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WarCraft Chronicles: The Tides of Darkness

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Level 2
Oct 3, 2008
Dear Forum visiters!
I proudly introduce you my brand new custom campaign: WarCraft Chronicles: The Tides of Darkness.

Please read the following F.A.Q. to inform yourself about the campaign:

1. What is WarCraft Chronicles: The Tides of Darkness?

It is a custom campaign-MOD for the WarCraft3: Frozen Throne. I decided to revisit the pre-WoW history of the Warcraft universe, and I started with the story of Warcraft2: Tides of Darkness.

2. What will be the story of your campaign?

It planned to follow the story line of the original Warcraft2, but since this great game some changes were made on the lore. I planned to create a special fusion of the old story and the new lore. So the player begin with the orcish campaign, wich has many changes, but the spine of the story follows the old warcraft2 lore. After the player ends the orcish campaign, you will revisit nearly the same story of the humans, just played in warcraft2.

3. What about the game mechanics?

Well, this was a great problem, but I think I found an option to make a compromise between the war2 and war3 game mechanics: The gold and lumber collecting are from the warcraft3 so the unit' costs are nearly the same, too.The player can use war3-like heroes, this is the war3 part. On the other hand the food limit is increased, the food costs of the units are decreased, so you can train great armies.

There are some new units and some old war2 units have new place in the technical tree. For example: The ogre is not to upgrade to ogre magi, and the ogre magi is trained in the Altar of Storms.

4. How did you handle the old war2 unit's abilities?

I made on both sides two new units. For example on the Alliance side there are two units with the abilites of the old war2 mages: The mage and the sorceress. The changes made because there are slots just for 5 custom/standard ability on the war3 interface (and I just don't have enough information to change it).

5. What about heroes?

I made new hero classes, but I used the war3 standards too. The new heroes have their own abilities and spells. You will able to play with the old heroes of both sides, for example: Orgrim Doomhammer and Turalyon.

6. Will there be new models/sounds?

Yes and no. I added many new models into the campaign, they are not my own, because I just don't have enough time to create.But I will add credits into the campaign. I thank the model-makers in anticipation to use their models.
Sounds: I just don't have the technical tools to make new professional sounds, so I used the war3 standard sounds and the war2 sounds. I have both games with correct lisence.

7. Do you plan other custom campaigns?

Yes. There are plans about 2: The Warcraft2 expansion: Beyond the Dark Portal and the War of the Ancients.

8. When will be available your custom campaign?

Well, I decided to make it completly professional: without trigger,lore,quest and logical problems, so I need time. The developement is currently in alpha phase. The orcish campaign is nearly complete (80%), the human campaign has just one map. I started the developement nearly one year ago. I plan the full version for the war2's 15th birthday, and I advise my work for the Blizzard Entertainment.

For more information please stay tuned on this forum.
Level 2
Oct 3, 2008
Coincidentally I was leader of a project team which was working on a project called Warcraft Chronicles. I left but the project is still going.

I didn't know it. If your ex-project is under developement for at least one year, I apologize for my name-choosing, and I hope, you agree (and the others in the other Warcraft chronicles project), that I may use this name for my project. I hope, you noticed, that I use a subtitle, and I think, It is automatically shows: my custom campaign is not the same.

Otherwise (if your ex-project is younger than mine) I will use this name if you like it or not.
Level 2
Oct 3, 2008
I myself don't mind. I don't know if the people who are still on the team will. The project has been going since late January though.

My developement started on the 20th of October, 2007. So please dear developers of the other project, make we a deal: I use the WarCraft Chronicles name only with subtitles like WarCraft Chronicles: Tides of Darkness, and I will chose my subtitles from the original Blizzard subtitles. You use clearly the Warcraft chronicles title, and if you want a subtitle, please inform me about it, and we discuss it.
Level 2
Oct 3, 2008
If you want some help I've been working on my project for about four years and it draws heavily in Warcraft 2.

Many thanks your offer, I think, we should work together. I would like to see my/our project on Battle net, too. I think, I should use your ship-using AI and some models for Buildings and units, if you are into it. The orc campaign needs just 4 maps, I could not make naval using AI, but we can rebuild the maps, if you are into it. The human campaign has just one map, but the balance is ready, all main units have their right and balanced abilities.

Please write to this forum (I copied my reply to your thread,too): you should give some msn-adress or something to speak about the project and if you want to see the alpha, I can send you.

I played your map, and I found it cool.

My work is in alpha phase, I planned the open beta release about christmas.
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