Lord Finarfin said:
Signs had some wierd/stupid parts(will some one please explain to me how you can hear aliens on a baby moniter?)
well, its all about signals. like for example (and this is true) one of my telephones is under a radio, and whenever we use that telephone, we here some weird radio station.
for another example is the episode of simpsons when marge got celphone signals from the babymonoter (just like in signs). so its logical if u were to get an alien signal on a babymoniter. just think bout it a sec, the antenai on the top, the fact that its wire less, and signals. (btw, im sure many ppl got the signals of other ppl cellphones on there cells, n listend to there conversation lol, o and that reminds me of one time at my friends, i was going to use his phone to call my mom, i think, and i got the signal of the neeighbors phone. it wus so funny, we even listend to it a bit. :lol: )
so if theres alien space ship in the sky, n there sending transmitions to another ship close by and u hold a baby moniter up between them high enough, u would re seave the signal n be able to listen to them.
btw, signs wus a good movie, not that scary but good. neva seen the village. (o and my mon says that in Signs, the guy in the truck that killed the main guys wife is M. Night Shamalans.)
p.s. the first time i seen scream, the first one, i wus so freaked out that i left the living room to go watch another show. but then another day l8er i saw one of the other scream movies, n it wus so no scary that when i saw scream 1 again, it wus not scary atall. freaky eh?
and Fready Vs Jason made me jump at some parts.