 2
-Dark Ward replaced with Mana Shield
-Petrification Aura replaced with Acid Burst
-Pain Lord replaced with Hulsk
-Soul Sew now absorbs friendly units, and when the Harbinger makes a kill it gains 25% of the max hit points of the dying (organic) unit
-Monolith functions merged with Obsidian Moor
-Corruption duration increased from 5/7 to 8/12 and cooldown increased from 25 to 40 seconds
-Desecrator reworked to be an organic unit area denial weapon, new model/icon
-Oppressor renamed Scourge, now a two in one unit with a form change from fast-attack ranged to ranged siege
-Executioner remade


-Nomral orc AI loads
-Afterburn no longer has a chance to chain-trigger causing lag

-Lost spawn special effect now only plays for workers and Derelict units
-Palette can no longer be cast in deep water or other obstructed areas
-Corruption max range now functions correctly
-Lost units that are summoned no longer allows food limit to be ignored. I had thought this corrected in the last update.
-Adjutant description
-Oppressors and Stygian Monarchs no longer have mana
-Terror was not firing

-Dummy units no longer have a chance of providing vision
-Numerous trigger optimizations

Cosmetic Changes:

-Rifleman has new model/icon

-Battle Guide model updated

-Lost primary structure model reworked
-Firey Shards has a new projectile model
-Nexus Buffer effects altered
-Overseer renamed to "Altar of Oversight

-Removed Relic custom model, and Circle of Power base


Balance Changes:

-Reduced Hex duration from 7 to 4 seconds, reduced area of effect from 300 to 200
-Warlock now has War Call (replaces Blood Boil), and Chain Heal

-Retribution Wagon now has a small magic attack, and Metal armor
-Rapid Chambering gold cost increased from 150 to 300
-Overwhelm replaced with Pious Hand

-Blight Growth is now AOE cast, area reduced from 512 to 256, cooldown reduced from 25 to 15 seconds
-Dimentional Eye replaced with Predictive Eye
-Incursus HP decreased from 950 to 475, model scale reduced
-Crux and Terminus combined into Terminus Crux to fit more with the aggressive playstyle
-Lost no longer have Mana Barrier
-Crimson monarch has new model/icon no longer has Vile Cocoon, renamed Stygian Monarch
-Siphon Matrix replaced with Dark Ward
-Cede now only requires a Sieve
-Cede reworked to be a sacrifice based ability
-Oppressor can be upgraded with Incinerate


-Last Stand tooltip fixed

-Footman has new model more fitting to WC3
-Replicate Drones now follow correctly when a Elite Rifleman is in a Hopper

-Well of Sorrow correclty increases the level of Impale
-Corruption has new icon
-Anguish now correclty increase upgrade cost per level, has three levels, includes Shambler
-Monolith has standard pathing
-Palette no longer allows food limit to be ignored

-Removed Iron Centurion
-Remnant removed
-Warrior custom model/icons removed
-Elementalist added at Mercenary Shop

-Numerous trigger optimizations
-Altars returned to default location in build que


Balance Changes:

-Cannon Fodder cast restrictions revised to me more precise, removed Last Stand Ward
-Battle Guide collision size reduced
-Transport can no longer hold other vessels

-Critical Sector range reduced from 340 to 325

-Dispense replaced with Eradicate
-Guardians replaced with Mana Rot on Adjutant
-Dimensional eye adjusted to a 25 second duration, damage set to 1/2 HP per second, fixed tooltip
-Forerunner mana cost reduced from 185/145/105 to 145/125/105
-Incursus HP reduced from 1200 to 950
-Leech name changed to Desecrator, scale increased, HP increased from 175 to 250, armor changed to Large, gold cost increased from 95 to 145


-Fixed Spell Shield
-Fixed areas where Submerged Argonauts could escape into shallow water
-Deploted Decimator now costs the same food as undeployed
-Bulwark model decay fixed

-Corrus model now has overhead attachment point, custom missile added
-Fixed missing Forerunner buff model
-Adjutant no longer plays incorrect animation when casting while in stone form
-AI correctly casts Blight Growth

-Decoy error message displays appropriately now

-The Total Score field in the end game stats now displays N/A because it was not an accurate measure due to the use of dummy units for casting spells
-Optimized how unused triggers are handled when certain heroes and races are not present
-Insane AI added
-New terrain: Typhoon


Balance Changes:

-Rig and Orc Shipyard merged, now just Rig
-Orc naval upgrades now at War Forge
-Pulverizer primary attack damage increased from 19 to 24, gold cost increased from 315 to 380, move speed reduced from 300 to 280, primary attack area of effect reduced from 225/235/250 to 180/200/220-Pulverizer
-Juggernait damage increased from 28 to 32, move speed reduced from 270 to 240
-Flaming Grog damage reduced from 2 to 1 hit point per second, no longer reduces attack speed
-Inner Strength is available at tier 1
-Transport movement speed reduced from 320 to 280, turn rate reduced from .4 to .2

-Dematerialize no longer targets amphibious units
-Argonaut primary attack damage reduced from 30 to 20, gold cost reduced from 365 to 300, move speed increased from 200 to 225, now has Rapid Chambering upgrade (lowers attack cooldown from 1.7 to 1.2)
-Human multi-level upgrades now start expensive and become cheaper, as well as have 3 levels - This was done to compensate for cheaper units and the racial passive Soul Imitation
-Hopper no longer repairs enemy mechanical units, or mechanical air units, movmement speed reduced from 220 to 160
-Drone bomb replaced with Fire Support
-Demolition Steed replaced with Demolition Team
-Battleship damage increased from 22 to 26, cooldown reduced from 2 to 1.5. hit points increased from 1700 to 1800

-Lost now use food
-Lost Essence now decays 2 hit points per second off of blight, Lost units gain 3 hit points per second on blight
-Lost naval attack upgrade bonus reduced to 3 per level, Pulverizer and Juggernaut have larger AOE on primary attacks
-Leech gold cost increased from 80 to 95, hit points increased to 175, Inferno replaced with Noxium and Burst

-Iron Cyclops replaced with Iron Automaton
-Removed Purifier

-Unit specific upgrades for Rifleman, and Berserker now at their respective Barracks


-Fixed Lumber Harvesting upgrade name
-Fixed Thorium Ranges Weapons Location

-Foundry no longer repairs enemy units
-Crew now works

-Major crash bug with Lost fixed
-Dark Torture replaced temorarily until lag can be fixed

-Juggernaut decoy no longer has an attack

-Cargo Hold no longer accepts other ships
-Tech tree percentages optimized, eliminated a number of triggers
-AI no longer uses Assault

Cosmetic Changes:

-Pillage passive button moved to 1,1, updated descritpion
-Giant Sea Turtle model altered

-Crew has new icon

-Oppressor team color improved, new death effect

-Creep poison attack no longer has the same buff icon as Envenomed Spears


Balance Changes:

-Warlock costs 75 lumber
-Dragon gold cost reduced from 780 to 630
-Mumbo Priest gold cost reduced from 615 to 480, lumber cost increased to 90
-Juggernaut hit points increased from 1968 to 2000, gold cost increased from 480 to 510, lumber cost increased from 105 to 205
-Blaster gold cost decreased from 660 to 500, lumber cost increased from 60 to 160, has Forked Lightning, Armor Piercing Shells replaced with Overflow
-Battle Guide lumber cost increased from 270 to 400
-Hex no longer targets creeps above level 5
-Supremacy Aura renamed to Horde Mentality, each Orc organic combat unit has HM, when a unit with HM kills it grants firendly units with HM a 5% bonus to attack damage up to 10 kills
-Old Horde Mentality renamed to Last Stand, now creates a timed life ward (Last Stand Ward) at Cannon Fodder target location that provides the bonus in addition to the Battle Guide providing the bonus.
-Envenomed Spears now displays a buff like other upgrades so enemy players can see what that it has been researched, fixed buff description
-Fade Step costs 50 mana at all levels

-Retribution Wagon lumber cost increased from 75 to 125
-Gryphon Rider gold cost decreased from 780 to 580
-Savant Mage gold cost reduced from 615 to 410, lumber cost increased to 60
-Battleship hit points reduced from 1968 to 1700, gold cost reduced from 480 to 460, lumber cost increased from 105 180
-Steam Engine gold cost decreased from 630 to 520, lumber cost increased from 60 to 140, hit points increased to 1100 from 1050
-Soul imitation is now passive for human organic units, lasts 25 seconds, deals 50% damage, takes 2x damage, 45 second cooldown
-Retribution Wagon has Spell Shield
-Cluster Rockets damage reduced from 17.5 per rocket to 10

-Flutter replaced with Vile Cocoon
-Chain Prison replaced with Extricate
-Quench Life mana cost reduced from 200 to 180
-Uncertain Fate replaced with Slaughter
-Void Aide hit points reduced from 375 to 320
-Lost units now cost gold and lumber with exception to workers, and units summoned from the Derelict
-Lost structure gold cost reduced by 20%
-Lost research gold cost reduced by 10%
-Consumed Gold Mine limber cost reduced from 220 to 120
-Terminus move speed increased from 40 to 80
-Mana Current now affects all friendly units and structures at level 1, and increases the bonus to 2 mana per second at level 2
-Possession replaced with Cede
-Shambler HP reduced to 550 from 600
-Nightmare HP reduced from 875 to 730
-Shadow hit poin ts reduced from 220 to 180
-Fulgor hit points increased from 120 to 180
-Monarch max mana reduced from 300 to 200
-Vile Cocoon has mana cost of 150
-Anguish now requires a Bastion for first upgrade
-Mana Barrier available at tier 1
-Aperture build time reduced from 60 to 40 seconds
-Aperture gold cost reduced from 360 to 280
-Overseer gold cost reduced from 340 to 240
-Sieve gold cost reduced from 310 to 275
-Stygian Bastille gold cost reduced from 320 to 260
-Essence behavior changed. Lost units now decay when off of blight at a large rate. Cruxes reduce that rate, eventually to +.5. 9 Crux's are necessary to max out the regeneration upgrade.
-Aperture gold cost reduced from 280 to 220, lumber cost from 190 to 110
-Tainted Fountain AOE decreased from 400 to 300
-Conduit lumber cost reduced from 300 to 220
-Overseer build time reduced from 70 to 35
-Abyss build time reduced from 80 to 37
-Augmenter replaced with Guardian on Adjutant
-Tainted Eye replaced with Dimensional Eye on Corrus
-Cede now requires Reliquary indead of Monolith
-Shadow/Fulgor mana cost increased to 175 from 75
-Lost organic combat units now have Mana Shield, Lost structures no longer have Mana Shield
-Lost structure maximum mana levels adjusted
-Tranfer mana now targets all units, transfer 10 mana per second, and lasts uuntil deactivated/runs out of mana/target is at full mana
-Derelict no longer requires a Bastion
-Lumber harvested per interval reduced from 7 to 6
-Mechanic's Bane renamed to Weather Bane, damage reduced from 85 to 45, targets all non-structure units
-Void Aide sells Cloak of Shadows
-Horn of Rage no longer increases hit point regeneration

-Iron Enforcer replaced with Iron Cyclops
-Greed Vault is now a third normal hero ability
-Deriviative Wealth is now an ultimate
-Inferno Stone duration reduced from 180 to 80

-Upkeep thresholds increased from 75 and 120 to 95 and 130
-Repair cost and time now correct for all structures
-Easy and Normal AI's added


-Fixed bug with Soul Imitation whereby it could drop the item it uses
-Omega Wave dummy no longer uses 2 food

-Mince hotkey fixed
-Adjutant has new sound set
-Corrected Nightmare description

-Assault no longer includes Consumed Mine Tentacles, or other special units, has a 10 second cooldown

Cosmetic Changes:

-Updated Goblin Shipyard model

-Updated Human Shipyard model
-Updated Monastery model
-Sanctuary Gem displays hot key correctly

-Executioner model scale increased
-Lost birth animation model edited so it no longer shows a gap when placed on hills
-Oppressor has new missile model for non-structures

-Decoy model changed


Balance Changes:

-Bloodlust can no longer target mechanical units
-Grunt damage base increased from 10 to 15
-Dragon now has small armor
-Warthog attacks now piercing
-Warlock hit points increased from 410 to 615
-Barracks build time increased to 35 seconds
-Voodoo Temple hit points decreased from 1800 to 1600, build time increaed from 25 to 40, lumber cost

increased to 150 from 50
-Rig hit points decreased from 1300 to 1200
-Suppress replaced with Blood Boil

-Footman damage base increased from 9 to 12
-Gryphon Rider now has small armor
-Harasser attacks now piercing
-Rifleman hit points increased to 624 to 725
-Barracks build time increased to 30 seconds
-Mage Sanctum hit points decreased from 1550 to 1450, build time increased from 25 to 35, lumber cost

increaased to 120 from 80
-Animal War Training hit point bonus decreased from 125 to 100
-Retribution Wagon Structure mana point bonus increased from 25 to 75, hit point bonus removed
-Resurgence replaced with Soul Imitation
-3rd tower upgrade for Scout Tower added: Field Generator
-Scout Tower defense based reduced from 7 to 5
-Human Transport Ship replaced with Hopper
-Human cargo capacity reduced to 6 from 8
-Lancer replaced with Argonaut (Shallow water restricts submerged Argonauts)
-Pressure mine max damage AOE lowered from 400 to 150
-Barrage now allows attack on ground and air units, damage increased from 32 to 42

-Pummel now only stuns units in an area
-Derelict damage reduced from 24 to 15
-Lost workers no longer have permanent invisibility
-Metasis now has a second level, Monstrosities last 60/12 seconds
-Lost gold intake reduced from 9 to 8 per second
-Oppressor armor reduced from 5 to 3, defense type set to Small from Medium, max HP reduced from 950 to 670
-Derelict now has small armor
-Oppressor main attack now Piercing
-Siphon Matrix is now unique cast
-Nightmare hit points reduced from 1100 to 875
-Shambler base damage reduced from 23 to 19
-Brute hit points reduced from 1400 to 1200
-Razor hit points reduced from 960 to 880
-Corrus hit points reduced from 875 to 575
-Conduit hit points reduced from 1500 to 750
-Stygian Bastille hit points reduced from 1100 to 800
-Abyss hit points reduced from 1400 to 900
-Aperture hit points decreased from 1100 to 950, mana regeneration decreased from 1.6 to 1.5
-Terminus hit points decreased from 1250 to 850
-Crux hit points reduced from 950 to 875
-Obsidian Moor hit points reducred from 1200 to 925
-Essense no longer gives kill credits for structures
-Terror level 2 duration reduced from 20 (tooltip listed 15) to 10
-Brute now takes 4 cargo space
-Dark Torture redone with "1000 Needles"
-Spinal Tap replaced with Spinal Sap
-Replaced Black Magic with Mince

-Removed Keg of Ale from item drop


-Afterburn now uses a GUI damage detection system to correctly trigger
-Transport is no longer called as part of Assault

-Peasant build lists are no longer bugged after reverting from Militia
-Hopper is no longer called as part of Assault

-Pummel now uses a GUI damage detection system to correctly trigger
-Fixed Surge description for Metasis
-Corrus description fixed
-"Must be placed on blight" sound fixed
-Palette now removes units that have insufficient mana from the unit selection. This was the only way to

maintain a spell book for proxy summoning.

-Hurl Boulder on Rock Golem now has correct hotkey
-Paradise Shoals correctly restricts Cannon Fodder

-Assault is now unique cast
-Further optimized how unused triggers are disabled

Cosmetic Changes:

-Voodoo Temple has new model courtesy of Retera
-Rig has new sound set
-Blaster has new sound set

-Footman has new sound set
-Footman has new icon
-Gnomish Inventor renamed Gnomish Factory
-Gnomish Factory has new sound set
-Church renamed to Monastery, new model/icon
-Defensive Field renamed to Defensive Ring
-Savant Mage assigned spell animations revised
-Harasser now has a missle pod

-Lost units now display correct tooltip when mousing over a selection in-game
-Tainted Fountain renamed to Tainted Eye, new model/icon

-Warrior has new sound set
-Updated Iron Enforcer icon


Balance Changes:

-Added mobile item merchant: Packbeast
-Battle Guide lumber cost increased from 60 to 270

-Added mobile item merchant: Arcane Depository
-Second Wind now counts Omega Bursts
-Dash n' Slash now has a 15 second cooldown
-Reclaim works correctly
-Removed Backblast from Decimator
-Decimator lumber cost reduced from 300 to 220

-Added mobile item merchant: Void Aide
-Pillar of Wrath replaced with Terminus, attack cooldown increased from .2 to 1.5, build time reduced from 70 to 55, projectile art changed
-Lost naval now deal magic damage


-Behemoth replaced with Battle Guide in Goblin Alchemist description
-Battle Guide tooltip fixed to state that it has no attack

-Omega Wave art fixed
-Church has new soundset
-Demolition Squad chnaged to Demolition Steed

-Harbinger death effect size increased to large
-Consumed Mine Tentacles no longer count as idle workers while being unsummoned
-Conversion now behaves correctly
-Nexus Buffer has new sound set

-Iron Enforcer added as a common mercenary
-Mercenary Camp units for Frigid Wheel now have correct hotkeys

-Added building unit purpose labels to build que for fast reference and ease of understanding for first time players
-Super unit transport size set to 8
-Upkeep marks set to 75/120


Balance Changes:

-Thunder Wyvern added to Warlock (summon)
-Added cooldown to Suppress
-Supremacy Aura no longer works on friendly units
-Range of Giant Sea Turtle reduced from 1150 to 900
-Crushing Blows damage reduced from 25/50/75 to 5/10/15
-Hibernation health regeneration reduced from 20/30/40 to 5/10/15, and mana regeneration increased from 5/5/5 to 10/10/10

-Fixed Decimator collision size
-Assault Drones now die with Elite Rifleman
-Siege Engine Barrage attack cooldown decreased to 2 seconds from 3 seconds
-Cleansing Beams mana cost increased by 15
-Phoenix Rise added to Retribution Wagon (summon)
-Crew now repairs the Battleship
-Range of Bulwark reduced from 1150 to 900

-Monolith removed as requirement for Mana Circulation and Well of Sorrow
-Fixed Harbinger collision size
-Phase Shift replaced with Recompense Aura on Adjutant
-Tainted Fountain mana cost reduced to 155 from 175
-Metasis added to Corrus (summon)
-Lost town halls no longer provide 20 food, food available is now 150 for Lost by default

-Deriviative Wealth no longer activiates when Swindler is dead
-Derivative Wealth values adjusted to: 1/2/3 gold per 600 enemy gold
-Liquidate no longer targets massive organic units
-Derivative Wealth gain capped at 10 gold per second
-Vengeance Countdown replaced with Gaia Tether on Remnant


-One of Mistress's names changed
-Shaman model/icon updated, name changed to Warlock
-Dragon Roost no longer available at tier 2
-Orc Foundry has new model, name change to Rig
-Demolish has new icon
-Behemoth model replaced, renamed to Battle Guide

-Removed Rifleman model, it isn't worth the kbs
-Fixed Decimator turret not swiveling
-Added description buff to Decimator
-Savant Mage icon updated
-Critical Sector now uses circle of power model
-Comradeship no longer causes first cast lag

-Adjutant has hero glow
-Obsidian Moor selection circle enlarged
-Gameplay interface adjusted for Lost: "Summon more Rifts to hire more units."
-Spawn effect moved from Tainted Fountain to Mana Circulation upgrade on Conduit
-Mana Circulation now has permanent special effect for Conduit
-Fixed Soul Patch buff not showing on melee units
-Shadow icon updated
-Pain Lord now uses cinematic Lich with new skin
-Derelict uses same projectile as Incursus and Ravager
-Restore has new icon
-Crimson Monarch has new missile model
-Harbinger has new model/icon
-Tainted Fountain description revised
-Pillar of Wrath range reduced from 1100 to 800, minimum range removed, maximum targets increased to 3
-Mana Shield has new effect/icon
-Dark Retreat has new target effect model
-Corruption has new effect models

-Mercenary Wharfs moved, renamed to Privateer Wharf
-Mercenary Camps restored, neutral abilities and units now conform to hotkey grid
-Decoy hotkey fixed
-Fire Sale reworked to into Greed Vault

-Hero glow color fixed
-Updated game message
-Updated unit priority lists
workers, transports 1
suicidal 2
land ranged, naval ranged 3
basic melee, militia 4
mechanical siege, heavy naval 5
basic caster 6
flying support, naval support 7
advanced melee 8
special flying 9
advanced caster 10
heroes 11
experimentals 12
-Assault now customized for each race
-Assault no longer applies to casting unit
-Removed a few unused imports
-Devour, both racial and creep, no longer target suicidal or large organic units
-Feuermaim Fragment tooltip fixed
-Warrior added as a common mercenary
-New update format

Essence now applies life timer correctly, for reals
Altar of Blood no longer applies Endurance Aura before completion
Church no longer applies Soul Imitation before completion
Map names refer to maximum players
Bottomless Gut no longer takes mana from Swindler
Lost town halls now provide 20 food for hiring neutrals
Fixed Essence buff description
Fixed comma bug in several buff descriptions
Purifier hotkey fixed
Suicidal units now have a 50% chance to explode when targeted with spells, dealing 80 area damage to all ground units
Overwhelm now correctly assigns buffs and bonuses to units
Resurgence now correctly assigns buffs and bonuses to units
Added new neutral heroes: Consumptionist, Remnant
Added two new neutral units: Purifier, Decoy
Mercenary Camps replaced with Mercenary Wharfs
Added new map: Frigid Wheel
Icons for Lost race units/structures redone to be purple team colored
Added Duplicast upgrade for Derelict
Reworked Conflagration
Altar of Blood now has Endurance Aura
Blood Gorge upgrade replaced with Gash
Removed demonic Magnate model/icon
Astral Mage replaced with Valkyrie
Pronus model replaced, and renamed to Corrus
Deadeye replaced with Executioner
Pain Lord reworked
Reclamation Aura replaced with Phase Shift on Adjutant
Field of Agony and Reprisal replaced with on Soul Patch on Harbringer
Impregnable Force replaced with Flesh Mites on Ravager
Flesh Mites removed from Nightmare, no longer has mana
Reprisal (not same spell) upgrade added for Nightmare
Neutral heroes requirements bug fixed
Lost message for targeting a gold mine fixed
Oppressor armor reduced to 5 from 6, removed Scorched Touch, new projectile art
Incursus now has secondary attack for air units
Chroniker removed from Corrus (Pronus)
Teleport removed from Retribution Wagon
Serpentine Shock replaced with Voodoo Trap on Mumbo Warlock (Mumbo Priest)
Mumbo Warlock has new model
Dark Summoning and Spirit Wyvern removed from Shaman, Suppress added, model set to default
Forge and Troll Lumber Mill removed and replaced by War Mill
Farm Depot food production increased from 12 to 16, new model/icon
Gnomish Inventor model set to default Workshop
Orc Ranged Weapons upgrade no longer refers to Spear Thrower
Berserker Strength renamed Inner Strength, fixed research tooltip
Mana Shield has new buff effect
Insidious Cocoon replaced with Flutter on Crimson Monarch
Derelict moved from Stygian Bastille to Obsidian Moor
Cleaving Sword removed from Footman and Paladin
Explosive Munitions replaced with Replicate
Flare replaced with Drone Bomb
Swine Flu has new icon
Updated trigger structure to diable racial triggers when no player of that race is present
Removed medium and high resource options
Many minute balance changes.
Towers now have fortified armor, base armor of towers adjusted
Foundry repair ranges reduced by 50
Siphon Matrix no longer affects mechanical units
Fixed Drudge spelling
Behemoth no longer plays spell animations on failed casts

Many Balance changes to Lost
Necrolye replaced by Shaman
Retribution Wagon is no longer magic immune
Decimator is magic immune
Astral Mage replaced with Valkyrie - currently lacks ultimate
Added new neutral hero: Swindler
Removed Shadow Crossing from Pronus
Sappers and Demolition Squad HP reduced to 70
Healing on Paladins no longer bugs
Healing and Bloodlust are now available without research

---There are far too many changes to be documented, no unit was left as it was.---
Lost race added
Batrider and War barge replaced by Warthog.
Warbird and Dirigible replaced by Harasser.
Experimental units added
Heroes re-done
Hundreds of small balance changes
Many art updates

Rank removed, there was no way to do it without causing fatal errors eventually
Tech percentage is correctly displayed in stats when max tech vote is passed
Psychotic Hook correctly launches now, it was requiring Spinning Shards to be trained
Ogre Supremacy no longer gives a level to upgraded Ogres, for real this time
Temple of the Damned no longer lists Void as an upgrade
Overwhelm now displays the special effect that was supposed to go with it
All negative real values removed from dummies, this should fix the random fatal errors
Incendiary Bomber damage reduced from 40 to 20 per second
streamlined AI
Updated Brilliance Aura buff to specify .25 gain
Purifier Deploy now uses "d" for both commands
Purifier now has Sweeping Beams
Crushing Blows no longer moves the Forgotten One creep on Glacial Bays
Keep/Castle/Stronghold/Fortress upgrade times doubled
Arcane Labratory and Hollow no longer refer to super-units in the singular
Pig Farm reverted to Burrow
Farm name changed to FarSupply Houseit was never really a farm
Salvation Spire now has Bolster
Bloodlust dropped back to 40% attack speed increase from 60% - at 60% a fully upgraded magi does 1739.5 average damage in 40 seconds, at 40% a magi does 1157.5 in 40 seconds. This assumes that every possible hit is made and average

damage per hit is 23.5.
Hammer of Thor now behaves correctly, updated tooltip as well
Runes mana cost decreased to 110
Revival mana cost reduced to 250
Fixed Technician model causing fatal errors, the model file was corrupted
AI now casts Cleanse, Corruption, Runes, and Hammer of Thor correctly
Hammer of Thor no longer leaves behind fatal error causing dummies
Hotkeys restructured to the 4x3 grid so that everything is uniform:
Armor Piercing Shells now allows targeting of all ground units
Barrage base damage increased to 32
Foundries can no longer repair themselves
Searing Bullet now deals 800 damage to a single unit
Naval Towers now to Normal damage to ships instead of siege
When Death Knights cast Raise Dead within 512 of a Brazier a Skeletal Mage will also be created
Sappers and Demolition Squads now have upgrades for speed and damage
Many minor aesthetic alterations

orb of annihilation on autocast, fix description
necrolyte/inquisitor adept does not need same structure req.
Can retrain kodo and Purifier
make trigger to animate taverns a "pick every unit in group"
Teleport doesnt take mechanical, reduce cast time to 5 seconds
Dark summoning needs higher cast time, 3 secponds
Make ability lists for all units in description match order in unit
Archer/Axe Thrower armor decreased to 5 and 6
Healing now heals for 150 health
Brilliance Aura should tell bonus in description
Archer/Axe Thrower magic immune ability descriptions made more clear
All armor and weapon generic upgrades display bonus for each affected units
Archer attack range increase by how much %?
soul sentry no longer works on buildings or mechanical units
specify ogre is alive for ogre replace - stops graphical glitch
Necrolyte armor reduced to unarmored
Catapult secondary attack removed
Catapult and Ballista range increased by 150
Orc Barracks hit points increased to 1400 and Human Barracks decreased to 1300
Cost of melee upgrades increased significantly
Purifier no longer harms friendly/player owned units
Sappers/Demolition Squad now available at tier 1 and cost 30 gold less
Player 5 and 7 defeat messages now correct
Air units selection circle "on water" set to default, False
For non-AI players you will now get one secondary worker in your starting units
keep/castle upgrades need more specific descritpions
Naval towers damage to ships increased by 100 and damage type changed to normal
Add all research done mode
Remove Boiler model and use revivealtar/icon
Furion mana drain reduced from -3 to -2 per second
Quench of life drain set to 5 HP per second from 30
Added 10 seconds to voting period
Reclaim now returns 60% of lumber as well
replaced technician missle with a sawblade model
Update Berserker model
Kodo now has a ranged attack from the hut
Honor Bound has new icon
Reclaim has new icon
Magnate, Astral Mage, Deadeye, Sea Turtle have new model/icon
Incendiary Bombs has new bomber model
Sentinel has new icon
Chomp removed from Sea turtle, changed to ranged unit, damage base increased to 40, lumber cost increased by 20, armor type changed to metal, attack type normal
Gnomish Submarine attack type changed to normal, hp reduced to 725
Lingering Glory has new icon
Archer/Axe Thrower show upgrades as passive abilities
Troll Destroyer/Elven Destroyer/Orc Transport have new icons
Shadow Mistress has new model/icon
Removed Crypt Lord and Myrmidon Guard at Haven
Added Lightning Mage at Haven
Replaced Haste with Frost on Death Knight
Demolish has new icon
Added War Barge and Dirigible
Salvation Spire no longer restricted to 1 and significantly cheaper
Faerie Dragon now requires Salvation Spire
Recalled units now Hold by default
Added medium and high resources modes
Haven has new model
Marketplace now sells a list of items geared more towards the post worldtree lore
Replaced Scortched Earth with Nullify on Death Knight
Gave Dark Summoning to Death Knight
Altar of Teron now requires Necrolyte Adept Training and Grasp does not
Removed Cloud from Inquisitor
Death and Decay has new icon
Horde Mentality now displays damage bonus above target when attacking units are below 50% of max health
Disruption replaced with Corruption on Necrolyte
Phoenix Rise replaced with Arcane Protection on Resurrection Wagon
Updated AI to include new units in build and attack ques
Healing now an auto-cast ability and is active by default after Healing research
Drarven Rifleman replaced Bowmaster
Astral Mage has new model
New neutral hero: Magmalord, reworked Firelord
Berserk replaced Cannibalism on Grunt, requires Beserk Rage upgrade
Nom Mana replaces Polymorph on Mage
Archer no longer has Hide
Added Arcane Laboratory for Ressurection Wagon and Purifier as well as Battle Assistance upgrade for Archers and Swordsmen
Added Hollow for Durnholde Warrior and Dominion Kodo as well as Blood Gorge upgrade for Axe Throwers
AI now trains magic air and assault air at tier 2
removed green blight effect
Brazier now produces corpses
Salvation Spire now has Replenish Mana and Life
Runes now costs 145 mana and only damages enemies
Illusive Strike replaced by Aura of Fright
Cleanse costs 100 mana
Dragon has new skin
Horde Mentality now displays whole numbers
Submerged Sub can no longer move underwater, but has a 18 hp damage shield
Supremacy Bonus no longer gives a level to Ogres when upgraded to Ogre Magi
Added Agitant and Myrmidon Survivor hero at tavern
Hall uprades now cost 600 and 935 gold
defeat message no longer plays at start of game for observers
Healing Spray no longer heals enemy units
Spirit Link replaces Void
Fixed Negate Time buff
Removed large portions of custom scripts dealing with damage detection and a conflicting version of CSCache to address fatal errors
Removed custom scripted AI for standard AI Editor AI to address fatal errors
AI now makes use of all custom spells via triggered scenarios
Bloodlust attack speed bonus increased to 60% from 40%, cooldown inceased to 8 seconds from 16
Super units no longer restricted to one unit per game
Ogre Magi cost lowered to 280
Dual Adaptation damage decreased to 45, silence decreased to 2 seconds, mana cost increased to 95, and cooldown increased to 15 seconds
Cleaving Sowrd damager reduced to 5% from 15%
Animal War Training description now correctly says 125
Time Stop replaced by Starfall on Astral Mage
Spells now correclty assign credit for kills
All weapon, armor, and spell upgrade research time doubled

Added Faerie Dragon and Furion magic flying units
Added Boiler Orc structure
Attack damage further reduced by 20% and build times for most units decreased by 5 seconds and buildings by 10
Minor terrain corrections
Workers now carry 12 gold per load
Crushing Blow now does 1/6th the damage it did before
Necrolyte now has Grasp instead of Orb of Annihilation
Dominion Kodo now has correct damage reduction
Mines have the default 12500 gold again

All 6 racial heroes drastically alerted or replaced
3 new neutral heroes
Purifier re-tasked as Alliance super-weapon, trained at Altar of Storms
Added Dominion Kodo as Horde super-unit, trained at Altar of Storms
Added Resurrection wagon
Removed Land Mine and Firewall from Sappers and Demolition squad
Updated credits
Minor terrain improvements to 4v4 map
Combat unit attack damage for selected units decreased by another 40%
Major AI improvements
Two new maps
Cleanse no longer targets workers and Salvation tower can no longer be charged by killing own peasants
Archers and Axe Throwers are no magic resistant
Buffed Torpedo to deal 15 damage a second for 15 seconds
Teleport replaces Hellfire Blast on Mage
Soul Sentry replaces Sleep on Death Knight
Sentinel and Anti-magic Shell replace Sanctuary and Monsoon on Inquisitor
Orb of Annihilation replaces Land Consumption on Necrolyte
Tech limit option added
Hero limit option added
Global pathing option added to 2 and 4 player maps
Credits update

Removed Seed
New terrain - 8 players, room for 9
build speed research upgrade for human
naval no longer have fortified armor
Hammer of Thor is unique cast and onger causes desyncs
Air units now correctly require tech 3 structures
added space in Final Blow tooltip
Bowmaster tooltip fixed
20% attack damage reuction to all units across the board: goal is to make combat last longer
Big Bad Voodoo no longer affects mechanical units
New Orc unit: Durnholde Warrior at Altar of Blood
New Human Unit: Purifier at Mage Tower, and Salvation Tower
Revival now requires 300 mana
Crypt Lord replaces Pitlord at Tavern
50 move speed increase to all non-naval and non-summoned units
Flying Machine and Zeppelin can see significantly farther
Split buildings between workers for each race
Significant AI improvements

Eye of Killrogg can no longer be targeted by ground units and selection circle shows on water
Hearty Web is now 75% transparent and actually increases healing percentage at level 2
Broodlines description now correctly shows 20x range
Stalker model size decreased
Seed AI now now longer shoots itself in the foot overusing burrow
Nasty bug with progenerate fixed
AI heroes now level correclty
Suggested player field updated
Pulverize, Command Aura, Spell Feedback now shows levels in tooltip
How the AI is created, named, and deals with hero revival made more efficient
added Altars back to Orcs and Humans
Altar of Storms (ogre upgrade structure) renamed to Altar of Blood
Fixed Ogre upgrades button positions
Replaced Far Sight with Track
remade AI
increased Hunter hp by 200

Removed Seed
New terrain - 8 players, room for 9
build speed research upgrade for human
naval no longer have fortified armor
Hammer of Thor is unique cast and onger causes desyncs
Air units now correctly require tech 3 structures
added space in Final Blow tooltip
Bowmaster tooltip fixed
20% attack damage reuction to all units across the board: goal is to make combat last longer
Big Bad Voodoo no longer affects mechanical units
New Orc unit: Durnholde Warrior at Altar of Blood
New Human Unit: Purifier at Mage Tower, and Salvation Tower
Revival now requires 300 mana
Crypt Lord replaces Pitlord at Tavern
50 move speed increase to all non-naval and non-summoned units
Flying Machine and Zeppelin can see significantly farther
Split buildings between workers for each race
Significant AI improvements

Return Resources button for Seed fixed
Bile Pit build description fixed
unexpected charge no longer shows death knight
Mariner selection circle shows on water
fixed neutral hostile point values that Extrude uses to calculate lumber
removed BloodBath and replaced with Pulse
nerfed stalker substantially
increased Hulsk cost and lowered hp by 200
Corrosive Microbes now affects mechanical units and structures
decreased Dragoon hp by 100
Fixed Cleansing Fire
Dragon and Gryphon rider cost 200 gold less
added Warbird and Batrider
added Sanctuary to Inquisitor(Apprentice) and Dark Summoning to Necrolyte
Dragoon damage rediced to 11 from 14
All human and orc units and buildings have +3 to base armor
poison sting buff fixed
beast damage reduced to 7 from 10
Unexpected Charge now costs mana
fixed Bile Pit movement
Entangle no longer attacks air units
Reactive Traits now affects Bleed
harvester now has flesh instead of ethereal armor

fixed Slow description
removed burrowed unit regen
fixed replenish description
reduced Harvester lumber capacity to 10
reduced base hitpoints of Paladin by 50 and bonus from Animal War Training by 25
doubled torpedo damage
increased Chomp duration by 10 seconds
Spinners sound set changed
replaced Chamber model
added Moisture Comb
added Mariner
Stalker can no longer attack air
fixed author line
fixed bug where Death Knight would become unusable to the AI
rebalanced Seed units and lumber intake
Harvesters must now be obtanied from corpses
Added Normal and Insane Seed AI
New Dragons Breath on Dragon
Seed AI now functions correctly
Remade lumber collection system
added siphon upgrade to Seed
nerfed Blood Bath
Fixed Broodlord commands
decreased AoT damage from 125 to 100
heroes have abilities again

Implemented Seed race
Replaced many Human and Orc spells
Map is now all GUI

nerfed dragon splash damage and dragon breath duration -1.5 extra damage, attack splash roughly cut by 50%
removed black mask
removed floating rocks
fixed death coil ability desc.
added Swordsman upgrade
added Inferno Tower uprade
new map Kuro

fixed submerged gnomish sub armor upgrade and sound
added naval oriented mine locations
fixed skeleten UI showing it could be upgraded
fixed spiked barricade description
added mercenary shops
added Last Blow to Castle
revenge of Quel'tallas, Runes, Altar of Teron now GUI
exorcism replaced with Cleaving Sword, as well as added to Knight
extended and rework terrain
slow set to defaut active on mage
replenish set to defaut active on apprentice
no more fixed start locations
disruption ward replaced with Disruption target unit ability
land Consumption revised
units of player show leave now become rescuable
replaced Demolish icon
fixed Torpedo diabled icon and changed Chomp icon
re-balanced naval units
altar of Teron significantly weakened
small AI improvements
updated race hints
map size reduced drastically
improved masonry nerfed

removed a tree that was in the water - Done
fix altar of teron death animation - Done
rename forces to coninside with post third war lore - Done
update to latest patch - Done

fix Reclaim - Done
tweak easy and insane AI - Done
further revise Mystic Isles - Done

buff naval, make BS's able to kill destroyers - Done
nerf dragons breath - Done
fix suggested players -Done
fix lag - Done
fix broken disbtn in Mystic Isles - Done
remove eye of truth - Done

fix ogre description - Done
change revenge hotkey to Q - Done
add 2 more player slots - Done
further revise Turtle Rock and Mystic Isles - Done
replace Unholy Armor with Unholy Spikes -Done
add Rain of Chaos and Ancient Guardian to DK and Mage (removed Invisibility) - Done
add camera commands - Done
fix slow icon, it was supposed to be autocast - Done
re-arrange DK and Mage spell buttons - Done
Dk and Mage can now be trained at tier 2 - Done
add Revival to Paladins - Done
further improve AI - Done
give heroes class based auras - Done

AI now uses Altar of Teron - Done
Replace Displacement with Disruption Ward - Done
Replace Shackles with Monsoon - Done
Redo AI and create one for every setting (6 total) - Done
Add ally/unally commands - Done
Add camera commands - Done
Further unit/spell balance changes, far to many to list - Done
New maps, use of modified Blizzard maps Turtle Rock and Mystic Isles - Done
New elven destroyer model - Done
Units will now "starve" to death if using more food than is being produced - Done
Neutral shop, Trader - Done

Atar of Teron spelled wrong - Done
Remove upper naval units - Done
Replace shrubs - Done
Redo tower pathing - Done
Add more doodads - Done
Remove Elven Quay/Troll Berth - Done
Fix hero names - Done
Nerf naval units HP - Done
Remove center creeps on Lake, rock off - Done
Change Dragon back to red - Done
Replace orc destroyer skin - Done
Change boat vioces to default - Done
change player colors - Done
Replace weapon upgrade icons - Done
Harden AI - Done
Make Mage and Death Knight unarmored - Done
Lower mana regen rate for Paladin/Magi - Done
Remove hero abilities and increase base HP - Done
Fix armor upgrade tooltips - Done
Decrease pathing size of naval buildings - Done
Waeken Altar of Teron HP - Done
Make Healing instant and heal for 225 HP - Done
Decrease Land Consumption to 40% heal from 60% - Done
Both maps FFA - Done
Add ally system - Done

Nerf naval units health overall - Done
Replace Ogre Mound with WC2 Altar of Storms - Done
Remove Gazlowe and Kronous - Done
Re-balance air units - Done
Completely redo terrain - Done
Lower build time for all units/buildings/upgrades - Done
Implement WC2 style heroes - Done
Add AI (ground) - Done
Redo Information contents - Done

Many dozens of smaller changes.

Fix the shackel and mage tooltip bugs - Done
Fix the steam tank upgrade bug - Done
Add hero like units, 3 per race, one passive ability per hero - Done
Work on terrain - Done
Add Adamant for Humans - Done
Fix tooltip bug on Troll Berth - Done
Add item store, Marketplace - Done
Fix Alter of Teron multi-cast bug - Done
Replace Troll Axe Thrower skin - Done
Shipyards now cost the same as Barracks - Done
Footmen and Grunts now cost less gold - Done
Food limit now 200 - Done
Melee Attack and Armor upgrades cost less - Done
Add Gazlowe and Kronous - Done
Mine can now have two workers - Done
Tech levels significanlty more expensive - Done
Fix Alter of Teron no death bug - Done
Work on terrain - Done

Many other small adjustments far to numerous to list.

-Rebalance all ground units - Done
-Add "Alter of Teron" to Necrolyte - Done
-Remove Grenadier - Done
-Add "Ensnare" to Goblin Blaster - Done
-Resize wall models - Done
-Replace Temple of the Damned soundset - Done
-Buff "Blizzard" and "Death and Decay" - Done
-Redo terrain - Done
-Weaken battleships and destroyers - Done
-Add Goblin Barge - Done
-Squish Giant Sea Turtle model - Done (Saved about 55kb)
-Destoyers now attack air - Done
-Reduce wall costs - Done
-Replace Ogre Mound model - Done
-Rebalance Dragon and Gryphon - Done (Both are no Light armor with Magic attack damage)
-Fix a hotkey conflict in the Human build que - Done
-Import new wall models - Done
-Decrease primary fire recharge on Arrow and Bombard tower by .5 seconds - Done
-Replace Fire Shield with Revenge of Quel'tallas - Done
-Reduce cost of Paladin and Magi upgrades - Done

-Remove remaining hero aspects - Done
-Complete AI - Done
-Added Bombard and Arrow towers - Done
-Replace Rifleman with Archer - Done
-Fix numerous description bugs - Done
-Fix Torpedo bug - Done
-Remove Goblin Workshop - Done
-Remove Disease Purveyor - Done
-Remove Goblin Blitzer - Done
-Replace Temple of the Damned model - Done
-Add Grenadier - Done
-Replace Troll Submerger with Giant Sea Turtle - Done
-Add Ballista - Done
-Remove Energy Tower - Done
-Buff base human towers - Done
-Lower bounty on Pirate creeps - Done
-Remove item shops - Done
-Rename secondary construction units - Done
-Resort construction lists - Done
-Remove unused resources - Done
-Cut build time for all structures by 50% - Done
-Cheapen naval unit costs - Done
-Make Town Hall and Great Hall only require Barracks - Done
-Remove Salve Wagon - Done
-Add Ensnarement Barge - Done
-Squish all unsquished models - Done
-Update to 1.21b - Done

-Fix torpedo targeting issue - Done
-Add AI - In progress
-Add "hero" units - Done
-Human sea building item issue - Done
-Remove inventory from units - Done
-Look through credit list and remove those that arent used anymore - Done
-Fix Farm bug - Done
-Add "Cleaving Attack" to Footmen - Done
-Replace "Sea Charge" model - Done
-Reduce Purifier hp and increase Ravager hp - Done
-Reduce Ravager and Purifier cost - Done
-Rework loading screen - Done
-Add last abilities for hero units - Done
-Refine naval unit sound sets - Done
-Replace Rifleman with Archer - Cancelled
-Make Disease non-homing - Done
-Redo sound sets for naval units - Done
-Fix Necrolyte bugs - Done
-Replace any non JASS hero abilities - Done
-Interconnect islands - Done
-Replace Goblin Workshop model - Done
-Change so when a player leaves their units become neutral hostile - Done
-Redo "player" has left message - Done
-Add battle horn when first combat unit is created - Done
-Fix various grammar errors - Done
-Replace "Time Stop" model - Done
-Add new item shop and "taven - Done
-Add Faceless Void as neutral hero - Done
-Redo terrain - Done
-Replace Goblin Workshop model - Done

-Remove all non-custom heroes - Done
-Add naval heroes (1 per race) - Cancelled
-Redo "Runes" ability - Done
-Remove "Blood Seal", "Boil Corpse", "Crimson and Blessed Hammer" - Done
-Remove Farseer, Paladin Champion, Voodoo Priest, Bloodmage, Archmage and all neutral heroes except for the Draenei Influencer - Done
-Moved the Tiki Ice Mage to the Tavern - Done
-Remove all heroes - Done
-Redo various icons to conform with Blizzards - Done
-Rework terrian - Done
-Remove all custom hero ability data that isn't going to be used - Done
-Fix various icons - Done
-Remove item spawns except for health, mana, and gold - Done
-Add "Ravager" and "Purifier" - Done
-Add teamcolor versions of Goblin Blitzer and Blaster - Done
-Update map dialogue - Done

-Redid terrian
-Removed Kodo Beast, Raider, Voidwalker, Rock Golem, Steam Shredder, Goblin Shredder
-Fixed bug where refresh time on submarines and submergers was not working correctly
-Made Energy Towers and Heavy Towers into upgrades for basic towers
-Made pirate creeps weaker
-Replaced "Scattershot" on the Dwarven Sniper with "Bayonet"
-Land mines now cost 400 gold and have three charges instead of six
-Cannabalize upgrade now in Barracks
-Redid "Freezing Strike"
-Replaced "Cabalist Combustion" with "Land Consumption"
-Fixed Pig Farm desc.
-Fixed Orc Barracks desc.
-Fixed Sappers desc.
-Fixed Blitzer desc.
-Fixed Demo Squad desc.
-Removed custom Orc Death Knight model
-Removed "Mass Impale"
-Colorized player defeated and victorious messages
-New spell author credit list:

Arctic Fury - Vexorian
Black Hole - Blade.dk
Blessed Hammer - Vexorian
Blood Seal - Leopard
Charge - Vexorian
Corpse Explosion - Blade.dk
Displacement - w3catlegio
Energy Wave - Nantuko Husk
Flaming Shield - Vexorian
Force Dampen(Dampen) - Blade.dk
Inferno - Vexorian
Sea Charge - Moyack
Summon Kraken - Moyack
Mind Distortion - Vexorian
Land Consumption - Rising_Dusk
Pandoras Box(Pandoras Keg) - Blade.dk
Plague - Blade.dk
Rolling Axe(Pulverize) - emjlr3
Stone Prison - Darky28
Time Stop - Vexorian
Volcano - Vexorian

-Reduced cost of naval units
-Made "Charge" unable to affect trees
-Changed "Enrage" percent damage bonus from 1% to 8%
-Replaced "Liquid Spear" with "Sea Charge"
-Fixed "Enrage" damage bonus
-Made sure no aura spell affects mechanical units
-Replaced "Tornado" with "Summon Kraken" on Naga Sea Witch
-Made workers hold twice the lumber
-Added AI - Comming soon thanks to Moyack
-Made "Death and Decay" not affect trees
-Updated to Caster System 13.9
-Changed Farm model
-Replaced "War Stomp" with "Roar of Terror"
-Added one level lumber upgrade for Orcs
-Removed "Reflection Shield"
-Replaced "Pulverize" icon
-Reverted to original human barracks model
-Removed Spirit Walker and Blood Elf Lieutenant, replace with Necrolyte and Salve Wagon
-"Torpedo" now has a chance to miss
-Added Wall and Palisade
-Buffed both Foundry units HP
-Removed "Magic Armor" upgrade from both races
-Renamed Paladin hero to "Paladin Champion"

-Replaced the Tauren Chieftan with the Ogre Lord
-Changed "Rolling Axe" to "Pulverize"
-Changed all ship impact Z heights to -10.0 and sub launch Z heights to -50.0 (This is to create the illusion that the submarines projectile is fired from underwater and impacts underwater.)
-Added "Torpedo" ability to Gnomish Submarines and "Liquid Spear" ability to Troll Submergers
-Updated the caster system
-Fixed Pandaren Brewmaster ability list in F9 information
-Fixed Warlock "Possession" description in naval version
-Both maps now preload all custom spells for better performance on first time casts

-Revised Runes description
-Added hero glow to Warlock in naval version
-Added "Pandoras Keg" to Pandaren Brewmaster
-Fixed "Time Stop" description
-Reworked "Headshot"
-Added creep camp to non naval version
-Added "Sentry Ward" to Fortress in naval version
-Fixed Wardens stock max in naval version
-Set Glyph of Ominiscience to 1000 gold in naval version

Possibly the best Altered Melee map Ive ever played. Great gameplay with new and unique units, while still having that same Warcraft feel.
- Trilby

As time goes, so does @Kam's innovative Beyond the Throne project continue with it. One of the most meticulously conceived altered melee maps who's span came into being long ago only to further through even today.
- deepstrasz

This is pure, unadulterated insanity of a mod. Literally Warcraft IV. What I would like to emphasize is the visual design and clarity - it feels like an extension of WC3, most units and buildings do not strike me as from some other game, they do look at home when compared alongside the original roster. At the same time, they are not simple recolours, with so many new styles and mechanics they do pretend to be something more, something that needs a good story to correspond with it and to explain it, to draw the player into it.
- Adunai

Overall, this is a must altered melee to play.
- Orcnet

As far as custom factions go, Beyond the Throne is pretty much one of the very best out there. Gameplay is expanded to include new mechanics like naval combat, which is done the traditional way with the Alliance and Horde but integrated seamlessly into the Naga and the Lost, the two factions replacing the Night Elves Sentinels and the Scourge. The design asymmetry that OG Blizzard is known for is nicely cultivated to give each faction its own identity.

Melee (2)

Melee (4)

Melee (6)

Survival (4)

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Detailed Analysis for BTT:TOD[Event]


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Thank you all for your comments, I look forward to your reviews. =)

Edit: I'm using this post for image storage.


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So my main problem is the AI for this map. I have long struggled with it, as it is fairly advanced. I don't exactly have the time to learn advanced AI, so I am going to need some help.

Secondly, I would really like the player defeat/victory/has left the game messages to be colorized like they are in DotA (yes, I know, ew).

Third, if anyone has any idea how I could limit submarines from going into shallow water, please let me know. I have been trying to find a way to for over a year.

These are some things that go beyond my ability and that I need some help with.


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Level 6
Sep 10, 2004
I thank you very much for the church, in these days I see some W2 models...cool! Soon i'll post in this site a W2 troll axethrower and a W2 troll berserker. Maybe one day well'see a good W2 themed mod :p

PS: why don't you use the the Ogre Mound and Temple of the damned of this site? I think they will be kick ass in your map
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Im really busy atm, but if I have time I could help with AI and fixing any errors...
Let me know by PM if your interested ( maybe an unprotected version too ).
Don't worry, Im no map stealer....
Well in the latest version you can reach tier three in about 10 mins depending on how well you can tech and what build you're doing. Heroes are just a vastly complicated subject for a game such as this, before any type of hero unit can be added again I have to insure it can't become overpowered even 30 mins into the game.

It would be nice to be able to have larger control groups though.