Warcraft 3 Terraining Class

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Level 3
Apr 8, 2013
My mount terrain

I hope it is what is requested:vw_sad:


  • ProntoMountTerrain.w3x
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Hope i did this right. Wasn't sure if modifying the terrain to add grass was ok or not but here is my map


Should be only dirt.

Also, you need to work more on making mountains; those look like hills. Watch a few minutes of the video again and try to make them mountains. The way to make something a mountain isn't just about making it bigger; it's about the shape. Mountains aren't just a round and smooth bump in the ground. They need peaks, secondary peaks, edges, and such.

Sure thing :)

Any new lesson besides the mountain? I'm kinda off ride and miss some parts due to exam.

Nope, no new lesson. A texture I wanted to include in the next lesson from a texture pack doesn't seem to be working; I've tried it in a dozen paths, even opened in-game textures to find ones with the same alpha, and it still didn't work, oddly.

If I can't get it to work within a day I'll make the next lesson without it.
Level 3
Apr 8, 2013
lesson 1 assignment

My bad for the previous submission:vw_sad:


  • mapDesign.w3x
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I'd like to request to people here, instead of posting a map, why dont you post screenshots also?

Sometimes they do, but it's not required. The map itself is most important so it can be entirely explored and not taken from the single perspective.

My bad for the previous submission:vw_sad:

It looks good now, but some of the mountains were still too round and caterpillar-y, and it was supposed to be only dirt. Try to make some of the peaks a little less round.
sometimes, people like me doesnt have WE everytime that's why I keep requesting it...

If you don't have WE, you shouldn't be here learning how to use the WE to make terrain in the first place. Stop this pointless crap, you're treating this like an argument where you have to make up any bullcrap you can think of to win.

What's with this? This is for you people to learn, and so many of you are just trying to pointlessly argue instead.

I was gonna remake my homework when I'm noticing people making maps with different tilesets. Is there a new homework or am I just too blind to see some details?

Don't worry, you're doing everything right, just somebody didn't read the directions, and then everybody else followed that person doing the wrong thing.

Well , teachers should start the lesson 2 now so they will never problem this anymore. (Tiles are just nothing , it just design the terrain you made)
*just a suggestion*

Tiles can be pretty important as well. Keep in mind these aren't experts who've already mastered everything. They're here to learn, and no matter how much we take a portion of the terraining progress for granted, I'm going to outline it well enough that just in case somebody hasn't learned it yet, they'll have it covered.
If you don't have WE, you shouldn't be here learning how to use the WE to make terrain in the first place. Stop this pointless crap, you're treating this like an argument where you have to make up any bullcrap you can think of to win.

What's with this? This is for you people to learn, and so many of you are just trying to pointlessly argue instead.
I didn't say that I dont have WE, I said 'doesnt have WE everytime', I'm not arguing but requesting to people, not you...is it wrong?
FYI, in forums like trigger and spell's section, why do you think people 'posts' triggers/codes?
In maps/development section, why is it a plus to put screenshots and info of the map?
Why do you think the Terrain Board forum is full of screenshots, except this one?

To win my 'pointless crap'?, no, in fact this will benefit your students by just looking at a picture...
I didn't say that I dont have WE, I said 'doesnt have WE everytime', I'm not arguing but requesting to people, not you...is it wrong?
FYI, in forums like trigger and spell's section, why do you think people 'posts' triggers/codes?
In maps/development section, why is it a plus to put screenshots and info of the map?
Why do you think the Terrain Board forum is full of screenshots, except this one?

To win my 'pointless crap'?, no, in fact this will benefit your students by just looking at a picture...

All of those are intended for presenting to an audience.

With triggers and spells, this is all text, so you get the same view on a forum as you would on the map.

In map development, the person posting the screenshots wants the community as a whole to judge their terrain, and in some cases the community won't want to download and open the map.

This, however, is a class, and I as a teacher am willing to open each and every one of their maps to thoroughly examine it instead of just looking at a screenshot which doesn't tell the whole story. Since they're students who are trying to learn, which in most cases means they don't already know what to do, they will do best by looking at what I provide for them. Looking at other students' work won't always be helpful to them. In fact, I'd say that most of the students have frequently been mislead and almost the entire class was doing the assignment wrong because they'd looked at another student's assignment's screenshots. One ran off the cliff, and everyone else followed.

The students aren't here to encourage the forum to download their maps with screenshots, they're here to have a teacher download their maps and tell them how to improve their terrain. That requires the map itself; screenshots just aren't good enough.

They're free to upload screenshots when they want to, and some of them do, but I'm not going to require everyone to upload screenshots that are entirely unnecessary for the class.
When a lesson arises that we specifically said we would teach. For me that includes blizzard like terrain and how to enhance it or a blend of blizzard and custom terrain.

That's not all I will teach there are a few more topics that I know plenty about but that is the primary role I'll be teaching.
I think 3 lessons for every month enough cuz every teacher seems busy and do not has time to make a lesson -.-
Noooooooooooo, I think you're too lazy to do assignment, xian :ogre_icwydt:

Or maybe , 1 lessons per month and will finish in exactly 1 year :/ 9 months <<< :O
You better learn by yourself , its more easy , as long as you are not lazy reading tutorials
teacher seems busy and do not has time to make a lesson
Offcoarse teachers are also busy in real life, so i agree to this
I've been busy all day today, gonna be making dinner for my dad for Father's Day tomorrow.

Tuna steaks, Wahoo fillets, broccoli and cheese, mashed potatoes, dip and chips, everything made from scratch except for the chips (Meaning the cheese for the broccoli and the dip will be melted, mixed with milk and spices, etc, and the potatoes will be skinned and mashed manually, no pre-made stuff). I won't spend as much time on the dinner as I spend on a map, but it'll be good nonetheless.

You can expect your next lesson on Monday if I can't squeeze time in for it tomorrow. Sorry for the delay, but like many of you I have other things to attend to.
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Level 8
Nov 4, 2012
@TLI-Inferno I handed in my map before but I did a few things wrong like put tiles and doodads can you tell me my map overall with out those things I added.Plus I want to know is Kithraya still a teacher.
Has any teacher viewed mine?
It is somewhere in page 12.

Yes, I already viewed it, it was nothing but a simple round hill with arthas standing on it; you didn't really put any time, effort, or skill into it.

You need to make actual mountains. Using a funny rocking arthas model doesn't demonstrate improved terraining ability. Put time into your terrain to make something real.
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