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What scares you?

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Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
I don't fear death, i fear a painful death.
The one thing that really freaks me out is blindness, and fear of the unknown, like dark places, i'm not afraid of being in one, but I'm afraid from looking in a dark place from the outside, and not being able to see what's inside.

edit: And i have this weird fear of things creeping up on me, sort of like paranoia, i sometimes feel like someone/something is watching me/ about to touch me, whenever i get the feeling it won't go away until i look around and see there's nothing there.
Level 7
Dec 16, 2007
I'm a bit afriad of spiders, but not really. My dad was bitten by a brown reckloose... there was no antidote at the time :(

The only time im afriad of spiders is if I'm right up close to one, like super duper close... like this close.. this scares meh :cry:


im not afriad though if its like...


However, I am afriad of swiming spiders and camel spiders (even if they aren't real spiders!)


  • scary-ass-spider-rangiroa.jpg
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Level 2
Jan 28, 2009
I don't fear death, i fear a painful death.
The one thing that really freaks me out is blindness, and fear of the unknown, like dark places, i'm not afraid of being in one, but I'm afraid from looking in a dark place from the outside, and not being able to see what's inside.

You summed it for me. I don't think about this too often, but it just bothers me.

Ghosts and spirits are what tend to scare me, though. It's just the thought of meeting one out of nowhere, at a certain time... something that's far too surreal to take, so I can't imagine the reaction I'd give.

Other then that, any bug sporting more than four legs turns me into a little girl. >>
Level 5
Aug 3, 2007
Its what happens when you wake up from sleeping with REM... Rapid Eye Movement.

I forgot what you call it exactly but it seems the same with your experience.

Did you also hear any voices or illusions?
Yep. I saw a bit of an illusion of a somewhat woman figure on the window. And i didn't hear any voices, all i can hear is myself struggling from the trance.:grin:
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Its what happens when you wake up from sleeping with REM... Rapid Eye Movement.

I forgot what you call it exactly but it seems the same with your experience.
Ah yes. While I, too, don't remember the exact name, that's certainly an explainable phenomenon.

See, while sleeping (especially once you enter the REM sleep, as Vicboy mentioned), you're body automatically 'depresses' the movement of your body's muscles, so that you're dreams (which you can act out) don't leave you flipping out of bed or hurting yourself/others. So if you suddenly wake up at such a stage, the body takes some time to return to normal, and you'll find yourself unable to move.

Never personally experienced, but seems cool. :p
Level 5
Aug 3, 2007
Ah yes. While I, too, don't remember the exact name, that's certainly an explainable phenomenon.

See, while sleeping (especially once you enter the REM sleep, as Vicboy mentioned), you're body automatically 'depresses' the movement of your body's muscles, so that you're dreams (which you can act out) don't leave you flipping out of bed or hurting yourself/others. So if you suddenly wake up at such a stage, the body takes some time to return to normal, and you'll find yourself unable to move.

Never personally experienced, but seems cool. :p
Believe me you don't want to experience IT. It is not as horrifying as it seems, but more likely uneasy. I usually read something before going to sleep to that i can get tired. I don't want to experience it again.:xxd:
Level 17
Aug 20, 2007
Honestly, from the amount of forumers who shared their experience after their REM incidents, I don't want to get one...

I could faint merely seeing anything or hearing anything out of the ordinary.

DO you want to wake up and suddenly hear voices everywhere?

DO you want to wake up seeing some figure near your bed?

See, while sleeping (especially once you enter the REM sleep, as Vicboy mentioned), you're body automatically 'depresses' the movement of your body's muscles, so that you're dreams (which you can act out) don't leave you flipping out of bed or hurting yourself/others.

Funny, one time, when I woke up I suddenly jolted to the sides... :-|
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
Few times when I was dreaming I am falling off a clif, I sudenly woke up and my legs jumped off uncontrlably. It lasted for a vrief second but why?
Level 7
Dec 16, 2007
Yep. I saw a bit of an illusion of a somewhat woman figure on the window. And i didn't hear any voices, all i can hear is myself struggling from the trance.:grin:

That for some reason reminds me of what Happened to Geezer Butler (Black Sabbath's Bassist)...

Read a book, went to sleep, woke up and saw a black figure in front of him, he was like (and i quote from him)
I crapped myself
Yea... Then he couldn't find his book... odd....

Few times when I was dreaming I am falling off a clif, I sudenly woke up and my legs jumped off uncontrlably. It lasted for a vrief second but why?

I've had a dream where i woke up and i was looking at my bed and i was falling... When i woke up my bed was shaking... lol
Level 17
Aug 20, 2007
Few times when I was dreaming I am falling off a clif, I sudenly woke up and my legs jumped off uncontrlably. It lasted for a vrief second but why?

That happens to me if I day dream in school... (not really dreaming)

Anyway, sometimes I think I'm holding something really important in my hand hanging over the floor then when my hands spread out (which makes that important thing fall) I suddenly just wake up with a panicked heart and act as if I fell off a cliff...

I dunno why it happens but I find it funny...
Level 5
Aug 3, 2007
That happens to me if I day dream in school... (not really dreaming)

Anyway, sometimes I think I'm holding something really important in my hand hanging over the floor then when my hands spread out (which makes that important thing fall) I suddenly just wake up with a panicked heart and act as if I fell off a cliff...

I dunno why it happens but I find it funny...
Ahahaha. This thing happened to me just this morning. It was funny!:xxd:
the scariest thing i ever saw was a pink elephant-size creature made entirely of pulsing tumor. it was in a dream i had as a kid. i was watching tv and i fell asleep. but in my dream, i was still watching tv. then somehow i went in the tv and the monster was there in front of me.

for some reason, it scared me more then any other things in the world.
i wish i could dream it again tho so i could draw it.

devineboss's sig look pretty freaky too
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Ever slept on your arm and had all the blood leave it? In the morning you can't move it, and it flops around for a while.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Talking of blood squeezed out of extremeties, and the ensuing numbness, eh? I love when that happens to my hand/arm; it feels like I've got this (soft) wooden block instead of actual fingers. So..very..cool. :p

(Like, it's kind of the same phenomenon where you can't tickle yourself; your brain intrinsically knows the location of your extremities; normally. So when it's all numb, it feels really wierd.)
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