• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • And I also found that some of your models cant be scaled in the WorldEditor,it's not hard to solve the problem,there is a software made by a Chinese war3 enjoyer which can scale your model easily.
    Hello vinz,I really enjoy your exquisite works and would like to thank you for sharing them with us!
    But I'm curious to know which software you use to create those visually pleasing VFX for Warcraft 3?
    It seems your work is created using an advanced engine such as Blender, Unity or even Unreal Engine, because the quality is so high and the style is different, more akin to the VFX in games like League of Legends.
    If that's the case, how do you convert your masterpieces to the *.mdl format used in Warcraft 3?
    If you don't use those advanced engines or software, could you please share with us what tools you do use?
    I'm really eager to learn from a VFX master for Warcraft 3. It's easy to find tutorials for Unity or Unreal Engine, but very difficult to find resources on creating VFX specifically for Warcraft 3, even with the help of AI tools like GPT.
    Hi. Your resources are always great. but some of the models(like buring rage) are frozen to show only one direction. How can I edit this?
    You can untick the billboard option in the node manager. But please note that Burning Rage is a flat model, and the mesh parts are going to be completely invisible if it's not billboarded and you look at it from the side.
    I tried what you said and the Burning Rage works fine, but the Battle Standard doesn't show up in game at all after unlocking the billboardz. I'd appreciate any further advice, thank you.
    "Frequent issues" in the model description covers this. It's generally a better idea to edit in MDL when using Magos', as it is less destructive.
    Belated Happy Birthday! Grabe, ako na next magt-24 HAHA. Tumatanda na tayo pre. Hope you're doing great
    • Haha
    • Wow
    Reactions: Vinz and FeelMyRash
    Heyy, thank you! Time flies too fast. :D I hope the years have been good to you. 🤘
    Hey bro, nice cock models) I've checked lot of them and want to ask how do you use material/layer flags like PriorityPlane/ConstantColor/SortPrimsFarZ/NoDepthTest/NoDepthSet? I've already searched quite a lot of information about this, but I have not found any really clear and comprehensive answers.
    Priority Planes dictate the order in which alpha materials are rendered. They don't affect solid materials.
    No Depth Test causes alpha materials to display on top of everything else.
    No clue about the others.
    Hi Vinz
    First of all, congratulation for your new beautiful piece of Art.
    I had a question bout the imports of your models.
    Why do you keep the War3Imported in the path?
    If I want to change that, how can I do that?
    Hey. Maybe you could spare some thoughts on FX creation?
    Hello my friend. I can't find SD textures for Winter Blast (1.32) this one. The only texture is AzureGlow5.blp, but it seems there are should be more of them. Thx you for your art work!
    • Like
    Reactions: deepstrasz
    Solved. I decided to finally turn on my brain and changed the texture pathes following the guide you mentioned below.
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    Reactions: Vinz
    Sorry to bother u pal, but may I have your attention just a little? Are some of your creation supposed to work on 1.26 too? Like this one. Malevolence Aura (1.32). I have no idea why some of your models do not work, it's like im trying to remove all war3path from blps like it's said to, but no results.
    Great models btw, I used much of your art works already, wish u more goodluck with mother. I'm pretty sure I can not donate anything, since my russian cards are blocked everywhere.
    On at least one occasion I used a vinz model on 1.26 by backporting manually. It doesn't really require Vinz to solve it; you can use any 1.26 based software that knows how to check for missing texture paths, and then backport the corresponding textures to 1.26
    since generally the issue is texture assets missing on the old version and not actually an issue with the MDX
    Thx for helping me out. I heard about model software, but I dont know what means "backporting".
    Even if you are busy to help, no problem. Ill figure it out myself.
    Backporting means extracting assets from a newer version and then importing them into an older version.
    I only began backporting textures in the main bundle after the model in question.
    However, I did upload the Reforged textures in the threads for my resources with (1.32) in the name.
    You can use MDX Pather to change texture paths to something you can easily type in the old editors.
    Good luck, and thanks for the well wishes too.
    hello first of yours is a work of art , second can you pleass consider doing Arcane, Fel, and Ice Missiles model packs like your Fire and Void models pleass ? :spell_breaker: 🙏🙏🧙‍♂️
    Why thank you! I am not planning on recolors of my old models, although you have my permission to edit as you wish. :)
    Hello vinz, I wanted to reach out and inform you that I've recently published my campaign, and it incorporates several of your model resources. I wanted to express my great thanks for creating and sharing these resources, as they have significantly contributed to improving the overall quality of campaigns on HIVE. Thank you!
    your spell effects are way too good!
    so good i am going to redo the fx scripting on my map just to use them!
    • Like
    Reactions: Dark-Zalor
    Thanks! I'm honored. :) Enjoy!
    Haha. I'm also adding a skill on my map just so I can use the Ember Shield Enhancement models :D
    • Love
    Reactions: Vinz
    Thanks for the follow, sfx megamaster 😀
    • Like
    Reactions: deepstrasz
    My pleasure! And thanks! I have this toxic trait of assuming I've already followed everyone I like. :D
    Good to see that you're really active on the Hive again. It seems like we swapped places, like the time you were inactive and that was my peak of activity, and now you're the active. Really proud of what you did here Vince ;)
    • Love
    Reactions: Vinz
    Wait, I just got back! xD Probably not even fully.
    But I get you, yeah, there was definitely a time when we switched places. I wish we were active together. :p You're a legend and I wish we had done more.
    And thank you!

    I want to buy some special effects. What's your email address
    Hey there. I'm not taking commissions at the moment. I'll let you know when I'm free.
    Can you give me a contact information, such as E-mail:psmile:
    Thank you for your work. Your effects are insane and make it possible for people like me to create custom races and etc.
    Are you up for commissions?
    I'd like to see this in wc3
    • Like
    Reactions: Izzetin
    Hey. Sorry, I'm not taking commissions at the moment.
    Do you make special effects for other games/engines ? Is the price the same ? Asking for a friend :ogre_hurrhurr:
    Hey. I haven't done VFX for other engines, and I'm not taking commissions at the moment.
    I have an other problem sorry.

    I try to use theses sfx but whenI do it crashes the game....

    I checked on sanity and there is no error


    Have you got an idea? How can I fix that?
    I came to say your effects are amazing and you could give Mythic a run for his money. Then I realized... lol I've been gone quite a while. Excellent as always. I'll keep you in mind if I need to commission something specific.
    • Love
    Reactions: Vinz
    Haha! Awesome. :D Thanks. Alright, looking forward to it.
    Hello man, how are you?

    I found that model for a map:

    The problem is I need an animation of attack alternate that is exactly the same as stand alternate
    How can I do that? Do you think it is possible for a beginner with mago's
    Have a nice day
    :peasant-shocked:With this much amazing effect blessed by dear lord Vinny, have you been sleeping well? Also, you dropped your crown.
    • Haha
    Reactions: deepstrasz
    Thanks for the compliment and concern. These are old FX. :D
    • Like
    Reactions: Shido
    hello man,
    it's nice too see that you're back, with so much beautiful models.
    I have a problem with one of my models.
    When I give it to a unit the unit is un selectable byu spell.
    Do you have a solution?
    • Like
    Reactions: Shido
    With Magos', you can try Edit -> Calculate Extents; and if that doesn't work you try to create a Collision Sphere in the Node Manager or edit an existing one to make it big enough to cover the whole model. Edit -> Properties can toggle collision shape display.
    Man... you really are the best!!
    Thank you for your help
    Nice, glad it worked!
    Happy Birth-Month man, I still don't know the day but maybe I'll figure it out the 4th time around, XD.
    The 5th. :) Thank you. A belated happy birthday to you too!
    Thanks man, I'll try and remember, lol.
    Hello man, I hope you're doing well

    I have a new problem with one of my unit model, it is unselectable by unit target spell. With the mouse I can select it.

    Do you have an idea what I can do to fix that.
    You can try Edit -> Calculate Extents in Magos'.
    Ho man I spend soo much time too find your sfx. Cause you changed your name...
    It was worth it
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