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Windows 7 - yes or no?

...that is the question.

  • To be

    Votes: 31 70.5%
  • Not to be

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • This poll was completely unnecessary.

    Votes: 8 18.2%

  • Total voters
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Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
I am planning on buying Windows 7, and there are two issues.
1. I have never changed my OS yet, and I want to know will my PC be completely re-installed, or will my data still be saved?
2. The PC is purely for gaming purposes. Lots of games made befor the middle of 2009 don't support Windows 7, and I have a couple, and plan on adding more. Is there some sort of a site for tweaking games to be playable on Windows 7?
3. My graphic card supports DirectX 11, will I be able to instantly play DirectX 11 games upon installing 7?
So, it all somes down to "be or not to be". Thanks in advance:goblin_good_job:
Level 3
Sep 6, 2010
1. Depends on your current OS. Your data will not be saved if you change between 32/64 bit OS or if your current OS is not windows. I think it saves your data if you upgrade from xp or vista, but i'm not an expert on this so you should ask someone to confirm this. In any case you should backup your data first.

2. If they work on windows Vista they probably work on 7 too. Older games may have problems though.

I run these on windows 7:
Diablo 2
Modern Warfare 2
Starcraft 2
Starcraft 1 (After some tweaking to make the colors display properly. I can help you with this if you have this problem.)

XP games have a good chance of working, but you may have bad luck :(

3. I believe so. Maybe you have to download drivers for your card, but that isn't complicated.
Level 3
Sep 6, 2010
??? Problems with 64 bit ??? You have never used a 64 bit system right?

I run 7 x64 and have no problems. All my games (in the list above) work perfectly smooth. The only problems were with Starcraft 1, where the colors were messed up until I figured out how to fix it.

btw even though it may be possible to save your old data it can be good to reset the system completely, since unnecessary files and programs that are no longer used will always pile up when a system has been used for a long time. A complete reset will also erase any hidden viruses.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
??? Problems with 64 bit ??? You have never used a 64 bit system right?

I run 7 x64 and have no problems. All my games (in the list above) work perfectly smooth. The only problems were with Starcraft 1, where the colors were messed up until I figured out how to fix it.

btw even though it may be possible to save your old data it can be good to reset the system completely, since unnecessary files and programs that are no longer used will always pile up when a system has been used for a long time. A complete reset will also erase any hidden viruses.

Actually I have. Those games might work, but many other certainly don't.
Level 3
Sep 6, 2010
That's weird, never happened for me, not even with the crap games I didn't even care to mention in my small list. The 32-bit compatibility seems to work really good, at least for me.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
I have Windows 7 with no problems either, but still Warcraft II and Brood War goes into a static state and doesn't look good.
Here is a example:
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006

I had a bit similiar color issue with Command & Conquer. (but it was not that bad..)

I got it to work by right clicking on your desktop and then click on "Screen Resolution" and LEAVE IT OPEN.

There are some games that dont want to work but there is almost always a some kind of fix.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Just checked my system as well and I have 64x, which is odd that I'm having a little trouble with the old games.
The new ones work just fine and no problems.
Level 3
Sep 6, 2010
@Super-Sheep: Yeah, that works for some people in starcraft too, not for me though.

These are the fixes I have found for the color problems:

(Copy-pasted from my post on thehelper)

The first one (that Super-Sheep said) is very simple. You left-click anywhere on your desktop. Then click on "screen resolution". Just leave it open without changing anything and start the game. This didn't work for me, but it seems to work for many others.

The second solution is a bit more complicated. Open notepad, a simple text editor that comes with the OS. Paste the following text:
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe 
C:\"Program Files (x86)\StarCraft"\"StarCraft.exe"
start explorer.exe
Then change the "Program Files (x86)\StarCraft" to point to your Starcraft folder.
Save the file with the .bat file extension, for example Starcraft.bat
Then just double click on the file. This worked for me.

If nothing of this works, the only solution I know is virtualization. This means running another OS "inside" your computers OS. I can help you if you want to try that.
Level 3
Sep 6, 2010
@The World Is Flat:
Running Starcraft 1 in compatibility mode never helped for me. The colors were still messed up. But of course testing different compatibility settings is good because if you are really lucky it might fix it. I think I read about someone who got it to work with windows 98 (or maybe 95) compatibility mode. But for most people it will probably not work.

I don't know what tools you refer to, but anyways you have a good point that he should in any case use 32-bit if he has less than 4 GB RAM.
Level 3
Sep 6, 2010
Does Video memory also count in those 4 GB? Then it's even less you can actually have use of (at least if you have a decent graphics card).

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
1. The data may be overwritten.

2. Both 32 and 64 bit Windows 7 run as good as XP as far as I can tell. The nonsense people posted above is caused by the falce pretence that Windows 7 64 is windows XP 64 where virtually nothing ran.

3. Yes, unlike XP you will instantly have access to all DX11 features. Although the game will have to install the lattest DirectX components (or you will have to do so manually).

I will always advise 64 bit Windows 7. Also The 32bit allocates 4GB memory (of which your graphic memory is included). 64 bit also allows access to faster libraries. Eventually when 64 bit games are released you would also be able to use them efficently.



Level 10
Oct 30, 2008
1. The data may be overwritten.

2. Both 32 and 64 bit Windows 7 run as good as XP as far as I can tell. The nonsense people posted above is caused by the falce pretence that Windows 7 64 is windows XP 64 where virtually nothing ran.

3. Yes, unlike XP you will instantly have access to all DX11 features. Although the game will have to install the lattest DirectX components (or you will have to do so manually).

I will always advise 64 bit Windows 7. Also The 32bit allocates 4GB memory (of which your graphic memory is included). 64 bit also allows access to faster libraries. Eventually when 64 bit games are released you would also be able to use them efficently.

Seconded and I would like to add that I'm running 7 and have been for about 6 months(?) and have had no problems at all with installed games. Not warcraft III, neither stuff like Black Ops or Starcraft II.
Level 3
Sep 6, 2010
You can set a program to always run as admin, which helps a lot with older games like Wc3 (otherwise they won't be able to connect to battle.net). For me user account control became so annoying that I turned it off, before I had to click "yes" every time I wanted to open some programs or just move/delete/create a file (not in my documents).
Thats if you set it to a certain level, you can reduce the occurance of that with a slider.

Also, i've never had to set wc3 to only run as an admin, it runs it without prompts.

Generally UAC only prompts you if a program tries to edit your system settings or make changes to your computer, i.e. install itself or add or remove directories.
Level 3
Sep 6, 2010
Wc3 runs perfectly fine as non-admin, but it can't connect to bnet. I guess it is because it has to download stuff to its own directory, which requires administrator privileges since it is not under my documents.
And what I did was set it to the lowest level.
Level 17
Nov 18, 2008
Any program not designed to run in x64 will install to a separate folder; Program Files (x86).
You should have no problems running 32-bit software on a 64-bit OS.

I've had no problem running the entire Infinity Engine collection (Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, Planescape: Torment, and Icewind Dale 1 and 2) and every Blizzard game on W7 x64.

Also, turn off UAC right away. It's just a nuisance more than anything. Unless you have a problem with installing every random file you find on the internet.

If you have the RAM and money there's really no reason not to get x64 over x86.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Any program not designed to run in x64 will install to a separate folder; Program Files (x86).
You should have no problems running 32-bit software on a 64-bit OS.

This is not entirly true. Although it does like to install 32bit software in that folder, it is actually WoW64 in your Windows folder which allows 64bit W7 to run the 32-bit software. Without WoW64, nothing 32bit would run due to the different mode the processor is opperating in. However it is very clear that WoW64 is very good at doing its job.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Win7 is crap, but since you have no choices, (If you want to play games) take it.
Why is it crap? Very shallow message you have here...
Windows 7 is the best windows so far.

personally i use vista. it supports direct x 11 and modern games. it also runs most games that runs in xp.
Windows 7 however is basically vista fixed. They were forced to release 7 to act as a usable replacement over vista.

Windows 7 does not have the depricated crap XP has (like dedicated address ranges for the OS). Windows 7 also does not have the bloatware and garbage of vista (think vista but improved in every way and that is exactly what windows 7 is, it uses prety much the same stuff but optimized and improved). Windows 7 is a true upgrade from XP and vista which is why it is seeing ever increasing use.
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