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Windows 7 - yes or no?

...that is the question.

  • To be

    Votes: 31 70.5%
  • Not to be

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • This poll was completely unnecessary.

    Votes: 8 18.2%

  • Total voters
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Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Having some trouble with Firefox closing a tab, but it won't let me, and its saying this.
Any way to by pass it?
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Its just on one tab and it won't let me close it, and I don't feel like closing all my tabs, but I'll write them down to make sure I have all of them first before I risk anything.
Edit: Nevermind.
When I restarted my computer or shut down if you will, it fixed the problem. Just a error and nothing more.
Last edited:
Level 6
Mar 19, 2010
Well yes you should buy Windows 7....It is pretty good...I do have windows 7 for 8 or 9 months now, and I had no issues with it...Sometimes my screen goes blue and the PC restarts, but that happened on XP too, and I don't know how to solve it. But anyway about the games, I run some old games too like: Warcraft 3, Starcraft 1, Empire Earth and Empire Earth 2, Diablo 2, Zuma, and some new games like Starcraft 2, NFS - Hot Pursuit, Civilization V, Assassin's Creed 1 and 2 and I can't wait for AC:B for PC, Tron-Evolution, WoW, Empire Total War...and, no issues with them.

So deffinetly install Windows 7, because it is nice.
Using a legit Win7 Home Premium 64-bit here and it works 95% flawlessly. The other 5% is only minor backward compatibility problems that's mostly can be solved through emulation, or tweaking the settings on the system compatibility mode and/or the graphic card's control panel.

My statement: Windows 7 is the best Windows OS since Windows 2000.
Level 8
Apr 24, 2010
Here's my personal opinion on Windows 7.

Windows XP was has efficiency(?), but didn't look very polished. Windows Vista looked great, but performs like crap. Windows 7 is very efficient, and retains a look reminiscent of Vista.

Windows XP: Good
Windows Vista: Bad
Windows 7: Great!

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
XP is too old to work great. Its 64 bit version was shit (so you can not get the full capabilities of your processor and memeory unless you want nothing to work). It has crap HT support and multi core support (Multi core users (especially I7) have well below expected performance). Its dated Kernal and other components capped the maximum graphic card performance (can not get speed benifits of DX10 and multi threading benifits of DX11). Its memory friendly approach also meant that you do not get the full speed benifit of the caching that large quantities of memory can support nowdays. Its dated windows management system meant that only 1 window could update at any time causing extreemly poor responsiveness with large numbers of windows open.

These are just some of the problems XP had (all of which W7 has fixed/improved uppon).

Especially the crap 64 bit support is a major problem. Most systems come with over 4GB of total memory (usually 4 GB + 1 GB graphics) which mean you need 64 bits to gain full benifit of that memory. Further more, when your processor runs in 64 bit mode it has access to double sized registers (and the accompanying instruction sets) which allow access to greatly faster programs. Although mostly support programs and drivers are 64 bit for now, it will not be long until games come with 64 bit builds and I will not be suprized to see a 64 bit distribution of SC2 before the end of its life cycle.
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
XP is too old to work great. Its 64 bit version was shit (so you can not get the full capabilities of your processor and memeory unless you want nothing to work). It has crap HT support and multi core support (Multi core users (especially I7) have well below expected performance). Its dated Kernal and other components capped the maximum graphic card performance (can not get speed benifits of DX10 and multi threading benifits of DX11). Its memory friendly approach also meant that you do not get the full speed benifit of the caching that large quantities of memory can support nowdays. Its dated windows management system meant that only 1 window could update at any time causing extreemly poor responsiveness with large numbers of windows open.

These are just some of the problems XP had (all of which W7 has fixed/improved uppon).

Especially the crap 64 bit support is a major problem. Most systems come with over 4GB of total memory (usually 4 GB + 1 GB graphics) which mean you need 64 bits to gain full benifit of that memory. Further more, when your processor runs in 64 bit mode it has access to double sized registers (and the accompanying instruction sets) which allow access to greatly faster programs. Although mostly support programs and drivers are 64 bit for now, it will not be long until games come with 64 bit builds and I will not be suprized to see a 64 bit distribution of SC2 before the end of its life cycle.

You're like a priest of informatics!

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

I am planning on buying Windows 7, and there are two issues.
1. I have never changed my OS yet, and I want to know will my PC be completely re-installed, or will my data still be saved?
2. The PC is purely for gaming purposes. Lots of games made befor the middle of 2009 don't support Windows 7, and I have a couple, and plan on adding more. Is there some sort of a site for tweaking games to be playable on Windows 7?
3. My graphic card supports DirectX 11, will I be able to instantly play DirectX 11 games upon installing 7?
So, it all somes down to "be or not to be". Thanks in advance:goblin_good_job:

1.) Theirs an option to keep all your data if I remember correctly.
2.) Play the games in compatibility mode for older os's (right click icon --> compatibility --> Run in compatibility as...)
3.) Yeah probably.
Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
Alt + Tab can fix the color problem with SC if it doesn't work than reload it and try again
I have never had to reload it more than twice

1) Yes, back up your data first before formatting your computer

As for 7 I haven't found that many problems with it.
File Sharing seems to be data
Level 6
Feb 24, 2011
Windows XP's compatibility is the best among all Windows's OS
Windows Vista has the best view but the worst performance
Windows 7 has a good view but it's compatibility is like vista, too hard!

I suggest XP, since i'm using 7 and i don't quite like it very much

Oh, games will run perfectly in windows 7 and just turn off dwm.exe if you have low specs
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
Windows XP's compatibility is the best among all Windows's OS
Windows Vista has the best view but the worst performance
Windows 7 has a good view but it's compatibility is like vista, too hard!

I suggest XP, since i'm using 7 and i don't quite like it very much

Oh, games will run perfectly in windows 7 and just turn off dwm.exe if you have low specs

You are so wrong.

Compatibility should not be discussed. Every OS is a different OS and not everything works well.
The visuals are the best in Windows 7, a little bit less in Vista and a lot worse in XP.
The good visuals are given by YOUR VIDEO CARD which is A LOT FASTER than the Windows XP's SOFTWARE RENDERED VISUALS.
Performance is also BETTER in 7 than Vista OR XP because Microsoft has optimized most OS functions such as the network management.
The higher system requirements are not an issue for today's computers. Even my first computer, which came with Windows 95, is good enough for Windows 7.

In conclusion, if you have any respect for yourself, get Windows 7.

BTW DWM shuts itself down for the display(screen/monitor) where an application switches to fullscreen. But it's so fast that you might not notice it. I notice it on my oldest PC, for about half a second.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Windows 7 has best compatibility. Unlike windows XP 64 bit which can not run most programs (like even adobe flash in its browser), windows 7 64 bit runs all 32 bit and 64 bit programs for older windows opperating systems I know of. Windows XP is just too limiting to be of any use nowdays as it can not even allocate more than 3 GB of memory (most gaming machines have 6GB upwards now).
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