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Xetanth87's Campaign Splitter - Turn Custom Campaigns into separate Maps (now with Archon Mode)


Turn Custom Campaigns into separate Maps (now with ARCHON MODE)

It can split campaign files (w3n) into separate map files (w3m/w3x) and add all the campaign data inside the map files. It can be used to make Custom Campaigns playable in CO-OP. You could even create your own Custom Campaigns in the Reforged World Editor, and the players can split them on their own computer. Everything from the campaign is merged correctly into the map files: custom data (units, items, abilities, upgrades, etc.), gameplay variables, custom interface, imports and strings!

Maps have their titles changed to campaign button titles and have an added index at the start, so they may appear in order in the Custom Games interface.

There is an option to add a difficulty selector to the extracted maps, since you can't select the difficulty in the Custom Games menu. Selecting the "Smart" option is recommended, because it will only add it if the campaign author chose the "Variable Difficulty" setting when making the campaign. The text inside the difficulty selector is localized to the language of the player.
There is an option to replace the map preview with the campaign preview, hiding the minimap.

There is an option to show the name of the next map upon victory. This is very useful for campaigns with branching paths, because map transitions are not possible in Reforged. The text inside the message is localized to the language of the player.
There is an option to add Legacy Assets (Reign of Chaos models that were removed in Reforged).

Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne models and icons in 1.31.1 (Classic)

Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne models and icons in 1.32 (SD Reforged)

Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne models and icons in 1.32 (SD Reforged) with Legacy Assets enabled

Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne models and icons in 1.32 (HD Reforged) with Legacy Assets enabled
There is an option to remove Upkeep from all extracted maps.

Archon Mode is an option in my Campaign Splitter that allows maps to be played in 2+ player CO-OP with full shared unit control. This enables almost any Custom Campaign to be played in CO-OP.

You can support this feature by becoming my Patron on Patreon!


Every selected unit has player-colored arrows above it, which show which players are selecting it. The arrows are transparent and become more opaque when multiple players select the same unit.
Any player can select an option from dialogs. The game is paused while the dialog is displayed, like in Singleplayer. A message is printed on the screen to show what option was selected.

One thing to note is that splitting the campaign will copy all imported assets, making each map file quite large, so you will need to be careful to delete the map files whenever you don't want to play them, and re-split the campaign when you do. If you have a directory named "temp" inside the folder where the extracted maps are placed, it will be deleted along with all its contents.

Requires Java SE 17 (minimum) - https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/
Download Java Runtime Environment installer for your Operating System (most likely Windows x64) and install it. Now you can run the jar file.

How to use:
You can use "CampaignSplitterGUI.jar" to open the GUI that lets you select a campaign.





- Does not work on all versions.
- Some classic maps can break if you are playing them in HD.
- Maps played in HD in 1.32 will have mute units if they are using SD models. This was fixed in 1.33.
- Localization is not treated yet.
- Lua maps can't get script modifications to allow some features.
- Can't split campaigns with readonly/protected maps.
- Split maps can only be played in Reforged.

2024-02-29 - Version 2.3
- Fixed an issue that made maps unplayable in Singleplayer.
- Fixed an issue with some import paths.
2023-12-13 - Version 2.2
- Fixed an issue with arrays and constants.
- Fixed an issue with maps that don't have titles.
2023-09-25 - Version 2.1
- No longer changes game speed during pauses.
2023-09-23 - Version 2.0
- Added Archon Mode!
- Fixed a lot of bugs.
- Improved interface.
- Optimized modified map script.
- Submaps are no longer ignored.
- Added multiple localizations to the tool: English, Spanish, German, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese.
- Corrected error message when the selected file isn't a campaign.
- Added HD legacy assets.
- Added "legacyHD.zip" archive.
- Improved error messages.
- Added new icon.
- Fixed multiple import issues.
- Fixed out-of-bounds exception that happened to users with specific localizations (Chinese and Taiwanese).
- Difficulty selector and next level messages are now localized.
- "Default" difficulty selector option renamed to "Smart".
- Periodic and elapsed time events now start after one of the difficulty selector buttons has been clicked.
- Uses "Documents/Warcraft III/Maps" as the default browse path if it exists.
- No longer prints a new line at the bottom of the display area.
- Added next level message option.
- Added legacy assets.
- Added "legacy.zip" archive.
- Added the exception stacktrace to the UI.
- Added an error message that appears when readonly/protected maps are encountered.
- Added an option that removes Upkeep from each map.
- Game is now paused and pitch black during difficulty selection.
- Added an option that allows the campaign preview to replace the minimap preview of each map.
- No longer shows warnings about files not found as error messages.
- Added map counter messages.
- Difficulty Selector option is now a radio group with 3 options: No (Don't add), Default (Only add if the campaign has the "Variable Difficulty" setting), Yes (Add).
- Added tooltips to explain the radio choices.
- Campaign skin/interface strings are now offset as well.
- Fixed skin offset method to use any non-numerical delimiter.
- Improved error messages.
- Temporary files are now removed when the splitter is stopped or when an error is encountered.
- Fixed loading screen being changed to melee.
- Script files that appear in the "scripts" folder will now have the difficulty selector added to them as well.
- Fixed imports with backspace character.
- Campaign files are only extracted once.
- Added progress bar, output display area and time of conversion.
- Fixed a problem when a map imports an asset with the same path as an imported asset from the campaign.
- Removed CampaignSplitterCLI.jar.
- Added a checkbox that can be used to enable a difficulty selection dialog in each of the extracted maps.
- The splitting process can now be stopped.
- It is now more clear when the splitting process is running. You can tell by the button colors.
- When the splitting process stops, all temporary files are removed.
- Browsing when the path is set to a folder leads to that folder instead of its parent.
- The title of each map is now changed to match its respective button. An index is also included at the start of the title, so they are shown in order. Zeroes are added at the start of numbers to enforce this order. ("9" would go after "10", but "09" goes before "10").
- Backspace character in Import files now correctly treated as "\rwar3campImported\\" instead of "\r".
- Fixed parsing "\u001D" in Import files.
- Fixed some map unit data not being added to the exported map.
- First Release

JMPQ3 Library - https://github.com/inwc3/JMPQ3
Wc3libs MPQ Parser - https://github.com/inwc3/wc3libs
Retera - Inspired me to code a Wc3 tool in Java.
StormKnight - Campaign Splitter logo, Archon Mode logo, tool icon
Tamplier - HD Ballista, Catapult and Gyrocopter models, HD Ballista and Catapult icons
TriggerHappy - Codeless Save and Load (Multiplayer)
Xetanth87 - HD Steam Tank icon, Archon Mode Transparent Arrow

Campaign Splitter feedbackOutsiderXE, Awell, tulee, Zakcrust, mayuko
Archon Mode testingSalendious, StormKnight, OutsiderXE, Adiniz, BogdanW3, Godspeed, blazemarshall
Scripting helpBogdanW3, Water, Rayman.90, StormKnight, MayDay, insanity_ai
LocalizationSaelendious (Russian), SynergySC2 (Spanish), tulee (Simplified Chinese), Xetanth87 (Romanian)

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8flW32H3ocaTlU3bf14BEw
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/J5guv3BHVc
If you want to support this tool, you can help me by becoming my patron on Patreon.
Alternatively, you can donate through BuyMeACoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/xetanth87

XT87CampaignSplitterGUI.jar (Binary)

It's very nice to be able to play custom campaigns in Reforged. The tool worked for most maps but did give me some issues on a couple, namely: Thievery Campaign and The Chosen Ones Also, a nicer folder browser dialog would be very nice to have, the...
Can this be used for versions lower than 1.31? Asking for a friend.
I have only tested campaigns saved in 1.31.1. The extracted maps worked on both 1.31.1 and 1.32. I'd guess it won't work backwards, but I think it should work forward. If I can play a 1.28 campaign in 1.31.1, I think playing the map extracted from one could work as well.
How does your tool react to maps that have custom object data in addition to the campaign object data?

Is it even capable of combining the two or will it overwrite the map data?
It takes the campaign data as a base and applies all map modifications on top of it.

If you create a new unit and name it "George" (unit name field) and in the map you change it to "Steve" (unit name field), the map unit name field will overwrite the campaign unit name field. This also works with map units that are copies of campaign units.

As for strings, it keeps map strings intact, but offsets the campaign strings by the number of map strings, and changes all campaign data strings to be offset by the same amount as well. The reason I have to do this is that maps and campaigns use the same string index for different texts, and keeping 2 of them with the same index makes one of them appear in both places.

You should try it yourself, and tell me if you find any problems with it.
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Is it possible that you integrate your awesome tool into World Editor e.g. WEX or JNGP?
I have not used any of those tools. This tool is meant to be used by players, not mapmakers, so it doesn't make sense for it to be part of an editor.
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View attachment 403325
New feature that will be added soon: Automatically adding a difficulty dialog to each map, since Reforged doesn't have an in-game difficulty selector.
And anyways, the in-game campaign difficulty selector was broken in TFT as well, so that it applied the chosen difficulty to the first map only. Map makers had to create this kind of a dialog anyways, if they were aware of the bug.
And anyways, the in-game campaign difficulty selector was broken in TFT as well, so that it applied the chosen difficulty to the first map only. Map makers had to create this kind of a dialog anyways, if they were aware of the bug.
There is a fix for that. Maps started from custom campaign buttons use the custom campaign difficulty, but maps started from the "Continue" button after victory use the official campaign difficulty.
There is a fix for that. Maps started from custom campaign buttons use the custom campaign difficulty, but maps started from the "Continue" button after victory use the official campaign difficulty.
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

But from the point of view of an uninformed player, the difficulty dialogue box is still probably the best option. Please just make it optional in the case the map maker has already made such a box. (Because our Dwarf Campaign and Gnoll Campaign already have such a box. However, Dwarf Campaign can already be downloaded as separate maps, so we would have the issue mostly with the Gnoll Campaign.)
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

But from the point of view of an uninformed player, the difficulty dialogue box is still probably the best option. Please just make it optional in the case the map maker has already made such a box. (Because our Dwarf Campaign and Gnoll Campaign already have such a box. However, Dwarf Campaign can already be downloaded as separate maps, so we would have the issue mostly with the Gnoll Campaign.)
I know. I already did. You can see it in the preview
Can't wait to try this out. But I'm getting this runtime error on clicking "Browse". Tried JRE SE 8 & JRE 18. Any idea why?
View attachment 403802
Since it seems to be started by you clicking "Browse", I think it couldn't find your "Documents" directory (the default directory for the File Chooser window). You could try to type/copy a directory path into the text box and then click browse. Tell me if this helped or didn't help.
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Level 2
Sep 4, 2019
Since it seems to be started by you clicking "Browse", I think it couldn't find your "Documents" directory (the default directory for the File Chooser window). You could try to type/copy a directory path into the text box and then click browse. Tell me if this helped or didn't help.
Hey I tried filling in some directory names in the text field but still getting the same error. But I managed to run it by using the following command I found online:
java -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true -jar CampaignSplitterGUI.jar
Now I can split w3n files no problem (Playing Mordorks Quest in Reforged 1.32, AMAZING). Great work BTW!!
I think this might be a bug in Swing. Not sure why it only manifests on my machine (My locale is ZH_CN maybe?)
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Hey I tried filling in some directory names in the text field but still getting the same error. But I managed to run it by using the following command I found online:
java -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true -jar CampaignSplitterGUI.jar
Now I can split w3n files no problem (Playing Mordorks Quest in Reforged 1.32, AMAZING). Great work BTW!!
I think this might be a bug in Swing. Not sure why it only manifests on my machine (My locale is ZH_CN maybe?)
Are you running some custom version of Windows? If yes, that could be it. I have no idea about locale, though. I'm glad you found a solution!
Level 1
Oct 8, 2021
Hi, i downloaded everything needed, but when i go to open the programm with java, java flash a black page and then dont do anything, how can i do?
Hi, i downloaded everything needed, but when i go to open the programm with java, java flash a black page and then dont do anything, how can i do?
You might need to download a newer version of Java. If you don't have Java 8 or higher, it won't work
Trying to use it now, but the java download is requiring me to make an Oracle account just to download that legacy version. Is there any way to avoid requiring us to sign up to it, or is it a requirement to access the java plugin.
I haven't downloaded it in a while, but I remember needing an account the last time I did. I'll check for another link when I have some time. If you find one without authentication by then, you should tell me.
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Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
There is an option to show the name of the next map upon victory. This is very useful for campaigns with branching paths, because map transitions are not possible in Reforged.
Interesting. So campaigns that uses map transition like the Founding of Durotar will not let you go back and forth between submaps? It's a shame. I was really hoping to get my custom campaign Legacy of Lordaeron to work on Reforged...
Interesting. So campaigns that uses map transition like the Founding of Durotar will not let you go back and forth between submaps? It's a shame. I was really hoping to get my custom campaign Legacy of Lordaeron to work on Reforged...
Sadly those don't work simply because of the lack of map transitions in Reforged. My tool shows the name of the next map only when the game is ended with victory. So it wouldn't help in this case.
Level 1
Aug 10, 2022
Hello i tried to use your splitter on Legends of Arkain campaigns and this popped up at 5 of 6 campaigns (one worked fine) is there anything i can do to make it run properly?

Btw this splitter is really incredible finaly way to play custom campaings without cracked old warcraft3. Great job!!

Hello i tried to use your splitter on Legends of Arkain campaigns and this popped up at 5 of 6 campaigns (one worked fine) is there anything i can do to make it run properly?

Btw this splitter is really incredible finaly way to play custom campaings without cracked old warcraft3. Great job!!

View attachment 405047
Protected campaigns like Legends of Arkain cannot be split using this tool. There's nothing I can do about that. You can try other campaigns
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
I haven't downloaded it in a while, but I remember needing an account the last time I did. I'll check for another link when I have some time. If you find one without authentication by then, you should tell me.
Ok, I found this link which worked.
Didn't need a login. It worked perfectly for your tool. It might be worth mentioning in the description that you can use anything newer than the java version you specified, since i was originally trying to find that exact version on the web.

As for your tool, it was fantastic.
Just played Fallen Kingdoms campaign with it, had 0 issues whatsoever.

I know Quenching offers similar campaign feature, but using that tool is so much effort and quite stressful since I don't actually know how to use it. Your tool is extremely simple to use, and your youtube video explains exactcly what to do with the maps. I was so surprised when the items transferred over to the next missions. There is actually no reason for me to ever play on an older version of Wc3 ever again for campaigns, with the exception of the things you mentioned, protected campaigns + map transition campaigns.

I really hope more people become aware of this tool, cause watching others scramble over which wc3 version works correctly for which campaign seems a little like unnecessary effort, since all the pre 1.32 bugs have been fixed in 1.32+ that were causing compatibility issues for older campaigns.

Can I ask why you recommended to put the difficulty settings to "default"? I didn't understand what you wrote there in the description. My understanding of default is it would set it to "normal" difficulty if 3 difficulty options are available, but it seemed like you thought that was the best choice or something. Sorry I didn't get what you meant there.

Anyway, this tool is a life saver for the CC community, thanks Xetanth87
Ok, I found this link which worked.
Didn't need a login. It worked perfectly for your tool. It might be worth mentioning in the description that you can use anything newer than the java version you specified, since i was originally trying to find that exact version on the web.

As for your tool, it was fantastic.
Just played Fallen Kingdoms campaign with it, had 0 issues whatsoever.

I know Quenching offers similar campaign feature, but using that tool is so much effort and quite stressful since I don't actually know how to use it. Your tool is extremely simple to use, and your youtube video explains exactcly what to do with the maps. I was so surprised when the items transferred over to the next missions. There is actually no reason for me to ever play on an older version of Wc3 ever again for campaigns, with the exception of the things you mentioned, protected campaigns + map transition campaigns.

I really hope more people become aware of this tool, cause watching others scramble over which wc3 version works correctly for which campaign seems a little like unnecessary effort, since all the pre 1.32 bugs have been fixed in 1.32+ that were causing compatibility issues for older campaigns.

Can I ask why you recommended to put the difficulty settings to "default"? I didn't understand what you wrote there in the description. My understanding of default is it would set it to "normal" difficulty if 3 difficulty options are available, but it seemed like you thought that was the best choice or something. Sorry I didn't get what you meant there.

Anyway, this tool is a life saver for the CC community, thanks Xetanth87
When making a custom campaign you can choose to include the difficulty selector that appears in the custom camapaigns menu (Variable difficulty option). Custom campaigns that have difficulty selectors as dialogs at the start of each chapter will usually disable this selector. The default option will add my dialog selector to each map only if the campaign has the variable difficulty option. This enables the functionality of difficulty selection for campaigns that need it and makes it so a secondary difficulty selector dialog isn't added to campaigns that already have one.
Level 5
Apr 29, 2017
Quite the useful tool, gives me the power to play custom campaigns, a feature I thought lost a long time ago, at least for my own journey.
After just having the pleasure of playing through the Enhanced set of campaigns, I will be moving on to another set, none other than your very own! I can't wait to see what they have in store, and I'll be around to review them after I run through them - the ones currently completed, at least.

I know that eventually we will meet at the end of eternity (not quite Eternity's End, hah), when I finish the complete series, and I am eager to get there, on a new journey. For now, I'll be seeing you again soon, as I've got some campaigns to play!
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
Hey Xetanth87, was just wondering, I am getting an error when splitting the remake of Mordork's quest:
To my knowledge, it does not have transitions and is not protected, so I am not sure what to do.
Was just curious if you had a solution.

Edit: Just tried Exodus of the Horde/Scourge of Lordaeron TD edition, Mathias Chronicles 2, and Battle for Azeroth War of Thorns campaign, they all had the same issue, like this:


Edit2: Nightmare book pointed out an older version of your tool works on the campaigns, but the newest doesn't:
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Hey Xetanth87, was just wondering, I am getting an error when splitting the remake of Mordork's quest:
To my knowledge, it does not have transitions and is not protected, so I am not sure what to do.
Was just curious if you had a solution.

Edit: Just tried Exodus of the Horde/Scourge of Lordaeron TD edition, Mathias Chronicles 2, and Battle for Azeroth War of Thorns campaign, they all had the same issue, like this:

View attachment 405971

Edit2: Nightmare book pointed out an older version of your tool works on the campaigns, but the newest doesn't:
This is very weird.
I've downloaded the latest version and it worked:


Edit: Mordork's Quest Remake doesn't work with any version
Does the program work on protected maps within a campaign file?
@Med. MapGuy any hints why your campaign might not work with this software?
I found the problem I have yet to post the update. Mordork's Quest wasn't protected. Neither protected campaigns and neither protected maps work with the splitter.
Hey Xetanth87, was just wondering, I am getting an error when splitting the remake of Mordork's quest:
To my knowledge, it does not have transitions and is not protected, so I am not sure what to do.
Was just curious if you had a solution.

Edit: Just tried Exodus of the Horde/Scourge of Lordaeron TD edition, Mathias Chronicles 2, and Battle for Azeroth War of Thorns campaign, they all had the same issue, like this:

View attachment 405971

Edit2: Nightmare book pointed out an older version of your tool works on the campaigns, but the newest doesn't:
Both of these problems have now been fixed.
It's very nice to be able to play custom campaigns in Reforged. The tool worked for most maps but did give me some issues on a couple, namely:
Thievery Campaign and The Chosen Ones

Also, a nicer folder browser dialog would be very nice to have, the default one is painful to use.
You get a nice big fat approval 👍
Thanks for the approval! I'm going to look into those 2 campaigns to see what the issues are. As for the dialog, do you mean the textbox or the filepicker window? And can you tell me in what way I should change it?


Tool Moderator
Level 12
Mar 6, 2017
Thanks for the approval! I'm going to look into those 2 campaigns to see what the issues are. As for the dialog, do you mean the textbox or the filepicker window? And can you tell me in what way I should change it?
The filepicker window. It would be great to have the native Windows dialog for that. E.g.
It's very nice to be able to play custom campaigns in Reforged. The tool worked for most maps but did give me some issues on a couple, namely:
Thievery Campaign and The Chosen Ones

Also, a nicer folder browser dialog would be very nice to have, the default one is painful to use.
You get a nice big fat approval 👍
Thievery Campaign has a missing chapter title (can't be opened by the World Editor either) and The Chosen Ones is protected. I've added better error messages that explain this.

I've tried making it use the native OS filepicker before, but I still haven't found a solution. The filepicker starts in Warcraft III\Maps, so it won't be too hard to find the campaign you want to split. You can also paste a path in the text area and then browse from there or split.
Level 1
Nov 4, 2022
im not good in English and Zero knowlage programing. but i just want to play custom campain in warcraft.

this is as far as i can get.only second human book can split.so i just want to know what is protected map? and if it got protected that mean i cant split that map? can anyone explain for me what is it. i will try my best to understand.
im not good in English and Zero knowlage programing. but i just want to play custom campain in warcraft.
View attachment 413209

this is as far as i can get.only second human book can split.so i just want to know what is protected map? and if it got protected that mean i cant split that map? can anyone explain for me what is it. i will try my best to understand.
You can't split campaigns that are protected by their authors. Legends of Arkain is one such campaign. There's nothing I can do about that. Most campaigns are unprotected, so you can try other campaigns
Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
It made things work under not just reforged, but in other game versions too. I had a problem when I wanted to play campaigns under 1.30, and I decided to use this tool. In some campaigns it worked. The reason why I used not just for Reforged, but under 1.32 is: the machine I have it has a slow processor, and it crashed the game when I opened the custom campaign selection menu. But the real problem was Windows 11. 5/5 stars, I recommend. I mean, I recommend YOUR CAMPAIGN SPLITTER! Not Windows 11!
Level 29
May 14, 2021
It made things work under not just reforged, but in other game versions too. I had a problem when I wanted to play campaigns under 1.30, and I decided to use this tool. In some campaigns it worked. The reason why I used not just for Reforged, but under 1.32 is: the machine I have it has a slow processor, and it crashed the game when I opened the custom campaign selection menu. But the real problem was Windows 11. 5/5 stars, I recommend. I mean, I recommend YOUR CAMPAIGN SPLITTER! Not Windows 11!
Windows 11 has known for compatibility issues (missing 32-Bit DLLs), which prevented some older WC3 tools to be opened on new machine.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Hey there.

Awesome tool!

In the case of a campaign where imported assets size would amount to something >1.5gb I'm guessing it will make each map >1.5gb as well (and therefore unplayable, you can't launch such a map from the game, only from the editor). Just wondering.
Hey there.

Awesome tool!

In the case of a campaign where imported assets size would amount to something >1.5gb I'm guessing it will make each map >1.5gb as well (and therefore unplayable, you can't launch such a map from the game, only from the editor). Just wondering.
Yes. I wrote about this in the 'Known Issues' section. 256 MB is the maximum filesize a map is allowed in order to be played from the custom games' menu. You can still play it from the editor, which might not be pleasant, but it's the best we got until Blizzard removes/increases the filesize limit (IMO there should be no limit for singleplayer maps). And yes, assets take a large part of a campaign's filesize and since they do get copied to each map, each map will be roughly the size of the campaign.
Level 2
Nov 19, 2022
Hello, I am new to the website and I would like to say that thank you very much for the tool and I just used your tool and these 2 things are happening to me which I don't understand when I enter the game I find this
no bottons.PNG

moreover, this is what happens to me when I use the tool in the joes quest remake custom campaign

The thing is that in joes quest gold it works perfectly for me but not in remake, I'm playing both in classic mode and it also tells me that the split came out successfully
Level 8
Apr 14, 2011
Protected campaigns like Legends of Arkain cannot be split using this tool. There's nothing I can do about that. You can try other campaigns
Damn, I was wondering if with archon mode added to the tool it'd be possible to play all of Turnro campaigns

Tool's looking awesome, can't wait to see how many custom campaigns could be played with this!
Level 29
May 14, 2021
Damn, I was wondering if with archon mode added to the tool it'd be possible to play all of Turnro campaigns

Tool's looking awesome, can't wait to see how many custom campaigns could be played with this!
I don't think Turnro campaigns are compatible with Campaign Splitter (or even Quenching Mod), but since those series are quite old, you might experience a lot of issues:
The issue is Resurrection of the Scourge was made for legacy Warcraft 3 and has never been tested in Reforged. As such, you are bound to come across some issues when playing through the Quenching Mod.