• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Hive Merch Artwork/Graphic Contest #1

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Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006



Here's your chance to design some merch and earn cash from all the sales!
Contestants must create an original artwork / graphic design that is suitable for printing on merchandise (Apparel, Homeware, Accessories and/or Drinkware). The theme of the artwork / graphic should be 'Hive Workshop Community'.

The winner of the contest will have his/her artwork printed on Hive merchandise and sold in our HiveMerchshop during a 3 month period.
All earnings from items sold during this limited time will go to the winner and will be transferred to his/her bank account on a monthly basis until the end of the 3 month period. After this time, the artwork will taken down from our store and no further sales with the winning entry will be possible, unless the winner agrees to have all future earnings go the maintenance of the Hive Workshop.
The Hive Workshop Administration team will start a private dialogue with the winner to determine the specific pricing for each item.

Remember that's it's not guaranteed that people will buy your merch. So make your entry unique, desirable and relevant to the Hive community to increase the chances of a sale.


  • Entry must not violate the General Site Rules.
  • You must show at least one Work-In-Progress preview, as proof it's yours.
  • Your submission may not be started before the official launch of the Contest.
  • Judges are not allowed to participate.
  • Teamwork is not allowed - you have to work on your own.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme. If any entry does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
Each entry must include:
  • Artwork Image (in PNG or JPG format)
  • CMYK setting is recommended for best printing result.
  • Title/short description (max. 150 characters)
  • Each entry must be viable for all merch categories i.e. Apparel, Homeware, Accessories and/or Drinkware.
  • Each contestant is allowed to make minor variations of their artwork in order to fit the different layouts better (Max 3 Variations).
  • To ensure the best print quality all entries must be in high dimension/resolution.
    • 1000 x 1000 pixels or higher.
    • 300dpi or higher.
  • Entry must be an original work of art to avoid any copyright issues, this includes but is not limited to the use of text and fonts. Remember this has to be legally used on a printed t-shirt for example.
  • Your entry must be posted in this thread before the deadline.
Breaking any of these rules may lead to punishment in the judgement score, up to disqualification from the contest, depending on the weight of the issue. In case of doubts towards a certain rule you are very encouraged to discuss it in the contest thread so others and judges may help with sorting it out.


  • 1st place: 750 experience points.
    The winner of the contest will have his/her artwork printed on Hive merchandise and sold in our HiveMerchshop during a 3 month period. All earnings from items sold during this limited time will go to the winner and will be transferred to his/her bank account on a monthly basis until the end of the 3 month period.
  • 2nd place: 500 experience points
  • 3rd place: 250 experience points
  • Entry: 25 experience points
  • Judge: 50 experience points per entrant
The three winners will receive an award icon representing the winning entry.​



RelevanceHow well does it reflect our community. Is it likely that our members would buy it. Does it catch the proper attention./25
OptimizationHow well does the entry suit the different merchandise it's printed on (Apparel, Homeware, Accessories and/or Drinkware)./25
CompositionDesign of the artwork itself i.e. how well was the artwork made. Was it designed with a clear and concise idea in mind. Does the text and/or font used fit the design. Does it send a clear message. Is the design suited for printing./25
OriginalityIs the artwork unique & interesting./25
Total: 100

  • Judgement: 70%
  • Poll: 30%
FinalScore = (30*Reached_Votes/POSSIBLE_VOTES) + (70*Average_Judge_Score/POSSIBLE_SCORE)​


The contest shall begin on Wednesday May 18th 2022 and conclude on Saturday June 25th 2022 GMT (day is included).

Assigned Staff: @Alexen @Archian

The Poll | Results
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This is a speculative contest, and utterly not ethical at all.
Everyone but one will work for nothing, and the winner won't have an assured gain from it.
If you want artwork go and pay someone to do it, or contact someone up for the task if that person is willing.
You first disappointed me with the paid ranks, and now we have this... This contest is an insult to illustrators struggling to make their work understood.


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
This is a speculative contest, and utterly not ethical at all.
Everyone but one will work for nothing, and the winner won't have an assured gain from it.
If you want artwork go and pay someone to do it, or contact someone up for the task if that person is willing.
You first disappointed me with the paid ranks, and now we have this... This contest is an insult to illustrators struggling to make their work understood.
We've previously held concept art contests, with only reputation (i.e. EXP) as a price, and people entered anyway.
Here's just an added chance of earning some cash for your work/hobby ;) All income goes to the winner.
nice! any rules regarding what artwork should we focus or NOT focus on?
Anything that somehow encapsulates our community in one way or another.

Looking forward to see what all the contestants come up with! :)
I'm not sure I understand. We won't own the artwork and we won't make money from it either. All income goes to the winner.
I know. But still, people will work for nothing while the image created by the illustrator will be used for the website public image.
We've previously held concept art contests, with only reputation (i.e. EXP) as a price, and people entered anyway.
Because these arts aren't used in any way by anyone, this is fun. Using someone's work through a contest for any kind of merch or imagery is not.
Here's just an added chance of earning some cash for your work/hobby
Just pay someone from the community then ! Contact them, make a deal, or expand it for the rest of the community.
1) It would bring the opportunity you're searching to share
2) You promote the creativity of the site and the community.
-> Same consequences, ethical.

Or promote someone's work in any other way instead of
"Let's make a house contest. The best one we pick will be sold and you may get money.
  • But what if we loose ?
  • Well, you can go home with your house and be proud of it roflmao"
If I'm still not clear, the problem is about the may. This is an example of a more serious problem illustrators face in all corner of the world. For their sake please stop contributing to the cliché. I think you did this unintentionally and without ill intent but please, this is very bad for the image of all illustrators.

Or simply make a hive fanart contest "imagine a fictive hive merch (we won't use it anyway)". -> Ethical

TL;DR I won't say anything if it's ethical.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
This is a speculative contest, and utterly not ethical at all.
Everyone but one will work for nothing, and the winner won't have an assured gain from it.
If you want artwork go and pay someone to do it, or contact someone up for the task if that person is willing.
You first disappointed me with the paid ranks, and now we have this... This contest is an insult to illustrators struggling to make their work understood.
How is this different than literary any other contest?
Any contest/race/match/cup/tournament with any type of prize will fundamentally favor the winner.
I reckon that at least some of the point of a competition is the enjoyment of creating/doing it, not necessarily winning even though winning is obviously a plus.


Let's say you're someone who can make awesome art, Hive does not ask for exclusive rights of the artwork, you can take an online commission get $$$ for it and then submit it here as a bonus. You could run a patreon and still submit it here, etc.

All of that being said, yes if the only reason for the competition is to expand the merch then it would make sense to contact someone directly.
people will work for nothing
With this quote, you have single-handedly captured the spirit of the Hive Workshop.
You may have already won the contest


in other news, I think we could make some other really cool shirts out of other ideas that warcraft brand inspires us with, like this:

This seems like it would as unnecessary tax liability on the person getting the income, as well as increase the amount of admin work needed on The Hive to facilitate the production and distribution.

I’d prefer that the first 3 months of proceeds go towards a charity of the user’s choice, or the winner can opt to just let The Hive assimilate all proceeds right out of the gate.
How is this different than literary any other contest?
Any contest/race/match/cup/tournament with any type of prize will fundamentally favor the winner.
I reckon that at least some of the point of a competition is the enjoyment of creating/doing it, not necessarily winning even though winning is obviously a plus.
Again I repeat myself.
There's a difference between gaining few xp points VS free usage of the work by the contest organiser.
With this quote, you have single-handedly captured the spirit of the Hive Workshop.
Again, a contest is not about working for free about someone or something, but competing with other people on a skill for fame/training/fun.
@FlameofChange the idea, I think, is for the most voted piece to become merch-worthy. That way, there's a higher chance someone will actually buy it.
"The most voted house may be sold the most !
- wow, what a great opportunity of career !"

Do your damn speculative contest, you are completely harming the cause. I spare the rest of the topic, I said what I wanted to say (for the interested, we can continue this elsewhere on discord for example).
Level 32
May 25, 2017
Alright Alright, Let me sweep here for just a moment.

It's take to face the reality, every competition is pretty much always going to have forgotten losers who their work will never shine to the world. Anything have their risk but people willingly do anything to provide the love of their sport (in this case, art).

It's like someone won a car in a contest but other contestant proud for what they have accomplished and behind their back is somewhat a guilt but that depend on certain person. I have been a underdog in my life, Mr. FoC. You won something in the past, I just want something to do.

It's my opinion. Regarding the prize, I just do to push my limit further.
@FlameofChange The fact remains that Hive won't use the artwork from the losers at all. All participants are free to copyright their work, and monetize it how they see fit. They don't hand over their artwork rights to Hive just because they submit the image in a contest. They won't have "worked for free" if they monetize it. If they don't monetize it then that's not Hive's fault.

Also this is completely voluntary, if you don't like it then you're not forced to participate. The people who wants to will participate, and the ones who thinks this is a free labour scheme by Hive won't.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
"The most voted house may be sold the most !
- wow, what a great opportunity of career !"
This is not about careers. It's a contest like any other but the prize is money rather than experience/reputation.
Pretty much the same applied to melee mapping contests that offered money as prize.
I think you are exaggerating on something that isn't quite there. The work for nothing phrase is kind of a general thing when talking about hobbies.
If you think such a contest would or should lead to a career buildup or inception, then you're looking in the wrong place for such things.
This is as ethical as it can get. The site doesn't steal/own or sell your art without your consent.
Level 35
Sep 17, 2010
This seems like it would as unnecessary tax liability on the person getting the income, as well as increase the amount of admin work needed on The Hive to facilitate the production and distribution.

I’d prefer that the first 3 months of proceeds go towards a charity of the user’s choice, or the winner can opt to just let The Hive assimilate all proceeds right out of the gate.
Thats a great idea, everyone on the site lives on the first World without worring about economic crisis, and extra money is something nobody would need these days, yeah, Thats greeed you dirty greedy hive users, don't get so excited! XD
Thats a great idea, everyone on the site lives on the first World without worring about economic crisis, and extra money is something nobody would need these days, yeah, Thats greeed you dirty greedy hive users, don't get so excited! XD
I’m just putting my own opinion out there. I don’t do any of this for money, and I’ve put tens of thousands of hours into development with WarCraft 3 modding. I’ve turned down request for payment on many occasions. If someone feels differently, fine, but I don’t understand the hate towards “only the winner gets money and the losers work for free”. Everything I do on here is to help out other users. If no one liked what I did, I would have to find a new hobby. Altruism motivates me to achieve. I think someone living in a third world country who needs a windfall of extra cash is not the target market for this prize pool.
Level 11
Mar 10, 2013
I get what @FlameofChange is trying to say for I too am an artist. Art competitions tend to be predatory to artists in general. In order to save some money in selecting the artist and the process itself. Most pay in "exposure"... fuck that.

This one is legit for all of the money goes to the artist. And as stated above, they will not own any of the artworks. As this is the first time something like this competition I too would not be too sure how to reward 2nd and 3rd place. I think it's fine as it is. Let the winner bath in their glory.

To be fair with you @Bribe , I too have spend "too much of my free time" helping others with their art or modding. I do commissions but now I'm close to broke, so I would welcome an opportunity like this. You think there would be enough for a charity to make a change? That might sound a bit cynical, but you must agree that it would help an individual much more.
I get what @FlameofChange is trying to say for I too am an artist. Art competitions tend to be predatory to artists in general. In order to save some money in selecting the artist and the process itself. Most pay in "exposure"... fuck that.

This one is legit for all of the money goes to the artist. And as stated above, they will not own any of the artworks. As this is the first time something like this competition I too would not be too sure how to reward 2nd and 3rd place. I think it's fine as it is. Let the winner bath in their glory.

To be fair with you @Bribe , I too have spend "too much of my free time" helping others with their art or modding. I do commissions but now I'm close to broke, so I would welcome an opportunity like this. You think there would be enough for a charity to make a change? That might sound a bit cynical, but you must agree that it would help an individual much more.
Like I said, I am speaking from my own opinion. I am paying to support Hive with my own money, and I’m volunteering to help the community. I get that not everyone can contribute like that. I’m just saying that the negativity is ill-directed, and I gave examples of how it could be even worse for the winner. The fact that the winner gets anything at all is just a net positive thing for that winner, but what I’m saying is that all participants (win or lose) should not participate unless they are prepared to accept the worst possible outcome (that they don’t win).
Level 32
May 25, 2017
Tbh, I am just taking an excuse for putting a buffed up Hiver in here. Hey, my theme is still intact too you know. If you wonder where is the" Go Home Hiver", It happen if you some how too drunk and failed to drag a picture into a box.


Who know, If somehow I magically win this contest :p and everyone get to wear a shirt with a buff Archian holding an absinthe say "Go Home Hiver".
Hey, I also leave you a box, just drag a picture to aim at.
btw: that just WIP2. I be prepping for variations. This one is good enough on a towel or a poster but will extend for other stuff like cups and stickers. Be ready, this is not even remotely my semi-final form.
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Level 35
Sep 17, 2010
Tbh, I am just taking an excuse for putting a buffed up Hiver in here. Hey, my theme is still intact too you know. If you wonder where is the" Go Home Hiver", It happen if you some how too drunk and failed to drag a picture into a box.View attachment 399958
View attachment 399957
Who know, If somehow I magically win this contest :p and everyone get to wear a shirt with a buff Archian holding an absinthe say "Go Home Hiver".
Hey, I also leave you a box, just drag a picture to aim at.
Gorgeous ♥

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Tbh, I am just taking an excuse for putting a buffed up Hiver in here. Hey, my theme is still intact too you know. If you wonder where is the" Go Home Hiver", It happen if you some how too drunk and failed to drag a picture into a box.View attachment 399958
View attachment 399957
Who know, If somehow I magically win this contest :p and everyone get to wear a shirt with a buff Archian holding an absinthe say "Go Home Hiver".
Hey, I also leave you a box, just drag a picture to aim at.
We gotta have words about your fixation on Archian one day.
First Ralle, now Archie. Who's next? Ghan?
Tbh, I am just taking an excuse for putting a buffed up Hiver in here. Hey, my theme is still intact too you know. If you wonder where is the" Go Home Hiver", It happen if you some how too drunk and failed to drag a picture into a box.View attachment 399958
View attachment 399957
Who know, If somehow I magically win this contest :p and everyone get to wear a shirt with a buff Archian holding an absinthe say "Go Home Hiver".
Hey, I also leave you a box, just drag a picture to aim at.
OK I'm sure no wizard would've been upset had this guy reduced dalaran to ashes.

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Jesus, just let your creativity flow and give birth to awesome stuff. Is not like people are forced to enter the contest. Yeah, one will win and others will lose. That's simply how ANY contest goes like. The discussion kinda escalated badly above. @Shido you should join the contest. 😂😂😂
Level 11
Mar 10, 2013
Like I said, I am speaking from my own opinion. I am paying to support Hive with my own money, and I’m volunteering to help the community. I get that not everyone can contribute like that. I’m just saying that the negativity is ill-directed, and I gave examples of how it could be even worse for the winner. The fact that the winner gets anything at all is just a net positive thing for that winner, but what I’m saying is that all participants (win or lose) should not participate unless they are prepared to accept the worst possible outcome (that they don’t win).
Yeah, the negativity is not deserved at all
It's hilarious that we can manage to make a group challenge for drawing a picture to put on a T-shirt into a divisive political battle. It gives me renewed faith in the apocalypse and the doom of society, and how our internet technology is so good at what it does (dividing people...).

I am not even sure who or what to side with. I'm tempted to draw a picture to try to contribute to this, but my picture wouldn't be good enough to win anything, so it's just a form of escapism from my real life. As opposed to any actual 2D artists, I would just be horsing around.




Edit 2:

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Level 11
Mar 10, 2013
So much hate/love here, however it would be interesting for once if YOU guys provided something like a online art/drawing course iso we providing you with something.... and have an interactive session on how to improve .
I mean... we could create something like that. I could host art sessions on discord and invite people like Murcologist as quests.
We would be streaming same day every week...

Tho It's not up to organizers of an art contest to teach you how to draw
Level 2
Apr 24, 2020
Heres my entry with a few mockups.
I call it the Crest of the Hive.
Why a crest? By definition: They were commonly used throughout the 11–17th centuries, and they can still be meaningful reminders for families past, present, and future.


  • Crest of the Hive.png
    Crest of the Hive.png
    1.2 MB · Views: 46
  • mockup1.jpg
    1.5 MB · Views: 45
  • mockup2.jpg
    2 MB · Views: 41
  • mockup3.jpg
    11.2 MB · Views: 41
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