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[Strategy / Risk] Tides of Conflict - War2 inspired Macro RTS mod for War3

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Level 7
Jan 8, 2013

I've recently decided to test my map(s) for my War2 inspired Macro RTS mod - Called Tides of Conflict - more publicly, since I deem it now technically stable enough (no memory leaks, massive FPS drops, crashes etc..) to do so.


I. What is Tides of Conflict?
Tides of Conflict is a collection of maps for Warcraft III Reforged, which
aims to reimagine (or modernizse) the Gameplay of Warcraft II while
preserving the general feeling of Warcraft II (music, aambience, sense of
scale etc..).
While I was, and still am a big fan of Warcraft III, it never felt to me as
the true sucessor of Warcraft II.
Warcraft II felt to me like a fantasy version of a big World War where two
opposing set of Alliances clash with each other. You would be the
Commander of huge and massive armies, clashing in big epic battles with
the enemy.
Warcraft III felt to me to be smaller in scale, more of a adventure then a
militaristic Campaign. Do not get me wrong, it was very good. But I want
to offer people who wont put up the the very clunky and outdated
mechanics of WarII the same experience as I had as a child.
Overall I took some steps to streamline and simplify the Gameplay of WarII.
No more friendly fire to deal with, fewer but more powerfull upgrades,
farms provide more supply, and overall I gave it a more Starcraft II like
supply system.
Well that should be enough rambling from my side. Thank you for testing
my map and I hope you enjoy reliving the epic conflicts of the second war.

II. Getting started with ToC
Requirements to play:
- A vailid CD key for Warcraft III or a version of Warcraft III Reforged
preorded from the Blizzard store
- A english game client is strongly recommended
- I strongly suggest to turn off custom hotkeys
- the lastest version of my maps (Download link is accessible via the Tides
of Conflict Discord or this thread ) saved in your Warcraft III maps folder

At the moment there is only the World Conquest”map accessable, but
more maps will come in the future (old warII ladder maps ported over
in war3 with ToC Gameplay and assets and maybe even completly
original designs for meele maps, also more game modes for the World
conquest map are in the works, such as atrifact hunt, where the two teams
search for crucial magical artifacs, such as the Skull of Gul’Dan, the Eye
of Dalaran or the Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras. Also a Story Mode for the
World Conquest Map is planned, where each player get specific goals
dictated by Warcraft II lore.

III. Basic Gameplay of ToC
Tides of Conflict is a Macro based RTS (Real Time Strategy Game).
That means that base building, economy and production takes priority
over micromanaging individual Units.
In addition to that I tried to make the two races a little bit more diverse.
The Alliance focuses more on a more defensive style of play focusing on
getting tanky units with healing support while ranged units and casters
deal the most amount of damage possible to the enemy. Your priority should
be to protect and preserve your caster-ranged units to the best of your
The Horde on the other hand is focused on causing the biggest amount of
destruction possible. They have the highest amount of meele DPS and
cleave damage in the game. In additon to powerfull AoE spells of the Death
Knights and Dragons. But at the cost of a very limited amount of healing
and static defence.
Naval Warfare on the other Hand is completly mirrored, that means every
naval unit for both factions is equal with their counterpart.

IV. Hotkeys

Hotkeys in ToC are in a so called Grid Layout. That means that
starting from the top left corner it is QWER and in the second row
it is ASDF and in the third row it is ZXC. I have made a picture to
illustrate this.


In case any Hotkeys should not work first check if you use custom
Hotkeys for Warcraft 3 and disable it. If you use a non english client, use
the englush US client for Warcraft 3.
If those two steps did not work and a hotkeys is still not working, then
fill out a bug report on the bug report channel on the ToC Discord or in this thread.
V. The World Conquest Map

Goal of every Match of World Conquest is to reach 200.000 Points
before the enemy Team does. You get points for every Circle of Power your
team controls. The more Circles you control the more points your team gets
per Circle.
The folloing picture shows every position of the Circles of Powers and the
player Starting Locations

VI. Naval Combat

Since the World Conquest Maps contains Islands, I was forced to
implement naval combat. I have tried to make it more intresting, by
turning ships basically into mobile bases. You can hire parts of their
crew (workers and marine infantry) as land units and workers can return rescources
into ships.
Since this would make ships almost too powerfull, they have very long
building times and high supply costs. So be carefull not to build to many of
You can hire Shipbuilders at your Main buildings and at Shipyards. In
addition to the long building process of the regular Warships you can hire
armed Merchant ships in your harbor for gold, but they are very weak
compared to proper Warships, but you can still use them to secure
resources from Islands. You can also hire transport ships from the
Every ship except Transports can cast a naval bombardment once
anchored. The stronger the ship, the stronger is the bombardment. Each
bombardment costs mana, but ships can only regen mana when they are
near a shipyard

VII. Spells and Abilities of the Alliance

Note: I will not mention concrete damage and cooldown and mana cost
numbers. They could change often right now and I do not want to spend
alot of time just keeping it up to date.

Town Hall, Keep, Castle:
Call to Arms: calls up to 8 Peasants into the Building to shoot with
crossbows at the enemy.
Note: This ability will currently only work if the Town Hall is not building
anything or is not upgrading.

Ambush: Turns the ranger invisile for a amount of time, increases
movement speed and gives for the next attack bonus damage. It is basically

Charge: AUTOCAST. Charges into the direction of the enemy, ministuns the
target unit. Knights will charge beyond their target if it is to close.
Note: I want to fix this that they will not charge beyond their target in the
future. But I hav not yet the math for it figured out correctly.

Essence of the Sunwell: AUTOCAST. Heals up to 5 nearby units.
Divine Interwention: Turns all nearby units invunderable for very short
ammount of time. The priest will die after finishing the cast.

Exorcism: AUTOCAST. Dispells friendly or hostile Units. Kills raised
Undead immediately.
Holy Light: AUTOCAST. Heals a friendly target for a large amount of Hit
Points. It has a short cast time.

Fireball: Deals a large amount of damage to a single unit and stuns for a
short amount of time
Frost Armour: AUTOCAST. Gives a friendly unit bonus Armour and if
attacked by an enemy, the enemies attack and movement will be slowed.
Polymorph: Turn the target into a sheep for a large amount of time.
Blizzard: Deals a large amount of damage to a small area.

War Wagon
Can transport up to 8 units.

Can see invisible units.

Scout Tower
Can see invisible units.
Note: only scout towers can. Guard and Cannon Towers can not see invisible units.

VIII. Spells and Abilities of the Horde

Great Hall, Stronghold, Fortress
Battle Stations: calls up to 8 Peons into the Building to hurl spears at the
Note: This ability will currently only work if the Great Hall is not building
anything or is not upgrading.

Troll Berserker
Berserk: Increases the attack speed, but the unit will take more damage
when hit.

Burning Oil: sets a small area on fire and deals damage over time to all
enemy units standing in it.

Ensnare: AUTOCAST. Ensares an enemy Air unit and it'll targeted as a ground unit for a short amount of time.
Cleave: Deals a part of the attack damage to every unit in front a short
distance of the Raider.

Shadow Priest
Siphon Life: Steals life from a enemy unit or transfers life from the Shadow
Priest to an allied unit.
Shadow Word Death: Sacrifices the Shadow Priest, and dooms a enemy or allied unit to certain death. If the victim dies, a shadow beast spawns that cannot be killed and has a lifeleech aura. The shadow beast dissapers after a medium amount of time.

Eye of Kilrogg: summons a controlable flying eye that can be used to scout.
Bloodloust: AUTOCAST. Increases attack speed and movement of an allied

Death Knight:
Deah Coil: Heals another Death Knight or deals a large amount of damage
to an enemy living unit.
Raise Dead: AUTOCAST. raises a corpse to fight for you.
Whirlwind: Summons a Tornado that damages buildings, slows enemy units
and hurls enemy unit into the air for a short amount of time.
Death and Decay: deals alot of damage to units in a small area. Does not
damage Buildings.

Can transport units
Can see invisible units

Watch Tower
can see invisible units.

Thanks to hiveworkshop.com and world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net for
their good World Editor tutorials and help.
The Warcraft 2 soundtrack was originaly composed by Glenn Stafford.
All the Warcraft 2 Music you hear ingame is remastered by BaDitO.
One of the Human Soundtracks is a completly original composition of
All the art was made by BaDitO.
All other assets (voices etc..) are taken from other Warcraft Games and
therfore made by Blizzard.
Map(s) and triggers made by BaDitO


If you're intrested of seeing some gameplay here is wtii playing my map in a full 4v4

also check out zoomsf playing it


Additonal Information:
Most of the custom sounds are taken from both WoW classic and War2.

Known issues:
When your workers are garrisioned in a Town Hall, and you produce something or upgrade the building, they can't leave until it is done. Unfortunately I ahve no idea right now on how to fix this. since this is a issue with the battle stations mechanic of War3 itself.

I'd greatly appriciate if you join the Tides of Conflict testing discord (link to join is Join the TidesOfConflict Discord Server! ) , since I check discord relativly often, and it is easier for me to check it during my dayjob.

Well that should be it, and I hope you'll enjoy the map(s) I create :)

Best Regards


UPDATE: Version 4b released
Version 4b Updates:

Elven Ballista:
Food cost increased from 5 =>6
Damage upgrade bonus increased from 50 => 60
Gold cost increased from 3600 => 4000

Dwarven Inventor:
Increased Gold Cost from 3000 => 6000

Human Keep:
Reduced Gold Cost from 6100 => 3900

Human Castle:
Increased Gold cost from 7750 => 9950

Orc Stronghold:
Reduced Gold Cost from 6100 => 3900

Orc Fortress:
Increased Gold Cost from 7750 => 9950

Dev note: from my testing it has become obvious that Humans need their t2 more urgently then orcs do, Orcs are completly fine staying on t1 for a extended period of time - going for both expansion AND mass t1 units - while Humans really need to get Elven Mage priests for their healing ASAP to trade t1 units efficently with the orcs without tower support. A buff direct buff to human t1 seemed not to be the ideal solution, since once humans get healing they would just be straight up better then orcs. Therefore a price reduction on the t2 tech seemed to be the right solution. But on the other hand t3 got more expensive.

Goblin Sappers:
Are now buildable on t2

Dwarven War Wagon:
Are now buildable on t2
Gold Price increased from 1500 to 3000

All Towers:
Added +600 Hit points to all towers

Orc Raider:
Changed hitpoints from 900 to 1100

Changed hitpoints from 1100 to 1400
Reduced base Armor from 7 to 4

Changed hitpoints from 1100 to 1200

War wagons:
Changed transpored size from 4 to 8


Divine Intervention:
Mana cost decreased from 100 to 50
Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds
Area of effect increased from 200 to 250

Death and Decay:
It is now based on Blizzard and deals 1000 absolute damage instead of percentage based damage. Does now also damage buildings.
Area of effect increased from 200 to 250
It should be now identical with blizzard from Mages.

Area of effect increased from 200 to 300

Damage decreased from 1000 to 500
Mana cost decreased from 75 to 50
stun duration increased from 2 to 5 seconds

Death Coil:
reworked: it's now based on Fireball with identical stats.

UPDATE: Version 4 released
Changelog for version Private Test 4 (compared to version 3b):

Dev note: I had to do a major rework of the economy in special the prices since gold would just stack up to quickly and it would allow to mass units, which I did not intent to be massed to such levels.
T1 units/buildings remain mostly unchanged. Prices for t2/t3 units have been increased 2 to 5 times.
Also upgrades/researches got way more expensive and will take now 2 to 3 times longer to research.
Hopefully this will prevent mindless spamming of high tier units, while you can still mass t1 units.

Enjoy playing ToC :)

Building Changes

Farm/Pig Farm:
Gold cost increased from 500 => 1000
Supply provided decreased from 12 => 10

Town Hall / Great Hall:
Gold cost increased from 1200 => 5000
Build time increased from 120 => 180 seconds

Gold cost increased from 2100 => 6100

Gold cost increased from 2750 => 7750

Altar of the Light/Altar of Storms:
Gold cost increased from 900 => 5000

Mage Tower/Temple of the Damned:
Gold cost increased from 1000 => 7000

Gryphon Aviary:
Gold increased from 1000 => 5000

Dragon Roost:
Gold increased from 1000 => 13000

Orc Watch Tower:
Gold increased from 1000 => 2500

Human Guard Tower:
Gold increased from 500 => 1300

Human Cannon Tower:
Gold increased from 1000 => 3000

Troll Vodoo Hut:
Gold increased from 1000 => 3000

Elven Sanctum of the Sun:
Gold increased from 1000 => 6000

Dwarven Inventor:
Gold increased from 1000 => 3000

Goblin Alchemist:
Gold increased from 1000 => 6000

Unit Changes:

Orc Raider:
Base Damage increased from 10 to 40
Food cost decreased from 3 to 2
Damage Upgrade Bonus decreased from 30 to 20
Armour Upgrade bonus decreased from 3 to 2
Cleave damage reduced from 33% to 5%
Gold cost increased from 800 to 1600

Base Damage increased from 10 to 30
Gold cost increased from 800 to 1400

Ogre Marine:
Gold cost increased from 1000 to 1500

Human Marine:
Gold cost increased from 1000 to 1500

Evlen Ballista:
AoE Damage radius increased from
full 0 => 50
medium 0 => 75
small 0 => 100
Gold cost increased from 900 => 3600

Orc Catapult
Gold cost increased from 900 => 4000

Gold cost increased from 1400 => 3200

Gold cost increased from 1400 => 3200

Troll Shadow Priest:
Gold Cost increased from 200 => 400

Goblin Zepplin:
is now correctly classified as a mechanical unit

Goblin Sappers:
Gold cost increased from 750 => 2250
Goblin Sappers do no longer explode on death

Red Dragon:
Gold cost increased from 5000 => 10000
Food cost increased from 5 => 6
Removed armour upgrade bonus
Damage upgrade bonus icnreased from 50 => 60
no longer damages air units
AoE area reduced from 500 to 200

Dwarven Gryphon Rider:
Build time reduced from 105 => 90 seconds
Gold cost increased from 2500 => 5000
Removed armour upgrade bonus

Elven Mage Priest:
Gold cost increased from 400 => 800

Human Mage:
Gold Cost incrased from 1200 => 6000

Death Knight:
Gold Cost incrased from 1200 => 6000

Elven Ranger:
Ambush rework:
Instead of beeing based on Windwalk, it will grant now permanent invisibility unless they attack.
Therefore it is no longer a active ability, and doesn't require micro-managment.

Upgrade Changes:

Gold Cost increased from 1500 => 4500
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds

Anti Air Guns:
Gold Cost increased from 1500 => 4500
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds

Gold Cost increased from 2500 => 7500
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 180 seconds

Divine Intervention:
Gold Cost increased from 1500 => 4500
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds

Frost Armour:
Gold Cost increased from 1500 => 4500
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds

Holy Light:
Gold Cost increased from 1500 => 7500
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 180 seconds

Imporved Arrows:
Gold cost base changed from 300 to 3000
Gold cost increment changed from 300 to 3000
Research time base changed from 60 to 120
research time increment changed from 60 to 120

Improved shields (human):
Gold cost base changed from 300 to 3000
Gold cost increment changed from 600 to 6000
Research time base changed from 60 to 180
research time increment changed from 60 to 180

Improved Swords:
Gold cost base changed from 800 to 8000
Gold cost increment changed from 1600 to 16000
Research time base changed from 60 to 180
research time increment changed from 60 to 180

Gold Cost increased from 2000 => 6000
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds

Gold Cost increased from 2500 => 7500
Reasearch Time increased from 120 seconds to 240 seconds

Gold Cost increased from 2000 => 6000
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds

Anti Air Cannons (orc):
Gold Cost increased from 1500 => 4500
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds

Troll Berserker Upgrade:
Gold Cost increased from 1500 => 7500
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 240 seconds

Gold Cost increased from 1500 => 7500
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 180 seconds

Death & Decay:
Gold Cost increased from 2500 => 7500
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 180 seconds

Improved Melee Weapons:
Gold cost base changed from 800 to 8000
Gold cost increment changed from 600 to 16000
Research time base changed from 60 to 180
research time increment changed from 60 to 180

Improved Shields (orc):
Gold cost base changed from 300 to 3000
Gold cost increment changed from 600 to 6000
Research time base changed from 60 to 180
research time increment changed from 60 to 18

Lighter Axes:
Gold Cost increased from 2000 => 6000
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds

Improved Ranged Weapons (orc):
Gold cost base changed from 300 to 3000
Gold cost increment changed from 300 to 3000
Research time base changed from 60 to 120
research time increment changed from 60 to 120

Raise Dead:
Gold Cost increased from 1500 => 4500
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds

Shadowword Death:
Gold Cost increased from 1500 => 4500
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds

Troll Regeneration:
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds

Gold Cost increased from 2000 => 6000
Reasearch Time increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds

Misc Changes:
replaced rain weather effects with snow on the map "alterac mountains"

UPDATE: World Map Testing Version updated to version 3b
- Added some lumber close to Dalaran's starting position.

- All spells that CAN damage building will now cause 100% damage of the spell BEFORE the armour reduction kicks in.
- Bloodloust, Essence of the Sunwell and Holy light can no longer affect allied units. *
- Whirlwind: damage and duration slightly increased.

* Dev note: This change should affect the gameplay of the World Map only in a minimal way, however this change was required in order to make the melee maps more balanced. Orc units able to be healed by human allied players was just to strong when put against a team of players of the same race (hu/hu team or /orc/orc), also bloodlousting human unite was quite to strong.

Goblin Zepplin:
- Reduced cargo size to 4
- If the zepplin dies while it has units loaded in it, the units will die.

Goblin sappers:
- reduced transported size to 4

- fixed the tooltips for ships anchor/pull anchor ability.

UPDATES: Testing Map updatd to version 3

Changelog compared to version 2:

- improved starting position for the stormwind player (more space to build)
- the stormwind player also spawns now at tyr's hand and not at stratholme
- reworked the eastern northlands region (the stratholme & tyrs hand region) for better playability.

added some tiggers to give players some tips. this should help players new to the map.

All combat ships:
Nerved all levels of naval bombardment; reduced damage by about 1/3 (1000 => 666; 500 => 330 ; 250 => 166)

Transport ships:
reduced maximal stock from 10 to 3 for each harbor.
doubled start delay, doubled restock delay.

Mage priest:
Their heal can now effect up to 10 units
mana pool raised from 150 to 250


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Level 7
Jan 8, 2013

Tides of Conflict - Melee Test Maps

Garden of War


Since it was THE melee map in war2, it was a nobrainer to bring this map into ToC.

Tranquil Paths


I also wanted to test how well ToC plays on a more warcraft 3 -ish map. TP is one of my all time favorite warcraft 3 melee maps, so I edited it to flow better with ToC Gameplay and I hope you'll like it :)

Alterac Mountains


Another Map I bases on a war2 ladder map. I really like this one.

Features of the ToC Melee Maps:

- Same Unit/spell data as the World Map
- same sound design as the World Map
- Dynamic Weather effects
- Melee Victory/Defeat Conditions
- Full Observer functionality (same as for war3 melee)
- picking Undead will spawn you as a orc
- picking Nightelf wil spawn you as a Human
- AI for both Humans and Orcs to play ToC in singleplayer
- 1v1 up to 4v4 or up to 8 player FFA supported
- in game clock for game time

Enjoy playing ToC :)

Map attached for Download


  • ToC_MEELE_TP_PRIVATE_TEST_4b_protected.w3x
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