Possible new Warcraft RTS Game & Warcraft III Remake

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Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Could be, that's why I was hoping for an Engine update. Or they'll remake everything and use another engine...
But WC3 still runs brilliantly on modern systems, it doesn't need an upgrade.

It has a ton of issues on the Mac and it could really use an update to BattleNet 2.0. Wc3's connection is horrible compared to Sc2, D3, and WoW. LAN is good, but I would like to see an improvement in BNet (especially would like to see some clean-up/bot fixes).


It would be great if they made an update to wc3. And I would really, really love to see wc1 and wc2 on modern OS's, even if it doesn't have a graphical update. DOSBox is fine, but it is a hassle.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
But WC3 still runs brilliantly on modern systems, it doesn't need an upgrade.
Tell that to W8 users who some of which are suffering from an inability to play on BattleNet...

In any case, it sounds like they will give them a re-compile and dependency upgrade. Maybe they will be getting a bunch of interns to do this as it sounds like that kind of level (short projects, with very possible and easy to prove results).

Do not expect any bug fixes, except for cross platform compatibility and maybe the odd critical one. This is a port, not a remake and ports are famous for keeping 90% or more of the bugs present in their originals. Frankly they should open source them and turn them into teaching resources, I am sure many game design students would love projects which revolve around improving their beloved childhood games.

My big question is related to WC3... Will the upgraded version be a free upgrade for people who already own it? I mean, will I just need to attach my WC3 keys to my 2.0 account and download the upgraded client or must I purchase WC3 again?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Win8 is such a not-so-stable OS anyways...
I was not aware of any stability issues with Windows 8, especially seeing how similar it is to 7 with regards to its kernel.

Maybe we will see Android and other version of these games? Imagine playing WC3 on a smart phone or tablet, and yes I am pretty confident modern ones are more than capable of it.
Maybe we will see Android and other version of these games? Imagine playing WC3 on a smart phone or tablet, and yes I am pretty confident modern ones are more than capable of it.

That would be interesting. Although, I still feel like gaming on a tablet is weird (especially for something as micro-intense as wc3). :p It would definitely work and be cool though, especially with multi-finger gestures.

But anyway--this link might give some hope to the subject. There was a recent job posting. There are some floating rumors that it might be about the wc1/wc2/wc3 remake they hinted at at Blizzcon. :)
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Frankly they should open source them and turn them into teaching resources

My big question is related to WC3... Will the upgraded version be a free upgrade for people who already own it? I mean, will I just need to attach my WC3 keys to my 2.0 account and download the upgraded client or must I purchase WC3 again?

It's Blizzard, so they won't open source it and will very likely charge for it (£9.99 or something?) :(
Level 2
Aug 11, 2013
I hope for a graphics update really. I have Warcraft 2 Tides of Darkness installed on my gaming desktop with Win8, and the game works just fine. (Campaign and Custom.)

And if its a Graphics update, I really hope that editors will come along.
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