After the lich king dies what do you think will happen to Arthas and Nerzhul? Will arthas be redeemed or killed?
Personally i think redeemed because theres a blond ghost child quest giver at northrend who knows alot about arthas and his name is an anagram for arthas menethil.
So i belive that Arthas is not in the lich king. His body is but his spirit has been ripped out by nerzhul and that Arthas himself will appear as a ghost and deliver the final blow to nerzhul.
Any other ideas of what might happen? I wanna hear Em!
Personally i think redeemed because theres a blond ghost child quest giver at northrend who knows alot about arthas and his name is an anagram for arthas menethil.
So i belive that Arthas is not in the lich king. His body is but his spirit has been ripped out by nerzhul and that Arthas himself will appear as a ghost and deliver the final blow to nerzhul.
Any other ideas of what might happen? I wanna hear Em!