• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
  • It's time for the first HD Modeling Contest of 2025. Join the theme discussion for Hive's HD Modeling Contest #7! Click here to post your idea!

model editor

  1. Arathorn

    [Solved] Circular Magic Walls / Magic Trap (model request)

    Hello there! I need some help with a rather simple model creation but still over my abilities haha So in my map, I have a statue capable of invoking powers and one of these powers is "Magic Walls" which temporarily summons an impenetrable magic circle in the targeted area. Handy for blocking a...
  2. Aidan, the Warrior

    Aidan, the Warrior

    The new model (Bandit base) of the Warrior class for The Darkening of Tristram. As you may notice, the model already contains the geosets for Plate Armor (Left), Mail Armor (Middle) and Leather Armor (Right). They will use the Upgrade First and Second for the Armor.
  3. Ungoliath

    [SOLVED] Texture works in Warcraft 3 Viewer, but is completely stretched in the World Editor and Model Editor

    Hello! I'm currently having some issues with some ported models from WoW. Like the title says, they look fine in WC3 Viewer, but not when I import them into the WC3 Editor (or the Model Editor). The problem ranges from missing branches to parts of the model's texture turning stretchy and...
  4. NikWal

    [SD/Modeling] Models have animation curves, please help, I really need help.

    Good afternoon, I need your help, who fumbles with modeling in Warcraft 3, can you help? I found Roronoa Zoro's model from the Wano Arc. But this is crooked, namely crooked animations, can you fix it? I don’t understand anything in the editor, I can’t help myself, I tried it myself but ruined...
  5. StonemaulMidget

    [Sound] Issues with Create Event Objects

    Hello, this is StonemaulMidget, If anyone here knows about the Model Editor, then you probably know a thing or two about the Node Manager. (If not, you'd best be on your way.) I have one model that came without Event Objects, which control blood splats, footprints, and sound effects. I created...
  6. master Gul'dan

    [SD/Modeling] Edit

    Hi friends Please add gold and lumber of laborer lost one animations to the dranai model with gold and lumber.
  7. Lazarator

    Invisible Model(s) and Icon(s)

    Hello everybody! :) I hope you're having a great day, because I'm not. This modelling is giving me quite a headache. :( Recently I've been making a map and I just can't seem to make some models and icons work. Not all models and icons doesn't work for me. In fact, most are working fine...
  8. Lorddeath51

    [General] Retera Model Studio Reforged

    Okay I just wanted to use it because I'm planning on making a big campaign and well I get a error saying " A Java Exception has occurred " I updated my java and I have no idea of how to fix this. Any help is fine.
  9. deepstrasz

    GhostWolf needs an UI maker for his web model viewer

    GhostWolf is the creator of the HiveWorkshop's web/site integrated model viewer, the MDX Sanity Tester as well as many things from which others have drawn inspiration and created tools. Model Viewer: MDX Sanity Tester: Mdx sanity tester Sanity Test | HIVE GhostWolf requires someone to design...
  10. OverClocked

    Need a Model Viewer/ Editor

    Does anybody know a reliable Model Viewer that stays up to date and works with the current patch?
  11. urachi

    Reforged Doodad (Wall Door) Opening Animation

    Any idea on how to make the model: Wall Door (Tilesets: Cityscape, Dalaran, Dalaran ruins), that comes along with the new castle wall models, have an <open door> animation trigger? My guess would be that there is no animation yet and you'd have to make one by yourself via the model editor.
  12. Veryll

    Retera Model Studio - Removing Hero Glow?

    Finally managed to get Retera Model Studio up and running, but I can't seem to find the texture, geoset, or really anything regarding the hero glow...
  13. BrothForMyPeople

    Magos Model Editor; SplashData.txt

    When I try to run the Model Editor it's showing an error saying 'Unable to open "C:\Users\Desktop\War3ModelEditor\Data\SplatData.txt" ' This file is there obviously. Formerly the error said about d3dx9_35.dll file, but I have upgraded directx 9.0 and that new error now troubles me. EDIT. Sorry...
  14. Superfrycook

    Model Editor for Reforged

    Is there a model editor in Reforged?
  15. Koko Kwikwak


    before i start i want to say that i'm a spanish and my english is not good, so please be patient with me. i have this problem with my custom model whenever i'm using it in my custom map, it crashes my world editor if not it appears to be invisible when it works. i have uploaded the file, please...
  16. jj84

    Add a weapon (with model editor)

    how to add a weapon to a model with model editor? Please a tutorial with images.
  17. Moick

    Help with my project

    Hi, I need help with my project. I created a template and it is perfect in the wc3 editor more when I import to the map parts of it disappear or become invisible someone knows told me where I am wrong? sorry for my English, I'm Brazilian
  18. Gerrick

    Could not Load .mdl file

    I'm still learning the ropes for WE and I was trying to load this model for the sake of learning Wc2ElvenArcher. I did exactly as the automatically generated guide here says How to import 'Wc2ElvenArcher' | HIVE, but even still when I load the map the WE says "Could not load file...
  19. Retera

    Embed Author in MDX

    So I don't know how Reforged will format HD models, but it occurred to me that from all I understand, MDX models are accepted by the game even if they contain blocks with an unknown four-letter block ID. For example, I heard a rumor but have not researched the idea that MdlVis may store a block...
  20. jj84

    Hero Glow

    How to add and remove hero glow with War3 Model Editor. Please a tutorial with picture.
  21. Bglongor

    War 3 Model Editor

    So ive been working on a map for a long time now and theres this issue ive been having since i changed my PC. My Model Editor just wont work as it was supposed to. Every time i try to convert an image into a .blp I would get an "unkown error occured" pop-up. I tried everything - converting the...
  22. Ayto

    Help - Error with Magos Model Editor

    Hello to all, I have recently acquired CD-Keys for both Warcraft 3 games and installed the digital version with battlenet, straight to 1.30. I tried using Magos' model editor and no matter what I try, it doesn't work. I downloaded the latest version from the Hive, opened it and when I try to...
  23. Retera

    Kalecgos War3ModelEditor

    While I continue work on my java-based model editor, the community will still want a working version of Magos War3ModelEditor. Although the name comes from the name of the author, many have confused it with Malygos, so I was thinking it would be funny to name a successor program "Kalecgos"...
  24. M

    Turning model's Skin into a separate model?

    Is it possible to turn a skin into a model using Model Editor (by changing the texture path)?
  25. Woodenplank

    Unit Portrait Disappearing/Messing up

    Hello Sorry in advance if this is not the right thread, wasn't sure where else to put it. I recently edited a model (Sylvanas Windrunner, living) to remove the Hero Glow. The edit itself worked nicely (set alpha to 0 for a Material, and the corresponding Geoset Sequence), but now the portrait...
  26. BrothForMyPeople

    Wierd moving thing in a cut model [2 Screenshots]

    I'm editing Priestess of Moon to be unmounted, hovering unit. Just one thing bothers me - the wierd moving hank of texture under the Priestess (looks like the tiger's texture). As you can see, there's nothing on the Model Editor. I don't know how to delete this thing.
  27. GAcrewkent

    [Model Editor]A militia model that can carry resources like a peasant + buttons icon border

    Can someone teach me or do this for me? I want to have this model. If you do for me, I will surely give a credit to you :)
  28. Diegoit

    Easiest way to "paste" into other (Magos)?

    How can i paste/add/combine a model to another one using Magos? Example: To combine a Rock with a Tree. Please help. -Thanks.
  29. BrothForMyPeople

    Removing Hero Glow

    Hi. Modeling - Texture Techniques Using Mdl I've done everything as written in this tutorial and this is what I get... (see uploaded image) I have this magos version War3 Model Editor ...and newest WC3 version right now - 1.28
  30. zhica

    Model Editing, Magos Model Editor

    I added sound to the model when it attacks, but thats not the problem, just by opening the model and saving it, its size is decreased by a few KB's and a texture that was invisible is now visible ingame... which looks bad.
  31. SNIper of DARKness

    War3 Model Editor not working properly

    Greetings, I have encountered a problem when viewing some models in the Model Editor and Mldvis. They lack any textures But when placed in game They work fine. If anyone has a solution do not hesitate to tell me. Note: This only happens with some models, apparently the only ones that...
  32. Michael92

    Model Request if anybody wishes to land a hand

    Hi, my name is Michael and i am looking to mod fully my warcraft 3 game, and re do all campaigns with fresh models and portraits. Few things i cannot go around i ask for help if somebody experienced is willing. Two things i would like made but have trouble doing due to inexperience: 1) I would...
  33. lv99zephiroth

    Can you duplicate geosets?

    Hi! I'm trying to customize a character model with the Model Editor and MdlVis, and I'm wondering if you can duplicate geosets, as I aim to give the model an extra pair of horns. Duplicating only the horn part of the needed geoset woud probably be most useful. Question is: can the duplication...
  34. Kilthunox

    Exporting WC3 Models to .Obj Files.

    Hi everybody! I'm working at getting some models out of Warcraft so I can 3D print them. So far I have used the Model viewer to extract them. Then a .MDX to .obj converter that works well. The only issue is I can only seem to get the default freeze frame animation exported. Which is kind of a...