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How to install bootcamp / Windows 7 on macbook?

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Level 15
Aug 7, 2013

So I finally decided I'll just do bootcamp. I did some research on my motherboard problem and apparently the price wasn't off. A replacement motherboard costs around $230, so the repair guy was charging about $80 for his services.

The price for a Windows OS key is much cheaper and I've got a relatively new machine to use it on already.

Here's some information:

Macbook Pro OS X

Version 10.8.5

I would like to do boot camp so I can run Windows 7 on my macbook. I do not care for Windows 8.

1. Where do I go to purchase Windows 7 / download an ISO?

2. Will there be any problems on my bootcamp Windows 7 for WC3? Or will it run without issue?
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
The price for a Windows OS key is much cheaper and I've got a relatively new machine to use it on already.
Just use the key for your fried machine, it should be on a sticker on the bottom.

1. Where do I go to purchase Windows 7 / download an ISO?
Buy: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832416806
Download: http://www.heidoc.net/joomla/technology-science/microsoft/14-windows-7-direct-download-links

2. Will there be any problems on my bootcamp Windows 7 for WC3? Or will it run without issue?
I've heard there are issues with fan RPM scaling, so your Macbook may overheat unless you turn up the fan RPM manually. Thats all.
Level 15
Aug 7, 2013

But how do I do bootcamp if

1. I don't have a disk drive

2. I don't have a USB stick

And, how can I change the RPM of the fans if it proves to be a problem?
IMO get a USB stick (google says you need at least 4 GB for the ISO form of it. But you may want to invest in something like a 32 gb if you're unsure). Otherwise, Apple sells usb optical drives which you can use for the disk (but idk if you'll need that unless you're trying to run old software. You can register wc3 online using their cd keys and then just download a digital copy). See:

As for the RPM, there should be some software that can do that. e.g.:
But that is for Nvidia. But macbooks are generally uniform so it doesn't take very long to find one that works for your model.

I haven't used BootCamp yet (my computer has rather slow booting times, so it would be a hassle. but if you have one of the mbp models with an ssd, you shouldn't have anything to worry about). But you essentially end up with an actual Windows OS, so I doubt there are any problems. That is about as close as you can get to a windows computer on a mac. I don't know how it handles option/command keys though, maybe they are changed to alt and windows key respectively. You might want to look that up.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Do be aware that some Mac laptops use dual graphic cards. If you want it to function as a portable device (not drain battery/overheat in a few minutes) you will need to install Windows 8 as I recall Windows 7's Kernal lacks the management system to utilize dual purpose GPU systems efficiently. I am not even sure Windows 8 supports it (you should check).
Level 15
Aug 7, 2013
Argh I think you are right about the battery draining a bit too fast when on Windows 7.

I guess my MacBook uses dual graphic cards? I don't remember purchasing it with that option, however.

Surely there are drivers/software that let Windows 7 use them efficiently? It's 2014 and there are hundreds of thousands of programmers who must have written them at some point?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Surely there are drivers/software that let Windows 7 use them efficiently? It's 2014 and there are hundreds of thousands of programmers who must have written them at some point?
OEMs provide drivers (except Apple as they want you to use MAC) that allow you to do it in Windows. It appears not possible on MAC machines however as Apple has apparently specifically designed them so (well they want you to use MAC OS and nothing but MAC OS on them). However I am not sure if this just applies to Bootcamp and people fail to mention context a lot of the time.

Especially if you run Windows via Bootcamp there seems to be a lot of problems with it. You will need Kernal patches and a lot of hacky stuff for Windows and even then it never works flawlessly.
Level 15
Aug 7, 2013
OEM stands for what?

And if Apple doesn't want anything but MAC OS, why do they provide Bootcamp?

Another question, off topic:

Why doesn't any come up with a single OS? Or is there no such way to create an OS that is optimal to everyone's needs/computations?
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