
  1. a8156175

    [JASS] I had a problem about Save&Load System,it doesn't work when the code length over 256 letters...

    Sorry,come from Asia ,bad English I have a SAVE & LOAD JASS&YDWE GUI code. I know a little bit about how it works and use it in my ORPG map. But now I have a problem that the code cannot be used if it exceeds 256 characters. I would like to ask if there are any JASS experts who can give me some...
  2. Produtor

    Frame Button with an Icon

    Hi guys! How do I create a button with an icon that when I click it performs an action of my choice? In Jass language, please I sent an example image.
  3. loktar


    I've been away for a few years. I probably won't really start modding again, but I was fiddling with an old map that uses vJASS. I wanted to test it but don't have anything installed that can deal with vJASS. I don't remember what I used before. So what's the current best way to use vJASS in WE...
  4. stalkerfox

    get integer number Vjass

    I'm working on a thing with a talent system (i'm a gui user) how do i get the number of a integervariable? method GetTalentPoints takes nothing returns integer return GetPlayerState(this.ownerPlayer, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER) endmethod method...
  5. Dark-Zalor

    Desync Frames Problem

    I made a Map called Pokemon World, in this map I got the great idea to use frames... And it's really confusing. One of my system that I put below create a transition with a music (like in game boy pokemon) it work in 3 phases 1\ cover the screen of hidden frames ans store them into an array...
  6. ILH

    Vexorian's XE Libraries Publication

    Hello. I've been looking for Vexorian's XE Libraries across the forum and it seems that there are no dedicated post for it. I asked on Hive's discord and got the test map from Retera. However, I think that the libraries should be published and stickied (maybe in the spell section) due to it's...
  7. NightKnight

    Reforged UI Designer

    Allow me to introduce you to the: Ultimate Reforged UI Designer (RUID) There is now a new thread for this tool. This thread is no longer being updated. - Designed to take Map modding to the next level, with graphical Frame creation and adjustment. - Made for everyone, from the humble GUI...
  8. Cheshire

    [vJASS] code not working... ?

    this is supposed to create 1 TC for each player, and put it in the unit group HEROES if it belongs to a computer controlled player. It's not doing anything. where did I go wrong? (there is no traceback error) library StartThings initializer Init globals public group HEROES =...
  9. katya18

    Starting with JASS

    Hello guys. At the moment Im learning map_making/Jass coding in such way: I have a map, extracted the resources from it using MPQ and got the war3map.j that contains jass code for the map. Please dont blame me for that, Im not asking here for deprotecting or any other stuff, I wont use it for...
  10. HerlySQR

    Do you have ideas to improve this system? 2

    Hello, I'm have another system, that is a Jump System based on the Paladon's Jump System, but this includes horizontal curvature, I know that there can be better systems, but I still wanna share this I hear what things I can improve. //Jump System based on the Paladon's Jump System //If you use...
  11. Prometheus3375

    Using vJass after the latest patch

    Made a simple guide to bypass the issue with JassHelper after the latest patch, so people can still develop and test their maps. How to test a map (Optional) Update pjass.exe (watch vid for details). Note: you cannot replace the default pjass.exe, otherwise the game and the editor will not...
  12. ThompZon

    [vJASS] Simple Delayed Effect Destroyer

    I searched for a while for a simple way of destroying effects later. The reason for this is that some special effects, one cannot destroy instantly. My soultion, write a function that does this, but I had a few problems and searched on the hive for a simple delayed special effect destroyer...
  13. Stormgoddd

    Looking for a Jass Teacher

    Is there someone who would be willing to teach (or lets say help me) learn jass/vjass? I was thinking about starting with Jass first, then gradually go over to vjass and learn how to do things with structs and in the end perhaps even use Lua/Typescript. I'm at a point, where I know basic jass...
  14. TheFireMage

    [JASS] Globals error

    Hello there, I thank you for taking a look at this thread and help me to solve problems. I am copying a dash spell template made by sniper_zero. When I first tested the map, it works fine. But when I copied to it my map and saved it, I got errors with globals from map header. I already got rid...
  15. XxGamerxX

    Project : Fugatsu world RPG Reforged

    Map Name : Fugatsu world RPG Reforged Map Creators : Nizumi Map Developers : NELMVN , GAMER Fugatsu World RPG Is An anime warcraft III map where you can find most famous anime characters compiled in one map ,our vision is to make players feel and play anime characters with real sounds and...
  16. Macadamia

    [General] Simple Reforged WE questions for vJass EXPERTS

    Introduction I have now reached a point where I can't fix my map further as I can't find anyone with the knowledge to answer my non UI-related questions, I decided I should take the matter in my own hands. To do so, I think I need to forget about plain Jass and start converting my map into...
  17. Macadamia

    [General] Back after 16 years, stuck on 2D Arrays globals.

    Hi everyone ! First things first, my question, as people might not have time to read all my detailed explanations : How do you declare global 2D arrays in Jass without conflicting with the WE's Init Globals function ? I mean I have several arrays I use like this one : rect array...
  18. lolreported

    [JASS] Modify Item-Type Tooltips

    Has anyone figured out how to modify the tooltip of an item-type, if even possible? A workaround exists maybe? The natives modifying item data only takes an item parameter, not item-type/integer. native BlzSetItemExtendedTooltip takes item whichItem, string extendedTooltip...
  19. Drulia

    cJass2Lua - Powerfull cJass converter

    Warcraft III Reforged brought us lua scripting, but still a lot of map makers for WC3 are using cJass. Just because C-style syntax rules. Unfortunately cJass extension is unsupported for Reforged and who knows how it will be. Lua is more efficient, useful and simple for game development. But a...
  20. blink

    Just Another Missile System WIP [vJass]

    So I am currently created a missile system which is supposed to help me create missiles for various purposes. The system runs specified trigger on "impact" making it usable for all kind of stuff. For example, the trigger makes the caster teleport on impact location, while having dmg at the same...
  21. lolreported

    [vJASS] Issue with nested loops, possible bug

    I'm currently having a massive issue with a nested loop, see code (some irrelevant code removed): library JustAnotherLibrary initializer Init globals //... private constant integer PLAYER_MAX_CELLS_ROW = 3 // Max cells up/down private constant integer...
  22. Aleksandr

    [General] Wold Editor team development experience

    Hello everyone. Recently I wanted to do with something using World Editor. Also there were guys who wanted to help me in parallel. But only one person can do some work on the map at the some moment. => we have couple of huge disadvantages: It's not convinient to exchange the map. We need to...
  23. Ricola3D

    What are the world editor extensions working with Patch 1.31.x ?

    Hello, I am used to develop in GUI/Jass through the basic WE. But I would like to use frameworks coded in vJass, and thus start using world editor extensions. However I am a bit lost between the tools I found here (many JNGP versions, JassCraft) and some others (SharpCraft...). Some versions...
  24. loktar

    [vJASS] Check if file (model) exists, or has failed to load (as SFX)?

    Is it possible to check if a file (specifically a model) exists (or can be read), or if it has failed to load as a SFX? A SFX with an invalid model path still returns a valid handle id.
  25. loktar

    [Solved] Difficulty adjusting camera angles through mouse position

    I'm trying to get the camera to adjust through mousemovement. When moving the mouse horizontally, the rotation should change. When moving it vertically, the angle of attack should change. I've got it working nicely, but only when I enable them separately. Once I enable both, angle of attack...
  26. loktar

    [Solved] Can things like hashtables, triggers be constant?

    Can things like hashtables, gamecaches, triggers be defined as constant globals when they won't be reassigned? The reason I think they might not is that the actual object can change by storing/flushing values or adding events, conditions or actions. Is there even a compelling reason to do it...
  27. loktar

    loktar's Resources & Projects

    Creeps – Dwarf – High Elf – Human – Naga/Murloc – Night Elf – Orc – Troll – Undead – Other – UI WC1 & WC2 Icons (Pack) – Screenshot Icons (Tutorial) – Sound Sets [Melee] WC3: Orcs & Humans – Maps, Campaigns & Mods – Spells & Systems Model Optimizer & Converter – WC3 Mod Manager creepsCreeps...
  28. RayzerCalitri

    [Import] vJASS: Unit Dissipate Issue

    So I found a thread about making a unit get a dissipate effect with the Banish ability as the dummy spell, I downloaded a map (made by Maker) and for some reason, the vJASS trigger can't be enabled and I can't test it out nor save it while I try to get it enabled. It comes up with a compile...
  29. redscores

    [vJASS] Public Library Function not "defined"

    Hello, I am currently creating a resource system for my AoS map with vJASS. It is supposed to use a hashtable in a library to store custom "resources" (like mana and energy and such) with reference to the unit that "owns" this resource. This is the code for the system: library...
  30. _lycan

    [Trigger] Trigger to remove from the game a hero who dies

    The trick part is that some heroes have abilities based on tauren chieftain's revive, so I can't just remove a hero once he dies, he needs to be "revivable" (meaning that when he died he wasn't on CD) I tried doing this But it doesn't work, the hero is still revivable. Anyone knows how to...
  31. Overfrost

    [GvJ] GUIvJASS Basics

    GUIvJASS Basics ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ PrefaceGUI is nice to see and manage, but it's slower than JASS as everyone already knows. But having every single trigger written in JASS can cause creeping headaches for some. So, why not use them together? GUI's LimitsWe know that JASS can do all...
  32. redscores

    [vJASS] Vexorian Table 3.1 in a 2D array, need help!

    Hello, I am currently trying to make a system that saves a certain ressource to the Table 3.1 made by vexorian. library MatrixCoreMechanic requires Table globals private Table tMatrixInformation private constant integer iMaximumCore = 100 endglobals private keyword Initialization...
  33. _Guhun_

    [vJASS] Possible key values?

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone knew exactly what values the key type can generate? I looked around but couldn't find any documentation on it. From my testing it doesn't appear to start from a certain number and then increment each key by 1. Instead, it starts from a random number and increments...
  34. Dickie

    World Editor Trigger editor IDE

    Im a c++ developer and am trying to help a friend work on a wc3 custom map. I am new to jass but I saw that the 1.30.2 update made vjass and jasshelper included in the world editor. from what I have read as of the 1.30.2 update TESH and other helpers no longer work on the world editor. My...
  35. JC Helas

    [vJASS] Simple Unit Custom Data

    scope UnitCustomData initializer init/*JC Helas*/ globals private integer max=0 private integer rec=0 private integer array id[5000] private unit array uni[5000] endglobals private function recycle takes nothing returns boolean local...
  36. JC Helas

    [vJASS] I Use Struct for Indexing

    I need your suggestion and thoughts if this kind of indexing is not bad. probably I have to privatize the struct because they might have the same name of the others. should I prefixed my structs? is there a way to use a private struct? library thunder initializer init/*By JC Helas*/ globals...
  37. JC Helas

    Child Scope

    What is the purpose of Child Scope?
  38. TheGoldenGoblin

    Is vJass now usable in the normal world editor?

    Hello! I have been gone for quite some time but I saw they gave the editor alot of new natives that we have wanted for a really long time. But is libraries/scopes/globals available to use in the normal editor now? And if so if there a way to get the nice dark background we used to have in the...
  39. Prometheus3375

    Issues with structs in vJass

    Before writing it I have googled this topic, but found nothing. Here I describe some bugs in vJass connected with structs. I used JassHelper 0.A.2.B from NewGen pack. First issue. Lets consider next code. struct A[8191] endstruct There is generated code below. You may notice that integer...
  40. Hankxiety

    [Trigger] Garrison into neutral building and change ownership

    In my map, neutral buildings are taken over by garrisoning a player's unit inside. Emphasis is on commandeering existing structures. Building or repairing will be time and resource-intensive by design. The solution I've worked out is susceptible to abuse and another avenue is needed. The Big...
  41. Azureusl

    Time Abyss WC3 l4p

    Time Abyss wc3 OVERVIEW Time Abyss is a NewGen game design project initiative, formerly represented and developed by Noxrat Gaming studio, which no longer exists if you want to go and google it. Time Abyss was planned to be heavy PvE with NextGen genre, which had long been around never really...
  42. VadamLoke

    Timers and Waits

    Hello Hive I'm struggling to choose timer or wait to implement my solution. I have gone through the forum and read mixed claims about both of them. That they can cause desync themselves(which i doubt), one is more accurate than other and opposite. I don't want to choose one without...
  43. Lionel Lugo

    Codeless save and load + Inventory Equipment UI System

    Hello! A cordial greeting for all. My name is Lionel as you have already noticed, I am a 19-year-old Venezuelan , interested for years in the world of Warcraft III (I still remember when I played DoTa with my classmates). I find this forum very delicious to meet my current expectations of...
  44. Spellbound

    [General] PDD or DamagePackage

    Not sure where this is supposed to go, so @ mods, sorry if I'm giving you additional work :P So I'm in the process of choosing a DDS for a project and I see there are two vJASS ones: PDD and DamagePackage. If you are at all familiar with either of these resources, which one do you use and why...
  45. Mirage1

    Problems with vJass in Patch 1.29

    Actually I'm now using 1.29.1 but I have this problem since 1.29. I've visited a few posts about this but they were not specific to my problem nor had comments that helped me. So I started this thread to ask you guys directly. Here is my problem: All triggers in my maps coded in vJass are...
  46. Dark-Zalor

    [Solved] Problem with imbricated structures

    I got problems with my spell. Here it is an aura that increases the MaxHp of nearby allies. There is 2 structs Data and Buff. Data checks the unit that are around the owner of the buff Buff is a struct for each allies that got the bonus of life To write the code clearly I made an attribute d...
  47. CampScouter

    History of vJASS?

    Well, this section says about trigger or script. I just wanted to know the history of JASS to vJASS. Before I learn vJASS, I want to learn its history first. :)
  48. blancostarz

    [vJASS] Combo system level based. Need help with efficiency

    Hi guys, I'm messing around with a combo system to learn JASS. Yeah, I know, I'm late to the party haha. So, I currently have a script that makes a combo with Q and W skills. More skills will be added as finishers and things like that but basically when you use Q or W, you get the next skills in...
  49. Cuore

    [Solved] My vJass noob question - use of the this keyword

    (question auto-solved at the end of the post. roflmao) Starting to learn basic basics of vJass. Structs. Confusion arises. from the tutorial: vJASS OOP Lesson from: "this" keyword usage (various users) hence my confusion upon reading the following inside an example taken from Structs for...
  50. Trokkin

    Some tips with vJass on Linux

    Credits go to Vex, without whom advise I would not manage to get everything else working. Criticism is welcomed. As for now, there's no modification (JNGP, Sharpcraft ext.) of World Editor that is able to run under WINE (at least for me), but JassHelper standalone still works almost flawlessly...