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[Role Playing Game] JFA Orpg

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Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Beta versions is finished and map uploaded. Click here for the details

And now i will use this topic as archieve. You can find changelogs at this topic. I will edit the post every versions.

JFA Orpg (v1.4d) Changes


New Area: Clim Defile
Treants replaced with Bandit Spellcasters
Robbers Cove re-designed
Quests no longer disables experience gaining
Quests level prizes has changed with experience
Hero Selector movement speed set to maximum
Coldbash (Boss) attack cooldown has lowered from 5 to 3.5
Felhound base hit point has decreased from 380 to 240
Magnataur quest revised


Dagger of Venom damage delay and duration is halved


New vendor: Freddy the Claws
Stat Requirement of all items are increased
Ring of Detriment (all qualities) damage bonus has increased
Maul and Tanto (all qualities) has revised
Vampire Tooth [Unique] ability has changed
All of the armors (Leather, Iron, Runetone) rebalanced
Staff of Wrath (all qualities) now have a sell cost bonus
Staff of Wrath [Low Quality] cost has lowered from 800 to 400
Circlet [Legendary] stat bonuses has lowered from 45 to 40
Circlet [Legendary] recipe gold cost has lowered from 40.400 to 20.400
Wand of Apprentice [Unique] mana bonus removed
Wand of Apprentice [Unique] mana cost has lowered from 180 to 60
All epic stat items are now Core type
Claws of Cunning, Totem of Might and Skull Plate recipe costs has removed
Katana, Mithrill Hammer and Void Staff (low and medium quality) now requires additional 100 stat
Void Staff (low and medium quality) damage bonus has increased
240 > 350
350 > 500
Round Shield (low and medium quality) damage block amounts has increased
90 > 125
120 > 150
Claws of Fire [Unique] damage bonus has lowered from 300 to 200
Legendary Unique drop chance has increased by 50%


Lot of missing description of items fixed
Ring of Superiority now counts as "Ring" - Thanks to IGrimReaperI
Added extended description about how to save and load to your game guide
Fixed a bug Void Staff [Medium Quality] duration and cast time
Fixed wrong attributes of Coral Blade

JFA Orpg (v1.4a)


New Class: Samurai
New Area: Smoky Mountain, Champion's Road
New Town: Pinnacle Town
New Items: Katana [Medium Quality], Mithrill Hammer [Medium Quality], Void Staff [Medium Quality], Round Shield [Low Quality] and [Medium Quality]
New Neutral for the Chill. Pandaren.
New Unique Items: Lance, Dragonskin Armor, Book of Knowledge, Claws of Fire, Bow of Titans
New Legendary Unique Items: Staff of Mastery
Most of neutral creeps armor values has changed and replaced with damage block system
Shark Brute (Boss) Anti Magic cast chance lowered by half
Shark Brute now blocks 50 damage
Blue Lizard level has increased from 24 to 27
Frost Wolf level has increased from 20 to 22
Wendigo level has increased from 22 to 23
Most of the Neutrals now sleeps during nighttime[/SIZE]


Fireball (Academy) stun duration has lowered from 1 to 0.1 second


Archer (Tactical) now have an additional +100 range bonus


Epic, Legendary and Ancient weapons prices and damage bonuses rebalanced
Enchantable stat items revised
Wand of Apprentice and Bandit Sword no longer provides CP
Arcanite Shield damage block amound has lowered from 51 to 42


Fixed incorrect description of Circlet


New Quest: Purify the Bandit Forest
Some of the monsters levels has increased
Troll 13>15
Troll Priest 14>16
Troll Berserker 15>17
Troll Leader 17>19
Spirit Walker 20>21
Makrura Tidalseer 17>20
Hellhound 20>21
Felhound 21>22
New Feature: Monsters now patrols in the areas
Added in-game message when one of your allies has been killed
All of the item descriptions revised (thanks to IGrimReaperI)
Experience gain rate has increased slightly
Bandit Forest monsters locations rearranged
Terrain changes at Bandit Forest


Added new models for
Beastmaster (Strong and Tactical)
Monk (Strong and Agile)
Archer (Strong, Agile Tactical)
Barbarian (Agile and Tactical)
Elementalist (Agile and Strong)
Vampire (Strong and Tactical)
Sword, War Hammer and Staff [High Quality] price has lowered from 5000 to 3500
Circlet [Legendary] all stats bonus has lowered from 50 to 40
Sword and War Hammer damage bonuses has increased for all qualities
Sword (low quality, medium quality, high, epic, legendary, ancient)
12>15 | 25>30 | 40>50 | 60>75 | 90>120 | 160>180
War Hammer (low quality, medium quality, high, epic, legendary, ancient)
18>25 | 36>50 | 60>85 | 90>125 | 120>200 | 240>300
New items
* Bandit Sword (Unique)
* Wand of Apprentice (Unique)
Spiritual Spring [Legendary Unique] type and name has changed
Spiritual Spring mana bonus has reduced from 1000 to 500
Steel Shield damage block amount has lowered from 90 to 60


Shadow Form mana cost has lowered from 120 to 60
Slow (Academy) mana cost lowered from 20 to 10
Slow (Academy) cooldown lowered from 12 to 8
Frost Armor (Academy) armor bonus has increased
Old: 5/10/15/20/25
New: 9/17/27/39/60
Frost Armor (Academy) mana cost has increased from 10
Now: 12/24/36/48/60


All of the Quests incorrect descriptions is fixed
Heavy Armor area of effect bug is fixed
Fixed incorrect attributes of Arcanite Shield (thanks to the
Grammar fixes of
* Summon Bear (thanks to IGrimReaperI)
* Summon Wolf (thanks to IGrimReaperI)
* Fury (thanks to IGrimReaperI)
* Touch of Fear (thanks to IGrimReaperI)
* Claw Mastery (thanks to IGrimReaperI)
* Absorb (thanks to IGrimReaperI)
* Curse (thanks to IGrimReaperI)
* Mana Burn (thanks to IGrimReaperI)
* Hazardous Swing (thanks to IGrimReaperI)
* Berserk (thanks to IGrimReaperI)
Fixed a bug of all incorrect amounts and descriptions of Holy Light

JFA Orpg (v1.1)


Speed no longer increases base armor
Power no longer provides life regeneration
All of the armor values changed (items, heroes, creeps)
All of the quests revised
Damage reduction amounts has changed
New armor type: Spiritual Armor
Metal Armor and Light Armor damage taken values has changed
New Area: Cold Passage
Item sell value percentage has lowered from 20 to 10
Heavy Armor mana regeneration debuff has replaced with movement debuff
Ferocious Frost Wolf stats increased, level increased from 27 to 29
Ferocious Frost Wolf locations rearranged
Hellhound stats increased, level has increased from 17 to 20
Felhound stats increased, level has increased from 18 to 21
New creep for the Wintermist. Elder Wendigo Shaman (level 32)

Bounty bonus differencies has changed. Here is the example

15 level Hero gets 100% gold bounty of 15-16 level creatures
30% bounty if the creature is 17 (3 level above)
30% bounty if the creature is 18 (4 level above)
20% bounty if the creature is 19 (5 level above)
10% bounty if the creature is 20 (6 level above)

And here is the minimum gold bounties

15 level Hero gets 100% bounty of the level 15 and 14 creatures
80% bounty if the creautre is 13 (2 level below)
60% bounty if the creature is 12 (4 level below)
40% bounty if the creature is 11 (5 level below)
20% bounty if the creature is 10 (6 level below)
No gold bounty if the creature level difference greater than 6


Ancient Items transfered to Icewind Town and Burned Mill from Ice Haven and City of the Damned
All of the items revised
Staff's weaken ability has replaced with Banish ability
Iron Plate, Leather Armor, Runestone Breastplate no longer provides damage block
Tower Shields abilities revised
Reinforced Shield level requirement decreased from 16 to 12
Sword (Legendary and Ancient) ability cooldown has lowered to 20 from 30
Staff (ancient) cost has lowered to 35.000 from 50.000
Ring of Regeneration [High Quality]
Life regeneration bonus increased from 200 to 300
Pendant of Mana Mana bonus decreased from 600 to 480
Spirit Hide [Unique] armor bonus has increased from 5 to 14
Steel Shield armor bonus replaced with damage block
Unholy Skin armor bonus has increased from 7 to 17

New Items

*Pendant of Life [Ancient][Necklace]
*Pendant of Mana [Ancient][Necklace]
*Mithrill Hammer [Low Quality][Weapon]
*Katana [Low Quality][Weapon]
*Void Staff [Low Quality][Weapon]
*Ring of Superiority [Unique][Ring]
*Steel Plate [Unique][Rune Armor]
*Coral Blade [Unique][Weapon]
*Shield of Titans [Unique][Shield]
*Ring of Regeneration [Ancient][Ring]
*Sobi Mask [Ancient]

Runic Shield passive life restore ability has removed
Tome of Knowledge level requirement has reduced from 25 to 24
Stone Skin [Unique] armor type changed to Heavy Armor
Steel Shield [Unique] damage block has increased from 63 to 90
Skull Shield [Unique] stun duration has decreased from 3.5 to 3
Skull Shield [Unique] stun mana cost has decreased from 40 to 30
Skull Shield [Unique] stun mana cost has increased from 18 to 40
Reinforced Shield [Unique] armor bonus has removed
Bleak Spear [Unique] damage bonus has decreased from 240 to 200
Armor of Champions [Unique] armor bonus has increased from 10 to 20
Arcanite Shield [Unique] armor bonus has removed
Arcanite Shield [Unique] damage block has increased from 40 to 51


Assassin Evasion ability has changed with new Quick Maneuver ability
All Heroes base armors set to 0

Agile Archer

Tactic per level has increased from 0.50 to 0.75


Tactical Barbarian Hazardous Swing critical damage now have an increased multiplier bonus
Agile Barbarian Inner Strength Power bonus has replaced with Speed bonus


Added new skill bonus for the Strong Monk
Life Surge deals 50% more damage
Added new skill bonus for the Tactical Monk
Life Surge heals 25% more
Added new skill bonus for the Agile monk
Mana Refresher cooldown faster
Holy Bolt no more requires mana
Level 8, 9 and 10 damage amounts of holy bolt has increased for Strong and Tactical Monk
Old: 54/65/80
New: 60/80/110
Mana Refresher cooldown has increased from 18 to 24
Mana Refresher mana refresh amounts has increased
Old: 8/12/16/20/25/32/40/50/60/60
New: 10/16/22/28/34/40/50/60/80/100


Strong Elementalist Fire bonus has changed
Old: +1 second stun duration
New: Improved damage
Tactical Elementalist Elemental Hit cooldown has lowered by 10
Agile Elementalist Fire cooldown has lowered by 1

Strong Archer

Tactic per level has increased from 0.75 to 1.00


Silence [Academy] durations has lowered
Old: 4/5/6/7/8
New: 2/3/4/5/6
Reinforced Bow damage bonuses has revised
Old: 10/30/60/100/150
New: 20/45/80/125/175
Fire stun durations has lowered by 1
Hazardous Swing damage bonuses has increased
Old: 8/16/24/32/40/48/56/64/72/92
New: 20/30/40/50/60/80/100/120/140/180
Axe Mastery damage bonus has increased
Old: 4/8/12/16/20/25/30/36/42/60
New: 6/12/18/24/30/36/42/50/58/80
Absorb revised
Berserk [Academy] attack speed bonuses has increased
Berserk [Strong, Agile and Tactical] revised
Old: 100/100/150/166/200
New: 100/140/180/220/275


Teleportation portals level requirements fixed
Crown of Kings incorrect ability has changed
Fixed a bug about level requirements of Reinforced Shield, Spiked Shield, Tome of Knowledge
Fixed a bug of Bash ability of Spiked Shield

JFA Orpg (Beta v1.4)


New system (Recipe System) added
Quest items no longer drops if the killing player is not in the quest
Players no longer picks quest items if they are not started the quest that needs those items
Bosses now grants bounty to nearby players if level difference is less than or equal to 5
Gold and Champion Points added to multiboard
Added in-game text message when the players kills each other


Elementalist passive skill bonuses no longer visible


Axe Mastery duration has increased from 3 to 5


Level requirement informations added for quest descriptions
Meat'nataur level requirement is lowered to 6 from 8
Necromancer Bones quest now requires level 11-17
Necromancer Bones quest gold bonus has increased from 1000 to 1500
Fixed a bug about Legionaire quest
Troll Axe quest experience bonus has increased from 1000 to 2250
Troll Wand quest gold bonus has increased from 1000 to 3000


Added extra informations for the Low Quality Gauntlet, Slippers, Mantle and Circlet.
Legendary Quality weapons added to Burned Mill Valley and Icewind Town vendors
Iron Plate (Low Quality) cost has decreased from 300 to 200
Leather Armor (Low Quality) cost has decreased from 300 to 200
Staff of Wrath (Low Quality) cooldown has decreased from 30 to 20
Staff of Wrath (Low Quality) mana cost has decreased from 70 to 20
Staff of Wrath (Medium Quality) mana cost has decreased from 70 to 30
Extended description for Staff of Healing
Added new minor items for the Clan Devil and Clan Reaper starting camp
* Gloves of Haste
* Spear [Damaged]
New Recipes Added
* Runic Gauntlet
* Voodoo Doll
* Bracers

Bug Fixes

Heroes are no more invulnerable after leaving Icewind and Burned Mill Towns
Fixed a damage bug of Staff of Wrath (High Quality)
Fixed a bug when player not gaining bounty kills with entangling shoot

JFA Orpg (Beta v1.5)


Magic Attack and Spells bonus damage against Metal Armor has lowered from 200% to 150%
Magic Attack and Spells damage against Light Armor has increased from 25% to 50%


Mud Golem quest experience reward has decreased to 400 from 600


Tactical Assassin attack cooldown has increased from 2.00 to 2.25


Summoned Wolves evasion has increased from 33% to 50%
Summoned Quilbeasts attack cooldown has decreased from 1.20 to 0.70
Summon Bear base armor and armor per levels has improved
Absorb mana cost has lowered to 20 from 40
Absorb cooldown has lowered from 20 to 10
Berserk now have an additional ability


New items: High Quality Sobi Mask and Ring of Regeneration

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug some of the players encountered error while trying to start quests
Fixed a bug about Tactical Archer Deadeye Shot skill levels

JFA Orpg (Beta v2.0)


New game system "Battle Academy"
Experience system has changed. Players now gains full experience from monsters regardless numbers of players within the area
Quest items drop rates has increased
Added informative signposts to the game
Added level 8 and level 9 creatures at Bleak Forest
Bandit Mad attack damage has lowered by 10
Bandit Mad base hit point has decreased from 320 to 280
Bandit Aggressive base hit point has decreased from 250 to 230
Corruptor base armor has decreased from 4 to 0
Necromancer base damage has decreased from 60 to 45
Dragonspawn mana cap has decreased from 600 to 100
Dragonspawn stun duration has decreased from 5 to 3
Granite Golem level has increased from 7 to 8
Granite Golem mana cap has decreased from 600 to 150
Granite Golem attack cooldown has increased from 1.35 to 1.80
Boss: Necromancer armor type has changed to Light


Strong Beastmaster Fury ability final level bonus has increased from 50% to 100%
New bonus added for the Tactical Beastmaster. Fury ability have a no cooldown
Entangling Shoot mana cost has lowered by 5 for Strong Archer
Tactical Assassin Attack Cooldown has increased from 2.00 to 2.25


New items
* Ring of Regeneration [Epic]
* Ring of Regeneration [Legendary]
* Sobi Mask [Epic]
* Sobi Mask [Legendary]
* Staff of Wrath [Epic]
* Staff of Wrath [Legendary]
* Gold 2, Gold 3, Gold 4 (For the champion points)
Added new vendor type (Armorsmith)
Added new armor type (Runestone Breastplate)
Added Unique Items to Gar'thok
* Spirit Hide
* Sakabato
* Steel Shield
* Troll Amulet
Runic Gauntlets, Bracers, Voodoo Doll recipe cost removed
Added new recipes
Totem of Might
Claws of Cunning
Skull Plate
Novice Dragonhide
Sobi Mask [Low Quality] mana regeneration rate has been lowered from 30% to 25%
Sobi Mask [Medium Quality] mana regeneration rate has been lowered from 60% to 50%
Sobi Mask [High Quality] mana regeneration rate has been lowered from 100% to 75%
Sobi Mask [Low Quality] cost has decreased from 300 to 250
Ring of Regeneration [Low Quality] has increased from 200 to 250
Ring of Regeneration [Medium Quality] has increased from 500 to 600
Sobi Mask [High Quality] cost has increased from 800 to 1000
Ring of Regeneration [High Quality] cost has increased from 800 to 1000
Tome of Tactic cost has changed to 6 Champion Points instead of 2000 gold
Sword [Epic] cost has increased from 4000 to 5000
Sword [Legendary] cost has increased from 10.000 to 15.000
War Hammer [Epic] cost has increased from 4000 to 5000
War Hammer [Legendary] cost has increased from 10.000 to 15.000
Staff [Legendary] +10 all stats bonus has removed
Added Weaken ability for low/medium/high/epic/legendary staff
Ring of Regeneration [Medium Quality] life bonus has decreased by 10
Tome of Retraining removed from the game
Gold 1 gold bonus has decreased from 1200 to 100
Gold 1 champion point cost has decreased from 10 to 1
Ring of Regeneration and Sobi Mask mana and life regeneration rates has lowered


Fury duration has increased by 50% for all Beastmaster classes
Summon Bear cooldown has reduced to 20 from 40 for Agile Beastmaster
Spirit Wolves attack cooldown has decreased from 1.50 to 1.10
Assassination mana cost has decreased from 65 to 40 for Agile and Tactical Assassin
Assassination mana cost has decreased from 40 to 30 for Strong Assassin
Summoned Wolves evasion has increased from 33% to 50%
Summoned Quilbeasts attack cooldown has decreased from 1.20 to 0.70
Mana Refresher cooldown has reduced to 18 from 24
Frost durations has rebalanced
Old 1/1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2/2.2/2.4/2.7/3.5
New 2/2/2/2/2/3/3/3/3/4
Deadeye Shot reworked


All Heroes base armors has increased by 2


Fixed a bug about players can't get armors when they don't have an any armor
Fixed a bug that causes crown of kings to not increase exp gain.
Fixed elementalist ultimate level not working properly.
Fixed elementalist ultimate sometimes using wrong element.
Fixed novice academy bug, causing orange player to teleport devil camp.
Fixed a problem that prevents reaper players from completing legionaire quest.
Fixed sometimes quest messages not showing when received a quest.

JFA Orpg (Beta v2.6)


Added new tree models
New game system "Newbified Items"
New creatures for the Barrens and Wintermist Island
Blue Lizard
Green Lizard
Red Lizard
Elder Wendigo
Ferocious Frost Wolf
Gold bounties of the Troll Forest, Sunken Pass, Wintermist Island, Barrens has increased by 75%


Ancient Unique items added to game.

* Amulet of Life
* Forbidden Scroll
* Orb of Death
* Spiritual Spring
* Storm Hammer

Added new unique items

* Tome of Knowledge
* Thorium Axe

Added minor items for Dead Lands, Troll Forest, Sunken Ruins, Wintermist Islands, Barrens

* Maul
* Magical Gauntlet
* Light Scale
* Necklace
* Dagger
* Wand
* Ancient Figurine
* Belt of Strength [Cracked]
* Belt of Strength
* Gloves of Magi [Cracked]
* Gloves of Magi
* Ring of Speed [Cracked]
* Ring of Speed
* Reinforced Shaman Claw
* Reinforced Dagger
* Reinforced Maul
* Shield
* Reinforced Shield
* Spiked Shield
* Enigmatic Tome
* Frenzied Claws
* Chitinous Blade
* Cursed Maul

Added new items and new item category [Necklace]

* Pendant of Mana [Low Quality]
* Pendant of Mana [Medium Quality]
* Pendant of Mana [High Quality]
* Pendant of Mana [Epic]
* Pendant of Mana [Legendary]
* Pendant of Life [Low Quality]
* Pendant of Life [Medium Quality]
* Pendant of Life [High Quality]
* Pendant of Life [Epic]
* Pendant of Life [Legendary]
* Runestone Breastplate [Ancient]
* Iron Plate [Ancient]
* Leather Armor [Ancient]

Legendary items transfered to Seaside Town
Ancient weapons added to game
Ancient Sword, Ancient Staff, Ancient War Hammer
Stat requirement for the weapons rebalanced
Sword now can cast on Heroes too
Claws of Attack [Epic] transfered from Christina to Cenk the Weaponsmith
Claws of Attack [Epic] cost has increased from 2000 to 3600
Claws of Attack [Epic] damage has increased from 40 to 50
Staff of Wrath [Legendary] cost has increased from 5000 to 6000


Elune Frenzy attack speed bonus percentage has increased from 200 to 300
Flaming Arrows mana cost has decreased from 4 to 3
Flaming Arrows damage (level 1) has lowered from 12 to 6
Flaming Arrows damage (level 9) has increased from 75 to 80
Flaming Arrows damage (level 10) has increased from 90 to 120
Deadeye Shoot critical multiplier has increased
Old Deadeye Shoot
New Deadeye Shoot
Deadeye Shoot critical chance has increased by 3% for final level
Entangling Shoot duration (level 10) has decreased from 5 to 4
Entangling Shoot damage (level 10) has increased from 180 to 250
Summon Bear and Wolf level 6 to 10 hit points increased
Bear 800/900/1000/1200/1600 increased to
Summon Wolf 500/600/700/800/800 increased to
Touch of Fear level 6 to 10 slow durations has increased from 1.7 to 2.1/2.4/2.7/3/4
Elemental Hit Fire, Frost and Lightning damage has increased.
Elemental Fire: 300/400/550/700/900 to 300/500/1000/1600/2400
Elemental Frost: 120/180/240/300/450 to 150/250/500/800/1200
Elemental Lightning: 180/270/360/450/600 to 200/375/750/1200/1800
Fire level 6 to 10 damage has increased from 200/240/280/320/400 240/280/350/420/500
Lightning level 6 to 10 damage has increased from 120/140/160/190/250 to 160/200//240/300/360


Agile Archer class bonuses re-balanced
Additional new class bonus for Agile Vampire


Fixed a bug specific players disconnects from the game when select vendors
Fixed a bug when stash becomes vulnerable when left the academy
Fixed incorrect descriptions of Swords

JFA Orpg (Beta v2.8)


--- New areas ---

* Chilling Waters
* Chilled Cost
* Ambush Forest
* Ogre Plains

--- New monsters ---
* Ogre
* Ogre Magi
* Ogre Lord
* Assassin

--- New bosses ---

Modi Stonesmith
Cold Bash
Cold Tooth

New spells added to Battle Academy

* Fireball [Apprentice]
* Fireball [Adept]
* Fireball [Expert]
* Fireball [Master]
* Frost Armor [Apprentice]
* Frost Armor [Adept]
* Frost Armor [Expert]
* Frost Armor [Master]
* Curse [Apprentice]
* Curse [Adept]
* Curse [Expert]
* Curse [Master]
* Bless [Apprentice]
* Bless [Adept]
* Bless [Expert]
* Bless [Master]
* Berserk [Apprentice]
* Berserk [Adept]
* Berserk [Expert]
* Berserk [Master]
* Evasion [Apprentice]
* Evasion [Adept]
* Evasion [Expert]
* Evasion [Master]
* Bash [Apprentice]
* Bash [Adept]
* Bash [Expert]
* Bash [Master]
* Critical Strike [Apprentice]
* Critical Strike [Adept]
* Critical Strike [Expert]
* Critical Strike [Master]
* Vampiric Attack [Apprentice]
* Vampiric Attack [Adept]
* Vampiric Attack [Expert]
* Vampiric Attack [Master]
* War Stomp [Apprentice]
* War Stomp [Adept]
* War Stomp [Expert]
* War Stomp [Master]
* Slow [Apprentice]
* Slow [Adept]
* Slow [Expert]
* Slow [Master]
* Replenish [Apprentice]
* Replenish [Adept]
* Replenish [Expert]
* Replenish [Master]
* Magic Immunity [Apprentice]
* Magic Immunity [Adept]
* Magic Immunity [Expert]
* Magic Immunity [Master]
* Holy Light [Apprentice]
* Holy Light [Adept]
* Holy Light [Expert]
* Holy Light [Master]
* Fiery Touch [Apprentice]
* Fiery Touch [Adept]
* Fiery Touch [Expert]
* Fiery Touch [Master]

Corrupted Archer attack range has increased from 600 to 900
Added mana poll for the Wendigo Shamans


Kill based quests now affects everyone around the killer
New Quests
* Shell Hunt
* Lord of the Bandit Forest
Golem Quest experience reward has decreased from 400 to 300


Unique drop rates increased slightly
Claws of Attack [Legendary] damage bonus has increased from 50 to 70
Ring of Regenerations and Sobi Masks now enchanted items
Icy Sphere [Unique] armor bonus has increased from 15 to 100
Spirit Hide [Unique] tactic bonus has increased from 20 to 30
Gold 1 gold bonus has increased from 100 to 400
Gold 2 champion point cost has increased from 2 to 5
Gold 2 gold bonus has increased from 250 to 2750
Gold 3 gold bonus has increased from 2000 to 6000
Gold 4 gold bonus has increased from 5000 to 15.000
Sell cost for Runic Gauntlets, Voodoo Doll, Claws of Cunning, Dragonhide, Skull Plate, Totem of Might, Bracers are increased to 50% from 20%

Added new unique items to Gar'thok

* Medallion of Courage [Unique]
* Helm of Valor [Unique]
* Hood of Cunning [Unique]
* Amulet of Life [Legendary Unique]
* Storm Hammer [Legendary Unique]

Added new minor items for the new areas

* Ancient Figurine [High Quality]
* Belt of Strength [High Quality]
* Ring of Speed [High Quality]
* Gloves of the Magi [High Quality]

Added new recipes

* Circlet Legendary
* Gauntlets Legendary
* Slippers Legendary
* Mantle Legendary


Absorb cast range has increased from 130 to 500
Shadow Form shortcut key is now R


New hero models added.


Fixed incorrect names to Low Quality and Medium Quality enchanters
Added missing descriptions of items when it's on the ground
Fixed a bug about Sword Ability targets
Fixed a bug of Unclickable Enigmatic Tome
Icy Sphere [Unique] description has enhanced
Academy Spells no longer removes after using Shadow Form

JFA Orpg (v1.5) Changes


Aesthetics improvement most of the areas
Fountain regeneration rate is doubled
Brian base armor increased from 0 to 17
One of the civilians at the towns now informs thre players about the damage block amounts of the monsters according to his town
Gold bounties for the areas +25 levels has increased greatly
Added Gamblers to every town

Magnataur Quest gold prize has increased from 1000 to 1500


Items such as Lance, bow of titans, and dragonskin armor now can be carried by stash
Round Shield [Medium Quality] damage block amount has increased from 150 to 180
Lance [Unique] attack speed debuff has increased from -30% to -40%


Tactical Vampire now have an additional bonus on Absorb ability
Increased cast range
Agile Vampire now have an additional bonus on Absorb ability
+25% more life drain
Strong Vampire now have an additional bonus on Absorb ability
No mana cost


Absorb now additionaly provides armor boost for a short duration
Shadow Form attack cooldown has increased from 0.90 to 1.20
Shadow Form life regeneration amount has increased from 4/8/12/16/20 to 5/10/25/50/100


Fixed an incorrect attributes of Epic Slippers +14
Fixed a bug about Drain Cast Range
Claw [Legendary] level requirement bug is fixed
Fixed an incorrect requirement for Ring of Regeneration Epic and Legendary
Added missing vendor to the City of the Damned and Frost Haven towns

JFA Orpg (v2.2) Changes

New player commands -banish, -banish2
Required stat bonuses for academy spells has increased
New enemies: Bandit Shade, Scorpion, Gnoll Brute, Lava Spawn, Ghostmancer
New Towns: Redwood Town, Clan Devil Second Camp, Clan Reaper Second Camp
New areas: Misty Forest, Northwind Valley, Frozen Tundra, Bleak Silence


New academy spells: Spirit of Water, Carrion Swarm
Bless attack damage, armor, life regeneration, cooldown and duration amounts has changed
Old Bless
10/20/30/40/50 percentage attack damage
4/6/8/10/15 armor
4/6/8/10/15 life regeneration
Duration: 10
Cooldown: 30

Fiery Touch damage has increased from 20/30/50/100/150 to 30/45/75/150/225

New Bless
50% attack damage
10 armor
10 life regeneration
Duration: 6/6/7/8/10
Cooldown: 60/50/40/30/20

Old War Stomp
Duration: 1/1.5/2/2.5/3
Damage: 100/150/200/300/400
Mana cost: 60/90/135/200/300
New War Stomp
Duration: 3
Damage: 150/225/300/500/800
Mana cost: 60/90/135/200/300
Cooldown: 60/54/48/40/30
Cooldown: 24

Curse cooldowns has changed
Old cooldowns 5/10/15/20/25
New cooldowns 60/60/60/60/45
Curse Duration has increased from 10 to 10/10/15/20/25
Curse mana cost has increased from 5/10/15/20/25 to
Curse miss chance has increased from 30/40/50/60/75 to 66/100/100/100/100
Slow spell has re-named as Paralyze and changed it's cooldown, attack speed duration, movement speed duration
Silence duration has increased from 2/3/4/5/6 to 6
Silence mana cost has decreased from 30/60/90/120/150 to 20/30/40/50/60
Mana Burn no more requires mana for cast


Katana, War Hammer and Void Staff no longer requires level
Light Armors now have an additional ability to increases attack speed by 20%
Added missing item Mantle to Weaponsmith
Unique item drops from normal monsters has increased
New Items
Lightscale Armor (low, medium, high qualities)
Rockscale Armor (low, medium, high qualities)
Runescale Armor (low, medium, high qualities)
Void Staff (high, epic qualities)
Mithrill Hammer (high, epic qualities)
Katana (high, epic qualities)
Gauntlets, Slippers, Mantle and Circlet [Ancient]
New unique items: Gidbinn, Soul Codex, Globe of Terror, Hookblade
Reinforced Light Scale now have an additional 25% evasion ability
Reinforced Maul damage bonus has increased from 40 to 60
Reinforced Shaman Claw now provides additional 250 mana bonus
Reinforced Dagger attack speed bonus has increased from 25 to 50
Forest Troll and Sunken Ruins minor drops transfered to Bandit Forest and Dead Lands
Naga Myrmidon Legendary Unique drop chance has increased
Legendary Circlet stat bonus has increased from 40 to 44
Legendary Gauntlets, Slippers and Mantle stat bonus has increased from 60 to 66


Agile Samurai bonus on Amakakeru Ryu No Hirameki has changed to "No mana cost" instead of "Lesser Cooldown"
Tactical Samurai have an additional bonus. "Amakakeru Ryu No Hirameki have a lesser cooldown"
Tactical Samurai have an additional bonus "So Ryu Sen damage bonus 300% more at final level"
Strong Samurai have an additional bonus "So Ryu Sen have an increased damage bonus"
Tactical Vampire have a now additional bonus "Absorb cast range is 300% more"


Holy Ritual healing amount has increased from 30/60/90/120/150 to 40/80/120/180/250
Flaming Arrows damage and mana cost has increased by 50%
Absorb cast range has increased from 170 to 400
Claw Mastery damage bonuses increased to 6/10/15/20/26/32/40/48/60/72
Agile Vampire Claw Master bonus has replaced with "Claw Mastery have an ability to attack speed bonus for short duration"
Ensnare durations has lowered by -33%
Monk: Holy Bolt now requires 2 mana
Holy Bolt (Tactical and Strong Monk) damage has increased from
5/12/16/26/33/40/50/60/80/100 to 15/30/45/60/75/90/110/130/150/180
holy Bolt (Agile Monk) damage has increased from
10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/100/133 to 20/35/50/65/80/100/120/140/170/225
Bash [Academy Spell] bonus damages halved
Amakakeru Ryu No Hirameki damage bonus has increased from 300/500/1000/1600/2500 to 400/800/1400/2200/3600


Enhanced the description of Vampiric Attack
Fixed wrong description of Spiritual Staff
Fixed wrong description of cooldown of Do Ryu Sen Level 3
Fixed missing descriptions at all staff's
Fixed a bug about Purify the Bandit Forest gold prize
Fixed a bug about Tactical Barbarian Axe Mastery ability

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Level 6
Jan 26, 2012
I can correct you grammar if needed. I may not be perfect but I think I'm good enough :)
I am now playing the map,will give a review. Do you need anything specific ?

EDIT: I can't play this alone...At least in the begging it would be cool to allow single player, so you will get more feedback.
Level 6
Jan 26, 2012
Since you seem like a really cool and dedicated guy, I feel like I need to give a good review in the hopes to make this map even better! So here I go, loong list incomming!

(work in progress, in no particular order)

1) I Think item restriction (weapon,armor,ring etc) is not a good idea because it stops experimentation. Better to have an option to go 6 weapons for amazing dmg but die instantly,or add 5 weapons 1 epic armor and still play it "risky, or go 3/3 or even full armor if you are tank. Balanced properly it can give the players incredible freedom and vastly increase the number of builds.

2)make it possible to pick up stackable items if your hero is full.

3)make fasters a bit, not much.

4)I don’t restrict items to stats. I think that stops a lot of customization. You can do restriction to LVL so you can’t get overpowered fast. Still you need to restrict players ( or reward good players). You have 40 levels, think of it this way: An amazing team will get a lvl 20 item at lvl 17. A good player will get it at 23 and a “normal” player will get it at 27(an example)
Level 12
Mar 13, 2012
Hey, here some things:

1)You should upload this on the Hive too once leaving beta stage.
2)Do you use a codeless save load system (i.e. use of the preload natives)? Imo such a big project should.
3)JFA is primarily your name, right? Isn't this a bit self-centered? Or are you making this alone :)?
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
robizeratul first of all thank you for your comments

First, i can't return my non-restricted lame system. Besides all of the armors, weapons, rings, shields and rest of the items balanced on restriction. I remember in the test versions only a few items were used

2-) i can't promise but i try

3-) To what? Fountain? :D

4-) Yes and No is the right answer because as you see, there is 3 versions of the heroes. Strong, Agile and Tactical but i have an another idea for the stat items that will boost one stat greatly but lowers another stat


I know i've already 2 maps uploaded but i need to test 1 or 2 versions before the upload.

Save system is created with my friend.

JFA is my main map (Justice For All) and this Rpg scenario based on my other map. Items, heroes and skills from the JFA. My nickname comes from the map, not map name comes from my nick :D

I'm not making this alone. Actually yes but one of my friends lend aid greatly about the triggers. So i can say this map developed by 2 players.
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
JFA Orpg (Beta v1.4) Changes



New system (Recipe System) added
Quest items no longer drops if the killing player is not in the quest
Players no longer picks quest items if they are not started the quest that needs those items
Bosses now grants bounty to nearby players if level difference is less than or equal to 5
Gold and Champion Points added to multiboard
Added in-game text message when the players kills each other


Elementalist passive skill bonuses no longer visible


Axe Mastery duration has increased from 3 to 5


Level requirement informations added for quest descriptions
Meat'nataur level requirement is lowered to 6 from 8
Necromancer Bones quest now requires level 11-17
Necromancer Bones quest gold bonus has increased from 1000 to 1500
Fixed a bug about Legionaire quest
Troll Axe quest experience bonus has increased from 1000 to 2250
Troll Wand quest gold bonus has increased from 1000 to 3000


Added extra informations for the Low Quality Gauntlet, Slippers, Mantle and Circlet.
Legendary Quality weapons added to Burned Mill Valley and Icewind Town vendors
Iron Plate (Low Quality) cost has decreased from 300 to 200
Leather Armor (Low Quality) cost has decreased from 300 to 200
Staff of Wrath (Low Quality) cooldown has decreased from 30 to 20
Staff of Wrath (Low Quality) mana cost has decreased from 70 to 20
Staff of Wrath (Medium Quality) mana cost has decreased from 70 to 30
Extended description for Staff of Healing
Added new minor items for the Clan Devil and Clan Reaper starting camp
* Gloves of Haste
* Spear [Damaged]
New Recipes Added
* Runic Gauntlet
* Voodoo Doll
* Bracers

Bug Fixes

Heroes are no more invulnerable after leaving Icewind and Burned Mill Towns
Fixed a damage bug of Staff of Wrath (High Quality)
Fixed a bug when player not gaining bounty kills with entangling shoot
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Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
JFA Orpg (Beta v1.5) Changes



Magic Attack and Spells bonus damage against Metal Armor has lowered from 200% to 150%
Magic Attack and Spells damage against Light Armor has increased from 25% to 50%


Mud Golem quest experience reward has decreased to 400 from 600


Tactical Assassin attack cooldown has increased from 2.00 to 2.25


Summoned Wolves evasion has increased from 33% to 50%
Summoned Quilbeasts attack cooldown has decreased from 1.20 to 0.70
Summon Bear base armor and armor per levels has improved
Absorb mana cost has lowered to 20 from 40
Absorb cooldown has lowered from 20 to 10
Berserk now have an additional ability


New items: High Quality Sobi Mask and Ring of Regeneration

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug some of the players encountered error while trying to start quests
Fixed a bug about Tactical Archer Deadeye Shot skill levels
Level 12
Feb 22, 2010
There is a creep with name "bandit greenhorn" but its color is actually blue in game.Please fix this.
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Here it's the final beta version. Next step is upload official first version to hiveworkshop


JFA Orpg (Beta v2.0) Changes


New game system "Battle Academy"
Experience system has changed. Players now gains full experience from monsters regardless numbers of players within the area
Quest items drop rates has increased
Added informative signposts to the game
Added level 8 and level 9 creatures at Bleak Forest
Bandit Mad attack damage has lowered by 10
Bandit Mad base hit point has decreased from 320 to 280
Bandit Aggressive base hit point has decreased from 250 to 230
Corruptor base armor has decreased from 4 to 0
Necromancer base damage has decreased from 60 to 45
Dragonspawn mana cap has decreased from 600 to 100
Dragonspawn stun duration has decreased from 5 to 3
Granite Golem level has increased from 7 to 8
Granite Golem mana cap has decreased from 600 to 150
Granite Golem attack cooldown has increased from 1.35 to 1.80
Boss: Necromancer armor type has changed to Light


Strong Beastmaster Fury ability final level bonus has increased from 50% to 100%
New bonus added for the Tactical Beastmaster. Fury ability have a no cooldown
Entangling Shoot mana cost has lowered by 5 for Strong Archer
Tactical Assassin Attack Cooldown has increased from 2.00 to 2.25

New items
* Ring of Regeneration [Epic]
* Ring of Regeneration [Legendary]
* Sobi Mask [Epic]
* Sobi Mask [Legendary]
* Staff of Wrath [Epic]
* Staff of Wrath [Legendary]
* Gold 2, Gold 3, Gold 4 (For the champion points)
Added new vendor type (Armorsmith)
Added new armor type (Runestone Breastplate)
Added Unique Items to Gar'thok
* Spirit Hide
* Sakabato
* Steel Shield
* Troll Amulet
Runic Gauntlets, Bracers, Voodoo Doll recipe cost removed
Added new recipes
Totem of Might
Claws of Cunning
Skull Plate
Novice Dragonhide
Sobi Mask [Low Quality] mana regeneration rate has been lowered from 30% to 25%
Sobi Mask [Medium Quality] mana regeneration rate has been lowered from 60% to 50%
Sobi Mask [High Quality] mana regeneration rate has been lowered from 100% to 75%
Sobi Mask [Low Quality] cost has decreased from 300 to 250
Ring of Regeneration [Low Quality] has increased from 200 to 250
Ring of Regeneration [Medium Quality] has increased from 500 to 600
Sobi Mask [High Quality] cost has increased from 800 to 1000
Ring of Regeneration [High Quality] cost has increased from 800 to 1000
Tome of Tactic cost has changed to 6 Champion Points instead of 2000 gold
Sword [Epic] cost has increased from 4000 to 5000
Sword [Legendary] cost has increased from 10.000 to 15.000
War Hammer [Epic] cost has increased from 4000 to 5000
War Hammer [Legendary] cost has increased from 10.000 to 15.000
Staff [Legendary] +10 all stats bonus has removed
Added Weaken ability for low/medium/high/epic/legendary staff
Ring of Regeneration [Medium Quality] life bonus has decreased by 10
Tome of Retraining removed from the game
Gold 1 gold bonus has decreased from 1200 to 100
Gold 1 champion point cost has decreased from 10 to 1
Ring of Regeneration and Sobi Mask mana and life regeneration rates has lowered


Fury duration has increased by 50% for all Beastmaster classes
Summon Bear cooldown has reduced to 20 from 40 for Agile Beastmaster
Spirit Wolves attack cooldown has decreased from 1.50 to 1.10
Assassination mana cost has decreased from 65 to 40 for Agile and Tactical Assassin
Assassination mana cost has decreased from 40 to 30 for Strong Assassin
Summoned Wolves evasion has increased from 33% to 50%
Summoned Quilbeasts attack cooldown has decreased from 1.20 to 0.70
Mana Refresher cooldown has reduced to 18 from 24
Frost durations has rebalanced
Old 1/1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2/2.2/2.4/2.7/3.5
New 2/2/2/2/2/3/3/3/3/4
Deadeye Shot reworked


All Heroes base armors has increased by 2


Fixed a bug about players can't get armors when they don't have an any armor
Fixed a bug that causes crown of kings to not increase exp gain.
Fixed elementalist ultimate level not working properly.
Fixed elementalist ultimate sometimes using wrong element.
Fixed novice academy bug, causing orange player to teleport devil camp.
Fixed a problem that prevents reaper players from completing legionaire quest.
Fixed sometimes quest messages not showing when received a quest.
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Level 18
Jun 2, 2009

JFA Orpg (Beta v2.6) Changes


Added new tree models
New game system "Newbified Items"
New creatures for the Barrens and Wintermist Island
Blue Lizard
Green Lizard
Red Lizard
Elder Wendigo
Ferocious Frost Wolf
Gold bounties of the Troll Forest, Sunken Pass, Wintermist Island, Barrens has increased by 75%


Legendary Unique items added to game.

* Amulet of Life
* Forbidden Scroll
* Orb of Death
* Spiritual Spring
* Storm Hammer

Added new unique items

* Tome of Knowledge
* Thorium Axe

Added minor items for Dead Lands, Troll Forest, Sunken Ruins, Wintermist Islands, Barrens

* Maul
* Magical Gauntlet
* Light Scale
* Necklace
* Dagger
* Wand
* Ancient Figurine
* Belt of Strength [Cracked]
* Belt of Strength
* Gloves of Magi [Cracked]
* Gloves of Magi
* Ring of Speed [Cracked]
* Ring of Speed
* Reinforced Shaman Claw
* Reinforced Dagger
* Reinforced Maul
* Shield
* Reinforced Shield
* Spiked Shield
* Enigmatic Tome
* Frenzied Claws
* Chitinous Blade
* Cursed Maul

Added new items and new item category [Necklace]

* Pendant of Mana [Low Quality]
* Pendant of Mana [Medium Quality]
* Pendant of Mana [High Quality]
* Pendant of Mana [Epic]
* Pendant of Mana [Legendary]
* Pendant of Life [Low Quality]
* Pendant of Life [Medium Quality]
* Pendant of Life [High Quality]
* Pendant of Life [Epic]
* Pendant of Life [Legendary]
* Runestone Breastplate [Ancient]
* Iron Plate [Ancient]
* Leather Armor [Ancient]

Legendary items transfered to Seaside Town
Ancient weapons added to game
Ancient Sword, Ancient Staff, Ancient War Hammer
Stat requirement for the weapons rebalanced
Sword now can cast on Heroes too
Claws of Attack [Epic] transfered from Christina to Cenk the Weaponsmith
Claws of Attack [Epic] cost has increased from 2000 to 3600
Claws of Attack [Epic] damage has increased from 40 to 50
Staff of Wrath [Legendary] cost has increased from 5000 to 6000


Elune Frenzy attack speed bonus percentage has increased from 200 to 300
Flaming Arrows mana cost has decreased from 4 to 3
Flaming Arrows damage (level 1) has lowered from 12 to 6
Flaming Arrows damage (level 9) has increased from 75 to 80
Flaming Arrows damage (level 10) has increased from 90 to 120
Deadeye Shoot critical multiplier has increased
Old Deadeye Shoot
New Deadeye Shoot
Deadeye Shoot critical chance has increased by 3% for final level
Entangling Shoot duration (level 10) has decreased from 5 to 4
Entangling Shoot damage (level 10) has increased from 180 to 250
Summon Bear and Wolf level 6 to 10 hit points increased
Bear 800/900/1000/1200/1600 increased to
Summon Wolf 500/600/700/800/800 increased to
Touch of Fear level 6 to 10 slow durations has increased from 1.7 to 2.1/2.4/2.7/3/4
Elemental Hit Fire, Frost and Lightning damage has increased.
Elemental Fire: 300/400/550/700/900 to 300/500/1000/1600/2400
Elemental Frost: 120/180/240/300/450 to 150/250/500/800/1200
Elemental Lightning: 180/270/360/450/600 to 200/375/750/1200/1800
Fire level 6 to 10 damage has increased from 200/240/280/320/400 240/280/350/420/500
Lightning level 6 to 10 damage has increased from 120/140/160/190/250 to 160/200//240/300/360


Agile Archer class bonuses re-balanced
Additional new class bonus for Agile Vampire


Fixed a bug specific players disconnects from the game when select vendors
Fixed a bug when stash becomes vulnerable when left the academy
Fixed incorrect descriptions of Swords
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Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
JFA Orpg (Beta v2.8)


JFA Orpg (Beta v2.8) Changes


--- New areas ---

* Chilling Waters
* Chilled Cost
* Ambush Forest
* Ogre Plains

--- New monsters ---
* Ogre
* Ogre Magi
* Ogre Lord
* Assassin

--- New bosses ---

Modi Stonesmith
Cold Bash
Cold Tooth

New spells added to Battle Academy

* Fireball [Apprentice]
* Fireball [Adept]
* Fireball [Expert]
* Fireball [Master]
* Frost Armor [Apprentice]
* Frost Armor [Adept]
* Frost Armor [Expert]
* Frost Armor [Master]
* Curse [Apprentice]
* Curse [Adept]
* Curse [Expert]
* Curse [Master]
* Bless [Apprentice]
* Bless [Adept]
* Bless [Expert]
* Bless [Master]
* Berserk [Apprentice]
* Berserk [Adept]
* Berserk [Expert]
* Berserk [Master]
* Evasion [Apprentice]
* Evasion [Adept]
* Evasion [Expert]
* Evasion [Master]
* Bash [Apprentice]
* Bash [Adept]
* Bash [Expert]
* Bash [Master]
* Critical Strike [Apprentice]
* Critical Strike [Adept]
* Critical Strike [Expert]
* Critical Strike [Master]
* Vampiric Attack [Apprentice]
* Vampiric Attack [Adept]
* Vampiric Attack [Expert]
* Vampiric Attack [Master]
* War Stomp [Apprentice]
* War Stomp [Adept]
* War Stomp [Expert]
* War Stomp [Master]
* Slow [Apprentice]
* Slow [Adept]
* Slow [Expert]
* Slow [Master]
* Replenish [Apprentice]
* Replenish [Adept]
* Replenish [Expert]
* Replenish [Master]
* Magic Immunity [Apprentice]
* Magic Immunity [Adept]
* Magic Immunity [Expert]
* Magic Immunity [Master]
* Holy Light [Apprentice]
* Holy Light [Adept]
* Holy Light [Expert]
* Holy Light [Master]
* Fiery Touch [Apprentice]
* Fiery Touch [Adept]
* Fiery Touch [Expert]
* Fiery Touch [Master]

Corrupted Archer attack range has increased from 600 to 900
Added mana poll for the Wendigo Shamans


Kill based quests now affects everyone around the killer
New Quests
* Shell Hunt
* Lord of the Bandit Forest
Golem Quest experience reward has decreased from 400 to 300


Unique drop rates increased slightly
Claws of Attack [Legendary] damage bonus has increased from 50 to 70
Ring of Regenerations and Sobi Masks now enchanted items
Icy Sphere [Unique] armor bonus has increased from 15 to 100
Spirit Hide [Unique] tactic bonus has increased from 20 to 30
Gold 1 gold bonus has increased from 100 to 400
Gold 2 champion point cost has increased from 2 to 5
Gold 2 gold bonus has increased from 250 to 2750
Gold 3 gold bonus has increased from 2000 to 6000
Gold 4 gold bonus has increased from 5000 to 15.000
Sell cost for Runic Gauntlets, Voodoo Doll, Claws of Cunning, Dragonhide, Skull Plate, Totem of Might, Bracers are increased to 50% from 20%

Added new unique items to Gar'thok

* Medallion of Courage [Unique]
* Helm of Valor [Unique]
* Hood of Cunning [Unique]
* Amulet of Life [Legendary Unique]
* Storm Hammer [Legendary Unique]

Added new minor items for the new areas

* Ancient Figurine [High Quality]
* Belt of Strength [High Quality]
* Ring of Speed [High Quality]
* Gloves of the Magi [High Quality]

Added new recipes

* Circlet Legendary
* Gauntlets Legendary
* Slippers Legendary
* Mantle Legendary


Absorb cast range has increased from 130 to 500
Shadow Form shortcut key is now R


New hero models added.


Fixed incorrect names to Low Quality and Medium Quality enchanters
Added missing descriptions of items when it's on the ground
Fixed a bug about Sword Ability targets
Fixed a bug of Unclickable Enigmatic Tome
Icy Sphere [Unique] description has enhanced
Academy Spells no longer removes after using Shadow Form
Level 6
Aug 29, 2011
Where did you stop now?

I've been reading the post for like.. umm.. half an hour up to 45mins.. AMAZING!

#bump if needed

I'm seeking for company to play it! Contact me via skype/garena/game ranger
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Stop? What does it means? :D ok ok i'm trying to release full version with uploading but i don't want to be quick because still i don't feel everything is ready.

Actually i will never feel "ready" and so i need to stop beta versions and release full version.

Eurobattle Name: JFA Orpg
Skype: jfamap1


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I really like the effort you put into putting everyone up to date in your posts. But I think the thread could use a visual upgrade so to speak. If you want I can make something for ya.

edit: Boredom prevails. I just threw together something quick, you'll need to expand it yourself though. Normally I add stuff like screenshots and such but you don't have that.

Main Thread



JFA Orpg [In Development]
by JFA

Greetings from Turkey. JFA Orpg is my 8'th map and always i wanted to create my own world with save and load system and after a long time i've decided to make. Now let me tell you about the map.

Morbid Darksoul. Evil Mage wants to conquer all of the Lumidia with his evil magic because Titans wants to huge chaos at the Lumidia. In the year 182, he started to corrupt most of the Lumidia but the Monks of the Purify obstruct most of the destruction with sacrificing themselves. When all of the Monks died, Morbid finds himself to weakened after the Holy Explosion and some of the brave Lumidia Heroes decided to stop his evil plans.

Please Note:
If you find skins, models, icons that created from someones please let me know. I'll give credits for all of them.
We need players. Development goes slow because map size is HUGE and still we need to open new areas, towns, add new items and we need players for the current systems.

Feature Name


Characters (You can see al the characters from here http://1drv.ms/1y4LBE2

Level Cap
This is beta version and level cap is 40 and skill levels are 10. But if our players shows interest this map we'll gladly increase level cap, skill levels and start to open new areas with new monsters, items, quest, unique and even the new systems.

Newbified Items
You can select your starting item of your choice. Items are not great but at least you can select anything you want

There is 3 type of attributes in the game.
Power, Speed and Tactic.

Each power point provides
+28 life, +0.02 life regeneration
Each speed point provides
0.12 armor 1 movement speed, 0.03 attack speed
Each tactic point provides
14 mana, 0.05 mana regeneration[/SIZE]

Attack and Defense types

Heroes have a Scale Armor and they have no advantage or disadvantage against all type of attacks. But of course if you select your character as a Tactical, that means your normal attack deals 200% damage against the enemies have a Metal Armor but 50% reduced damage against Light Armor.

Gold/Exp Distribution System
JFA Orpg have it's own Experience and Gold system. When your friends kills a npc, it's experience and gold distributes everyone within the 1000 range (750 for gold) and there is few conditions for the gain experience and gold.

You will gain experience if the killing units level is greater or lesser than 6. That means you can't boost level for someone. And there is a few things you need to know. Here is the example how the experience system works [/SIZE]

As you can see, Level 15 Hero gains full experience to the Level 15 and 16 monsters and starts to gain lesser experience below to it's level
And again, you don't need to kill the monsters below the 6 level but of course you can kill them for the find good items and for the help your friends

Gold System is similar to the Experience system. If your friends kills the monster within 750 range, it's gold bounty distributes everyone within the range. So you don't worry about lasthits and talking about "I AM THE MONK I NEED MONEY TOO, SO LET ME TO MAKE LAST HIT" and there is one thing you need to know. Like the experience system, you will NOT gain gold from monsters above level 3.

Battle Academy System
You can use teleport gates for the reach Battle Academies. There is 5 Battle Academies available

But you need to required primary attribute for the enter.

In the academies, you can learn spells of your choice. These spells are not permanent, so you can change anytime.

Stash system
Stash system. You have an extra 6 more slots. You can call your stash with pressing F2. And of course your stash is saving too with the -save

Item sharing system
You can and can't trade your items. Let me tell you how. First, you can give any item find on the ground (i mean items dropped from monsters). For an example you've found Staff of Wind and one of your friends wants this item but he is in the different location. You can give it when he returns.

But there is a few conditions you can't trade items
First, you can't give any items from the loaded character, if you find an item very useful for your friend but if you will save your character before giving the item to him, and items from purchased from shops and vendors.

Trade Center System
Under the development. Let me know if you have a good idea about the trading items between the players.

Gamble System
During your adventure, sometimes (if you're lucky) you will find a small coins called as Gamble Coins. If you don't want to risk, you can sell it to good price. Or if you try your luck you can find gold, items or even unique items.[/SIZE]

PvP System

Revive System

Yes i told you i'm an oldschool Ultima Online player and dying is similar to Ultima Online. Your spirit appears and you need to go and revive one of the towns. But you need to gather your corpse. If you will die in the dangerous place, your friends should help you for the gather your corpse.

Arena System

Players can battle with each other even they're in the same Clan. It's just for fun. You will not rewarded when you win or you will not lose when you lose but everyone will see announcement about the winner and loser. Yes it's important :)

Character System
When you started the game, you will realize every hero has in 3 different forms. Strong, Agile and Tactical. For an example you've decided to choose Monk but you will see Monk in 3 different forms. Strong based characters have a good hit points, Tactical characters have a much more mana and mana regeneration and the Agile characters have a better attack speed, movement speed and armor.

Difference is not their primary attributes.Also some of the skill more powerful or additional effect than others. But beware. If you select Tactical character, your weapon type is Magical.

For an example, Claw Mastery skill is more effective for Agile Vampire or Tactical vampire not just drains life with his Drain ability. He also can drains a few mana too.

Champion Point SystemComing Soon. Killing some of the special bosses and selling unique items will gives you the champion point. You can purchase some of the unique items and the ancient items with champion point but system is nearly finished.

Item System
During your adventure, you will find too many item types in the JFA World. Now let me tell you about the item types

Weapons, Armors, Rings, Shields Enchanted Items, Quality based items, Stat based items, Stat based weapons, Unique items and Ancient items.

Limited Items

That means you can carry only 1 type of these items.

Your character can carry only 1 type of Weapon, Armor, Shield and Ring


There is 2 different type of armors available.
Light Armor and Heavy Armor and you can carry only 1 armor type.

Heavy Armor is far better than Light Armor but the problem is, Heavy Armor reduces mana regeneration by 33%

Quality Based Items

There are 5 quality types available


Only the Weapons, Armors and Stat Based Items items have a qualities but you can enchant Stat Bases Items from the vendors

Enchanted Items

You can purchase or loot Enchanted items. They are actually quality based items but you can upgrade this items.

There is 4 type of enchanted items available


But this items have an enchant limit. If you will reach the enchant limit, you can combine 2 same quality item to next quality but it's a little pricey.

Here is the Enchant limit for the Gauntlets, Slippers, Mantles and Circlets.

Low Quality (+5)
Medium Quality (+8)
High Quality (+11)
Epic (+15)
Legendary (+20)

How to Enchant

There is 2 kind of Enchants. Quality Upgrade (low > medium etc) and + upgrade (+1, +2 ,+3 etc)

Here is the Example. You have a Circlet (Low Quality). You can Upgrade it from the Low Quality Enchanter. Each upgrade, increases it's stat bonus and Low Quality items can be enchanted 4 times. If you want to better circlet, you need to combine 2 same quality items into 1 next quality item but you need to 2 Low Quality Circlet +5.

Stat Based Weapons

There is 3 kind of Weapon type that requires a minimum stat for the use.
Sword, War Hammer and Staff

War Hammers requires Power
Swords requires Speed
Staffs requires Tactic
Only different weapon is Claw. You don't need any stat for the use them.

Of course you can use any type of weapon you want. For an example you have an Agile Assassin but you want to use War Hammer. Of course you can use but you need a required power stat for the use them.

Here is the little example

Unique Items

There is too many kind of Unique items. Stat based items, weapons, armors, rings etc etc and it's hard to find Unique items. And like the Weapons, Armors and Rings you can carry only 1 weapon, 1 armor and 1 ring.

Ancient Items

Ancient Items are the best items and of course finding the ancient weapon is very difficult.

Game difficulty is not static. Monsters becomes powerful by the number of players. For now just their hit points multipliers but i will give them new abilities when we started to beta versions

Custom AI Combats
After the beta versions we'll starting custom triggered ai bosses. Most of the bosses sometimes gets annoying because it's hard to defeat if you don't have proper equipment

JFA Orpg (Beta v1.4) Changes



New system (Recipe System) added
Quest items no longer drops if the killing player is not in the quest
Players no longer picks quest items if they are not started the quest that needs those items
Bosses now grants bounty to nearby players if level difference is less than or equal to 5
Gold and Champion Points added to multiboard
Added in-game text message when the players kills each other


Elementalist passive skill bonuses no longer visible


Axe Mastery duration has increased from 3 to 5


Level requirement informations added for quest descriptions
Meat'nataur level requirement is lowered to 6 from 8
Necromancer Bones quest now requires level 11-17
Necromancer Bones quest gold bonus has increased from 1000 to 1500
Fixed a bug about Legionaire quest
Troll Axe quest experience bonus has increased from 1000 to 2250
Troll Wand quest gold bonus has increased from 1000 to 3000


Added extra informations for the Low Quality Gauntlet, Slippers, Mantle and Circlet.
Legendary Quality weapons added to Burned Mill Valley and Icewind Town vendors
Iron Plate (Low Quality) cost has decreased from 300 to 200
Leather Armor (Low Quality) cost has decreased from 300 to 200
Staff of Wrath (Low Quality) cooldown has decreased from 30 to 20
Staff of Wrath (Low Quality) mana cost has decreased from 70 to 20
Staff of Wrath (Medium Quality) mana cost has decreased from 70 to 30
Extended description for Staff of Healing
Added new minor items for the Clan Devil and Clan Reaper starting camp
* Gloves of Haste
* Spear [Damaged]
New Recipes Added
* Runic Gauntlet
* Voodoo Doll
* Bracers

Bug Fixes

Heroes are no more invulnerable after leaving Icewind and Burned Mill Towns
Fixed a damage bug of Staff of Wrath (High Quality)
Fixed a bug when player not gaining bounty kills with entangling shoot

JFA Orpg (Beta v1.5) Changes



Magic Attack and Spells bonus damage against Metal Armor has lowered from 200% to 150%
Magic Attack and Spells damage against Light Armor has increased from 25% to 50%


Mud Golem quest experience reward has decreased to 400 from 600


Tactical Assassin attack cooldown has increased from 2.00 to 2.25


Summoned Wolves evasion has increased from 33% to 50%
Summoned Quilbeasts attack cooldown has decreased from 1.20 to 0.70
Summon Bear base armor and armor per levels has improved
Absorb mana cost has lowered to 20 from 40
Absorb cooldown has lowered from 20 to 10
Berserk now have an additional ability


New items: High Quality Sobi Mask and Ring of Regeneration

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug some of the players encountered error while trying to start quests
Fixed a bug about Tactical Archer Deadeye Shot skill levels

Here it's the final beta version. Next step is upload official first version to hiveworkshop


JFA Orpg (Beta v2.0) Changes


New game system "Battle Academy"
Experience system has changed. Players now gains full experience from monsters regardless numbers of players within the area
Quest items drop rates has increased
Added informative signposts to the game
Added level 8 and level 9 creatures at Bleak Forest
Bandit Mad attack damage has lowered by 10
Bandit Mad base hit point has decreased from 320 to 280
Bandit Aggressive base hit point has decreased from 250 to 230
Corruptor base armor has decreased from 4 to 0
Necromancer base damage has decreased from 60 to 45
Dragonspawn mana cap has decreased from 600 to 100
Dragonspawn stun duration has decreased from 5 to 3
Granite Golem level has increased from 7 to 8
Granite Golem mana cap has decreased from 600 to 150
Granite Golem attack cooldown has increased from 1.35 to 1.80
Boss: Necromancer armor type has changed to Light


Strong Beastmaster Fury ability final level bonus has increased from 50% to 100%
New bonus added for the Tactical Beastmaster. Fury ability have a no cooldown
Entangling Shoot mana cost has lowered by 5 for Strong Archer
Tactical Assassin Attack Cooldown has increased from 2.00 to 2.25

New items
* Ring of Regeneration [Epic]
* Ring of Regeneration [Legendary]
* Sobi Mask [Epic]
* Sobi Mask [Legendary]
* Staff of Wrath [Epic]
* Staff of Wrath [Legendary]
* Gold 2, Gold 3, Gold 4 (For the champion points)
Added new vendor type (Armorsmith)
Added new armor type (Runestone Breastplate)
Added Unique Items to Gar'thok
* Spirit Hide
* Sakabato
* Steel Shield
* Troll Amulet
Runic Gauntlets, Bracers, Voodoo Doll recipe cost removed
Added new recipes
Totem of Might
Claws of Cunning
Skull Plate
Novice Dragonhide
Sobi Mask [Low Quality] mana regeneration rate has been lowered from 30% to 25%
Sobi Mask [Medium Quality] mana regeneration rate has been lowered from 60% to 50%
Sobi Mask [High Quality] mana regeneration rate has been lowered from 100% to 75%
Sobi Mask [Low Quality] cost has decreased from 300 to 250
Ring of Regeneration [Low Quality] has increased from 200 to 250
Ring of Regeneration [Medium Quality] has increased from 500 to 600
Sobi Mask [High Quality] cost has increased from 800 to 1000
Ring of Regeneration [High Quality] cost has increased from 800 to 1000
Tome of Tactic cost has changed to 6 Champion Points instead of 2000 gold
Sword [Epic] cost has increased from 4000 to 5000
Sword [Legendary] cost has increased from 10.000 to 15.000
War Hammer [Epic] cost has increased from 4000 to 5000
War Hammer [Legendary] cost has increased from 10.000 to 15.000
Staff [Legendary] +10 all stats bonus has removed
Added Weaken ability for low/medium/high/epic/legendary staff
Ring of Regeneration [Medium Quality] life bonus has decreased by 10
Tome of Retraining removed from the game
Gold 1 gold bonus has decreased from 1200 to 100
Gold 1 champion point cost has decreased from 10 to 1
Ring of Regeneration and Sobi Mask mana and life regeneration rates has lowered


Fury duration has increased by 50% for all Beastmaster classes
Summon Bear cooldown has reduced to 20 from 40 for Agile Beastmaster
Spirit Wolves attack cooldown has decreased from 1.50 to 1.10
Assassination mana cost has decreased from 65 to 40 for Agile and Tactical Assassin
Assassination mana cost has decreased from 40 to 30 for Strong Assassin
Summoned Wolves evasion has increased from 33% to 50%
Summoned Quilbeasts attack cooldown has decreased from 1.20 to 0.70
Mana Refresher cooldown has reduced to 18 from 24
Frost durations has rebalanced
Old 1/1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2/2.2/2.4/2.7/3.5
New 2/2/2/2/2/3/3/3/3/4
Deadeye Shot reworked


All Heroes base armors has increased by 2


Fixed a bug about players can't get armors when they don't have an any armor
Fixed a bug that causes crown of kings to not increase exp gain.
Fixed elementalist ultimate level not working properly.
Fixed elementalist ultimate sometimes using wrong element.
Fixed novice academy bug, causing orange player to teleport devil camp.
Fixed a problem that prevents reaper players from completing legionaire quest.
Fixed sometimes quest messages not showing when received a quest.

JFA Orpg (Beta v2.6) Changes


Added new tree models
New game system "Newbified Items"
New creatures for the Barrens and Wintermist Island
Blue Lizard
Green Lizard
Red Lizard
Elder Wendigo
Ferocious Frost Wolf
Gold bounties of the Troll Forest, Sunken Pass, Wintermist Island, Barrens has increased by 75%


Ancient Unique items added to game.

* Amulet of Life
* Forbidden Scroll
* Orb of Death
* Spiritual Spring
* Storm Hammer

Added new unique items

* Tome of Knowledge
* Thorium Axe

Added minor items for Dead Lands, Troll Forest, Sunken Ruins, Wintermist Islands, Barrens

* Maul
* Magical Gauntlet
* Light Scale
* Necklace
* Dagger
* Wand
* Ancient Figurine
* Belt of Strength [Cracked]
* Belt of Strength
* Gloves of Magi [Cracked]
* Gloves of Magi
* Ring of Speed [Cracked]
* Ring of Speed
* Reinforced Shaman Claw
* Reinforced Dagger
* Reinforced Maul
* Shield
* Reinforced Shield
* Spiked Shield
* Enigmatic Tome
* Frenzied Claws
* Chitinous Blade
* Cursed Maul

Added new items and new item category [Necklace]

* Pendant of Mana [Low Quality]
* Pendant of Mana [Medium Quality]
* Pendant of Mana [High Quality]
* Pendant of Mana [Epic]
* Pendant of Mana [Legendary]
* Pendant of Life [Low Quality]
* Pendant of Life [Medium Quality]
* Pendant of Life [High Quality]
* Pendant of Life [Epic]
* Pendant of Life [Legendary]
* Runestone Breastplate [Ancient]
* Iron Plate [Ancient]
* Leather Armor [Ancient]

Legendary items transfered to Seaside Town
Ancient weapons added to game
Ancient Sword, Ancient Staff, Ancient War Hammer
Stat requirement for the weapons rebalanced
Sword now can cast on Heroes too
Claws of Attack [Epic] transfered from Christina to Cenk the Weaponsmith
Claws of Attack [Epic] cost has increased from 2000 to 3600
Claws of Attack [Epic] damage has increased from 40 to 50
Staff of Wrath [Legendary] cost has increased from 5000 to 6000


Elune Frenzy attack speed bonus percentage has increased from 200 to 300
Flaming Arrows mana cost has decreased from 4 to 3
Flaming Arrows damage (level 1) has lowered from 12 to 6
Flaming Arrows damage (level 9) has increased from 75 to 80
Flaming Arrows damage (level 10) has increased from 90 to 120
Deadeye Shoot critical multiplier has increased
Old Deadeye Shoot
New Deadeye Shoot
Deadeye Shoot critical chance has increased by 3% for final level
Entangling Shoot duration (level 10) has decreased from 5 to 4
Entangling Shoot damage (level 10) has increased from 180 to 250
Summon Bear and Wolf level 6 to 10 hit points increased
Bear 800/900/1000/1200/1600 increased to
Summon Wolf 500/600/700/800/800 increased to
Touch of Fear level 6 to 10 slow durations has increased from 1.7 to 2.1/2.4/2.7/3/4
Elemental Hit Fire, Frost and Lightning damage has increased.
Elemental Fire: 300/400/550/700/900 to 300/500/1000/1600/2400
Elemental Frost: 120/180/240/300/450 to 150/250/500/800/1200
Elemental Lightning: 180/270/360/450/600 to 200/375/750/1200/1800
Fire level 6 to 10 damage has increased from 200/240/280/320/400 240/280/350/420/500
Lightning level 6 to 10 damage has increased from 120/140/160/190/250 to 160/200//240/300/360


Agile Archer class bonuses re-balanced
Additional new class bonus for Agile Vampire


Fixed a bug specific players disconnects from the game when select vendors
Fixed a bug when stash becomes vulnerable when left the academy
Fixed incorrect descriptions of Swords


JFA Orpg (Beta v2.8) Changes


--- New areas ---

* Chilling Waters
* Chilled Cost
* Ambush Forest
* Ogre Plains

--- New monsters ---
* Ogre
* Ogre Magi
* Ogre Lord
* Assassin

--- New bosses ---

Modi Stonesmith
Cold Bash
Cold Tooth

New spells added to Battle Academy

* Fireball [Apprentice]
* Fireball [Adept]
* Fireball [Expert]
* Fireball [Master]
* Frost Armor [Apprentice]
* Frost Armor [Adept]
* Frost Armor [Expert]
* Frost Armor [Master]
* Curse [Apprentice]
* Curse [Adept]
* Curse [Expert]
* Curse [Master]
* Bless [Apprentice]
* Bless [Adept]
* Bless [Expert]
* Bless [Master]
* Berserk [Apprentice]
* Berserk [Adept]
* Berserk [Expert]
* Berserk [Master]
* Evasion [Apprentice]
* Evasion [Adept]
* Evasion [Expert]
* Evasion [Master]
* Bash [Apprentice]
* Bash [Adept]
* Bash [Expert]
* Bash [Master]
* Critical Strike [Apprentice]
* Critical Strike [Adept]
* Critical Strike [Expert]
* Critical Strike [Master]
* Vampiric Attack [Apprentice]
* Vampiric Attack [Adept]
* Vampiric Attack [Expert]
* Vampiric Attack [Master]
* War Stomp [Apprentice]
* War Stomp [Adept]
* War Stomp [Expert]
* War Stomp [Master]
* Slow [Apprentice]
* Slow [Adept]
* Slow [Expert]
* Slow [Master]
* Replenish [Apprentice]
* Replenish [Adept]
* Replenish [Expert]
* Replenish [Master]
* Magic Immunity [Apprentice]
* Magic Immunity [Adept]
* Magic Immunity [Expert]
* Magic Immunity [Master]
* Holy Light [Apprentice]
* Holy Light [Adept]
* Holy Light [Expert]
* Holy Light [Master]
* Fiery Touch [Apprentice]
* Fiery Touch [Adept]
* Fiery Touch [Expert]
* Fiery Touch [Master]

Corrupted Archer attack range has increased from 600 to 900
Added mana poll for the Wendigo Shamans


Kill based quests now affects everyone around the killer
New Quests
* Shell Hunt
* Lord of the Bandit Forest
Golem Quest experience reward has decreased from 400 to 300


Unique drop rates increased slightly
Claws of Attack [Legendary] damage bonus has increased from 50 to 70
Ring of Regenerations and Sobi Masks now enchanted items
Icy Sphere [Unique] armor bonus has increased from 15 to 100
Spirit Hide [Unique] tactic bonus has increased from 20 to 30
Gold 1 gold bonus has increased from 100 to 400
Gold 2 champion point cost has increased from 2 to 5
Gold 2 gold bonus has increased from 250 to 2750
Gold 3 gold bonus has increased from 2000 to 6000
Gold 4 gold bonus has increased from 5000 to 15.000
Sell cost for Runic Gauntlets, Voodoo Doll, Claws of Cunning, Dragonhide, Skull Plate, Totem of Might, Bracers are increased to 50% from 20%

Added new unique items to Gar'thok

* Medallion of Courage [Unique]
* Helm of Valor [Unique]
* Hood of Cunning [Unique]
* Amulet of Life [Legendary Unique]
* Storm Hammer [Legendary Unique]

Added new minor items for the new areas

* Ancient Figurine [High Quality]
* Belt of Strength [High Quality]
* Ring of Speed [High Quality]
* Gloves of the Magi [High Quality]

Added new recipes

* Circlet Legendary
* Gauntlets Legendary
* Slippers Legendary
* Mantle Legendary


Absorb cast range has increased from 130 to 500
Shadow Form shortcut key is now R


New hero models added.


Fixed incorrect names to Low Quality and Medium Quality enchanters
Added missing descriptions of items when it's on the ground
Fixed a bug about Sword Ability targets
Fixed a bug of Unclickable Enigmatic Tome
Icy Sphere [Unique] description has enhanced
Academy Spells no longer removes after using Shadow Form

[tabs][tab=Main Thread][table]
[center][size=5]JFA Orpg[/size] [size=4][[color=yellow][b]In Development[/b][/color]][/size]
by [URL="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/jfa/"]JFA[/URL]

[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Greetings from Turkey. JFA Orpg is my 8'th map and always i wanted to create my own world with save and load system and after a long time i've decided to make. Now let me tell you about the map.[/COLOR]

Morbid Darksoul. Evil Mage wants to conquer all of the Lumidia with his evil magic because Titans wants to huge chaos at the Lumidia. In the year 182, he started to corrupt most of the Lumidia but the Monks of the Purify obstruct most of the destruction with sacrificing themselves. When all of the Monks died, Morbid finds himself to weakened after the Holy Explosion and some of the brave Lumidia Heroes decided to stop his evil plans.

[size=4]Please Note:[/size]
[COLOR="Red"]If you find skins, models, icons that created from someones please let me know. I'll give credits for all of them.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Magenta"]We need players. Development goes slow because map size is HUGE and still we need to open new areas, towns, add new items and we need players for the current systems.[/COLOR]
[size=3]Feature Name[/size][c][size=3]Information[/size][r]
Characters (You can see al the characters from here [URL="http://1drv.ms/1y4LBE2"]http://1drv.ms/1y4LBE2[/URL][c][r]
Level Cap[c]This is beta version and level cap is 40 and skill levels are 10. But if our players shows interest this map we'll gladly increase level cap, skill levels and start to open new areas with new monsters, items, quest, unique and even the new systems.[r]
Newbified Items[c]You can select your starting item of your choice. Items are not great but at least you can select anything you want[r]
Attributes[c]There is 3 type of attributes in the game.
Power, Speed and Tactic.

[COLOR="Red"]Each power point provides[/COLOR]
+28 life, +0.02 life regeneration
[COLOR="Yellow"]Each speed point provides[/COLOR]
0.12 armor 1 movement speed, 0.03 attack speed
[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Each tactic point provides[/COLOR]
14 mana, 0.05 mana regeneration[/SIZE]
Attack and Defense types[c][stable][hidden=][url=http://hizliresim.com/QAYkYv][img]http://i.hizliresim.com/QAYkYv.png[/img][/hidden][/stable][/url]

Heroes have a Scale Armor and they have no advantage or disadvantage against all type of attacks. But of course if you select your character as a Tactical, that means your normal attack deals 200% damage against the enemies have a Metal Armor but 50% reduced damage against Light Armor.[r]
Gold/Exp Distribution System[c]JFA Orpg have it's own Experience and Gold system. When your friends kills a npc, it's experience and gold distributes everyone within the 1000 range (750 for gold) and there is few conditions for the gain experience and gold.

You will gain experience if the killing units level is greater or lesser than 6. That means you can't boost level for someone. And there is a few things you need to know. Here is the example how the experience system works [/SIZE]


[SIZE="3"]As you can see, Level 15 Hero gains full experience to the Level 15 and 16 monsters and starts to gain lesser experience below to it's level
And again, you don't need to kill the monsters below the 6 level but of course you can kill them for the find good items and for the help your friends

Gold System is similar to the Experience system. If your friends kills the monster within 750 range, it's gold bounty distributes everyone within the range. So you don't worry about lasthits and talking about "I AM THE MONK I NEED MONEY TOO, SO LET ME TO MAKE LAST HIT" and there is one thing you need to know. Like the experience system, you will NOT gain gold from monsters above level 3.
Battle Academy System[c]You can use teleport gates for the reach Battle Academies. There is 5 Battle Academies available

But you need to required primary attribute for the enter.

In the academies, you can learn spells of your choice. These spells are not permanent, so you can change anytime.[r]
Stash system[c]Stash system. You have an extra 6 more slots. You can call your stash with pressing F2. And of course your stash is saving too with the -save[r]
Item sharing system[c]You can and can't trade your items. Let me tell you how. First, you can give any item find on the ground (i mean items dropped from monsters). For an example you've found Staff of Wind and one of your friends wants this item but he is in the different location. You can give it when he returns.

But there is a few conditions you can't trade items
First, you can't give any items from the loaded character, if you find an item very useful for your friend but if you will save your character before giving the item to him, and items from purchased from shops and vendors.
Trade Center System[c]Under the development. Let me know if you have a good idea about the trading items between the players.[r]
Gamble System[c]During your adventure, sometimes (if you're lucky) you will find a small coins called as Gamble Coins. If you don't want to risk, you can sell it to good price. Or if you try your luck you can find gold, items or even unique items.[/SIZE]

PvP System[c][r]
Revive System[c][stable][hidden=][url=http://hizliresim.com/yMoyRN][img]http://i.hizliresim.com/yMoyRN.jpg[/img][/url][/hidden][/stable]

Yes i told you i'm an oldschool Ultima Online player and dying is similar to Ultima Online. Your spirit appears and you need to go and revive one of the towns. But you need to gather your corpse. If you will die in the dangerous place, your friends should help you for the gather your corpse.[r]
Arena System[c][stable][hidden=][url=http://hizliresim.com/vE808m][img]http://i.hizliresim.com/vE808m.jpg[/img][/url][/hidden][/stable]

Players can battle with each other even they're in the same Clan. It's just for fun. You will not rewarded when you win or you will not lose when you lose but everyone will see announcement about the winner and loser. Yes it's important :)[r]
Character System[c]When you started the game, you will realize every hero has in 3 different forms. Strong, Agile and Tactical. For an example you've decided to choose Monk but you will see Monk in 3 different forms. Strong based characters have a good hit points, Tactical characters have a much more mana and mana regeneration and the Agile characters have a better attack speed, movement speed and armor.

Difference is not their primary attributes.Also some of the skill more powerful or additional effect than others. But beware. If you select Tactical character, your weapon type is Magical.

For an example, Claw Mastery skill is more effective for Agile Vampire or Tactical vampire not just drains life with his Drain ability. He also can drains a few mana too.


Champion Point System[c]Coming Soon. Killing some of the special bosses and selling unique items will gives you the champion point. You can purchase some of the unique items and the ancient items with champion point but system is nearly finished. [r]
Item System[c]During your adventure, you will find too many item types in the JFA World. Now let me tell you about the item types

Weapons, Armors, Rings, Shields Enchanted Items, Quality based items, Stat based items, Stat based weapons, Unique items and Ancient items.

[COLOR="red"]Limited Items[/COLOR]

That means you can carry only 1 type of these items.

Your character can carry only 1 type of Weapon, Armor, Shield and Ring


There is 2 different type of armors available.
[U]Light Armor[/U] and [U]Heavy Armor[/U] and you can carry only 1 armor type.

Heavy Armor is far better than Light Armor but the problem is, Heavy Armor reduces mana regeneration by 33%

[COLOR="red"]Quality Based Items[/COLOR]

There are 5 quality types available


Only the Weapons, Armors and Stat Based Items items have a qualities but you can enchant Stat Bases Items from the vendors

[COLOR="red"]Enchanted Items[/COLOR]

You can purchase or loot Enchanted items. They are actually quality based items but you can upgrade this items.

[COLOR="red"]There is 4 type of enchanted items available[/COLOR]


But this items have an enchant limit. If you will reach the enchant limit, you can combine 2 same quality item to next quality but it's a little pricey.

Here is the Enchant limit for the Gauntlets, Slippers, Mantles and Circlets.

Low Quality (+5)
Medium Quality (+8)
High Quality (+11)
Epic (+15)
Legendary (+20)

[COLOR="red"]How to Enchant[/COLOR]

There is 2 kind of Enchants. Quality Upgrade (low > medium etc) and + upgrade (+1, +2 ,+3 etc)

Here is the Example. You have a Circlet (Low Quality). You can Upgrade it from the Low Quality Enchanter. Each upgrade, increases it's stat bonus and Low Quality items can be enchanted 4 times. If you want to better circlet, you need to combine 2 same quality items into 1 next quality item but you need to 2 Low Quality Circlet +5.

[COLOR="red"]Stat Based Weapons[/COLOR]

There is 3 kind of Weapon type that requires a minimum stat for the use.
Sword, War Hammer and Staff

War Hammers requires Power
Swords requires Speed
Staffs requires Tactic
Only different weapon is Claw. You don't need any stat for the use them.

Of course you can use any type of weapon you want. For an example you have an Agile Assassin but you want to use War Hammer. Of course you can use but you need a required power stat for the use them.

Here is the little example

[COLOR="red"][/COLOR]Unique Items

There is too many kind of Unique items. Stat based items, weapons, armors, rings etc etc and it's hard to find Unique items. And like the Weapons, Armors and Rings you can carry only 1 weapon, 1 armor and 1 ring.

[COLOR="red"]Ancient Items[/COLOR]

Ancient Items are the best items and of course finding the ancient weapon is very difficult.[r]
Difficulty[c]Game difficulty is not static. Monsters becomes powerful by the number of players. For now just their hit points multipliers but i will give them new abilities when we started to beta versions[r]
Custom AI Combats[c]After the beta versions we'll starting custom triggered ai bosses. Most of the bosses sometimes gets annoying because it's hard to defeat if you don't have proper equipment
[stable][hidden="JFA Orpg (Beta v1.4) "]

[COLOR="White"][SIZE="5"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]JFA Orpg (Beta v1.4) Changes[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]



[COLOR="Gray"]New system (Recipe System) added
Quest items no longer drops if the killing player is not in the quest
Players no longer picks quest items if they are not started the quest that needs those items
Bosses now grants bounty to nearby players if level difference is less than or equal to 5
Gold and Champion Points added to multiboard
Added in-game text message when the players kills each other[/COLOR]


[COLOR="Gray"]Elementalist passive skill bonuses no longer visible[/COLOR]


[COLOR="Gray"]Axe Mastery duration has increased from 3 to 5[/COLOR]


[COLOR="Gray"]Level requirement informations added for quest descriptions
Meat'nataur level requirement is lowered to 6 from 8
Necromancer Bones quest now requires level 11-17
Necromancer Bones quest gold bonus has increased from 1000 to 1500
Fixed a bug about Legionaire quest
Troll Axe quest experience bonus has increased from 1000 to 2250
Troll Wand quest gold bonus has increased from 1000 to 3000[/COLOR]


[COLOR="Gray"]Added extra informations for the Low Quality Gauntlet, Slippers, Mantle and Circlet.
Legendary Quality weapons added to Burned Mill Valley and Icewind Town vendors
Iron Plate (Low Quality) cost has decreased from 300 to 200
Leather Armor (Low Quality) cost has decreased from 300 to 200
Staff of Wrath (Low Quality) cooldown has decreased from 30 to 20
Staff of Wrath (Low Quality) mana cost has decreased from 70 to 20
Staff of Wrath (Medium Quality) mana cost has decreased from 70 to 30
Extended description for Staff of Healing
Added new minor items for the Clan Devil and Clan Reaper starting camp
* Gloves of Haste
* Spear [Damaged]
New Recipes Added
* Runic Gauntlet
* Voodoo Doll
* Bracers[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Bug Fixes[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR="Gray"]Heroes are no more invulnerable after leaving Icewind and Burned Mill Towns
Fixed a damage bug of Staff of Wrath (High Quality)
Fixed a bug when player not gaining bounty kills with entangling shoot[/COLOR]


[stable][hidden="JFA Orpg (Beta v1.5) "]

[COLOR="White"][SIZE="5"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]JFA Orpg (Beta v1.5) Changes[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]



[COLOR="Gray"]Magic Attack and Spells bonus damage against Metal Armor has lowered from 200% to 150%
Magic Attack and Spells damage against Light Armor has increased from 25% to 50%[/COLOR]


[COLOR="Gray"]Mud Golem quest experience reward has decreased to 400 from 600[/COLOR]


[COLOR="Gray"]Tactical Assassin attack cooldown has increased from 2.00 to 2.25[/COLOR]


[COLOR="Gray"]Summoned Wolves evasion has increased from 33% to 50%
Summoned Quilbeasts attack cooldown has decreased from 1.20 to 0.70
Summon Bear base armor and armor per levels has improved
Absorb mana cost has lowered to 20 from 40
Absorb cooldown has lowered from 20 to 10
Berserk now have an additional ability[/COLOR]


[COLOR="Gray"]New items: High Quality Sobi Mask and Ring of Regeneration[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Bug Fixes[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Fixed a bug some of the players encountered error while trying to start quests
Fixed a bug about Tactical Archer Deadeye Shot skill levels[/COLOR]


[stable][hidden="JFA Orpg (Beta v2.0) "]

Here it's the final beta version. Next step is upload official first version to hiveworkshop


[COLOR="White"][SIZE="5"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]JFA Orpg (Beta v2.0) Changes[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]


New game system "Battle Academy"
Experience system has changed. Players now gains full experience from monsters regardless numbers of players within the area
Quest items drop rates has increased
Added informative signposts to the game
Added level 8 and level 9 creatures at Bleak Forest
Bandit Mad attack damage has lowered by 10
Bandit Mad base hit point has decreased from 320 to 280
Bandit Aggressive base hit point has decreased from 250 to 230
Corruptor base armor has decreased from 4 to 0
Necromancer base damage has decreased from 60 to 45
Dragonspawn mana cap has decreased from 600 to 100
Dragonspawn stun duration has decreased from 5 to 3
Granite Golem level has increased from 7 to 8
Granite Golem mana cap has decreased from 600 to 150
Granite Golem attack cooldown has increased from 1.35 to 1.80
Boss: Necromancer armor type has changed to Light


Strong Beastmaster Fury ability final level bonus has increased from 50% to 100%
New bonus added for the Tactical Beastmaster. Fury ability have a no cooldown
Entangling Shoot mana cost has lowered by 5 for Strong Archer
Tactical Assassin Attack Cooldown has increased from 2.00 to 2.25

[U]New items[/U]
* Ring of Regeneration [Epic]
* Ring of Regeneration [Legendary]
* Sobi Mask [Epic]
* Sobi Mask [Legendary]
* Staff of Wrath [Epic]
* Staff of Wrath [Legendary]
* Gold 2, Gold 3, Gold 4 (For the champion points)
Added new vendor type (Armorsmith)
Added new armor type (Runestone Breastplate)
Added Unique Items to Gar'thok
* Spirit Hide
* Sakabato
* Steel Shield
* Troll Amulet
Runic Gauntlets, Bracers, Voodoo Doll recipe cost removed
[U]Added new recipes[/U]
Totem of Might
Claws of Cunning
Skull Plate
Novice Dragonhide
Sobi Mask [Low Quality] mana regeneration rate has been lowered from 30% to 25%
Sobi Mask [Medium Quality] mana regeneration rate has been lowered from 60% to 50%
Sobi Mask [High Quality] mana regeneration rate has been lowered from 100% to 75%
Sobi Mask [Low Quality] cost has decreased from 300 to 250
Ring of Regeneration [Low Quality] has increased from 200 to 250
Ring of Regeneration [Medium Quality] has increased from 500 to 600
Sobi Mask [High Quality] cost has increased from 800 to 1000
Ring of Regeneration [High Quality] cost has increased from 800 to 1000
Tome of Tactic cost has changed to 6 Champion Points instead of 2000 gold
Sword [Epic] cost has increased from 4000 to 5000
Sword [Legendary] cost has increased from 10.000 to 15.000
War Hammer [Epic] cost has increased from 4000 to 5000
War Hammer [Legendary] cost has increased from 10.000 to 15.000
Staff [Legendary] +10 all stats bonus has removed
Added Weaken ability for low/medium/high/epic/legendary staff
Ring of Regeneration [Medium Quality] life bonus has decreased by 10
Tome of Retraining removed from the game
Gold 1 gold bonus has decreased from 1200 to 100
Gold 1 champion point cost has decreased from 10 to 1
Ring of Regeneration and Sobi Mask mana and life regeneration rates has lowered


Fury duration has increased by 50% for all Beastmaster classes
Summon Bear cooldown has reduced to 20 from 40 for Agile Beastmaster
Spirit Wolves attack cooldown has decreased from 1.50 to 1.10
Assassination mana cost has decreased from 65 to 40 for Agile and Tactical Assassin
Assassination mana cost has decreased from 40 to 30 for Strong Assassin
Summoned Wolves evasion has increased from 33% to 50%
Summoned Quilbeasts attack cooldown has decreased from 1.20 to 0.70
Mana Refresher cooldown has reduced to 18 from 24
Frost durations has rebalanced
Old 1/1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2/2.2/2.4/2.7/3.5
New 2/2/2/2/2/3/3/3/3/4
Deadeye Shot reworked


All Heroes base armors has increased by 2


Fixed a bug about players can't get armors when they don't have an any armor
Fixed a bug that causes crown of kings to not increase exp gain.
Fixed elementalist ultimate level not working properly.
Fixed elementalist ultimate sometimes using wrong element.
Fixed novice academy bug, causing orange player to teleport devil camp.
Fixed a problem that prevents reaper players from completing legionaire quest.
Fixed sometimes quest messages not showing when received a quest.

[stable][hidden="JFA Orpg (Beta v2.6) "]

[COLOR="White"][SIZE="5"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]JFA Orpg (Beta v2.6) Changes[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]


Added new tree models
New game system "Newbified Items"
New creatures for the Barrens and Wintermist Island
Blue Lizard
Green Lizard
Red Lizard
Elder Wendigo
Ferocious Frost Wolf
Gold bounties of the Troll Forest, Sunken Pass, Wintermist Island, Barrens has increased by 75%


Ancient Unique items added to game.

* Amulet of Life
* Forbidden Scroll
* Orb of Death
* Spiritual Spring
* Storm Hammer

Added new unique items

* Tome of Knowledge
* Thorium Axe

Added minor items for Dead Lands, Troll Forest, Sunken Ruins, Wintermist Islands, Barrens

* Maul
* Magical Gauntlet
* Light Scale
* Necklace
* Dagger
* Wand
* Ancient Figurine
* Belt of Strength [Cracked]
* Belt of Strength
* Gloves of Magi [Cracked]
* Gloves of Magi
* Ring of Speed [Cracked]
* Ring of Speed
* Reinforced Shaman Claw
* Reinforced Dagger
* Reinforced Maul
* Shield
* Reinforced Shield
* Spiked Shield
* Enigmatic Tome
* Frenzied Claws
* Chitinous Blade
* Cursed Maul

Added new items and new item category [Necklace]

* Pendant of Mana [Low Quality]
* Pendant of Mana [Medium Quality]
* Pendant of Mana [High Quality]
* Pendant of Mana [Epic]
* Pendant of Mana [Legendary]
* Pendant of Life [Low Quality]
* Pendant of Life [Medium Quality]
* Pendant of Life [High Quality]
* Pendant of Life [Epic]
* Pendant of Life [Legendary]
* Runestone Breastplate [Ancient]
* Iron Plate [Ancient]
* Leather Armor [Ancient]

Legendary items transfered to Seaside Town
Ancient weapons added to game
Ancient Sword, Ancient Staff, Ancient War Hammer
Stat requirement for the weapons rebalanced
Sword now can cast on Heroes too
Claws of Attack [Epic] transfered from Christina to Cenk the Weaponsmith
Claws of Attack [Epic] cost has increased from 2000 to 3600
Claws of Attack [Epic] damage has increased from 40 to 50
Staff of Wrath [Legendary] cost has increased from 5000 to 6000


Elune Frenzy attack speed bonus percentage has increased from 200 to 300
Flaming Arrows mana cost has decreased from 4 to 3
Flaming Arrows damage (level 1) has lowered from 12 to 6
Flaming Arrows damage (level 9) has increased from 75 to 80
Flaming Arrows damage (level 10) has increased from 90 to 120
Deadeye Shoot critical multiplier has increased
Old Deadeye Shoot
New Deadeye Shoot
Deadeye Shoot critical chance has increased by 3% for final level
Entangling Shoot duration (level 10) has decreased from 5 to 4
Entangling Shoot damage (level 10) has increased from 180 to 250
Summon Bear and Wolf level 6 to 10 hit points increased
Bear 800/900/1000/1200/1600 increased to
Summon Wolf 500/600/700/800/800 increased to
Touch of Fear level 6 to 10 slow durations has increased from 1.7 to 2.1/2.4/2.7/3/4
Elemental Hit Fire, Frost and Lightning damage has increased.
Elemental Fire: 300/400/550/700/900 to 300/500/1000/1600/2400
Elemental Frost: 120/180/240/300/450 to 150/250/500/800/1200
Elemental Lightning: 180/270/360/450/600 to 200/375/750/1200/1800
Fire level 6 to 10 damage has increased from 200/240/280/320/400 240/280/350/420/500
Lightning level 6 to 10 damage has increased from 120/140/160/190/250 to 160/200//240/300/360


Agile Archer class bonuses re-balanced
Additional new class bonus for Agile Vampire


Fixed a bug specific players disconnects from the game when select vendors
Fixed a bug when stash becomes vulnerable when left the academy
Fixed incorrect descriptions of Swords

[stable][hidden="JFA Orpg (Beta v28) "]


[COLOR="White"][SIZE="5"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]JFA Orpg (Beta v2.8) Changes[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]


--- New areas ---

* Chilling Waters
* Chilled Cost
* Ambush Forest
* Ogre Plains

--- New monsters ---
* Ogre
* Ogre Magi
* Ogre Lord
* Assassin

--- New bosses ---

Modi Stonesmith
Cold Bash
Cold Tooth

New spells added to Battle Academy

* Fireball [Apprentice]
* Fireball [Adept]
* Fireball [Expert]
* Fireball [Master]
* Frost Armor [Apprentice]
* Frost Armor [Adept]
* Frost Armor [Expert]
* Frost Armor [Master]
* Curse [Apprentice]
* Curse [Adept]
* Curse [Expert]
* Curse [Master]
* Bless [Apprentice]
* Bless [Adept]
* Bless [Expert]
* Bless [Master]
* Berserk [Apprentice]
* Berserk [Adept]
* Berserk [Expert]
* Berserk [Master]
* Evasion [Apprentice]
* Evasion [Adept]
* Evasion [Expert]
* Evasion [Master]
* Bash [Apprentice]
* Bash [Adept]
* Bash [Expert]
* Bash [Master]
* Critical Strike [Apprentice]
* Critical Strike [Adept]
* Critical Strike [Expert]
* Critical Strike [Master]
* Vampiric Attack [Apprentice]
* Vampiric Attack [Adept]
* Vampiric Attack [Expert]
* Vampiric Attack [Master]
* War Stomp [Apprentice]
* War Stomp [Adept]
* War Stomp [Expert]
* War Stomp [Master]
* Slow [Apprentice]
* Slow [Adept]
* Slow [Expert]
* Slow [Master]
* Replenish [Apprentice]
* Replenish [Adept]
* Replenish [Expert]
* Replenish [Master]
* Magic Immunity [Apprentice]
* Magic Immunity [Adept]
* Magic Immunity [Expert]
* Magic Immunity [Master]
* Holy Light [Apprentice]
* Holy Light [Adept]
* Holy Light [Expert]
* Holy Light [Master]
* Fiery Touch [Apprentice]
* Fiery Touch [Adept]
* Fiery Touch [Expert]
* Fiery Touch [Master]

Corrupted Archer attack range has increased from 600 to 900
Added mana poll for the Wendigo Shamans


Kill based quests now affects everyone around the killer
New Quests
* Shell Hunt
* Lord of the Bandit Forest
Golem Quest experience reward has decreased from 400 to 300


Unique drop rates increased slightly
Claws of Attack [Legendary] damage bonus has increased from 50 to 70
Ring of Regenerations and Sobi Masks now enchanted items
Icy Sphere [Unique] armor bonus has increased from 15 to 100
Spirit Hide [Unique] tactic bonus has increased from 20 to 30
Gold 1 gold bonus has increased from 100 to 400
Gold 2 champion point cost has increased from 2 to 5
Gold 2 gold bonus has increased from 250 to 2750
Gold 3 gold bonus has increased from 2000 to 6000
Gold 4 gold bonus has increased from 5000 to 15.000
Sell cost for Runic Gauntlets, Voodoo Doll, Claws of Cunning, Dragonhide, Skull Plate, Totem of Might, Bracers are increased to 50% from 20%

Added new unique items to Gar'thok

* Medallion of Courage [Unique]
* Helm of Valor [Unique]
* Hood of Cunning [Unique]
* Amulet of Life [Legendary Unique]
* Storm Hammer [Legendary Unique]

Added new minor items for the new areas

* Ancient Figurine [High Quality]
* Belt of Strength [High Quality]
* Ring of Speed [High Quality]
* Gloves of the Magi [High Quality]

Added new recipes

* Circlet Legendary
* Gauntlets Legendary
* Slippers Legendary
* Mantle Legendary


Absorb cast range has increased from 130 to 500
Shadow Form shortcut key is now R


New hero models added.


Fixed incorrect names to Low Quality and Medium Quality enchanters
Added missing descriptions of items when it's on the ground
Fixed a bug about Sword Ability targets
Fixed a bug of Unclickable Enigmatic Tome
Icy Sphere [Unique] description has enhanced
Academy Spells no longer removes after using Shadow Form
Last edited:
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Sorry for the long delay because for a long time i haven't find warcraft 3 players who wants to play. I'm planning to upload non-beta version in 2 days. If you want to play and find another JFA Orpg players, please contact with me.
Level 6
Aug 29, 2011
I'd Really like to see in F9
Commands Tab
any Lore
All I see ingame is bunch of quests, and it's a lil bit confusing to me. What to do now :D

#Lv2 Tactic Elementalist


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
Please upload some screenshots. This looks interesting enough, but pictures say more than words and not all of us want to download a map and play it before we see some screenshots.
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
You're right Jumbo. Today i'm adding screenshots (it takes while because i'm bad at these things :( )

Screenshots added and i want to make last beta test before the full version. Please contact with me.
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 1
Dec 20, 2015
We've been playing this map for months.. i never though '' im wasting my time '', it was so much fun to play, i SUGGEST JFA ORPG for everyone to play.
Level 2
Apr 7, 2016
I can't get my account back (i have tried to sent code my mail but nothing comes)

Is anyone playing my map?
i'm playing it with my friends,it's a fun rpg
kinda unique too with the stat and different effects of skills
i hope that you'll continue making this map

about your account,is it on hiveworkshop?
well,let's just hope that a moderator sees this

edit:also,i kind of get the point of the teams
but it's kinda annoying that you can only play with 5 of your friends
i hope there's some allies button or command or something in the future
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
i'm playing it with my friends,it's a fun rpg
kinda unique too with the stat and different effects of skills
i hope that you'll continue making this map

about your account,is it on hiveworkshop?
well,let's just hope that a moderator sees this

edit:also,i kind of get the point of the teams
but it's kinda annoying that you can only play with 5 of your friends
i hope there's some allies button or command or something in the future

I was planning to 10 players version but i have stopped updating for a while (because no one interested and making and playing alone is demoralizing :( )

we will be glad if you can our main group and you can share your all ideas

Level 2
Apr 7, 2016
I was planning to 10 players version but i have stopped updating for a while (because no one interested and making and playing alone is demoralizing :( )

we will be glad if you can our main group and you can share your all ideas


well,the bad thing about mapmaking is that you can't never know will there'll be someone playing your map or not
i'm sure there is though,just like me and my friends
why not just try to make the map pass the pending stage on hiveworkshop first? from what i heard at comments section the moderator needs single player mode available to test it,so maybe just message the moderator with a special edited map that can play singleplayer?
after it passed the pending section,then you can see if ppl are actually downloading your map or not

i'll join the group later,i can't play with you though i think
since i live in indonesia,and i play on a different battle.net server
Level 2
Apr 7, 2016
At least it is all i can do :( Map is awaiting for update i am focusing on aesthetics. It is not important where you playing. At least join group and share your ideas, your items, show us to your character etc etc

okai,i haven't opened my fb yet so i still didn't join it
thanks for still updating the game
Level 1
Jun 15, 2016
Hi there,

So i played this map for few hours with maker himself and here is my opinion:

1)Needs comand -roll or -dice to prevents ninjas
2) I think 1st area of bandits needs to be changed from meat quest to certian amount of kills like 20-30 and that reward needs to be shared trough whole party.
3)Also I'm a big fan of quests of bosses so think taht would be nice to have also for some extra money
4)Str chars atleast some of them need ability to taunt monsters so you can control argo for your group and have less deaths as a group
5)Mad bandits lvl 7 creeps need to have lower stun % 100% is too much and Melee chars can do nothing about it but standing still and take damage
6)Inscrease drop rate of uniques on normal creeps
7)Free teleports between towns so that player can have easier time to craft items over towns

That's it for now i only reached lvl 9 cuz we had to end more info in future.
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
1) Actually i was planned to players who actually knows what is the rpg. But of course i can do but i don't know what it means exactly and how to make :D
2) Hmmm. Actually it was 20 and 30 but not all the players wants to stay in same area but maybe you are right. I need to think about it because first moments of the game is so important AND it is really very difficult to make EVERYONE happy :(
3) It actually gives good amount of money but first you need to be same level with boss.
4) I was planned to add it as academy spell
5) Yes i have decided to remake it :)
6) Yes in the last versions i have realized. During the game we haven't found any unique from normal creeps
7) Already have but one way portals
8) Yes you have completed only 10% of the game :)

Thank you so much for your feedback
Level 1
Jun 15, 2016
Ok so last night i made it from 9 to 25 with group ofc cuz it's a team map and needs a group to advance so:

1)Areas need names when you enter them or rather signs at road or something to let you know where you enter since it's 5v5 map and you can't ping to your enemys locations on map i think names will make comunication easier betwen 2 teams.
2)Areas needs extra details Houses of monsters and more rocks or some details that fit in in that area example bandits bandit tents and human houses, undead area undead baracks and ziggurats, necroboss massive graveyard and tons of skeletons on floor since he spams them as crazy, trolls troll huts and orc spirit houses etc so i don't need to write for each special but you get a point
3)New difficulty but i heard that's already in progress but it's worth mentioning
4)Magic spells needs to be limited to Magic classes i find my barbarian broken with fireball i slice trough bosses also i wanna taunt so badly as academy spell so i can hold argo easier and would be nice if that taunt would lower enemy attack dmg for some time like demoralizing shout
5)Models:I'd like Barbarian str model changed from paladin, simple paladin model just don't fit into babrarians, big fan of assasins so i just can't see agi assassin as an range char make her like either Warden model or just remove attack range from this standard model and make her melee
6)Starting area before enterint 1st town needs some signs or sth i hosted game for new people they were walking around houses but not entering circle LOL
7)Crab boss in Seaside area(20Lvl) needs loot i killed him 10-15 times no items
8)To be able to repick to Lvl 8 so i see my ultimates and see if i wanna actually play this char since lvl 1 cap is too much to ask for people do decide to they wanna play that char
9)Some high lvl fun like spawning world boss let's see somethere on map drops and egg and you need to hatch on special spot on map but that hatching takes like 15-20min and that boss drops legendary unique items high tier
10)I think traveling with ships from area lvl 20 to 22+ is too long needs to shorten or just add portals from towns with lvl Required
11)Academy areas needs pillars and skytowers as like it's some high place with knowledge as it shows it is so more content there also npc mages and elf priests to see like populated place radiating with knowledge
12)I think game should be maded into 1 team with 6 to 8 players with 1 intersting lore to make a bound betwen players but that's up to you and rest of players to decide

That's all from me for now

Hope others gets to see map as i do, because map has potential and has plenty of stuffs to still be made :)
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Ok so last night i made it from 9 to 25 with group ofc cuz it's a team map and needs a group to advance so:

1)Areas need names when you enter them or rather signs at road or something to let you know where you enter since it's 5v5 map and you can't ping to your enemys locations on map i think names will make comunication easier betwen 2 teams.
2)Areas needs extra details Houses of monsters and more rocks or some details that fit in in that area example bandits bandit tents and human houses, undead area undead baracks and ziggurats, necroboss massive graveyard and tons of skeletons on floor since he spams them as crazy, trolls troll huts and orc spirit houses etc so i don't need to write for each special but you get a point
3)New difficulty but i heard that's already in progress but it's worth mentioning
4)Magic spells needs to be limited to Magic classes i find my barbarian broken with fireball i slice trough bosses also i wanna taunt so badly as academy spell so i can hold argo easier and would be nice if that taunt would lower enemy attack dmg for some time like demoralizing shout
5)Models:I'd like Barbarian str model changed from paladin, simple paladin model just don't fit into babrarians, big fan of assasins so i just can't see agi assassin as an range char make her like either Warden model or just remove attack range from this standard model and make her melee
6)Starting area before enterint 1st town needs some signs or sth i hosted game for new people they were walking around houses but not entering circle LOL
7)Crab boss in Seaside area(20Lvl) needs loot i killed him 10-15 times no items
8)To be able to repick to Lvl 8 so i see my ultimates and see if i wanna actually play this char since lvl 1 cap is too much to ask for people do decide to they wanna play that char
9)Some high lvl fun like spawning world boss let's see somethere on map drops and egg and you need to hatch on special spot on map but that hatching takes like 15-20min and that boss drops legendary unique items high tier
10)I think traveling with ships from area lvl 20 to 22+ is too long needs to shorten or just add portals from towns with lvl Required
11)Academy areas needs pillars and skytowers as like it's some high place with knowledge as it shows it is so more content there also npc mages and elf priests to see like populated place radiating with knowledge
12)I think game should be maded into 1 team with 6 to 8 players with 1 intersting lore to make a bound betwen players but that's up to you and rest of players to decide

That's all from me for now

Hope others gets to see map as i do, because map has potential and has plenty of stuffs to still be made :)

Thank you so much. I have released new version check the changelog. First of all, there is too many roadsigns in the game. When you click of them, it says the area you are going.
About the extra details i am working on in. There is 6000+ doodads in the map and still i am adding
New difficulty system is tested and ready and i can say it is far better than old system
Magic spells is the key of this game. Academy spells gives large customization in this game BUT of course i can work on academy spells too
Models, i have answered on the map page
About the starting area yes i forgot :( But i can't believe the players can't find the road :D
Crab boss drops added
I can't let repick more than once (it gives the abuse for some reasons)
More bosses and new things coming. Check the 2.1fixed changelog
Hmmm. Ship distance is maximum 30 seconds and you are using ships only in 2 places.
About the academy area yes i will do this next version. In this 2.1fixed i was worked on "new" things
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