Aidan, the Warrior
The new model (Bandit base) of the Warrior class for The Darkening of Tristram. As you may notice, the model already contains the geosets for Plate Armor (Left), Mail Armor (Middle) and Leather Armor (Right). They will use the Upgrade First and Second for the Armor.
Normal Animations - Weaponless and Unarmored (and Leather Armor);
Upgrade First - Mail (Medium) Armor;
Upgrade Second - Plate (Heavy) Armor;
Alternate - Shield;
Attack Lumber - Sword;
Attack Gold - Mace;

For two-handed models, I will use the Blademaster base but with the geosets from the model, and for bow models, I will use the Archer base;

I won't use Animation transfer because it takes a lot of time and some animations, even with correct bone names would still bug, so I would rather take a safer path.

Unfortunately I don't thing WarCraft 3 engine accepts custom animation tags such as "Unarmored", "Mace", "Sword", but I'm doing my best.

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The Darkening of Tristram - Classes (New)
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Rubellu Sidus
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