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[Solved] Difficulty adjusting camera angles through mouse position

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I'm trying to get the camera to adjust through mousemovement.
When moving the mouse horizontally, the rotation should change. When moving it vertically, the angle of attack should change.

I've got it working nicely, but only when I enable them separately. Once I enable both, angle of attack changes jumps even when I move the mouse horizontally.

SetCurrentCamField() sets the value in a camerasetup. There's a timer trigger that applies that camerasetup every 0.03 seconds.

The code below is executed in a mousemovement trigger.
difX and difY are the difference between the previous mouse position and the current mouse position.

                        set aoa = GetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK)
                        if aoa > 0 and aoa < R180 then
                            set difX = -difX
                            set difY = -difY
                        set rot = GetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION)
                        if rot == 0 then
                            set rotIncr = -difY // = Sin(0-rot)*(-difX) + Sin(-R90-rot)*(difY)
                            set aoaIncr = -difX // = Sin(-R270+rot)*(-difX) + Sin(-R180+rot)*(difY)
                        elseif rot < R90 then
                            set rotIncr = Sin(R90-rot)*(difX) + Sin(-rot)*(difY)
                            set aoaIncr = Sin(rot)*(difX) + Sin(R90+rot)*(difY)
                        elseif rot <= R180 then
                            set rotIncr = Sin(R180-rot)*(difX) + Sin(R90-rot)*(-difY)
                            set aoaIncr = Sin(-R90+rot)*(difX) + Sin(rot)*(-difY)
                        elseif rot < R270 then
                            set rotIncr = Sin(R270-rot)*(-difX) + Sin(R180-rot)*(-difY)
                            set aoaIncr = Sin(-R180+rot)*(-difX) + Sin(-R90+rot)*(-difY)
                        else // < R360
                            set rotIncr = Sin(R360-rot)*(-difX) + Sin(R270-rot)*(difY)
                            set aoaIncr = Sin(-R270+rot)*(-difX) + Sin(-R180+rot)*(difY)
                        // These work when either one or the other is called. When I remove either, the other works nicely.
                        call SetCurrentCamField(CAM_ROT, Rad2Deg(rot) + rotIncr*LoadReal(htbCamFields, CAM_ROT, VALINCR), SLNT_ADJ, false)
                        call SetCurrentCamField(CAM_AOA, Rad2Deg(aoa) + aoaIncr*LoadReal(htbCamFields, CAM_AOA, VALINCR), SLNT_ADJ, false)

As usual, I was making it way more complicated than it needs to be. I rethought my entire approach and rewrote it:

                        set rot = GetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION)
                        set aoa = GetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK)
                        set rotIncr = Cos(rot-R90)*difX + Sin(rot-R90)*difY
                        set aoaIncr = Cos(rot+R90)*difY - Sin(rot+R90)*difX
                        set aoaIncr = Sin(-aoa)*aoaIncr

This works nicely.
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Level 4
Feb 16, 2017
are you any chance to share this trigger, i am making a map and i need exactly this, but i can't do it with jass
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