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What movie did scared you the most ?

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Level 2
Oct 3, 2004
For me , it's Dawn of the Dead , you know ; stupid people stuck in a mall with zombies everywhere .
It scared the hell outta me , 2much stress i think ...
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
For me it's a tie between Signs and the trailers for The Village.

Signs had some wierd/stupid parts(will some one please explain to me how you can hear aliens on a baby moniter?) and The Village wasn't that scary, but the trailers made it look scary as hell.

Let the bad color not be seen
for it attracts them

Do not enter the woods
that is where they wait

Heed the warning bell
for they are coming
Level 5
Aug 25, 2004
You guys were scared of signs! I seriously thought it was a comedy when I saw it in theaters (not Scary Movie 3). The Ring was pretty scary in only a few parts too.
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
I saw the ring,
I was freaking out for a week
I stopped watching tv
I stoppeed going on the computer, just in case
But then i realized, its a freakin movie
So i saw it again, and laughed the whole time
Level 6
Aug 16, 2004
Lord Finarfin said:
Signs had some wierd/stupid parts(will some one please explain to me how you can hear aliens on a baby moniter?)

well, its all about signals. like for example (and this is true) one of my telephones is under a radio, and whenever we use that telephone, we here some weird radio station.

for another example is the episode of simpsons when marge got celphone signals from the babymonoter (just like in signs). so its logical if u were to get an alien signal on a babymoniter. just think bout it a sec, the antenai on the top, the fact that its wire less, and signals. (btw, im sure many ppl got the signals of other ppl cellphones on there cells, n listend to there conversation lol, o and that reminds me of one time at my friends, i was going to use his phone to call my mom, i think, and i got the signal of the neeighbors phone. it wus so funny, we even listend to it a bit. :lol: )

so if theres alien space ship in the sky, n there sending transmitions to another ship close by and u hold a baby moniter up between them high enough, u would re seave the signal n be able to listen to them.

btw, signs wus a good movie, not that scary but good. neva seen the village. (o and my mon says that in Signs, the guy in the truck that killed the main guys wife is M. Night Shamalans.)

p.s. the first time i seen scream, the first one, i wus so freaked out that i left the living room to go watch another show. but then another day l8er i saw one of the other scream movies, n it wus so no scary that when i saw scream 1 again, it wus not scary atall. freaky eh?

and Fready Vs Jason made me jump at some parts.
Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
ok, you guys are the most PATHETIC people ever. you want scary? watch the Exorcist, Alien (the origional), The shining, The Omen, and Red Dragon, starting at 8:00 pm and ending at 6:00 am. that is scary.
of course, the Exorcist id the scariest of the lot :wink:
Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
avp was better then we all expected, but dont set the standards too high there. i enjoyed it, but mainly because i liked the game SOOO much. :D
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
AVP wasn't all that horrific. It was just action.

Signs wasn't that scary. So was The Village even if I never saw it.

Oh, and watch Alien or Godsend. Those were horrific.
the ring and the trailers to the exorcist.
i saw only a part of the ring since i snuck into it at the end, but it still was scary. i havent seen the exorcist becuase my parents wont let me, but the trailers are still hella scary, mostly becuase i actually believe in demons.
the movie signs sucked, not scary and made no sense.
first of all-
how can aliens who can conquer the forces of traveling to antoher planet and legs strong enough to jump up onto a 10ft building not kick down a freaking wooden door!? and how is their weaknees water when there is a natural humidity in the ground and in the air!
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
Ok, let me clarify myself. I meant to say those movies(Signs and The Village) had some scary moments, not that the entire movies were scary because they weren't. I don't really watch scary movies that much so I don't really have a favorite.

@illadon: Ummm....ok.(I was kinda being sarcastic when I said that but alright... :) ) And M. Night Shamalyon does like to put himself in his own movies.(In The Village he's the guy reading the newspaper at the ranger station thingy)

@Grey Archon: How do you know about the killer squirels?!?! They were supposed to be a secret until I was ready to help conquer the world....oh well. I guess I have to send the evil clowns after you. Hope you like exploding pies. :twisted: Btw you never told me how old you are...I asked on that thread where you were talking about the A-Team.
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Lord Finarfin said:
Ok, let me clarify myself. I meant to say those movies(Signs and The Village) had some scary moments, not that the entire movies were scary because they weren't. I don't really watch scary movies that much so I don't really have a favorite.

@illadon: Ummm....ok.(I was kinda being sarcastic when I said that but alright... :) ) And M. Night Shamalyon does like to put himself in his own movies.(In The Village he's the guy reading the newspaper at the ranger station thingy)

@Grey Archon: How do you know about the killer squirels?!?! They were supposed to be a secret until I was ready to help conquer the world....oh well. I guess I have to send the evil clowns after you. Hope you like exploding pies. :twisted: Btw you never told me how old you are...I asked on that thread where you were talking about the A-Team.

Zee killer squirrels are MINE! >:[
I'm 21.
Level 6
Aug 16, 2004
Afronight_76 said:
how can aliens who can conquer the forces of traveling to antoher planet and legs strong enough to jump up onto a 10ft building not kick down a freaking wooden door!?

first of all, have u ever herd of team work? like the boy said, they are good problem solvers.

Afronight_76 said:
and how is their weaknees water when there is a natural humidity in the ground and in the air!

u got me there. probably their weaker to greater waters, like for example, when around the end, the guy with the bat hit the glass's of water on the table to the alien, he didnt die. the smaller the amount of water touching em, the more imune to it they are.

like if a drop of water fell on one of the aliens, it would only burn abit. but if a bucket of water fell on em, then he/she/wutever-they-mite-be will be dead. so maybe thats the reason they couldnt brake down thje door cause the water in the air weakend them.
Level 7
Aug 26, 2004
heh... me and 2 friends watched the Exorcist Directors Cut in the theater... everyone who watched with us, cried out in laughter all the wrong places :p I mean... demon be gone.... begone... begone.... (puzzled look on the priest)... demon begone!.. (even more puzzled look, at this time, my stomach hurts so much from laughter, that I can hardly focus on the movie) offcourse, its bizarre and not meant as humor, but the stair/crossfokking/floorpeeing/bedpuking scenes, cracked me up nevertheless.

The village is not scary, but its good in the sence, that it questions the value of hollywood-thriller/horror/action

The most scary shit ever was the ring! Japaneese original version, "The Ring Zero" (Or just "0"), not that other shit! And ofcourse, Steven King did a nice job directing the Shining. Ofcourse, the first Alien was a real piece of horrid thriller (I still LOATHE the scene were he crawls the pipes, so f*kking annoying scary!) But if its true horror with massacre's you're looking for, I recommend the very old movie "Cannibal Holocaust" and the new edit of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" OR offcourse if you don't want quallity but just a thrill, theese titles are to be considered: "House of a 1000 corpses" and the "Hellraiser" movies :roll:

btw. EY! A squirrel ate my neighbors dog yesterday! Get those things under control! :evil:

@U.V hehe, I know this is probably gonna spoil the fun a little, but as soon you get a solid arsenal (I mean rocket launcher), you find that you more seek out things to kill, other than the search/hide tactic you most certainly has been doing so far :twisted:
Level 6
Aug 16, 2004
@ Rexfist Malice: r u freakin serious bout the squilre/dog thing? if yes, HOLY S**T!!

o and another movie wus 13 Ghost or something like that (i only saw it in french so ionly know the french name). that movie wus freaky, not really scary. it made me jump at some points. but even after i saw it, the memories of it freak me out sometimes.

o and btw, if u seen it, u know that ghost girl? well if it werent for all those scrathes n stuff, shed be hot! :mrgreen:
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
The squirrels are supposed to do that, they are helping take over the world after all. :roll:

*grabs a sqirrel and whacks Grey Archon on the head*
Repeat after me:
The *whack* sqirrels *whack* belong *whack* to *whack* Lord *whack* Finarfin *whack*
(releases the squirrel so it can maul Grey Archon)

The wierd thing is, the sqirrels don't mind when I whack people with them...oh well *grabs another sqirrel and resumes whacking Grey Archon*

Yes that was extremely off-topic, but I don't care! :) I had to claim my psychotic squirrels! :D
Level 6
Aug 25, 2004
SCARY movie? PAH! Movies aren't scary. I've never seen a movie that frightened me. I just know they're movies, it's all fake, and then it's just a big joke. It's really simple... scary movies are just jokes.

But, hey, if your scared by a movie, good on ya :roll:.
Level 6
Aug 16, 2004
Afronight_76 said:
first of all, have u ever herd of team work? like the boy said, they are good problem solvers.
no i said they should be able to knock down a wooden door if they can do all that stuff. i mean its just a freaking wooden door!

fine then, the boy said (and its true) in one part, that the aliens are so intelectually advanced, they have no need for phisical strengh. :mrgreen: ok now?
Level 6
Aug 25, 2004
Couldn't they figure out the just take the pegs in the door's hinges out? Then it would just fall over :roll:. Intellect, fah! :lol:
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
Hhmmm....I think you've seen that movie too much if you're arguing about how knock down doors. Oh well.

*resumes whacking Grey Archon with a random psychotic squirrel*
Level 6
Aug 16, 2004
@ lord finarfin: i only actually saw it a couple times

@ every one whos arguing bout the door thing, if ur calling them stupid, then im sure u havent seen the part with the INVISIBLE HOVERING SHIP. cmon, where not even intelegent enough to build one of those.
Level 6
Mar 25, 2004
Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
@Saikann - the 3rd and 4th ones were predictable, but not the first 2. and if you watch them for the first time they are scary (except the special edition Aliens gave away that the aliens were there because it shows Newt's dad with a facehugger on him) it was creepy watching the first one because last time i saw it i was 5 years old and hiding behind the couch

"What do you mean they cut the power?!. How could they cut the power man they're animals?!!"
Level 6
Aug 16, 2004
Lava.Lord said:
i think the movie thats comin out. te grudge or whatever its called looks really freaky

ya, seriously. the trailers even freaked me out a bt with those things.

at kerrigan: btw, u look femiliar. do u live in quebec
Level 6
Aug 16, 2004
true that i c alot of hot gurl (i even fantasise... oh crap, u ppl know to much! *uses thingy from mib*) but thats not y i remember her. she looks lke one of my friends sister.
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
*attacks Grey Archon with another psycotic squirrel*

Wow, I had more sqirrels than I thought...anyway the movie is called The Grudge? I'll have to go google it...
Level 10
Jul 29, 2004
(this isn't a joke)
Ok, i saw this kiddy movie once, think it's called Toys.
It was so, psychotic, and disturbing, that i feared 4 the future, what would happen if kids, that would c this.

Oh yeah and, uhm uhm. Havent seen mny, but, i dont know, i think all scary movies, arent that scary.
Level 6
Aug 16, 2004
GreyArchon said:
illadon said:
true that i c alot of hot gurl (i even fantasise... oh crap, u ppl know to much! *uses thingy from mib*) but thats not y i remember her. she looks lke one of my friends sister.

Silence. Take a chill pill, hormone boy. :eek:

Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
metabee - childs play. now that movie is creepy. i saw it when i was like 8, and i havnt watched it since. i am SO f**king scared of those little dolls :shock:

now im going to tell you what movie the quote is from
"He wanted an audiance." -Red Dragon
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