- Joined
- Jun 15, 2004
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- 72
(All changes in this post are marked in red)
Map Type: RPG
Hero Choices:
Vampire Huntress: The Vampire Huntress is designed and trained for hunting vampires, (duh that's why she's named that...). Due to the speed and agility of vampires, these huntresses have spells and abilites to slow down the vampires.
Witch Huntress: The Witch Huntress is trained for disposing undead spellcasters. The Witch Huntress has spells to remove buffs, and destroy or drain mana away also being fully immune to spells.
Knight Lancer: Knight Lancers have spells to stun enemies and also a spell to escape. The Knight Lancer is truely one of the deadliest characters due to its spell called Lancing, which can pierce through a large group of enemies in a matter of seconds.
Holy Priestest: The Holy Priestest has spells to aid other characters such as healing, revival, and also defensive spells. The Holy Priestest is vvery weak in attack so there should be someone guarding the priestest.
Inquisitor: Inquisitors are heroes that have a wide range of spells, it has a summoning spell, a mana regeneration spell and also a very devastating spell. Inquisitors can call up their henchmen to aid them to remove the unholy beings.
Daemon Purger: Daemon Purgers are extremely fast and powerful heroes. They can deal damage to more than one enemy at a time, although the Daemon Purger is weak in health and defense.
Beast Lord: The Beast Lord are very slow but devastating units. He can summon Trident Beasts to aid him, also having a defensive skill and an offensive skill.
Monster Types:
Zombies: Zombies are very slow and can intake alot of damage and return alot of damage. Most zombies spread a poisinous cloud after death by the corpse.
Skeletons: Skeletons are fragile and break when ever they are in reach of physical damage, although each group is mostly with a Sphinx. The Sphinx makes the skeletons more resistant to physical damage leaving the best choice to do spell damage to them.
Vampires: Vampires are very agile and fast creatures. They regain heatlh after every quick hit and have very well reflexes making them hard to be hit.
Ravagers: Such as the vampires, ravagers are very fast although faster than vampires they deal very little damage and have very little heatlh. But they travel in massive groups which can strip the flesh off any being in seconds.
Demons: Demons are the most powerful beings to fight. The Demons are very heavily armored and deals heavy damage, although most demons are slow and very vulnerable to spells.
Corrupted: Corrupted are humans or warriors that were killed by a demonic insect. The corrupted depending on what it was has increased speed and very low IQ, all the corrupted deals poisinous damage or corrosive acids.
Ghosts: Ghosts are invisible, they have an eteral form and have no difference from any normal unit. Although the ghosts can come in massive numbers so beware.
Black Orks (New Species): Orcs were a very important ally, all battles human and orcs fought side by side. Although when Bel 'akor first started his siege he made a deal that if orcs join his army they would gain incredible power. Although this was forbiden in the orc society, the orcs under Bel 'akor's command are Black Orks.
Map Progress:
Triggers - 21%
Heroes - 75%
Bosses/Enemies - 40% (New Race!
Quests - 10%
Mini-Quests - 0%
(All changes in this post are marked in red)
Map Type: RPG
Hero Choices:
Vampire Huntress: The Vampire Huntress is designed and trained for hunting vampires, (duh that's why she's named that...). Due to the speed and agility of vampires, these huntresses have spells and abilites to slow down the vampires.
Witch Huntress: The Witch Huntress is trained for disposing undead spellcasters. The Witch Huntress has spells to remove buffs, and destroy or drain mana away also being fully immune to spells.
Knight Lancer: Knight Lancers have spells to stun enemies and also a spell to escape. The Knight Lancer is truely one of the deadliest characters due to its spell called Lancing, which can pierce through a large group of enemies in a matter of seconds.
Holy Priestest: The Holy Priestest has spells to aid other characters such as healing, revival, and also defensive spells. The Holy Priestest is vvery weak in attack so there should be someone guarding the priestest.
Inquisitor: Inquisitors are heroes that have a wide range of spells, it has a summoning spell, a mana regeneration spell and also a very devastating spell. Inquisitors can call up their henchmen to aid them to remove the unholy beings.
Daemon Purger: Daemon Purgers are extremely fast and powerful heroes. They can deal damage to more than one enemy at a time, although the Daemon Purger is weak in health and defense.
Beast Lord: The Beast Lord are very slow but devastating units. He can summon Trident Beasts to aid him, also having a defensive skill and an offensive skill.
Monster Types:
Zombies: Zombies are very slow and can intake alot of damage and return alot of damage. Most zombies spread a poisinous cloud after death by the corpse.
Skeletons: Skeletons are fragile and break when ever they are in reach of physical damage, although each group is mostly with a Sphinx. The Sphinx makes the skeletons more resistant to physical damage leaving the best choice to do spell damage to them.
Vampires: Vampires are very agile and fast creatures. They regain heatlh after every quick hit and have very well reflexes making them hard to be hit.
Ravagers: Such as the vampires, ravagers are very fast although faster than vampires they deal very little damage and have very little heatlh. But they travel in massive groups which can strip the flesh off any being in seconds.
Demons: Demons are the most powerful beings to fight. The Demons are very heavily armored and deals heavy damage, although most demons are slow and very vulnerable to spells.
Corrupted: Corrupted are humans or warriors that were killed by a demonic insect. The corrupted depending on what it was has increased speed and very low IQ, all the corrupted deals poisinous damage or corrosive acids.
Ghosts: Ghosts are invisible, they have an eteral form and have no difference from any normal unit. Although the ghosts can come in massive numbers so beware.
Black Orks (New Species): Orcs were a very important ally, all battles human and orcs fought side by side. Although when Bel 'akor first started his siege he made a deal that if orcs join his army they would gain incredible power. Although this was forbiden in the orc society, the orcs under Bel 'akor's command are Black Orks.
Map Progress:
Triggers - 21%
Heroes - 75%
Bosses/Enemies - 40% (New Race!
Quests - 10%
Mini-Quests - 0%