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What will happen to Arthas?

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Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
Adding in my two cents i tihnk when Arthas placed the Helm of Domination on his head Ner'zhul forced out half of Arthas' Souls, his good half, making room for him to inhabit the other half.

Maybe, just maybe the Light took pity on Arthas good side and allowed him to exist as shadow of his former self.

I think Arthas' story is far from over h'es to intresting of a character, and his relationship with Jaina has yet to be fully told yet...

We haven't seen the last of Arthas, not by a long shot... :grin:


Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
We know hes dead, but he will live on in our hearts as a great Azeroth hero who tried to protect his people, but I really hate how he just made himself evil and killed innocents and did all this shit, but thats what Blizzard wants.

Who knows what Ner'zhul is doing, and hes probably looking for a new host better than his new one.
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