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MasterHaosis Stuff

Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
(new updated post from September, Friday 13th, 2024)

MasterHaosis Stuff.png

Hello gentlemen! :cgrin:
As this thread become bigger then planned (and more popular) I had to separate this first post on two to list all downloads per pages.

  • Corpse Pack (Butchery, Corpseman, Pigman)
  • Shadow Troops (Shadow Knight, Shadow Carriage, Shadow Horse and Shadow Stallion, Shadow Nightmare)
  • Shadow Troops 2 (Shadow Spear Thrower, Shadow Spartan, Shadow Reaper, Shadow Acolyte, Shadow Golem)
  • Corpse Pack 2 (Birdman, Horseman, Zombie Dog)
  • Corpse Pack 3 (Corpse Spider, Corpse Stag, Corpse Ratman)
  • Classic Witch Pack (With classic and Drustvar witches)
  • Scarecrow
  • Invisible Man
  • Pumpkin Warriors (Pumpkin Warrior, Pumpkin Archer and Pumpkin Mage)
  • Cursed Women Pack (Dead Bride, Bloody Mary and Snake Woman)

  • Headless Horseman
  • Vampires (Vampire Warrior, Vampire Archer, Vampire Worker and Vampire Mage)
  • Wicker Man
  • Monster Pack 1 (Wendigo, Sand Guardian, Mushroom Creature and Phantom of the Opera)
  • Tribal Warriors (Tribal Warrior, Tribal Spear Thrower, Tribal Worker and Tribal Hero Sorcerer)
  • Evil Clowns (Clown Axe Thrower, Clown Magician, Clown Blademaster Hero, Clown Sapper, CLown Mortar and Clown Balloon)
  • Monster Packs 2 (Grave Robber, Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)

  • Monster Packs 3 (Dr. Caligari, Hunchback, Red Death and Woman In Black)
  • Monster Pack 4 (Ghost, Wraith, Devil and Werewolf)
  • Monster Pack 5 (Dracula, Dracula Bat, Gwynplaine and The Fly)
  • Monster Pack 6 (Classic Alien, Gillman, King Kong and The Mummy)
  • Trick or Treaters (Clown, Devil, Pirate, Pumpkin, Scarecrow and Skeleton costume)

  • Monster Pack 7 (Dead Pirate, Medusa Gorgon, Spider Woman and Tribal Shaman)
  • Monster Pack 8 (Evil Tree, Evil Wizard, Phantom Rider and Mutant Gangster)
  • The Witching Hour 2 / New Witch Pack
  • The Witching Hour 3 (Ultimate Witch, giant black cat and giant owl)
  • Monster Pack 9 (Nosferatu, Succubus, Black Wasp and Rat Swarm)
  • MonsterPack 10 (Alien, Predator, Leatherface and Evil Leprechaun)
  • The Witching Hour 4 (Blind Witch, Madam Witch, Old Hag, Ugly Witch, Young Witch and Witch Log)
  • Furious Crowd (Angry Mob, Human Hunter, Human Priest and Mounted Villager)

  • Evil Animals Pack (Raven, Toad, 3 leeches, Snakes (multi color) and Giant Spider (multi color))
  • Monster Pack 11 Halloween Edition

(old post from Jun 23, 2023)

Hello people! :cgrin:
I am not modeling for 8 years perhaps, it has been age, but... recently I made an exception that I could not resist. So here in this thread I will show and throw everything I make/edit.

@Jab1z made his Dark Willow model, creative witch on a broom having a gun, magic wand, and cage with a dark wisp inside, then I got an idea: Hey! We do not have a classic witch riding on a broom here in Hive! I should edit and adapt it to be classic witch. So, I did it, and sent him to adapt it.
We are in everyday's communication regarding this, and I even made a prop building for witch.
Classic Witch: Comes in three clothes (purple, black and red). Riding a broom and using her magic wand to shoot and spell. Classic but on modern approach.
Witch Stand: Building serving as a prop or item selling. It has a birth animation and even stand work, although it does nothing. Only if someone wants to add some effects. Anyway, the building contains a hut, old tree, mushrooms, plants, a bookshelf with skull and egg on it, heads on cauldron and large Halloween pumpkin, thanks to Mr. Bob (I used his as base, he noted that credit is not needed but anyway).
Here are images of our work.


This is what it looks like. We definitively do not have anything like that so this may be useful, especially for Halloween. We will see, I may upload it in models.


  • signature.png
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Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
this is looking cool.
Thank you man! :cgrin:
Awesome stuff. Is this using a custom texture ;)
Thanks. I am glad you like it :)
It is ~Nightmare! Our famous skinner and winner!
Oh, no, it all uses ingame textures. Both building and unit, but I think you asked about unit. The witch is using ingame textures only, and @Jab1z is famous for using specific methods for making models. Maybe he can explain it here to you (better than me since he created it, I just edited it) how he achieves this.
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Now gentlemen, look at this! The first download for ya from me :cgrin:



I made something and got some edits for your pleasure.
Butchery - That building has a pig there to butcher it, as well as other animals. But lately since evil took over, they started butchering people as well. You can see the impaled body and skinned corpse in front of the door.
Corpseman - (credit: Crazy Cow) - It is walking corpse, and I added team color and made a portrait.
Pigman - (credit for base model: Sin'dorei300) - I got an inspiration from Beastman/Pigman from here Beastman it is actually a mutant/hybrid between man and various animals (pig in this case). Witches stitched various pig parts on human body and reanimated it. Really freaky stuff,

My version is similar somewhat.
Zombieman - I saw this model Villager Zombie and decided to make my own version, without zombie animation, but with team color and portrait as well. So technically that portrait can be adapted and used for his model as well.
Oh, and here is the download:


  • CorpsePack.rar
    593.8 KB · Views: 61
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Now gentlemen! The new download, additional shadow units.
@johnwar created amazing pack Shadow Soldiers (Pack) based on this skin DarkChampion_by67chrome.blp
but it is incomplete! No knight, no flying unit... so I could not resist making my own additions based on same skin. Plus, I made my own skin for horse, since this horse I am using in a few models.






Here you go, 5 units:
Shadow Knight (credits: Mephestrial) - Mounted version of shadow warrior, riding a dark horse.
Shadow Carriage (credits: Hoth) - Dark Horse with a dark soldier and carriage to take prisoners and other goods.
Shadow Horse and Shadow Stallion - Pack and riderless versions of dark horse under shadow army command.
Shadow Nightmare (credits: Thrikodius) - Air unit for Shadow Army

Pack includes DarkChampion skin by67chrome, and my DarkHorse skin. It is a must for soldiers and horse to work. Air unit does not require custom skin. Just remove War3Imported stuff after importing into WE, there is no skin path.
Here is .rar file:


  • ShadowTroops.rar
    978.9 KB · Views: 56
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Wanna know what will look messed-up awesome? Pigsaw!!
Oh by the way, that is creppy as well. Something actually could be done perhaps, we have that giant saw in Orc Warmill. If resized and adapted to someone's hand can actually make cool weapon based on those horrors. Just brainstorming :cgrin:
My man Haosis is modelling again? Hell yeah!
SHAR DUNDRED! What a pleasure is to have you in my thread! Thank you, and I am not exactly modeling, but editing and adapting. There are some things that provoked me, and begged me to adapt them haha!
But since some people seem to like those shadow warriors, maybe I can even upload this pack in models. Perhaps it is enough for ,,useful/simple" status.
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Thank you good people! :cgrin:
I am glad that you liked it. I see that you like those Shadow Warriors very much, people seem interested in them and I have to reward you with another download pack!






You got this time around Shadow Spear Thrower, Shadow Spartan, Shadow Acolyte, Shadow Reaper and Shadow Golem!
Shadow Spear Thrower (credits: Jiok and Eagle XI) - shadow footman that throws spear, if someone needs it
Shadow Spartan (credits: Eagle XI ) - elite version of footman if someone needs it
Shadow Reaper (credits: Dan Van Ohllus) - I adapted his gream Reaper into Shadow Reaper, using custom AcolyteShadow.blp texture.
Shadow Acolyte - Acolyte with custom AcolyteShadow.blp
Shadow Golem - Adapted version of my Chaos Golem. No custom textures.
Pack includes DarkChampion skin by67chrome, and my Shadow Acolyte skin. It is a must for soldiers and Acolye and Repaer to work. Just remove War3Imported stuff after importing into WE, there is no skin path.
Here is .rar file:


  • Shadow Troops 2.rar
    908.8 KB · Views: 50
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
then i suggest you to take a look - it's so inspiring
But you know what is also inspiring since ou like Dota especially 1! This one Clown Magician (Dota 1) - WarCraft 3 / Моддинг - XGM Clown Magician from Dota 1! Unfortunately it is unfinished, it just has few anims, but hey! That is inspiring! Crazy clowns, I was about to make something, another pack haha.
Currently I am working on something, but pshhh.... do not tell anyone else, righ now I am working on another beastman! :cgrin: humanoid corpse+animal, just like pigman I released, but this time it is nog pig.
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Hello gentlemen! MasterHaosis Monster Factory was busy as usual. I prepared for you a new package including corpse creatures such as Birdman, Horseman and dog versions.





Birdman - Melee unit. Similiar to Pigman I created, based on Beastman Beastman
Animal heads and body parts stitched to humans. Usually pigmen and those birdmen. Drustvar stuff man!

Horseman - This idea came to my mind, a knight type of ,,stitched monster" :cgrin: Based on centaur, bigger human corpse attached to a horse body. Should be stronger than pigman and birdman as it is its purpose for raiding.
Zombie Dog (credits: Epsilon) - Just as reanimated human, there is reanimated dog or wolf. I used his version, added team color and portrait.
Here is .rar pack:


  • CorpsePack 2.rar
    552.8 KB · Views: 52
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Hello gentlemen! Another corpsemen pack here!





This time you got Corpse Spider, Corpse Stag and Corpse Ratman
Corpse Spider - Spider made of a corpse and has a human corpse attached to it instead of the head. Has team color.
Corpse Stag - Corpse version of a stag. You will notice skull head, half of body is corpse, and team colored horns and tail.
Corpse Ratman - Based on murlock, made of human flesh parts, and rat head stitched to body :cgrin: Spikes are team colored.
Here is .rar file:


  • CorpsePack 3.rar
    575.3 KB · Views: 43
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Greetings gentlemen! Beware THE WITCHING HOUR IS HERE! :cgrin:
This time you got two packs, Classic Witch Pack and Drustvar Witch Pack

About Classic Witch Pack please check the very first post in this thread, scroll up for information. Don't forget to credit Jab1z (a good modeller with amazing skills) and MasterHaosis as well. In this pack you get three versions of witches and Witch Stand building, as well as icons.




Drustvar Witch in three versions, three different clothes and skin colors. Credit to Alethos for his base model of old witch. Also, thanks for johnwar for his golden skull mask. I used that witch, added a mask and candle to resemble Drustvar Witch as seen here

Very nasty stuff! I hope someone likes and needs those packs! Thats it from me for some time as from tomorrow I go on vacation outside of country, you won't see me and downloads for some time, week or so :cgrin:
Here are the downloads:


  • ClassicWitchPack.rar
    1.5 MB · Views: 55
  • Drustvar Witch.rar
    518.1 KB · Views: 56
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
MasterHaosis Monster Factory Company presents to you a Scarecrow! I think I made the first functional scarecrow in Hive.


Credits to tillinghast for this head (I used his executioner head as a base and retextured it). The model is based on a villager, I did my tricks to turn him into a scarecrow :cgrin: It uses a pickaxe as a weapon.
This is it for me for some time as I go on vacation outside of the country. No more monsters for some time.
Here is .rar file:


  • Scarecrow.rar
    326 KB · Views: 35
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Hello gentlemen! MasterHaosis Monster Factory Company made for you a new classic monster character, The Invisible Man! :cgrin:
The first Invisible Man in Hive!

Have in mind that this time model has a custom texture (I forgot that even myself, because I almost never use custom skins into my models, and the model did not work so I had to bug General Frank for no reason, sorry for that) for the suit! Just remove war3imported stuff from the path. It should be InvisibleMan.blp
Credits: hat - stan0033 ; glasses - imforfun ; head - tillinghast ; suit skin - yakonshus
So I edited, adapted and merged all of those assets into villager model base to get Invisible Man!
Here is .rar file:


  • InvisibleMan.rar
    349.7 KB · Views: 25
Level 32
Jan 17, 2019
Hello gentlemen! MasterHaosis Monster Factory Company made for you a new classic monster character, The Invisible Man! :cgrin:
The first Invisible Man in Hive!
View attachment 440616
Have in mind that this time model has a custom texture (I forgot that even myself, because I almost never use custom skins into my models, and the model did not work so I had to bug General Frank for no reason, sorry for that) for the suit! Just remove war3imported stuff from the path. It should be InvisibleMan.blp
Credits: hat - stan0033 ; glasses - imforfun ; head - tillinghast ; suit skin - yakonshus
So I edited, adapted and merged all of those assets into villager model base to get Invisible Man!
Here is .rar file:
he finally did it xD
Level 15
Sep 26, 2007
Creepylicious! It seems like Halloween has been extended for much, much longer... or probably forever.

Few of them remind me of certain characters from other games... the Birdman reminds me of Flying Man (from Earthbound/Mother games) and the Scarecrow reminds me of the druken but hilarious Birdy (from Conker's Bad Fur Day game).


So many different and cool creations, keep it up! Even the "ol' fart" Garithos would hire you to unleash 'em on his foes!


\> Invinsible man model
\> We can see the model
No problemo. Just give him both Permanent Invisibility and Shadowmeld abilities, and you'll get a "super-duper" perfect Invisible Man... unless he attacks or casts spells (if he has any, that is).
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Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
he finally did it xD
thanks for reply! haha yeah, I made a two versions of exact same model and both did not work, could not figure out for a whole day why. Because of missing texture :cgrin: hahaha! A Nooby begginer's mistake!
\> Invinsible man model
\> We can see the model
Glad to see you here!
Creepylicious! It seems like Halloween has been extended for much, much longer... or probably forever.
Hello man, thank you for posting here in my thread! Everyone, this is a man from 2007 as me, old member here as well.
Halloween you say eh? Wait until my next release which will happen quickly!
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Hello gentlemen! MasterHaosis Monster Factory Company presents to you three Halloween-related creatures! Pumpkin Warriors!
Pumpkin Warrior, Pumpkin Archer and Pumpkin Mage! :cgrin:


Credit goes to levigeorge1617 for body base, and Mr.Bob for pumpkin stuff.
Here is .rar file:


  • PumpkinWarriors.rar
    538.5 KB · Views: 38
Hello gentlemen! MasterHaosis Monster Factory Company made for you a new classic monster character, The Invisible Man! :cgrin:
The first Invisible Man in Hive!
View attachment 440616
Have in mind that this time model has a custom texture (I forgot that even myself, because I almost never use custom skins into my models, and the model did not work so I had to bug General Frank for no reason, sorry for that) for the suit! Just remove war3imported stuff from the path. It should be InvisibleMan.blp
Credits: hat - stan0033 ; glasses - imforfun ; head - tillinghast ; suit skin - yakonshus
So I edited, adapted and merged all of those assets into villager model base to get Invisible Man!
Here is .rar file:
Nice, this is a movie classic
Level 15
Sep 26, 2007
Hello man, thank you for posting here in my thread!
My pleasure! I said I'd check, and voilà... here I am.

Halloween you say eh? Wait until my next release which will happen quickly!
Hello gentlemen! MasterHaosis Monster Factory Company presents to you three Halloween-related creatures! Pumpkin Warriors!
Pumpkin Warrior, Pumpkin Archer and Pumpkin Mage! :cgrin:
Very nice! Not only these simple vegetables evolved and gained sentience, but a new faction was formed... rallying their vast vegetable armies (presuming to have been grown from many villagers' crops in their farms), and then threatening to spread some serious "Helloween" across the lands of Azeroth... the "Pumpkin Legion"!
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Very nice! Not only these simple vegetables evolved and gained sentience, but a new faction was formed... rallying their vast vegetable armies (presuming to have been grown from many villagers' crops in their farms), and then threatening to spread some serious "Helloween" across the lands of Azeroth... the "Pumpkin Legion"!
haha that explanation is actually very good! But I am working again on something! You will see!
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
All those creepy models from the start of summer... what will be released at Halloween I wonder ? :grin:

Why no release in the models sections though ? It would be easier to find
Hello man, glad to see you here in my thread!
Well, those are supposed to be just right before Halloween section so people will better know them and get used to them later if needed. Now it is summer holiday and I have time, I do not know if I start working to have free time for models.
And yeah, I decided to post those models in my thread for now, to avoid spamming in map section and bug General Frank to constantly review them. Maybe once I get enough models they will be released in packs, we will see.
Oh, and @nchp1903 @FeelMyRash @Footman16 I see that you guys are fans of this thread, you read and like almost every post here haha! I am working on something, new release should be here
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
deepstarasz ah sorry, I forgot to count you because you are standard, you are everywhere in every thread, not just here. :cgrin:

Most horror show stuff has nothing to do with Halloween though.
On which ,,most horror shot stuff" do you mean?
I was talking about my models, not movies.
On a side note, check this ritual for inspiration: Wicker man - Wikipedia
Ah yeah, I was watching that recently, thank you anyway. I know about this, I ,,remade" Drustvar witch, so there in Dustvar they do have Wickermen, a little different than this one but definitively based on this pagan version. I watched those movies, they are good. Sect, paganism and that large construct haha. I do not know if I can make something like that, it is a bit complicated for my abilities

EDIT: Guys, download will come, just wait little, almost ready
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Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Gentlemen I present to you a Cursed Women pack :cgrin: including: Dead Bride, Bloody Mary and Snake Woman.
There are no Dead Bride and Bloody mary in the Hive as far I know, I think Snake Woman either.


Credit goes to tillinghast for VillagerWoman fixed version which I used as base.
All three models use custom texture, just remove wa3imported stuff from the path to get DeadBride.blp BloodyMary.blp and SnakeWoman.blp
Here is .rar file:


  • Cursed Women.rar
    535.7 KB · Views: 41
Level 13
May 9, 2021
Gentlemen I present to you a Cursed Women pack :cgrin: including: Dead Bride, Bloody Mary and Snake Woman.
There are no Dead Bride and Bloody mary in the Hive as far I know, I think Snake Woman either.
View attachment 440922
View attachment 440923
Credit goes to tillinghast for VillagerWoman fixed version which I used as base.
All three models use custom texture, just remove wa3imported stuff from the path to get DeadBride.blp BloodyMary.blp and SnakeWoman.blp
Here is .rar file:
That "Dead Bride" is amazing!

I'm definetly gonna do something with the models here once I get back into Warcraft.
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
I mean horror/fearmongering monsters and phenomena in general, throughout "history".
It's an adapted misconception that they have to be in relation to the celebration of Halloween.
Well, you are correct technically. While it is true, you are right from technical aspects and old historical ,,events" that those monsters and old 30s and 40s movies have nothing to do with Halloween itself (vampire stories and origins in Balkans, werewolf etc...), those monsters exist separately from each other having their own stories and history, and of course Halloween as we know today did not exist back then.
But later in newer history in the last few decades, they became heavily involved with the season itself. Most likely due to commercial reasons, but it did happen anyway. Scary stories about those monsters, we tell mostly during the season, and we mask and costume ourselves (on those characters) mostly on Halloween. Those movies became a must and common on Halloween seasons, especially because their creators associate them with Halloween itself. Remember that Universal that created those classics actually put (maybe last 30 years) those haunted places (I cannot remember the exact name of that where people buy tickets to walk around and get scarred) across that USa actually featuring mostly those iconic characters like Wolfman, Frankenstein ,Dracula etc they created in 30s... Not even to mention that for kids that those are also promoted during the season. Ah, also in many shows and movies lately they and plots are set actually on Halloween, that can be seen in many movies. So it is all adapted to Halloween now in the last few decades and became standard. Yes, I think that is form commercial reason. (even halloween candies around features those characters)
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
hm.. any chance of making the 'leptirica'? Ouo the deadly butterfly that must be destroyed if a vampire is killed, or all kinds of horrors happen

I kinda find that one a fun mix of beautiful and absolute dread
I know about it, thats our movie based on a story, but I do not know if I am able to make something like that.
That is more your realm haha.
I know about it, thats our movie based on a story, but I do not know if I am able to make something like that.
That is more your realm haha.
can't say i remember how that butterfly looked like
Sounds nice. A sort of live and ambulant phylactery.
ye, i'm surprised western vampires never thought of that
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
the straw golem! :xxd:
Hey Misha, I accidentally found something.
Actually, @Jiok created a straw golem here


it is really awesome! He made it in a few versions. They could be adapted if needed for further use.
@deepstrasz oh, I accidentally found out that there is actually a wickerman in WOW Wickerman
but it is literally a straw man as its purpose is to be burned. I do not know if it can be alive or not.